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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/29/2015 6:36:58 PM

Monday, June 29, 2015

Benjamin Fulford - June 29, 2015: Greek Domino falls, China moves in to pick up the pieces

So, it has finally happened, Greece has shut down its banks and imposed capital controls. And so the dominoes start to fall. This is only the first act in a grand opera that will continue to unfold in the coming months. To try to guess what is in store for the European Union, it is good to take a look at how the fall of the Soviet Union took place. The fall of the Soviet Union began with a widespread sense of dissatisfaction with the government among both the working class and the elites. This gave birth to strikes and demonstrations in Poland that led to the fall of the Polish government in June of 1989. In November of that year the Berlin wall came down. Then, running into 1990, the communist governments of Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary fell. Finally, in December of 1991 Michael Gorbachev resigned and the Soviet Union itself collapsed.

So now that Greece has failed we can expect Spain, Italy, France, Germany and finally the United States itself to follow a roughly similar trajectory to what we saw with the Soviet Union.

What most people still do not realize about the fall of the Soviet Union was that it was not caused by failed ideology but by actual financial bankruptcy. That is why the United States and the European Union, which is modelled almost exactly on the Soviet Union, are doomed to experience regime change. They are bankrupt.

Chinese and BRICS government sources explain what they are going to do next. Chinese number 2 Li Keqiang is arriving in Europe this week where he will announce China will contribute generously to a European reconstruction fund with an initial budget of 315 billion Euros. It is no coincidence that this is almost exactly the same amount as the Greek debt total is.

The Chinese offer of bail out money for Europe is the one of the reasons why the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland etc. agreed to join the China initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

In addition to this, the BRICS development bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and many other new institutions are also now opening shop. All of these institutions will be helping direct a flow of $21 trillion worth of Chinese money that is expected to flood world markets in the coming months and years.

In parallel to this, there are also ongoing negotiations on what rules will apply to the $21 trillion worth of Chinese savings that the Chinese government is soon going to let Chinese citizens invest overseas. Basically this amounts to discussions about what areas the Chinese will be allowed to invest in and what will be off limits.

The Europeans are much more open about what the Chinese can invest in than the Americans. So far, the British have already offered ownership of a major newspaper (this writer is involved in the negotiations so cannot disclose the name of the paper) to the Chinese. The newspaper deal will involve a promise by the Chinese to not interfere in fact based reporting. The British are also trying to find a Chinese buyer interested in the British Telecoms’ landline infrastructure, among other things.

The British are further along in their negotiations with the Chinese than other Europeans but you can be sure the Greeks, then the Spanish, Italians and others will not be far behind.

Hungary is ahead of the rest of Europe in that they have already agreed to participate in the Chinese silk-road initiative to build extensive transportation infrastructure across Eurasia.

By contrast, Chinese and American negotiations over what parts of the US economy Chinese would be allowed to invest in failed last week. Chinese sources say this was because the Americans were unwilling to open enough sectors to Chinese investments. Pentagon sources say the negotiations failed because the Chinese were reluctant to start merging Chinese armed forces with the Pentagon. State Department sources added the Chinese were also still unwilling to open their financial markets sufficiently to Western financial institutions. Of course, seeing what damage Western financial institutions have caused around the world, Chinese reluctance to allow them free reign seems quite reasonable.

Even as this avalanche of Asian money looms over the world markets, there are still frantic moves afoot to try to keep the old Western system solvent. The latest move on that front, according to Japanese right wing sources, has been a request by the US Treasury Department that the Mitsubishi Group take-over the Union Bank of Switzerland. The problem is the Americans are not letting Mitsubishi do any real due diligence. The right winger recalls the same thing happened when the Japanese were asked to bail out Merrill Lynch. “They are just asking us to fill in a black hole,” he complained.

The Mitsubishi Group, with its close ties to David Rockefeller, is the main force behind the Abe slave regime in Japan, according to multiple sources here. Abe, because of his low IQ, was sent to the low prestige Seikei University founded by the Mitubishi Group as a favor to his war criminal grandfather. It appears forcing Mitsubishi to buy UBS is payback for the US campaign to allow Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to start exporting weapons.

The military build-up in Japan is part of a plan first proposed by Senior Nazi cabalist Richard Armitage more than a decade ago. The Abe government is betting its final energy on laws aimed at integrating the Japanese military with the US military. These are expected to be pushed strongly over the summer.

However, there are growing signs in Japan of revolt against the Shinzo Abe slave government. Recently two separate nationally broadcast television shows openly stated the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan was the result of deliberate sabotage.

Also, several people who recently met Abe said he was looking very frail from his intestinal illness.

There is a concrete scenario to replace Abe this autumn, according to several Japanese power brokers. The details are still being kept secret but the P2 Freemason lodge, MI6, Asian secret societies, the Japanese yakuza and other factions are pushing this scenario. Only a few top level Khazarian slaves remain in support of Abe now. Their names have been noted and they will be asked to step aside this autumn.

Also the P2 Freemason lodge and the Vatican are negotiating deals with the Russians and the Pentagon to make sure the West retains an equal say with Asia in the emerging new international financial, economic and political system. The fact that UBS is linked to the Teutonic Knights and thus to the P2 lodge is a clear indication the Vatican is pushing for Japanese backing (money) to ensure we do not end up with a one China world.

To this end Russia’s Vladimir Putin met with Pope Francis on June 10th to push for an East West Christian bloc, according to Pentagon sources. Both are now going to pressure US President Barack Obama to disengage in the Ukraine, Syria and elsewhere so that the Christian West can form a unified bloc, the sources said.

In addition to this, the take down of the Khazarian gangsters and their proxies in the Middle East, Europe, the US and Israel continues to unfold. In the latest development, the United Nations has de facto charged Israel’s Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu with being a war criminal.

His arrest is expected to take place once the final elements of his nuclear blackmail network are dismantled. Pentagon sources say the dismantling is almost complete and that Netanyahu would be in jail “sooner rather than later.”

We also have confirmation on a Mossad linked site that Israeli proxy forces are threatening to kill innocent civilians in an attempt to stop a military campaign.

This is exactly the sort of tactic that led to war crimes charges being filed against so many rank and file Nazis.

There was also a military mutiny against the Khazarian pseudo-Muslim government in Saudi Arabia last week in what is expected to be an avalanche of military defections against that regime.

There was also another sign that pressure was mounting on the top Khazarian Bush and Clinton mob families. Pentagon sources say Walter Scheib, the chef who catered to Bill Clinton and Bush Jr. for 11 years, was murdered last week in a futile attempt by these mobsters to cover their tracks.

Finally, a crack-down on Satanists has led to the arrest of over a thousand pedophiles in the US last week.

This follows the arrest of more than 600 in the UK last year.

In the UK as well, efforts to protect a high powered child molesting politician were overturned last week by rank and file pressure.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/29/2015 6:40:54 PM

SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2015

Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Resonate with what is true for you and leave the rest.


Dear One,

Every day you receive wisdom and guidance from the Angels. Sometimes this guidance comes from those around you — friends, family, teachers, strangers or signs in obvious places. Sometimes this wisdom comes as an inner urging. Whenever you receive guidance, if you tune within, you will feel a resonance when it is coming from a place of truth. Call this your "God check." Create your own little sign that you can recognize when something is right for you. Then you have a way to really know what it is in your highest good at all times.

It is important to do this "God check" before your mental activity is engaged, because the mind creates confusion at times. It is the heart that is in tune with Infinite Intelligence. This is where you receive your truth. Many times what is in your highest good may not be the most rational of acts. You must be willing to do that which resonates deep within as the most appropriate action for you to take.

The God within you knows the answers. Before you can hear them, however, it may take a little prayer you make to yourself in moments of decision, especially when you are receiving conflicting advice from many well-meaning people around you. Take the time to center within, so you can know what is true for you.


One little ritual that may be helpful for you is to stop, take a deep breath, and say to yourself: "the God within me knows the truth in this situation." Take several deep breaths and continue with your life process. You will feel a resonance within yourself that is your true knowing. The more you act on this resonance, the stronger it will become. Be willing more and more to do that which your heart tells you is right for you, rather than following your rational thoughts or the suggestions of those around you.

No one knows more than you do what is truly in your highest good, when you are in that infinite connection to the Source of all life. Ask for this connection to be strong and clear.

It is very helpful to give thanks in advance for clear direction from God. This creates a frequency of energy within and around you that allows the Angels to bring you assistance. An attitude of gratitude goes a long way to bring about that which you most want in your life. Be clear about the qualities you want, such as joy, wisdom, love, prosperity and peace. All of these qualities represent the energy of the universe that is always available to you. You must ask for them directly in order to receive them. You also need to keep bringing your focus of attention back to what you want, rather than focusing on what you don’t want in your life.

So the steps we are suggesting in order to bring about a higher level of order in your life are:

Stop, breathe, ask, give thanks, and then be willing to receive on a level you have never believed possible. Allow the universal energy of the Archangels to work in your life.

When you come from this high level of intention, you will begin to sense within you the resonance of your highest truth. And from this place comes Divine Right Action. Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

Resonate with what is true for you and leave the rest.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel

June 28, 2015

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/29/2015 6:44:24 PM

Peter Borys Jr.: The Divine Life on Earth

Peter BorysFor many thousands of years, humanity has experienced life on Earth in a duality/polarity consciousness that is a dense frequency restriction of consciousness as physical matter.

It is a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation. It operates as a conditioning within humanity through the thinking mind and a narrow range of the current physical sensory system.

We can speculate, debate, and offer particular points of view of the origins of the restrictive fear consciousness within humanity. Is it part of an evolutionary process? Is it an infiltration from negative intelligence or beings? Is it a normal progression in the universe, or frequency range within this galaxy, universe, or cosmos?

Much of this information can be helpful in our journey of awakening and transforming to an expression of our Divine soul as embodied on Earth. But what is most important is that we focus on resonating with the shifting frequencies that are assisting humanity to awaken to our infinite consciousness as lived through a physical body on Earth.

The information as consciousness and energy is being manifest to us in multiple levels. It all emanates from the subtle energies within–that infinite realm of the heart where we resonate with the knowing mind of Light and the Divine feeling body. In the domain of multidimensional unity consciousness, the perception of interior and exterior, inside and outside, and within and without is one unified frequency of consciousness.

Thus, our assistance from our Divine soul and infinite connections with intelligence in the dimensions of the universe and spiritual realms is also being received by our consciousness from the galaxy, Sun, and Earth.

The Sun is the major transducer of information, consciousness, and energy in our frequency levels of Earth life. Information codes and the dimensions and vibrations of light that communicate with the Divine soul as human consciousness manifesting a physical vehicle of the body are relayed by the Sun.

For Earth life, the Sun is foundational in any inner heart-centered shift of our consciousness resonating with our infinite Divine consciousness. We are in a rapidly shifting environment where the inner and outer are becoming the same experience. In this frequency reorganization, we are going beyond the spirit/matter divide. Spirit is matter and matter is spirit. They are two aspects of a unified being and consciousness.

Humanity as Unified Spirit/Matter Being, Consciousness, and Energy

The perceived split between spirit and matter that has been the fear-based consciousness within humanity for thousands of years, has resulted in humanity living a restricted experience on Earth and not the fullness of the Divine soul.

In whatever way we have found ourselves in a fear-based consciousness as a narrow range of matter resulting from a spirit/matter split, it is clear that this is not natural to who we are as infinite Divine beings. We are infinite knowing Divine souls experiencing a Divinity in a particular frequency organization through a physical body-mind.

Although we are already infinite and eternal Divine souls, the transformation to experience this fully on Earth as a physical body is a substantial shift in consciousness. It is a wholesale relinquishing of a conditioned personal or egoic identity. It is a shift beyond the thinking mind to a heart-centered consciousness of intuitive mind and supermind—a mind that purely transduces and conveys infinite knowing in the physical frequency dimensions.

It is a change to an expanded human sensory system beyond the narrow confines of the current physical senses to an infinite subtle sensory range—a range that processes light and sound on multidimensional levels. And most of all, it is a consciousness change manifesting beyond the current experience of the laws of physical matter.

In the true Divine physical, matter is fluid, pliable, melodic, and harmonic. It is frictionless without grating, grinding, or interference to Divine loving and creative interaction. This is the harmonic flow of love and creativity. It is spontaneous, effortless, and of Divine flow—and infinite expansion and creative energy. The shift to the Divine soul of humanity emanating as a Divine physical body on Earth is a profound and clear manifestation of the fullness of true being.

In the fullness of our true Divine being, humanity is infinite creativity. Love is a never ending Divine being, consciousness, and energy that is perfect rest and perfect action. Its energy is a perpetual heightening and deepening of infinite experience. A

s we open to our multidimensional consciousness and beyond within a physical body manifestation on Earth, we will experience and express our infinite Divine awareness without need of time and space mind categories such as height and depth. It is a whole new experience of physical matter. It is still very much physical, but of a quality that bears no relation to our ordinary experience of the restrictions of current frequencies of physical matter.

The Divine Soul and Divine Physical Body

The Divine life on Earth with a Divine physical body is a fully harmonic experience of infinite levels of love and creativity as lived by the soul within matter frequencies. It is an infinite experience of creativity with consciousness as matter that is fully unique while always being in perfect Divine harmony with all. Humanity as a Divine soul and Divine physical body has an infinite range of subtle senses. These senses work in harmony with the Light mind and Divine feeling within heart consciousness.

At this frequency of the Divine soul on Earth, communication includes telepathy and movement includes teleportation. These actions are intrinsic to the freedom of the soul and emanate into physical Earth experience without thought. The cellular frequencies of the body emanate as a perpetual harmonic regeneration.

There will no longer be the fear-based encodings of ageing, disease, and degeneration. The transition of the soul to other realms of experience beyond Earth will occur in ways that is beyond death of the physical body vehicle that we have known in the restrictive conflict, control, and separation consciousness.

The energy emanation of the Divine physical cellular consciousness will occur by the natural subtle, light, and sound frequencies of consciousness. No longer will the body need to devour or consume separate energies that are lacking in a fear-based consciousness.

The energy configuration of the cells is fully sufficient as emanating from the infinite Divine frequencies. The Divine soul as physical body is fully aware—gone are the split of conscious and unconscious. Thus, the processing of dream states of consciousness is unnecessary. Also, since the energy manifestation of the cellular consciousness is perpetual, there is no expending and replenishing of energy.

Therefore, there is no need for the body to recuperate in a sleep mode of consciousness. The current fear-based consciousness of mind tires the systems of the body, and thus sleep has been a very important requirement of repair and recuperation in a restrictive consciousness. In the freedom of Divine consciousness, energy is never expended or depleted. It just is. The action of energy and the manifestation of energy is the same thing.

The Divine life on Earth is a radical change in the perception of matter. For the Divine soul to have the full experience of love and creativity in the Earth physicality, the manifestation of the physical body will have different qualities than current physical perception.

While this is a huge leap for human life on Earth, it is truly natural to the experience of a soul emanating within, through, and as a physical body. The Divine life on Earth has been our longing during the years of the restrictive conflict, control, and separation consciousness. It is simply the true essence of our being.

Humanity is a Divine soul emanating in physical form. Living the fullness of truth of who we are as a loving and creative infinite Divine awareness will be living the Divine life on Earth as fully Divine physical matter.

May we continue to awaken, transform, and open to heart consciousness where we are aware of our being as Divine love and creativity that intends to live our full essence on Earth.

“The Divine Life on Earth” by Peter Borys, April 30, 2015 at

Original link: The Divine Life on Earth

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/29/2015 6:48:49 PM

Steven Bancarz: How to Deal with Growing Spiritually While Your Partner Is Not

Steven BancarzMy awakening started in the year of 2011 when I began to research metaphysics, ancient history, alternative science, and all of that fun stuff. As I began practice meditation and dive deeper into my studies, I found myself in a strange place because the person who meant the most to me at the time was not growing with me.

It can be difficult coming to a higher understanding of yourself and your life when your own partner is indifferent. Before we look at how to deal with this, it’s important to keep a few things in mind.

“Spiritual growth” has nothing to do with the knowledge, and everything to do with wisdom. Communication, compassion, understanding, emotional intelligence, honesty, and transparency lie at the heart of spiritual development. Believing in aliens, channeling, channels, crystal healing, chakras, or the afterlife will certain expand your mind and influence the way you look at life, but I think we can all agree that this information is useless unless it impacts our behaviour and changes the state of our heart and mind.

Keeping in mind that spiritual growth has nothing to do with what we believe and everything to do with the state of our consciousness and heart, it helps us look at our partners from a more grounded perspective. Let’s go over 4 ways to deal with growing spiritually while your partner.

1) Keep love as the foundation

The best thing to do is allow your spiritual maturity to translate it into wisdom, understanding, and positive energy within the relationship. Keep love and acceptance as the source of your interactions with them, as opposed to judgment, expectation or resentment for not being for not being the way you want them to be.

Not everyone is going to believe what you believe, and not everyone cares to experience the same things you want to experience. Understanding this and releasing yourself from expectation will prevent yourself a lot of tension within the relationship. Your relationship should remain as you guys loving and appreciating each other as souls, as opposed to you trying to force them to change by imposing your philosophies on to them.

2) Don’t look down on them

You may think that you are too advanced or mature for your partner, but even Jesus apparently had a relationship with Mary Magdalene, who was an ordinary Palestinian woman (and maybe even a former prostitute). One minute, Jesus is raising the dead and walking on water, and the next he is sharing loving company with a completely ordinary human being.

If even Jesus was not too good for his partner, how can we think we are superior to our partners? If you really love them, encourage them and accept them as a soul, and remember that there was a time where you didn’t have the wisdom and insight that you do now. Your spiritual growth should humble you and keep you grounded. If you find yourself putting them on a lower “level” then you, ask yourself this:

Is it more spiritually evolved to negatively judge someone you love based on their level of wisdom or insight? Or to accept them and love them as they are?

3) Introduce them to new things

Bring them out to a hot yoga class. Teach them how to meditate in a forest with you. Listen to “The Power of Now” audio book by Eckhart Tolle in the car together. Watched a spiritually themed movie or documentary together. Discuss some of the things you have been learning and ask their opinion on it.

Every human soul longs to feel alive, and if you have the knowledge and wisdom to know how to improve the life of your partner, you have a moral responsibility to introduce them to things that will benefit with them. Nobody wants to be cranky, close-minded, or bored with life. Maybe deep down, they are intrigued with your recent growth but are just too ashamed or embarrassed to ask for direction.

If you keep love as the foundation and don’t look down on them, you will be amazed at how receptive they are to the new spiritually themed ideas and experiences you want to share with them. How can you be frustrated that they aren’t growing spiritually with you if you aren’t making an effort to facilitate that growth? It’s like being mad at a seed for not growing when you refuse to water it.

4) Know when to let go

All this being said, keep enough discernment to know when it is best for both you and your partner to go separate ways in life. For 3 years, I was in a relationship with a girl that was not only neutral in regards to my spiritual growth, she seemed totally resistant to it. My personal awakening happened during the second half in our relationship, and it started to reach a point where there was such a difference in worldviews and perspectives that we become incompatible for each other.

If you are really honest with yourself, it will become known to you when you are supposed to let go of the relationship and move on. For me, it came when I realized that I only remained with that person out of attachment, instead of being with them because of the love and joy they were currently adding to my life.


Keep love as the foundation, don’t look down on them, and introduce them to new things to help them grow and expand as a person with you.

Don’t be discouraged if your partner is not very interested in spirituality. Spiritual growth is not always about things like meditation, New Thought, and New Age ideologies. Sometimes, it’s more about learning to connect with a person at the deepest level possible where things like beliefs and interests no longer matter.

“How To Deal With Growing Spiritually While Your Partner Is Not” by Steven Bencarz, not dated, at

Original link: How To Deal With Growing Spiritually While Your Partner Is Not

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/29/2015 6:51:05 PM

SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2015

Selacia ~ Justice Will Prevail on Earth

A time is coming when justice will prevail on Earth. Can you feel it? Signs are everywhere around you, including the US Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality. This is just one of countless societal issues on the cosmic drawing board for resolution.

Look for many more of them to become center stage and resolve during your lifetime. The key is love, which is more powerful than the hate that has kept people oppressed and in dysfunction. Hate has for centuries fueled fear, prejudice, oppression, wars, and countless atrocities.

Prejudice in DNA

Prejudice is in the mass consciousness of humanity just as love is - we have created that field of mass consciousness over time on this planet. Prejudice is in humanity's DNA, therefore, not only on the mass consciousness level but within lineages of families. One reason you are alive in these moments is to help change that.

The Awakening

What's happening now is the fruition of a very long process of humanity awakening to its true nature, which is love. Looking at it from the perspective of this single lifetime, you understandably may wonder why it's taking so long to address situations that a majority of people see as unjust. From a higher view, however, you can understand the grip of fear and how it has manifested on this planet.

As I describe in "Earth's Pivotal Years," we live during the greatest paradigm shift of all time. We inherited an upside-down world, the dysfunctional structures now falling apart right in front of our eyes.

Do Not Fear

Do not be afraid as our paradigm shift happens. Embrace the turmoil, knowing that change of this magnitude is messy and unpredictable. Embrace your role as a divine changemaker - learning more about what it means to be one and taking constructive action steps to be a bright light in the world.

The Power of Light

When enough light is generated continually - by enough of the population - the grip of fear begins to lose its power. That's what is happening now. Expect backlash, however, as big changes in world view take time and adjustment. Those still stuck in fear will need to be met halfway and made to feel okay with changes, one by one. Have compassion.

Be patient, but hold steady to your vision for a more loving world. Include this vision in your daily meditations and other spiritual practice. Imagine it as though you are the creator you really are and that it exists now in present time.

Copyright 2015 by Selacia - author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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