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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/16/2015 11:13:27 PM


Kryon: The Future of the Earth [video]

Thank you, for sharing.

This is one of the best channelings I’ve ever heard. Kryon presents a profound message, from my perspective. That’s all I need to say. Listen if you want something different. You can just close your eyes and focus on the message. ~ BP

Published on Oct 4, 2014

Kryon – The Future of The Earth HD
June 29, 2014 * Berkeley Springs, West Virginia
Dr. Amber Wolf – Opening Meditation

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/17/2015 6:56:49 PM

Heavenletter #5343 via Gloria Wendroff: The Tide Has Turned

Heavenletters - Version 2God said:

There is a small distance, if distance at all, between exquisite beauty and exquisite agony. There is a meeting point where ecstasy is ecstasy regardless of the seeming cause. Both beauty and agony cut your heart up at this meeting place in which your heart beats or throbs or bellows or cries out: “It is too much for me to be joined to everyone and everything.”

The depth of bliss and the depth of pain seem to be the same to you. Exquisite bliss and exquisite pain hurt My beautiful children equally. You do not know where to find the shore.

Yet I, the God of Oneness, know no pain. There is no place for pain in My Heart of Wholeness. My heart is wedded to bliss and knows not the side you delve into. There is no darkness in My heart. Oneness is so deep it leaves no room for anything but the deepest joy accountable or not.

Yet you may well leave unfilled space in your heart and find great sorrow, wrenches of sorrow, sense of loss of joy as if joy can be tarred and quartered. Your heart aches by whatever name the ache is known. In the greatest joy, you experience the haunting of subtraction even as Oneness is.

Oneness may wrench your heart when you are just verging on the Joy of Oneness — this is the real story. Oneness seems to burst your heart open, and your heart cries for mercy. Such great joy is a heart-breaker until you get used to it.

Of course, it is the opening of your heart that you fear. What will you do without armor? What will you be without separateness? How will you live without space between hearts? How will you survive the upheaval?

I ask you, Beloveds, how do you live with separateness and in trepidation as you await the Fullness of Oneness? When you hear a lark sing, you are reminded of Heaven. Your heart has tremors at the memory.

You must dive into the Sea of Oneness, yet you fear drowning there, even as there is no there, and only here where I am and where you are safe and sound in the wonders of the Universe and beyond. There is no beyond where you find yourself, for you are your own environment. There is no China. There is no Rome. There is nowhere but the stirring of your heart and the music of your soul.

You are your own heart-strings.

You compose yourself. Be uncomposed, beloveds. You require no borders and angles. There is nothing for you to get caught on. You are dissolving. You are breaking up desolation and delusion. You are being put back together in your awareness. How you fear Wholeness where you stand tall without boundaries when boundaries have been your seeming support all these years.

You have not been able to fight against the boundaries. You have thought that boundaries must make you strong. You have learned well how to fight. You have been a great warrior, and now you are learning to leave the arena of where you were, for a time, a gladiator. Now you leave the prizes and wounds behind.

In Oneness, there are no warriors. There is no warring. There are no exploiters or exploited. There is no exploitation. Love holds all the cards. Love is Oneness in all its glory. There are no sides. There is nothing to win but the Oneness of Love.

In Oneness, there is no sacrifice. There is greater than thriving. There is loving. It is not exactly like you love another as your self. There is only Self to love. As I love, you love. Nothing stands in your way. You love now without decision and, certainly, without sacrifice.

There is no counterpart to you. There is the Magnificence and Munificence of One Wonderful Oneness. There is nothing less. There is nothing else. Oneness is Allness. The tide has turned.

“Heavenletter #5343: “The Tide Has Turned” received by Gloria Wendroff, July 11, 2015, at

Source Link: Heavenletters 5343 The Tide Has Turned

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/17/2015 6:58:58 PM

FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2015

Matt Kahn: Energy Update July 2015 – Activating the Light Body

Matt Kahn
If your soul is the light of the Universe personified into physical form, then the light body can be understood as the emergence of the soul expressing itself through your senses.
It is more so a shift in consciousness than an object to pursue. As your light body activates, it signifies a deeper integration of spirit in form. As this occurs, you become aware of yourself as the light of the Universe experiencing life as a person, instead of a person trying to figure out how to integrate their spirit or activate a light body.

Layers Of Fractal PaintBefore I go into the common symptoms that confirm the activation of a light body already in progress, it is important to remember not to objectify this stage of awakening as any form of social status.
Let us not imagine those whose light bodies are activated as the “spiritual haves” compared to the “spiritual have-nots” who continue to stumble around in the darkness.
It is more insightful, loving, and compassionate to view each person as a unique seed that requires a specific amount of time in order to fully blossom.
Since the light of the Universe is an eternal field of subtle energy, it is essential to remember what light feels like once it has awakened. While there can be waves of ecstasy ebbing and flowing throughout the core of your being, the light body is like a vast ocean holding sacred space for each passing wave as a celestial body of emptiness.
Often misdiagnosed as depression or chronic fatigue-like symptoms, light body activation expresses the infinite spacious nature of consciousness that only seems so hopeless, daunting, or heavy to an ego dissolving back into the light of Source.
Throughout this process, it may seem as if partnerships or life-long relationships are disappearing, you are unable to find the passion you once felt, you might even be confused by a lack of direction or intuitive knowingness, or be emotionally triggered by the unresolved patterns in others, or perhaps just exhausted by an inability to function without an ego maintaining a false sense of control throughout your life.
This is why confusion, disorientation, frustration, apathy, and loneliness are each vital signs of light body activation in progress. As you make peace with these signs as a confirmation of light body activation already in progress, instead of judging them as symptoms to overcome, your consciousness naturally moves into a timeless dimension that exists within the physical body.
Your initial entry into the timeless dimension within you might seem confusing as your perceptions of time begin to melt away. Soon, you will be able to see time as merely an idea throughout your play that cannot burden or imprison you when fully integrated into the timeless dimension of eternal being.
This process cannot be rushed, and is not a result of personal doing, but instead, a natural unfolding that occurs as you continue to slow life down and love what arises.
This can also resolve outdated old paradigm spiritual teachings, where the objective was to transcend time or view life as the eternal witness from outside the body.
In order to see life from a timeless dimension, it is essential to move toward your experiences, since the more deeply rooted you are in the body, the more spacious, liberated, and fulfilled each moment can be.
The objective isn’t to pull back from experiences, but to relax your body and breathe each experience into the core of your being. As you become integrated into the timeless dimension within you, your initial experience of life outside of time might feel like being mysteriously blank.
There may not be a sense of who you are, what you’re not, or any impulse to do anything in particular. The key throughout this stage of light body activation is relaxation.
The more you relax, no matter how odd or indescribable your experiences become, the more quickly your light body becomes activated for the wellbeing of all.
vastoceanOnce rooted in a timeless dimension of eternal being, you are able to guide the physical body that is still existing in the play of time from a higher vibrational and heart-centered perspective of quantum reality.
Through the eyes of quantum reality, since everything happens at once, choices are no longer associated with the need to control outcomes, but are acted upon to bring forth your highest consciousness to raise the vibration of your personal play.
While it is easy to think that since everything is happening at once in parallel dimensions, you can develop the ability to call any reality to you at will.
In truth, when you are fully aware of the simultaneous nature of reality, there is no longer a ravenous hunger insisting how satisfied it would be if only it had control over your play.
Instead, the mentality that arises from a fully activated light body is an unwavering sense of faith in knowing that everything is meant to occur at a specific moment in time, whether you work toward earning it or not.
Instead of trying to manifest outcomes at exactly the moment they are not meant to exist, a fully activated light body inspires you to use choices in each moment to anchor higher frequencies of consciousness throughout your everyday encounters.
From this higher dimensional perspective, the people, places, and things that come your way are like flashcards created to help you practice bringing forth more conscious responses.
This means the actions and behavior of others do not reflect something imbalanced in you, but were created as opportunities to match their unconsciousness with a greater conscious response. When someone complains, we respond with a compliment.
When someone judges you, say “thank you”. If someone is having a bad day, offer a smile. And, throughout it all, if anything triggers you, take it as a reminder of the perfect moment in time to stop and love your heart more sincerely and deeply than ever before.
The light body is the radiance of your soul that awakens once you have made peace with life’s divine plan and relaxed into the emptiness of being.
Once emptiness is no longer confused with sadness, grief, guilt, insecurity, or depression, but a gateway into liberated existence, the emptiness of being awakens the light of the Universe within you.
Once the light body is fully activated, each person, place, or thing can be welcomed, transmuted and returned to its original form, at the rate in which everything is breathed into your core and breathed back out as blessings for all.
As a way of assisting in the transformation of your journey, I have been given two light body activations for you to repeat out loud, as a way of anchoring fifth dimensional consciousness. For the first time ever, just by repeating the following words that I have been divinely guided to share, you can allow your light body activation to accelerate with peace, ease, grace, and joy.
I invite you to repeat out loud each activation – one at a time. First start by taking 3-5 slow deep breaths to ground your energy field, then repeat activation #1 out loud as naturally and gently as possible. After activation #1 has been spoken, take 3-5 deep breaths to integrate this activation:
Light Body Activation #1: “I allow the nervous system to recalibrate and transform into pure crystalline light as I am now.”
To move onto activation #2, start by taking 3-5 slow deep breaths. Repeat activation #2 out loud as naturally and gently as possible. After activation #2 has been spoken, take 3-5 deep breaths for further integration.
Light Body Activation #2: “I welcome the light body, I trust the light body, I am the light body, the light body I am.”
Summer field with white daisies on blue sky. Ukraine, Europe. BeYou can repeat this process throughout the day, while knowing it isn’t a matter of how many times you say it, but how often you provide the necessary amount of space to allow what you activate through your words to be revealed within you.
Many will repeat these activations and feel instantaneous shifts, while some may not feel anything at all. It all depends on how sensitive you are to sensing subtle energy, which is much like noticing the most gentle breeze on a warm summer day.
When we put aside any tendency to approach our spiritual journey with desperation, intensity, or aggression, we can harmonize with the light of the Universe and call forth the higher aspects of self that allow each breath to be endless gifts of fulfillment – no matter the situations or circumstances at hand.
May these activations awaken a well-spring of perfection within you, inviting you to slow down the pace of your pursuit, so you may notice the light of divinity dancing as the beauty of form.
As always, take your journey one breath at a time, so not to get distracted by long-term spiritual goals, when in fact, the precious nature of this moment has so many gifts for you to receive. With many more energy updates to come, you can rest in knowing that all is well in the Universe, no matter how the growing pains of evolution appear in your world.
As your evolution continues to unfold, the Universe offers you every activation, awakening, and integration necessary to help you remember the journey that is already complete.
Even though the completion has already occurred, we are blessed with the opportunity to live out what is already so, as if it’s happening for the very first time. No matter how you are meant to blossom in the garden of divinity, may you love yourself more, not less, every step of the way.
Happy activating,
Matt Kahn
“Energy Update July 2015 – Activating the Light Body,” by Matt Kahn, July 7 2015, at

Souce Link: Matt Kahn – True Divine Nature

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/17/2015 7:01:21 PM

Inelia Benz: Mass Media Changing Paradigm? What?

inelia_benz_2013I have been looking at the past months of media released information with regard to what is happening on the planet ,and I was surprised to find that major outlets are now being used to release information which was previously reported to be “tin hat looney bin conspiracy theory crackpot fantasies”.

The way this information is being released is highly controlled and minimized by the medium it is being presented on, or invalidated by the comments released with the information. As well as limited in the scope of the information. Sometimes, the data released is talked about as though it’s going to happen some time in the future. But it is seeping through.

A while back, Al Gore spoke about chemtrails on a major network show, but referring them to some future crazy plan.

We also had some mainstream media covering the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure, but emphasizing how the participants had been paid a lot of money to sit through it.

At the start of 2013, I saw the coverage of the harmful effects of flouride in our water, reported by Fox News. A step in the right direction? Tiny step, but at least some of the information is being delivered to the sleeping masses. This is always good news to me. Plus it is an article I can send to all my conservative friends and relatives, as it was released in their media network.

My satisfaction comes from the fact that the Flouride being harmful information is now being given to the sleeping masses. it is still limited as they don’t mention decreased IQ or the damage to the brain and pituitary gland, and that it disconnects us from our capacity to connect with our inner Source. But at least it is a step in the right direction.

I also did wonder about the cabal’s ulterior motives. Not so much of the publication but the reversal of health concerns of fluoride by a governing body. The most negative view is that they want to add something even more debilitating, or perhaps DNA manipulative, that is incompatible with fluoride, to our water supply. And the most positive is that we are finally seeing a shift in the puppeteers that reflect the higher planetary vibration.

The same train of thought went through my mind when I watched Iron Man III. If you haven’t watched this movie yet, do so. Not because it’s entertaining, and has a great sense of humor, but because in the movie (and on movies I and II also), they blatantly reveal the false flag creation process, the reason behind wars (commercial), and in Iron Man III the false creation of a terrorist to create and feed the “war on terror”, naming the real false terrorists created by the cabal. Fascinating.

Yet, it is released in the format of a fantasy film, where nothing is real, it’s all science-fiction.

After watching Iron Man III I was in two minds, again amused that the information had been blatantly released to the sleeping masses, and at the same time KNOWING that one of the major rules of this planet is to LET PEOPLE KNOW what is being done to them, and if they do not respond by saying it is not acceptable, it is carried out, or continues to be carried out.

That’s one of the reasons why my website and FB pages have not been taken down. The pages are completely vulnerable. One person in the government, clicking one button, can take both sites down in an instant. Yet my channel of information, and thousands of others out there, are not taken down. Why? Because we serve the purpose of letting the masses know what is really going on. Whether they choose to click on that information, or visit the site, is another matter.

The times when my sites have been taken down, are when a certain flavor of information is released. But the sites are then fully restored a few hours later. What is that information? That YOU are the CREATOR OF THIS REALITY. That your consent and you not consenting, rules the world. FYI if you do not make a choice, that is considered a consent to what is happening or proposed.

What can we do?

If you are physically actively minded, write to the network and producers of these shows and films to give your positive reinforcement on their covering the truth, and at the same time encouraging them to cover more information. Send the information that is accurately, albeit minimally, covered in mainstream media to all of your sleeping relatives and friends.

If you are mystically minded, simply “look” at the mainstream media outlet energetic structure, and collective consent for its role in lowering our vibration. I do not consent to have the human collective’s vibration lowered, and therefore my vibration lowered, through the mainstream media.

We humans are addicted to drama. If you think you are not, think about this for a minute, all futuristic movies that have made it to the box office have a really negative, cabal ruled planet Earth, where enslavement, disempowerment and little value to human life are rampant. Now imagine a movie that shows planet earth that is beautiful, clean, where everyone here is actively consciously and powerfully manifesting their perfect life on this Earth.

Where there is no power over others. No dark motives. No threat and no fear. Any first reactions of thought? Don’t censure yourself or make yourself “right” right away. What comes when looking at it honestly? Perhaps it is a thought of “it’s not going to happen in my lifetime”, or “it’s boring”, or “we need darkness in order to see the light”, or “we can’t do it”.

Take a look at any barriers to that reality happening. Both that future Earth, and the present day movie being created for us to see, and be excited about seeing it.

What possible plots in that world would inspire millions of people to pay to watch it in the cinema or buy the DVD? What plots would send you to the cinema to watch it?

Sit with it. Let’s think of plots that would do just that, that don’t require an opposing faction to try and destroy the Earth, or enslave humanity, or have a hidden evil reason that allows the planet to exist and are exciting and stimulating to watch.

In joylightlove,


“Mass Media Changing Paradigm? What?” Inelia Benz, July 16, 2015 at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/17/2015 7:03:48 PM

The Oracle Report, Friday, July 17, 2015

There are so many stories today – all of them informative.
I have tried as best I can to group them together, for example, Russia, Russia/Ukraine, USA, Iran, Pope (effort to create the NWO government)


Cancer New Moon, July 15 – August 13, 2015 ‘Castaways Return’

(Laura talks about the 1) Macro and 2) Micro changes unfolding)

Audio Player
Magnificent Owl

Magnificent Owl

Wise owls are called upon to put themselves aside today and focus on a greater goal — joining together and spreading wings around the world in a wave of love.

A group meditation that occurs at individual times is the mission. If you are inclined, sometime today, perhaps in the time you would have ordinarily read today’s report, please join me in a gathering of minds. Picture:

  • Your shield of divine protection
  • Yourself taking flight as a wise owl
  • Yourself taking your place in a ring around the Earth with the other wise owls around the world
  • From your heart, emanate a wave of alignment with love, freedom, and the value of life
  • Feel the pulse circle as the music we are putting around our sphere
  • Repeat what you know in your heart: “Love prevails.”

Please modify this according to your own practice and style. I have already prepared the space for the “ring of wings around the world.” Let’s keep our minds focused on the bigger picture today.

Recording of the audio overview for the new lunar month is scheduled for today, and I will detail what’s happening right now.

“I told you that we could fly. Because we all have wings. But some of us don’t know why.” –INXS, Never Tear Us Apart

Thelete acousome.

Let us attend to our will.

The Oracle Report

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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