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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/23/2015 6:29:39 PM

David Wilcock Update 6-22-15… “Gripping New Adventure as Space Program Insider Tours Mars Colony” (or, “Holy Crap… What a report about Corey’s Report!!”)

David_Wilcock_Search140As I reported earlier, I very much was “pulled in” to reading Corey’s latest report. And now, I’ve been equally “pulled in” to reading David’s report about Corey’s report. This just continues to keep growing and growing… the “Exposure/Disclosure”, that is.

“Could a single, innocent word — ‘Texas’ — ultimately be the “shot heard round the solar system,” triggering a revolutionary awakening within the [SSP slave] colonies? Over a hundred different off-planet colonies, each with at least tens of thousands of staff — if not hundreds of thousands — now exist throughout our solar system.

“All of these facilities, and the technology that goes along with them, will be handed over to humanity on earth — far sooner than we think.

“Since the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913, just over 100 years ago now, the value of the dollar has decreased by 96 percent… A wide variety of fraudulent practices have siphoned off our wealth and used it as investment capital — to develop industrial colonies out in space. The business that was built by the military-industrial complex has boomed to epic proportions.

Not one bit of its dividends have been shared with humanity on earth.

“In my view this is definitely the best, most engaging thing [Corey] has ever written. And, as impossible as it may sound, it is all based on what really happened to him three nights ago… The goal was to gauge whether the people there were living in slavery-type conditions — and to gain critical intelligence about a facility revealed by a recent new defector.

“Everyone [at GaiamTV (I presume)] was completely captivated by the story of Corey’s meeting at the Mars colony — and it is well worth your time to read it for yourself. The more Corey writes, the better he gets. This article has already gone viral like nothing else he has ever written, for good reason — so check it out!”


Gripping New Adventure as Space Program Insider Tours Mars Colony

On 6/20, space program insider Corey Goode was brought to Mars for a tour of a colony that is not supposed to exist. Fascinating new intel has come to light as a result of this trip — and it is a very entertaining read!



Some people wonder if we are “alone in the universe.”

Others are open-minded about paranormal phenomena, believe that ETs do exist and are visiting us, and wonder where “they” come from.

You may take it for granted that the Roswell crash did occur, that the US government reverse-engineered the technology and developed space travel.

Roswell was seventy years ago.

Do you think maybe, just maybe the military-industrial complex would have gone out into space, taken a look around and built some colonies since then?


What if these colonies built even more of the reverse-engineered “weird stuff” — all completely off-planet?

Would the security of an off-planet location ensure that these exotic gadgets could never appear on Earth, no matter how valiant anyone’s effort might be?

Might there be millions of people already working out in space in these colonies — doing extremely advanced high-tech jobs?

And if so, could they have been lied to about what happened on Earth since they left — after some 60 million took off in the “Brain Drain” of the 50s and 60s?

Could brilliantly complex lies have been designed to make them never want to return to their homeland — for generations now?

Might they have been told that they never could return?

Could a single, innocent word — ‘Texas’ — ultimately be the “shot heard round the solar system,” triggering a revolutionary awakening within the colonies?

Read more at…

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/23/2015 6:33:06 PM

MONDAY, JUNE 22, 2015


We perhaps have so little understanding of the different energies and the energy fields of the planet, mainly because we have forgotten how to tune into them.
I believe that as Atlantis sunk into oblivion, much of our own inherent senses also sunk into oblivion and with it much of the higher mind and the higher states of consciousness.
As mankind is slowly but surely reemerging from its sleep and the consciousness rises, many are experiencing an upgrade as far their own intuitive powers are concerned, while others are not afraid to question and challenge the status quo in science and technology, and therefore are already blazing new trails.
However inherently there is such a lot that needs to come to the fore in the next 10 years, which will truly lift humanity into a higher state of awareness, mainly in the area of energy and its true power and use. This is not the fossil oils, and the solar energy I am talking about but the natural and inherent energy fields of the earth, and most importantly the storing of vast memory banks of information in energy fields.
The human higher mind has immense capacity to tune into energy fields and can then transmit such information into Being without having to use electronic devices like computers. I believe that it is possible to download mass information from cosmic energy fields, just simply by switching on latent systems in the higher mind and then transmitting them.
If one looks at the broader cosmos, stars and star systems, planets and galaxies all abide to some kind of infinite higher mind and higher cosmic order. Nothing is just randomly there and floating through space – all is in higher alignment with the rest of the cosmos, and therefore intricate life and life forms all exist within one single infinite space.
What if such an intricate order and intricate space memory bank existed within the energy fields of the earth and would just be able to start tapping into it, if one remembered how to? What if there were such amazing storage devices which kind of kept the energy fields intact for millions of years and then were purposefully sealed off until such time as human kind would remember how to use the information without abusing such information systems?
I remember having to read some books on remote viewing a few years back, mainly because someone was complaining about the content of these books and I was scanning my way through them. However in reading them, my intuitive mind immediately felt that something was inherently MISSING with all of this. Yes, the army could use these remote viewers to spy on systems etc. and they could gain access to certain buildings etc. and even gain information on other planets, but something within kind of knew that they were still missing the plot.
I one day sat myself down and truly thought about it. This had been mainly due to a conversation I had with the woman who was part of a type of cult which had sprung around a certain author and they had long tried to get me involved with this group – but something within myself had always back-tracked from them, mainly because I felt that this was not my path, nor calling. However, this lady kind of alerted me to the fact that she was using remote viewing for the strange paintings she was kind of channeling. In these painting a central theme and central figures seemed to be repeating itself and I was wondering why. It is then that I understood that remote viewing in itself was but a tool to gain access to what was in a certain form – or patterns of forms, and thus one could only access that which was in that accessible form e.g. buildings, human beings, solid mass, to something akin to that.
It is then that I had one of those strange visions or insights rather that I have from time to time, where I literally have the ability to see beyond the norm and I was shown an energy field which in truth seemed form-less.
I found myself in a space of no-space – it seemed like a dark black void. I became that void and then kind of found myself tumbling into this. At first there was a profound feeling of disintegrating, of becoming part of this void, and then something strange happened. In that I and this energy field became form-less the whole started reassembling and then it started forming geometrical patterns or designs. The next minute I entered those forms, and then I could see that the energy, in sudden ordered patterns, transmitted information at immense light-pockets of information in what I sense were types of beehive patterns. When one pattern had been transmitted, it would disintegrate into the form-lessness again, and then the next pattern would move in place.
It was then that I realize that energy patterns were holding vital information fields and these fields were in a constant state in disintegration and emerging. The one seemed to have ripple effect on the others, but all moved within one enormous single energy field.
So, me at the time, when I came out of all of this, it seemed as if I have just stepped into a type of energy field which was not only cosmic, but interestingly that it INCORPORATED the planet earth.
For days afterwards I was reeling and my mind was churning. I realized that there was something which was so amazing and infinitely THERE, but we humans have forgotten all about it.
I know that scientists talk about the Akashic Energy fileds, the quantum energy fields etc. but to me all these theories somehow were not quite describing what I had just been introduced to.
That experience has open me up to an understanding that we can have as many theories as we like, we can speculate, we can try an impose our very limited human understanding on many things, but we will only ever understand the truth and the true cosmic mind, once we have finally started tapping into this vast energy field I had stumbled into.
Yet, I also understood that one could only access such a vast energy field, when one had reached a certain consciousness level and therefore would be able to enter this without disintegrating. More than this I understood that eventually one would be able to tap into this at will, and one would have access to a giant computer with all the information in the cosmos held within that, and it would simultaneously give one access to all energy and energy systems pertaining to our planet, our solar systems, the Milky Way Galaxy etc.
One would be able to download this and then activate it and one would literally not need anything other than this – except the technology to utilize such potent energy fields transmitted through this field.
In the years following this experience I have had many encounters with this energy field, which I do not wish to go into here. Some it I keep close to my heart, soul and Being, for the time is not right to share this with human kind. Most would not be able to understand anyhow.
I am merely sharing this today, to make you aware, that we as human beings have still got to catch up to the very basic of the cosmic knowledge in order to truly step up into the higher consciousness states, where we finally come to grips with our cosmic inheritance and cosmic citizenship, without trying to control, manipulate and withhold information from other human beings, and most of all, the power plays which seem some seem to thrive on.
Yet, how far off that time seems to me – if ever.
(Judith Kusel)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/23/2015 6:43:03 PM

Mission to Mars Investigates Claims of Slave Labor at Secret Corporate Base

(Exopolitics) Corey Goode today released a report about an inspection tour he claims was held on Mars on June 20 that he attended along with others from a Secret Space Program Alliance. He describes how he was first picked up from his home by a blue/indigo sphere that belongs to a group of advanced extraterrestrial visitors called the “Sphere Being Alliance”, which have appointed him to be their delegate at all meetings involving Earth’s secret space programs. The sphere took Goode to a secret base on the moon called Lunar Operations Command where he met with a Lt Colonel Gonzales, the delegate representing a Secret Space Program Alliance wanting to fully disclose to the world the truth about extraterrestrial life and advanced technologies.

Goode describes how he and Gonzales were each assigned a security team of two Intuitive Empath (IE) assistants (a position Goode previously held for 20 years when he served in the Solar Warden Space program from 1987 to 2007). Goode and Gonzales were accompanied on the trip to Mars by a representative of the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC). The ICC evolved out of a consortium of companies such as Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, Boeing Corporations etc., that create the advanced technologies used by the five secret space programs that emerged in the post-World War 2 era.

Goode says that the trip took 30 minutes which is longer than the few minutes it normally takes to travel to Mars since it is currently on the opposite side of the sun. The total current distance is approximately 250 million miles apart (~420 million km) which means that Goode’s transport shuttle averaged a staggering ¾ the speed of light. Conventional rocket propelled craft would take up to 260 days to make the same journey.

What immediately caught my attention was what Goode said about the roof of the shuttle craft as it left the LOC:

As we lifted off and flew through the bay doors that opened we could see the surface of the moon grow distant quickly and then the earth through the transparent panels in the walls of the vessel. We then went to speed and the panels changed to an opaque color.

This is very similar to what Randy Cramer (aka Captain Kaye) described seeing when he was first taken to Mars by a shuttle from Lunar Operations Command back in 1987:

Interestingly enough, the feeling inside the vehicle when he pulled out of the hangar bay and positioned himself at whatever distance he was from the earth, whatever perfect distance they wanted so that when the visual array came on, and the ceilings became a projection of what the vehicle was seeing in front of it. … You really had a sense that we were all hovering in space in these chairs, staring out at Earth, getting our big look for the last time, and it was awe-inspiring. It absolutely stands out as one of the most amazing moments in my entire life.

Goode describes the terms that had been agreed to between the representatives of the ICC and the Secret Space Program Alliance Council for what would happen once they reached Mars:

Gonzales again told the ICC Representative that we appreciated them agreeing to the terms of allowing us to bring the armed security, choosing the site of the conference once in orbit, the tours and allowing us to bring one family of our choosing back with us to question and to either provide sanctuary to or allow to return to their home colony depending on the families wishes. I sat and listened since I had not been a part of the negotiations and hoped to overhear something new from the process.

Upon arrival at Mars, Gonzales was given by the ICC representative a list of ICC facilities on Mars in the northern hemisphere that would be suitable for the base inspection. Gonzales instead requested a location in the southern hemisphere which greatly concerned the ICC representative who at first denied its existence. Gonzales insisted that the base existed according to fresh intelligence. The ICC then contacted his superiors and said it would take an hour to prepare the base for the inspection…

Read More →

Dr. Michael E. SallaDr. Michael E. Salla is an internationally recognized scholar in international politics, conflict resolution and US foreign policy, and is the author/editor of an additional four books including The Hero’s Journey Toward a Second American Century (Greenwood Press, 2002); Essays on Peace (Central Queensland University Press, 1995); Why the Cold War Ended(Greenwood Press, 1995); and Islamic Radicalism, Muslim Nations and the West (1993). He has also authored more than seventy articles, chapters, and book reviews on peace, ethnic conflict and conflict resolution. He has held academic appointments in the School of International Service & the Center for Global Peace, American University, Washington DC (1996-2004); the Department of Political Science, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (1994-96); and the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington D.C., (2002). He has a Ph.D in Government from the University of Queensland, Australia, and an M.A. in Philosophy from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He has conducted research and fieldwork in the ethnic conflicts in East Timor, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Sri Lanka, and organized peacemaking initiatives involving mid to high level participants from these conflicts. More →

Source: Dr. Michael Salla — Exopolitics


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/24/2015 7:08:04 PM

The Oracle Report, Wednesday, June 24, 2015

It is still very early here, but I’m publishing a few very important posts to get the info out. I’ll be back with more later.
Interestingly, when I go to Zerohedge, my computer automatically and rapidly begins to overheat. . . Hmmmm :)
What I think we are seeing here is the complete disconnect of the cabal from reality.
This makes them very dangerous.




First Quarter Moon Phase: step out, take action

Moon in Libra

Goddess of Wisdom: Bagalamukhi (Goddess Who Restores Stability)

God of Will: Ian (God of the East)

Skill: seeing and holding the true values of life

True Alignments: breaks in the chain, alchemy (magical changes from one state to another) highest ideals beginning to take shape or see the light, advancement, generating energy, balance, appreciation, embarking, clear vision, lighthearted, innocence and sincerity

Catalysts for Change: suppressed creativity, power plays, manipulating words and speech to persuade or cover up, wasting, clouding or redirecting focus from the issue, imbalance, lack of appreciation, perfectionism, insecurities

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “winter frost in the woods”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

A layer in the heaviness of the energy lifts today with the start of the First Quarter Moon phase. The double-Crescent or “doubly challenging” energetic signatures have ended. The remainder of the lunar month still carriers the underlying current of Crescent (challenging) energy, but not to the level it was over the past four days.

The planet Chiron stationed retrograde just before 8:30 am ET/12:30 pm UT today. Chiron holds the archetypal energy of wounding, healing, and teaching. It retrogrades today at 22 Pisces and the Sabian symbol that has been in effect since May 21, 2015, “a prophet bringing down the new law from Mt Sinai.” Bringing down the new law is the theme and mission of Chiron’s energy until it stations direct at the end of November. Sands are cleared, spells are broken, illusions are dissolved, and lies are revealed. It all leads to where everything else is leading — rebirth, renaissance — as Chiron will station direct at the degree of the Sabian symbol of “an Easter promenade.”

Obviously, with these energetics, the period of Chiron’s retrograde will also affect geopolitical issues of religion and territory.

Chiron is the teacher you hope you get in high school. Not only does he deliver the greatest teachings, he does so in a way that we can really understand. He inspires. One of the many things with which Chiron excels is teaching those who have been wounded by their experiences how to feel better. He always wants to make us better. The teachings of Chiron heal the mind, body, and soul, and they ripple through space and time.

Today’s energetics do carry old elements of conflict, unrest, uprising, manipulation, mind control, and confusion. While this is happening, we hold to this month’s mission of preserving and protecting the values of life. Respect, freedom, love, honor, integrity, duty, appreciation, equality, nature, beauty… What else would be on your list of what’s worth preserving and protecting. This is the mindset of a wise owl today.

(Note: I will be Phoenix’s guest on Phoenix Rising Radio tomorrow, Thursday, June 25 from 10pm to midnight Eastern Time on Truth Frequency Radio. Hope you can join us!)

NOTE FROM JEAN: Phoenix also did this interview that I strongly suggest:

Video Proof That Nibiru Has Come and Gone, PLUS – Phoenix Welcomes Dr. Simon Atkins – Truth Frequencty Radio – Great Show!

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/24/2015 7:12:53 PM

Ida Lawrence: Got Any Labels on You?

Ida LawrenceToday I’d like to talk about what we’re talking about. Terminology: doctors have their own that only they understand, lawyers have theirs, schoolbooks compete for the ‘most boring’ crown, and psychologists have some nice big words to make simple things sound complex, businesses have their very specific terminology, farmers have theirs, and ‘urban’ just has terminology fun.

Religions definitely invented plenty of new terms and probably argued about the meaning of them for a hundred years or so. Who knows… maybe they’re still arguing about what the soul is. And ‘New Age’ has its own terminology too; concepts that we either understand, or we cruise on past pretending that we understand.

A few months ago one of my family members told me, “I like what you write but do you have to use terms like the matrix? What are you talking about… the matrix movie? That’s the only thing that turns me off about your blog.” I figured he had a legitimate complaint, so I started using ‘system’ or ‘control system’. We know what we mean by ‘matrix’, but our definition isn’t in the dictionary. What is in the dictionary has to do with math, or something nebulous, like a form from which something else forms.

The other day I watched the TV personality Bill Nye have some fun with the New Age use of the term – the universe. The joke was that the universe has been newly defined as a ‘force’ that has the ability to communicate with and give guidance to white women in their twenties. I found it to be a very funny commentary, and I understood exactly why he was having fun with the term. It isn’t an easy one to figure out.

Hopefully we’ll always be able to laugh at ourselves and appreciate a joke… especially if it’s irreverent and it takes down our ‘seriousness’ about ourselves. People can make up new terms or new meanings for terms any time they want to… it’s one of our creative privileges with language. The down sides would be that you could limit your audience to those in the know, or, limit yourself in order to fit into a label, or, create a ‘trigger word’ problem that closes minds.

I actually wrote an article about ‘the universe’ some months ago, entitled “The Big Kahuna in the Sky.” Do we we mean that the universe is a wish fulfiller, or something akin to the ‘all-powerful who knows what I’m thinking’ God of my childhood? In the article I tried to work my way through the question, and really didn’t come up with an answer that satisfied me.

But, considering the fact that we seem to understand what we’re talking about, the universe, to us, might just be the communications of the soul, intuition, prescience, synchronicity, feeling or sensing energy, or being in touch with the higher self. Truthfully, the way we receive some of the information that we take in is mystical… we’re open, it’s out there, we pick up on it. It’s wise to honor that.

So, ‘the universe’ is understandable to us, and not so clear to people who would like to understand us.

There’s another term that I wonder about, and this one I’m a little uncomfortable with. Maybe that says something about me, but, what really are light workers? Is it a job title? I don’t think so, but I’ve heard it in reference to healers, teachers, energy workers, life coaches and so on. Maybe a light worker is simply someone who is on the spiritual path, learning about, and working on uncovering the light within. That would make them a light worker.

But in any case, light worker sounds kind of ‘special’ and that brings me to another person who has fun with New Age trends and labels, JP Sears. He coined the term ‘ultra spiritual’, and he carefully explained that the point is not to actually be spiritual, but to be ‘seen’ as more spiritual than anyone else. He hasn’t taken on the light worker term as yet, but it could be down the road. In his ultra spiritual videos he offers one hilarious scene after another and some of it is well targeted. If nothing else, it makes us think.

Moving back to my family member whose opinion is valuable to me, in that he is open-minded and interested. There are some terms I find comfortable that might not be comfortable to him. One that is easily a trigger, yet easily explained, is ‘ascension’.

Disclaimer: We’re not talking about the faithful ‘ascending’ to somewhere off-world, leaving the rest here to suffer. That’s a little too magical and cold-hearted for most people

To me, ‘ascension’ refers to a fairly large number of people reaching a level of expanded consciousness wherein they understand the inherent connection of all living things, they are aware of themselves as consciousness in physical form, and they know that consciousness is woven through quite a bit more than three dimensions. My family member could really appreciate this, as he’s into theoretical physics and open to metaphysics. So, all it takes for him to ‘get it’ is an explanation of the term.

I actually believe ascension is in process, which brings me to another term: paradigm shift. When a large enough number of people reach a new way of understanding, this will be a paradigm shift. It’s a meaningful term and one that fits with what’s happening.

Here’s another term that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately, as to me it speaks of spiritual maturity. I believe it was Soren Dreier who coined ‘heart people’, and it was in an article of his that I first heard it. I wondered, “Who are the heart people,” but of course they are us… just us growing up.

We think of consciousness as being seated in the mind, and it is. But can the Light of consciousness be at home in the heart as well? Yes – the heart-centered journey is quite an old one, revealed in poetry and in esoteric religious understanding. It seems to me that ‘heart-centered’ is what we are growing up into. It’s private, honorable, responsible, healing, grounded in the physical and manifested in relationships.

Here’s a quote from one of Albert Einstein’s letters to his daughter: “There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identified by us. This universal force is LOVE.”

Within the heart-centered journey, we can step away from some of the practices that we’ve been so religiously engaged in. We don’t need to therapeutically re-live the past anymore. We can stop worrying about every negative thought or disruptive emotion. We can depart from the dominance of the intellect, and direct our trust and our love to our own innocent and loving heart, our own Light.

Example: Every day we are guided by intentions and faced with choices and decisions. If, when making a decision, we consider this question: “What is the choice that will best serve my own heart,” the answer will be liberating and doable, not only benefiting ourselves, but it will benefit and serve to liberate all.

Now, maybe we can finish up with one more term: ‘awaken’. The word would actually be directed toward someone like my family member, who is a mature adult enjoying success in the business world. But… he doesn’t need to awaken. Although he might appear to be asleep, he’s observant and he’s interested. We don’t want to turn him off and we probably won’t. He’s very attracted to the truth so that gives him staying power.

To conclude… this world seems to have a need for special descriptive terms and labels that work well in memes and sound bytes but serve to make our communications shallow. No word can contain the depth and height and meaning of a human being evolving and expanding in consciousness, except perhaps what Einstein said… LOVE.

“Got Any Labels On You?” by Ida Lawrence, June 11, 2015 at

Original link: Got Any Labels On You?

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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