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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/23/2015 6:07:46 PM

Saul via John Smallman: Hearts Were Made to Be Filled with Love


Link to John’s audio reading.

All your blocks are coming up for release. That is why you keep experiencing them.

It is frustrating for you. It tends to get you thinking that you are, as some of you might put it, ‘a waste of space,’ not good enough, as you observe all those seemingly well-balanced individuals living normal, productive, and satisfying lives.

Nothing could be further from the truth – NO ONE is a waste of space, although some may appear to be wasting time, wasting their lives – nothing anyone does is wasted. There is always a lesson to be learned, and it is always learned, if not in that moment, then eventually.

So, give yourself a break, as many as you feel like [doing], because that is generally what you need. When you resist taking a break, when you fight the urge, you avoid the opportunity to experience something that has been buried or denied that needs to surface, be seen, and be experienced. Then it can be happily and easily released.

That’s what blocks are, a call to allow something deep-seated to emerge, and be healed and released. But most of you have been well-trained to bury, deny, or fight them. Allowing them to take time to surface is not procrastinating, it is essential inner work, but when you judge yourselves, you slow down or stop the process, and then it may seem that you are procrastinating.

Fighting does not work, only love works! How often do you have to be told that? You attempt to love others while condemning and blaming yourselves. And it cannot work because when you refuse to love yourselves, you shut Love out of your lives.

Love is your natural state; you need It. Shutting It out exhausts you, leaving you fearful, angry, and resentful, then you project those negative feelings onto others in order to feel better, but that only makes you feel worse.

There is no other answer to all your problems, only Love, Love, Love; and then still more Love. And you have to start by accepting and loving yourselves. So why not do it now? Delaying makes no sense at all, it only adds to your dissatisfaction and unhappiness, or maybe causes you even more suffering.

Now, as you rapidly approach the moment of humanity’s awakening, is the time to release all your remaining ties to the illusion – fear, anger, bitterness, resentments, envies, unworthiness, unacceptability, judgments, etc. – and allow Love to fill your hearts.

Hearts were made to be filled with Love, so open them up and let that happen. Many of you have experienced falling in love, or intense love for family or friends, and you know how good that feels; and this Love is everlasting, eternal; not even death intervenes or terminates It, so why shut It out?

It is the divine Will that you live permanently in a state of Love, and in truth you do, always, but you have chosen to hide It from your awareness. Without allowing It to fill your hearts, you will never find satisfaction or contentment, you will just continue searching, in all the wrong places, for that elusive and seemingly unobtainable state. But It is right there at the center of your being, and It will never leave you because It is You.

You cannot, ever, escape from yourselves! Denying that you are Love, avoiding coming into contact with Love, burying the flame of Love that resides eternally within you, is what causes all your fears, anxieties, angers, and conflicts. You feel alone, threatened, endangered, and so you attempt to protect yourselves either by surrounding yourselves with protective barriers (physical or psychological) or by attacking those whom you think threaten your survival, the ‘fight or flight’ syndrome.

But if all are One, as you most definitely are, then you can only be attacking yourselves, or defending yourselves, from your selves, and that makes no sense at all. You all have the same needs and desires, and if you would only cooperate harmoniously, compassionately, and lovingly, all issues could and would be resolved.

It is but yourselves that you fear and defend against but, because of the skill with which you constructed the illusion, those fears seem very real, and you use your human bodies to maintain the appearance of separation from one another, judging each other as different, strange, untrustworthy, and dangerous.

You mostly belong to teams – families, religions, corporations, political parties, sports teams, nations – all of which appear to demand different loyalties that you have to support and defend against perceived enemies – other similar teams.

And during those periods when there is no perceived outside threat, then you fight among yourselves. Fighting has become endemic, like a contagious disease that no one can escape. And your media builds up those fears of threat and conflict very aggressively to maintain the illusion.

You are all One, but the illusion hides this from you, magnificently, because, within it, you are all absolute masters in self-deception! The illusion is all about self-deception, because there is absolutely no one else to deceive.

Once you begin to accept yourselves, including your shadow side, the parts you bury or deny, then realization dawns that no one else can do this for you and that no one else can prevent you from doing so. Self-acceptance is the greatest gift you can bestow upon yourselves, and if God accepts you unconditionally, as he most certainly does, then why would you not do likewise?

You were created perfect, as you have been told countless times, because whatever God creates is by its very nature perfect. Creation is the absolutely perfect demonstration of the infinite perfection of God, and the illusion is but an unreal attempt to separate yourselves from that eternal state of perfection, which is impossible because it is the only state that exists.

Stop hiding the Light of your perfection from yourselves and others. Open yourselves to receive and bathe in the ongoing Love-stream in which you are totally immersed, and all your fears, worries, and anxieties will be washed away as It flows through you and aligns you with Reality in a completely harmonious integration with all of God’s children.

The only barriers to Love in your lives are those you yourselves have erected out of fear, and only you can lower them. Do so and let all the stress of maintaining them fall away, then peace will replace stress and you can give yourselves wholly to living, the reason for your creation in the first place. To be alive is to be awake, and signs of life are returning to your sleeping forms.

With so very much love, Saul.

“Saul: Hearts Were Made to Be Filled with Love” channeled by John Smallman, June 22, 2015, at

Source Link: John Smallman’s Blog

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/23/2015 6:11:35 PM

GaiaPortal: Helvetic communications have completed

Helvetic communications have completed…

…and open causeways for Illumination of all humanity.

Frescoes of Light appear in the unprepared and previously un-illumined.

Patterns of ancients reappear, as corporate patterns dissolve.

Fennelics have upgraded all Gaia Energetic Expansion Portals.

Source: GaiaPortal

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/23/2015 6:12:55 PM

Golden Gaia News Roundup: June 23, 2015

news roundupInternational Politics: Will Libya’s Civil War End Soon?

Maybe I’m wrong with this statement, but I believe most of us, even the Republicans, would agree: We were hoping for so much more from President Obama headlining his campaign with “Hope & Change” in 2008. Unfortunately, there’s only so much one can do within such a corrupt system.

I think America, and maybe even the entire world, was hoping for more significant changes to occur within his Presidency. Of course, I have not given up “hope,” and pray he will still lead us into our promised debt jubilee, prosperity packages, and new governance — catapulting a new life for us all as we continue to build Nova Earth.

While he has not been able to deliver earth-shattering changes –yet– he’s certainly sparked some forward movement and positive change. For example, last month he brokered a deal with opposing factions, which might lead to peace in Libya! Ending war and unnecessary killing is always significant, no matter how you slice it. Thank you, Mr. President.

“Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, two U.S. allies that have been fighting a proxy war in Libya since shortly after the 2011 overthrow of Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, have agreed in principle to resolve their differences…. This previously unreported commitment, made between top leaders under pressure from President Barack Obama during talks at Camp David on May 14, suggests that peace negotiations in Berlin between the Gulf states’ Libyan proxies may yet bear fruit.”

It seems Obama commented on the elephant sitting in the living room when he recognized during this meeting that both warring nations were literally sitting at the same table: “The President said people from this table are supporting each side in Libya,” stated a senior Gulf diplomat present at the meeting.

The diplomat, very familiar with both Qatari and UAE involvement in Libya over the past few years, elaborated by saying this verbal agreement is the first of its kind! Both sides also agreed not criticize the peace process publicly …has, in turn, created the opportunity for the current talks to continue.

“All leaders at Camp David decided to move in concert to convince all Libyan parties to accept an inclusive power-sharing agreement based on proposals put forward by the UN and to focus on countering the growing terrorist presence in the country,” said Alistair Baskey, a spokesman for the National Security Council. “There was a shared recognition that there is no military solution to the conflict, and that it can only be resolved through political and peaceful means.”

Obama Brokered A Secret Deal Between 2 Arab States That Could Help End Libya’s Civil War by Akbar Shahid Ahmed. Huffington Post.

Religion & Ethics: Pope Francis Requesting We Take the High Road.

What I particularly appreciate about Pope Francis’ latest crusade addressing climate change is his reference to the old adage: “As above, so below. As within, so without.” He commented that the pollution around our world is reflective of the pollution we carry within ourselves. “Truer words cannot be spoken,” I declare.

No no no, I’m not a pessimist — quite the contrary! Yet, in order to heal, we must know what needs to be healed. Within these lower vibrations of 3rd Dimensional reality, it’s vital to appreciate, uncover, and –ultimately– love our own shadow side, in order to bring it forward and heal that which we pretend does not exist within our subconscious.

“The violence present in our hearts, wounded by sin, is also reflected in the symptoms of sickness evident in the soil, in the water, in the air and in all forms of life,” [The Pope] writes. “The ecological crisis is also a summons to profound interior conversion.”

In Pope Francis’ new environmental dissertation, Laudato Si, “which was leaked on Monday by an Italian newspaper and officially released by the Vatican on Thursday, bitterly condemns the human failures that have eroded much of the environment. The pope rattles off fact after fact about the pitiful state of the earth: Pesticides have contaminated farmers’ soil. Air pollution has poisoned cities. Man-made waste checkers landscapes. There’s not enough clean water for people to drink or tropical forests to regulate carbon in the atmosphere. Whole species of animals are dying out.”

I can appreciate the Pope addressing climate change. I do believe it’s important for our world leaders to highlight issues that need our immediate attention. And yet, this is one that I do not believe needs our immediate attention. Certainly said problems need to be addressed and resolved, but please let me explain.

As a LightWorker in the alternative community, I believe that our world is returning to the conditions of the biblical Garden of Eden. Yes, our climate is changing but not very much.

We still need to address our irreverent actions, such as pesticides, pollution and man-made wastes, as the Pope highlighted. But I believe climate change is the result of our world reverting back to its original pristine state, before it descended into the 3rd Dimension.

In other words, instead of extreme highs and lows ranging anywhere from 10° to 100° over the course of any given year here in beautiful Colorado, we shall enjoy temperatures worldwide at a steady 73° – 77°! “How is this even possible?” you ask.

It’s a reality because of a protective layer at approximately 15K and again at 30K feet altitude, called a Firmament. This in fact keeps our atmospheric temperature constant, without ferocious wind, rain and snow storms …without tornadoes, hurricanes and tsunamis …preventing higher level atmospheric occurrences from intermingling with earth’s immediate atmosphere, that which directly affects our everyday weather.

Sheldan Nidle outlines this concept in his book “You Are Becoming a Galactic Human,” where he discusses life on Lady Gaia before (and soon to return) …before we volunteered to dive deep into the 3rd Dimensions of karma following the Fall of Atlantis 13,000 years ago.

How incredibly exciting! Yes, of course, I agree: Life will be so drastically different from what we know today, and certainly, it’s very hard to even believe such can happen, given our current reality and daily existence.

And I say: “Bring on it!” I am more than ready for our return to the Higher Dimensions upon Mama Earth without the lower vibrations of anger, jealousy, depression, hate, worthlessness, disease, death, etc!

The Pope’s Moral Case for Taking On Climate Change by Emma Green. The Atlantic.

Across this beautiful world, We Are All One.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/23/2015 6:17:49 PM

You’ve Always Been the Motivating CEO of You

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Summary of Brenda’s June 19, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at
The Universal energies of the past few years were only effective because you en masse decided to transition out of fear. You’re the creator of all your experience including New Earth. You’ll continue your wake state time travel and dimension/frequency hopping the next few days. In addition, you’ll start connecting with those of like frequencies, creating new and loving relationships with other earth entities.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog ”Entering a New Creation Stage”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are finding it more difficult to concentrate in your 3D/4D interactions. Granted, you most often add the right tidbit during a conversation, but you seem to forget words, times and so many other 3D/4D pieces. Such is so because you are jumping between times and places and are merely a visitor in your 3D/4D world. For you are claiming your CEO totality role.

Such a statement has many ramifications. Not the least of which is that you direct your being – not the Universes, gods, friends or your society. Accepting that piece alone is enough to create your current short-term memory loss.

Have you ever been so busy you forgot the basics of self-care or activities common to you? So it is for you now. You are moving between veils, frequencies, dimensions and times. Checking out that piece, reviewing another and determining how yet another piece fits within your personal mission statement.

You have long prepared for this role – but along the way, you deviated some in areas you are not necessarily yet aware of . Your preparation to date has most often been learning to accept yourself and others in activities and realms. A preparation that did not necessarily clear those pieces in which you deviated.

Given the density of 3D earth, often those exploration pieces shifted to a self anger or self-fear that you are now just releasing. So it is you trust yourself more than was true just months ago. And you believe you are indeed qualified to be CEO of your totality. Yet, you do not completely understand how your other segments fared throughout your 3D experiences – and most likely, this transition. So most of you elect to visit your various segments to gather information applicable for the whole of you to accept your new being.

Think of yourself as a new CEO of a company with many unique divisions supporting the whole but autonomous.

Prior to this transition, most of your segments were discovering pieces for this transition in other dimensions, places, frequencies and times. There was no cohesive whole other than the need to move “blindly” in a certain direction. Now that you have created the framework of new you through your CEO role, you wish to visit each segment in the format that segment requires so your cohesive whole creates the totality of new you in New Earth.

Each of your segments has most often been a stand alone segment. There was no need to join the various segments in a cohesive whole for each segment was tasked with gathering as much information as possible for this time, this transition. Information gathering that included all aspects of fear, experiences of 3D joy and opening to possibilities dreamed of, but not thought reality.

Your dream realities are now.

For as you visit each segment, you function a bit as a fairy godmother with a magic wand relaying information that it is time be fully awake. Helping your segments understand how their piece is instrumental in new you – how their courage, stamina and diligent work was key in creating new you.

In a sense, you are your totality motivator. You are the one visiting those of the past proclaiming the wisdom and courage of those segments as they shift their thoughts from fear to love within the framework of the time they are living in.

Some of you have experienced messages from beyond or dreams, AHAs or teachers who altered your thoughts about you and the Universes. For the most part, those were the messages from new you to your various segments.

For indeed, there is no time. Even though your visitations to various segments, dimensions, times and frequencies appear to be happening now, you have done so for eons and in what you label the future. There are no time constructs as you now think of them. You are changing you. You are supporting and learning more about your segments – and therefore, creating the AHA moments you longed for once you received your first AHA. All necessary to fully become CEO of you.

You are your personal motivator and have been for eons. Just as time has no relevance, you have played your CEO role for eons – even though it seems as if it is an extremely new role/thought process.You have always been you in your totality. It is just that you emphasized specific segments in specific times. Now that you are returning to a wake state knowing of your skills and capabilities, you feel more comfortable claiming your true title of CEO of your totality.

You have practiced this role for eons – one segment at a time – with all segments reporting to the totality that is you. Those reports were in a memory bank until it was time to unite all thoughts, fears, joys and brilliance. That time is now. So you are finding yourself a bit more spacey than expected as you visit your various segments, motivating and informing them that once again you are a totality instead of numerous information gathering segments.

You are not losing yourself. You are merely visiting long-lost and forgotten segments of your totality assuring them that the time they have waited for is now. Just as you are visited by entities throughout the Universes including animals and nature reminding you that the time is indeed now.

You are in an exploratory/motivation stage of your CEO totality role. Perhaps you are discovering some creation surprises along the way as you visit your segments from past, present and future.

Know that you soon will complete this motivation/exploratory stage. And when you do – nothing or no one can shift your being/your direction/your beliefs. You will be locked into your CEO role of New Earth. And thereby, a Universal being with full exploration/skill development capabilities. So it is. So be it Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/23/2015 6:24:26 PM

Manataka American Indian Council: How to Raise Your Personal Vibration

Rainbow Woman Color“Modern science has concluded that everything that exists in the universe is made of vibration.”
~ Hiroshi Doi-sensei

Raising one’s vibration is an effective way to live a more balanced and happy life, and also a way to send positive energy out into the universe. While emitting a lower vibration or frequency, one will never really come into harmony and balance and experience a more peaceful and happy life. It is the life of discord/dissonance that facilitates lower vibration energy, and can be sensed manifesting in the world today.

It does take work, however, to raise vibrations, so a consistent effort is required to raise and maintain one’s vibrations.

Be mindful of your thoughts

It is imperative to keep a close eye on the habitual thoughts that enter your head. It can be difficult at first to be aware of the many thoughts that constantly bombard your mind all day long but by beginning to notice unwelcome or negative thoughts you can start to replace them with a positive thought you already have preprogrammed in your mind.

Have a positive thought in your mind, a thought that you know makes you happy, that you substitute in place of any negative thought that comes into your mind. The key to this thought substitution is to spend as much time thinking positive thoughts and less time thinking negative thoughts. By spending more time in balanced, positive and rational thought your vibrational level will be enhanced.

Think before you speak

If you are looking for a new relationship, don’t say things like “I can never find the right person for me.” If you talk like this, this is exactly what you will get. You get what you say and think. Even if you haven’t been too successful in finding the right person previously, it doesn’t matter. Change your words and you will change your life.

Beware of ungrounded, severely negative types of individuals

These types of people are running a very low vibration level, and their low vibration can have an adverse impact on your vibration level. Remember, a person’s bio-energy field can extend out several feet from them. Surround yourself in white light if you feel that another’s energy may have a negative effect on you.

Spend time in meditation

Take a walk through the woods or a nature center, and away from the city and the noise. Go to a place in the country if you can and take a long walk, concentrating on your surroundings, keeping your mind off your usual thoughts. This is a great way to clear your head and also help raise your vibration. If you can’t get away, try listening to some soothing music by concentrating on the sounds.

Join with other sensible/like minded people

Spend time with people interested in the same things you are and learn at the same time. It has been found that the commonalities between people brings them closer together and facilitates greater harmony.

Volunteer your spare time to helping others

Give away your time, some money to a credible charity/organization you believe in, or give away something you don’t use anymore but may be useful to someone else. What you give is what you get in life, so by giving you will receive in one way or another. Help others and you will be helped. You have a profound effect on raising your vibration when you help others as it makes you feel good from the inside.

Be aware of your thoughts, words and actions

Everything you do comes back to you in some way so always be wary of how you treat others and how you act in all situations. How you treat others is how you will be treated, by doing the right thing by everyone you come into contact with will help to raise your vibration as others continue to do the right thing by you. Treating everyone compassionately will attract positive people and opportunities into your life.

Avoid the television, radio and media in general

It is especially important to avoid all news programs as they do much more harm to your vibration level than they do good (Graham: some alternative news programs are very good. I think the author is referring more to mainstream news). By watching TV you end up taking in so much negative energy it becomes confusing to your subconscious mind and some of that negative imagery and energy gets absorbed by your subconscious and elevates a feeling of fear from within. Most of the media works by fear mongering, they want to shock you into a state of fear so you keep on watching and the more you watch the more addicted you become. This has a disastrous impact on your vibration level.

Stay as optimistic and as rational as possible

This can be difficult to do especially when you are in a crisis but when you are in a crisis situation, this is when it’s most important to stay positive. By remaining positive and rational, you keep your vibration high, and when you are vibrating at a higher rate, your challenges will dissipate much quicker or you may find it was not really a problem at all. Positive things and events are attracted to positive people. Surrounding yourself with positive, sensible and rational people is a great way to remain in a healthy state of mind.

Keep in touch with your feelings/emotions

This is an important factor in keeping your vibration level high. Feelings and emotions are a cosmic connection in regards to your entire life and the well-being of the planet. The universe understands the language of feelings and emotions that one expresses. When you are feeling good about yourself, only other things residing on the same level of frequency will be attracted into your life.

Your level of vibration runs parallel with your feelings, meaning you are in control of your life and the events that come into your life at any given moment. If there was one most important point in relation to raising your vibration it would be to stay on top of your feelings. Know that what we speak, think and feel is a vibration that goes out into the universe and effect everything around us.

In the words of Usui-sensei:

“For today only…
Do not be angry
Do not be anxious
Be grateful
Work hard and be kind to others…”

“How To Raise Your Personal Vibration” by Manataka American Indian Council, June 21, 2015 at

Original link: How To Raise Your Personal Vibration

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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