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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/22/2015 5:45:13 PM

NorthPoint ASTROLOGY JOURNA:L Your Guide to Planetary Energies for June 22 to 28, 2015, by Pam Younghans

Photo: Midnight sun in Alaska (from Bing images, credit unknown)

MY THANKS to everyone who joined us for the teleclass last Thursday! I hope you enjoyed the class, and that each of you gained insights that will assist you in navigating the rest of 2015 with grace and success.

If you weren’t able to sign up for the class, you can still purchase the audio replay and slideshow pdf — just send an email with “Teleclass Replay” in the subject line, and I’ll reply with details.

OUR LAST full week of June begins a Jupiter-Uranus trine designed to help us take risks, be open to change, and make choices that enhance our enjoyment of life. This is the third time Jupiter and Uranus have formed a trine aspect in the past 10 months — the first exact aspect occurred in September 2014, and the second was in early March of this year.

With both planets in fire signs (Jupiter in Leo, Uranus in Aries), this is a highly energized influence. When it is in effect, we can feel especially restless and eager for new experiences. We may also choose to do things outside of our comfort zone, or feel more rebellious about continuing to follow the life script that we’ve created.

This combination of energies can provide the courage we’ve been needing to take a leap of faith, but it can also encourage us to take risks that may or may not be beneficial in the long run.

WE’LL CERTAINLY want to take advantage of the support these planets offer for embarking on the road less traveled — we may even feel that life is magically, synchronistically, opening doors to guide us forward. But we should also be sure to check where we’re walking from time to time, to make sure we don’t step off a ledge.

This caution is especially important due to the aspects that occur on Tuesday: a Mercury-Neptune square and a Mars-Saturn quincunx. When Mercury and Neptune get together, they can support flights of the imagination and working with our dreams, but they rarely assist us in thinking clearly or rationally.

And, the Mars-Saturn aspect indicates that we need to make some adjustments before we go very far down the road. If we feel frustrated with obstacles or delays on Tuesday, it may mean that our focus is too scattered (Mars in Gemini). Getting clearer on our true motivations will help us refocus our intentions and achieve greater success (Saturn in Scorpio).

CHIRON goes retrograde (backward) on Wednesday, which means the influence of the Wounded Healer is stronger than usual this week. When Chiron’s influence is heightened, each of us is asked to do our own healing work. This is especially true for someone who is currently working with a Chiron transit to their natal chart.

Since Chiron is in Pisces right now, we may be even more aware than usual of the frightened child within us who doesn’t know how to trust that everything is going to be OK. As always when we work with Chiron’s energy, our healing is facilitated when we can embrace and feel compassion for that fearful aspect of ourselves, rather than either ignoring it or judging it.

MARS begins its six-week journey through watery Cancer on Wednesday. In the positive, Mars in Cancer enhances our capacity to work hard, especially when our efforts are directed toward supporting our family and home environment.

But, given that Mars represents direct intention and forceful action, it can feel somewhat uncomfortable in such an emotionally-based sign. We’ll need to do our best to be in observation mode when it comes to our emotional reactions, since it can be easy to be over-protective or slip into defensiveness.

As always with Cancer, we will benefit by reminding ourselves that “It is rarely (if ever) personal” — and to get into the habit of saying, “That’s interesting” when something occurs, to maintain a level of objectivity. Since Cancer rules the digestion, it’s also important to avoid eating when we’re feeling emotional. That advice may always be sound, but it’s especially true during Mar’s transit of the fourth sign.

NEXT WEEKEND is a bit of a mixed bag energetically. On Saturday, the Cancer Sun squares the Moon’s nodes, challenging us to face and move beyond karmic patterns that have resulted in over-sensitivity and fear. The Sun also forms a semisquare with Jupiter, which may make both the issue and the possibility of resolution even larger.

The biggest aspect on Sunday is a Venus-Uranus trine late in the day, which can help us lighten up, enjoy ourselves, and do something creative or social. But the Moon in Scorpio may keep us in a deeper and more serious emotional place, especially around the Moon-Saturn alignment at 6:50pm PDT. We may need to wait until the Moon enters Sagittarius at 8:21pm PDT before we begin to feel more buoyant.

In peace,


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/22/2015 5:54:24 PM

Benjamin Fulford: Bush, Rothschild prosecutions, new disclosures, Greece, all signs of accelerating cabal take down

(Benjamin Fulford) There are rapidly accelerating indications the Khazarian crime syndicate that illegally seized power in the United States and many European countries is being systematically dismantled. A New York appeals court, for example, has ruled that officials who served during the George Bush Jr. regime can be sued and can face criminal charges. That opens the way for the mass jailing of the perpetrators of the 911 mass murder incident.

Another sign is that a French judge has ordered one of the most senior members of the Rothschild family, Baron David de Rothschild, to be questioned by police on fraud charges.

Also, the killing of J.P Morgan (Bush) bankers has reached a new height with the “sudden death” of their Vice Chairman and high powered deal maker Jimmy Lee. More than a dozen JP Morgan bankers have died suddenly recently and it is clear somebody is following a trail. Rest assured that trail leads to the Bush/Clinton crime family.

Meanwhile, there is a growing consensus the Greek crisis is coming to a head soon and massive withdrawals of Euros from Greek banks show that at the street level people know a Greek default is inevitable. However, a formal Greek default would start a domino effect that would topple Germany, France and the rest of the Euro zone before eventually reaching the United States. For that reason the Greek government knows that the EU central bank, the IMF and their Fed bosses will not pull the plug on them but will instead buy time with various accounting tricks. That is why Greece’s Economy Minister made confident predictions about the Greek debt crisis in Moscow last week after meeting with Russian officials.

Despite all the fudged numbers and smoke and mirrors coming out of Western governments, the Western financial system (the Federal Reserve Board) is already bankrupt. The Fed’s corporate subsidiary, the United States of America Corporation headed by “acting president” Barack Obama has been issuing fake financial data for years now to create the appearance all is well. Recently, for example, their total debt numbers have stayed frozen at $18.11 trillion since March 16th, over 100 days.

The White Dragon Foundation also received new confirmation the Fed has been bankrupt for a lot longer than that. Some senior Asian bankers who met with Alan Greenspan (when he was head of the Fed) and with then US president Al Gore to ask about Manchurian gold the Fed was obligated to return to them were told by Greenspan the Fed could not pay back the gold they owed them “because they had none.” Greenspan also said the Fed could not pay them trillions of dollars of cash instead because “that would bankrupt the government.” Instead, the bankers said, they were offered a “master trader license.” After they left the Federal Reserve Building in New York, they went to a Starbucks for coffee. While they were having coffee their car exploded. They immediately took a subway to the airport and caught the next available flight to the Philippines.

They then went to see the head of Interpol in Europe. The head of Interpol took them to see the P2 Freemasons who run the Vatican. The P2 explained to them there would be a coup d’etat in the United States followed by an invasion of Iraq “because that was how the system worked.” They thought these people were crazy until September 11th, 2001.

These Asians still have their legitimate claims against the Fed and the Feds will not be allowed to bomb their way out this time. The current public faces of the Fed cabal are puppet president Obama and Fed Chair Janet Yellen.

Since they also cannot pay the money they owe the Asians, the Asians and their BRICS allies have been busily building an alternative financial system. The new BRICS bank is expected now to open on July 7th while the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is also moving ahead.

This move is being accompanies by major cyber warfare. A lot of it is being reported in the corporate media in the form of stories about data being stolen on all US Federal employees etc.

However, plentiful anecdotal evidence suggests the real cyber-warfare is taking place between world financial networks. A senior banker at the cabal supported Asian Development Bank in Manila was worried about his US dollar bank account inside the US so he asked for the money to be transferred to his bank in the Philippines. The Philippine bank told him they could not make the transfer because the cabal controlled SWIFT international financial transactions system “was not working.”

This writer also experienced some trouble when trying to pay his VISA bill at an ATM. I was told I needed to contact a human representative. I went to a VISA processing office and the clerk put my card into their ATM. The bill that appeared was way bigger than my real bill and the clerk told me to ignore it and not to worry about it but just pay the amount on my paper bill. She explained they were having “system adjustments.” A funny thing also happened when this writer asked for financial details from the Paypal internet transaction system. Paypal sent me detailed financial data belonging to an entirely different person. When asked why they would send me the wrong person’s private transaction data they explained “they were having system troubles.”

This is all anecdotal but the fact that most of the over 50 bankers who have recently died suddenly and mysteriously were IT experts shows that financial cyber-warfare is moving out of cyberspace.

The fact is the Western financial IT system has created hundreds of trillions, if not quadrillions, quintillions or more dollars and Euros that have no basis in reality. At the end of the day, analogue reality is going to win and that is why the BRICS alliance with their control of commodities and manufacturing, are winning. The Pentagon is also winning because they actually control men with weapons who are willing to fight if necessary.

The people who are losing are the Khazarian mob. The fact that Bush/Clinton house slave Barack Obama is being pressured to release the 28 pages about Saudi Arabia redacted from the official 911 report shows the Saudi’s are the next Khazarian dominoes to fall.

Newly installed Saudi King Salman sent his son to Russia last week to offer the Russians complete control of the global oil market in exchange inter-continental ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons, according to Pentagon officials. He returned empty handed. The Saudis have the nuclear weapons the Israelis gave them but they cannot fire them much further than Yemen. That means they cannot use nuclear blackmail to prevent the ongoing takedown of that odious regime by Pentagon white hats and their regional allies.

The Nazi regime installed by the Khazarians in the Ukraine is also freaking out now that their patrons are clearly losing the battle for the planet earth. According to Sputnik News (a possible agency front) Ukranian President Petro Poroshenko asked the Ukrainian Constitutional Court to rule that the overthrow of his predecessor Viktor Yanukovich was unconstitutional.

In other words, a key participant in the illegal Khazarian coup against his predecessor is suddenly criticizing the coup. The best advice we can give Poroshenko is to tell him to forget about trying to suck up to the Russians and find a deep hole to hide in instead.

However, there is unlikely to be anywhere on this planet, or even in this universe, for the Khazarian Satanists like Poroshenko to hide in anymore.

The collapse of their global debt slavery regime is accelerating and their immunity from prosecution for mass murder is evaporating along with their funny money.

The British, the Swiss, the Germans, the French and the Vatican have already abandoned the Khazarians and allied with the WDS and BRICS alliance.

Pope Francis recently confirmed this change by issuing an encyclical calling for almost exactly what the WDS has been calling for, a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. The global warming part of his talk was out of touch with reality but clearly the Pope’s heart is in the right place. Negotiations between the Vatican and the WDS are ongoing and friendly. The same is true of the British, the French and the Germans.

Regime change is also coming to Japan. There is a lot about that we cannot report at the moment but clearly the puppet regime here is on its last legs. The last dominoes to fall will be Washington DC, Israel and New York.

We do not like to put specific dates on when this will happen but we do note that the IMF has postponed a meeting to decide how to proceed without the United States until September. We note that a year of jubilee has been predicted by the Vatican, religious Jews and many others to start on September 13th, 2015. September 13th this year falls on a Sunday so the last trading day before that will be September 11th. Remember, remember, the 11th of September. Also remember the blood moon on September 28th.

Benjamin Fulford has worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes magazine, where he was the Asian Bureau chief from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports pursued scandals in the Japanese government and business world. After leaving Forbes he wrote a series of books in Japanese some of which became best sellers, and began publishing on the internet.

Source: Benjamin Fulford — Weekly Geopolitical News & Analysis


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/22/2015 5:56:29 PM

The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele: June 21, 2015

doorway_starsDear Ones,

We are well aware of the disappointment many of you feel as to how slowly the new Earth seems to be emerging. This is because you are viewing the process with specific expectations of how things “should” be according to whatever concepts you may be holding. There is no fault in this, as it simply reflects how you have learned to live life in third dimensional energy.

You expect evolutionary changes to manifest in certain familiar ways, but remember, the human consciousness is limited to what is already known. Be open to what is as of yet unknown, for change is – and will – manifest in unexpected ways. Know that powerful new energies are silently pouring in and available to all, but will not always manifest in the ways you expect. Much of what you perceive as chaos, is actually the cleansing and clearing of old energy.

It is very important to take time to rest during the day, for the process of integrating these powerful new energies often leaves an individual feeling exhausted. Even with busy work/family schedules it is important to include small breaks which can be as simple as shutting a bathroom door and resting for a few minutes in the realization of “I AM”. If possible, a short nap works best.

The integration process does not happen overnight, but is exactly that, a process. Be patient Dear Ones, and let go of the temptation to believe you are doing nothing simply because you and the world are not as you had anticipated – yet.

Some, when feeling the need for a nap in the middle of the day, resist, believing that it indicates laziness or a physical backward step because it is something you have never before needed to do. It is important not to resist, for the integration process requires a great deal of energy, leaving less for the active lifestyle you may have become accustomed to. The person who insists on continuing old habits of going, going, going, in spite of a need for more rest, will soon find himself very depleted of energy

Taking time to stop and rest is not a doing nothing as it may appear, but is an action integral to the releasing/integrating process. You have been programmed to believe that busy-ness equals productive and successful living. Both school and parents taught you that time spent doing nothing was idleness, a bad thing, but as with so many other beliefs this is simply a concept handed down from generation to generation.

In past lifetimes this was true and thus many still carry cellular memory of lives in which those who did not plow and harvest, or work long and tedious hours for someone else, did not eat. It is not meant that every moment of every day be a struggle. Know that the energy of joy and fun is closest to Divine energy.

You are finding that much you previously believed to be truth has become gradually fading cellular memory. You are beginning to understand that you are not simply physical bodies, but are consciousness in varying states of awareness who have chosen for learning purposes, to experience the physical world in a physical body. This is the root of the struggle for those who believe they were born as either the wrong sex or skin color.

Cellular memory accumulated from lifetime after lifetime lived as one gender will dominate the state of consciousness of an individual and has nothing to do with the body. Because these Dear Ones do not understand the bigger picture, they assume a physical mistake of some sort has occurred and thus seek to fix it by becoming the gender they strongly resonate with. Gender choice is a pre-birth decision made by each soul in order to integrate whatever male or female energies may be needed to create wholeness and balance.

Try not to judge or compare your journey with that of others, but instead closely examine everything you do not yet understand in your own personal experience or that of the world in order to find the hidden lessons – pearls of wisdom waiting to be discovered. Everyone’s journey is individual, based on the experiences of past lifetimes.

More and more, and moment by moment, as you begin to resonate with the new and higher Light frequencies, you will also begin to experience seeing and hearing higher dimensional energies. Be not afraid when these things happen, but trust the process for changes are happening and nothing is going to stay the same. There is nothing to fear. Those who continue to hold fast to what is finished, will find themselves grasping for air in a dissolving world.

We wish to speak of Gratitude which is the counter balance of Love. Gratitude in its purest sense, is the acknowledgement of “I HAVE”, and not simply the act of saying “thank you” for some good received as is commonly believed. In this deeper spiritual sense, Gratitude acknowledges that every good seeming to come from outside of self is actually the manifestation of ever present wholeness and completeness. Gratitude flows easily from a consciousness of one’s innate completeness and abundance because of oneness with Source.

Unexpressed Gratitude acts to block to the flow so to speak, for Love and Gratitude balance each other. Think of a coin – Love on one side and Gratitude on the other. Begin to practice Gratitude in every area of your life – for what you have as well as what you believe you don’t have materially, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually for the experience of lack serves as an important window into one’s belief system. Always remember that painful lessons were chosen by you as necessary for attaining the growth and evolution you seek.

You are beginning to understand that you are creators, that your words and thoughts take form and manifest. The act of expressing Gratitude serves to retrain a cellular memory of lack into “I have – I am abundant and am infinitely blessed by virtue of Oneness with Source”. Living each day from this awareness allows you to experience the energy of Love and helps you to more deeply understand whatever lessons you may be having.

Because Gratitude is a facet of Love, it must be integrated along with all the other facets of Love, eventually becoming your attained state of consciousness, fully integrated and manifesting as Unconditional LOVE.

Practice with the simple things for Gratitude need not be a grand statement, but simply the awareness of “I have because I am”. As you drive to work give Gratitude for a paved road and stop signs. When you shop give Gratitude for the ease and availability of what you may need.

Gratitude can be practiced on all levels. Materially it can be by giving away those things you no longer need or use (not junk) which tells your cells; “I am grateful that I have enough to share”. Emotionally giving a shoulder to cry on is the acknowledgement of “I give thanks for the lessons that have provided me with broad shoulders”. Mentally, giving words, information, intelligent guidance to those who seeking on that level says; “I have been there, I can tell them how it worked for me. I am grateful for an ability to assist others. I have wisdom”.

Even a penny donated in the spirit of Love, carries powerful energy for spirit knows nothing of material monetary values, but only recognizes intention.

Give Gratitude for the fact that you have evolved to the place where you are able to recognize the Divine nature of everyone you come into contact with. Express Gratitude for someone’s smile, a bird song, or a good book and you will soon come to realize that every single moment of an ordinary day holds infinite opportunities for gratitude.

This is the journey, this is what you have asked for, this is why you are here. Your time on Earth is a privilege. Make the most of it.

We are the Arcturian Group

The Arcturian Group. Channelled by Marilyn Raffaele. June 21, 2015.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/22/2015 6:00:23 PM

Video: David Icke – The Tide Is Turning

Credit: Jack Cutting

Graham: David shares how “conspiracies” are coming out more and more as truth. In this 11 minute video produced on June 19, he talks about the Kennedy assassination, the Iraq war, banking scandals, area 51, the military industrial complex, and more.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/22/2015 6:06:09 PM

Phil Lane Jr.: The Longest Road – Developing the Wisdom of the Heart

phil-lane-jrA wise elder once told me, “Grandson, the longest road you will ever have to walk is the sacred journey from your head to your heart.” Another elder said, “We will never solve the many critical and life-threatening issues before us solely through the intellect; for every problem the intellect solves it creates ten more.”

Unto itself the intellect is a sacred gift of the Creator, but, equally, without an open, visionary, and creative heart, there is no wisdom. Both the mind and heart are sacred. Both are inseparably connected.

To help us develop the wisdom of the heart, the wisdom of peace, we must turn to Mother Earth. “You know Grandson, the Great Spirit, Wakan Tanka, has given all people wisdom,” my grandfather told me. “To every living thing he has given something special. Some people receive their knowledge and understanding through books. In your life, Grandson, you too must read and study books, but remember to take with you on your journey only those things that bring more unity within yourself and others, that bring goodness and understanding and help us to serve one another in better ways.”

“Wakan Tanka,” he continued, “also gave our Native people, and all other people who live close to Mother Earth, wisdom and knowledge through dreams, visions, fasting, prayer, and the ability to see the lessons the Creator has put in every part of creation. Look at those trees standing over there; the alder does not tell the pine tree to move over; the pine does not tell the fir tree to move over; each tree stands in unity, their mouth pressed toward the same Mother Earth, refreshed by the same breeze, warmed by the same sun, with their arms raised in prayer and thanksgiving, protecting one another. If we are to have peace in the world, we too must learn to live like those trees.”

“Look, Grandson,” he said, “at the beautiful teachings the Creator has put in the little stream. Feel the water and see how gently and lovingly it touches your hands. It travels through deserts and mountains and many places, but it never turns its back on anyone or anything. Even though it gives life to all living things, it is very humble, for it always seeks the very lowest spot. But it has great faith, power, and patience, for even if a mountain stands in its path, it keeps moving and moving until finally that mountain is washed into the sea. These are the spiritual gifts the Creator has given each one of us. If we are to be happy within ourselves and with one another, we too must develop these sacred gifts.”

Walking the Path

In all of our actions, we must seek to be living examples of the changes we wish to see in the world. By walking the path, we make the path visible. We must find the courage and dedication to use the wisdom of our elders on the path of a peaceful and equitable future. Using that wisdom, we will find we have the power to carefully and lovingly remove the barriers limiting our development as human beings and communities. The greater the difficulty in our path, the greater the opportunity for our growth and ultimate victory; we can always become more than we have ever been.

We know from our ancient teachings that the sacred eagle of humanity has two perfectly balanced and harmonious wings — one representing woman, and one representing man. In our relationships as women and men, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, we must join together to eliminate all forms of disrespect, mistreatment, or lack of sharing in the responsibility of raising the world’s children.

It is my deepest prayer that with every new sunrise, we can recognize more and more that the most sacred and holy of all the wonderful gifts the Creator has given us is the birth of a child. Everything we can do to provide our children and communities the best possible future is a sacred gift and responsibility.

For is not the moment long, long overdue, my beloved relatives, through the unfailing power and love of our good creator, for us to free ourselves completely from the hurt of both the past and present, so we may truly soar like majestic eagles to the promised greatness of our sacred destiny and future?

“The Longest Road: Developing the Wisdom of the Heart” by Phil Lane Jr, June 20, 2015 at

Original link: The Longest Road: Developing the Wisdom of the Heart

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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