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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/24/2015 7:14:05 PM

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle: June 23, 2015

Sheldan-Nicle-PAO5 Ix, 12 Kayab, 11 Ik

Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) We are here to report on the status of the initial transferences of funds to North America.

At present, we are preparing to complete the process, which is to permit your blessings to become available to you all. We have been forced to make some additional corrections to what we thought was to be the final directives needed to finish this particular task.

Our partners in this project report that a number of final tweaks are still required. Thus, we are now in the process of jointly doing what is necessary to assure our success. This entire process is at most extremely stressful to our earthly allies.

The dark cabal continues to use its remaining positions of power as a way constantly to thwart them from achieving even a modicum of victory. It is reaching a point where we need to do what is essential for our allies to get the triumph they richly deserve.

Meanwhile, the dark cabal is continuing to face defeat on every other issue. It is becoming quite clear that our intervention is now required. Heaven is decreeing in our favor and we expect every issue to be resolved shortly.

The dark cabal is, after all, those who gladly carried out the dark wishes of the Anunnaki for nearly 13 millennia. These rogues have a deep inner feeling that even without their former lords they are still invincible. Somehow they believe that a means can be found to delay the inevitable.

We have over the years tolerated their miscreant behavior since neither Heaven nor our allies wished to reject them from power. We are greatly disgusted by their adverse behavior. It is essential that these dark rascals be swiftly isolated and given a fate, which keeps them from your door.

This need to get them ‘out of the way’ is something that now needs to be done in a very drastic way. We are planning a surprise, which can easily achieve this prime purpose. Until then, expect no success and ready yourselves for some immediate disappointments.

However, this process is not to be a long one. We intend to be able to hoist these vile rapscallions by their own petard! So do not fear! The end to this long wait is really quite near!

As you prepare to finally be given your blessings, be able to see how these many funds can be used by you to carry out your humanitarian visions. These monies are to be used to bring peace, harmony and abundance to your societies. There is as well the need to use these funds to heal, inform and prepare your fellows for a new time in this realm.

You are being asked to teach your societies about the great many changes that are to occur once the manipulative propaganda of the dark cabal is out of the way. You need to explain the numerous changes that are to be the mainstay of your new governance and why it was implemented. There is a great need to provide answers to the way all of this is to be introduced to you.

At present, you lack a basic understanding of why you are in limited consciousness and how this transition to full consciousness is to work. Much is to be provided by your mentors. Nevertheless, you need specially trained others to explain this knowledge further and ready you for how this reality operates.

As you can see, the delays have kept you from numerous truths and realities. We are counting on many of you to provide a vehicle, which permits anyone to look really deeply into any subject matter and can easily clarify what any one mentor is doing to prepare you for the transition to this new reality of magnificent beauty.

You need to have much, easily explained to you. You require devices, which can easily exhibit the power to heal any one. It is vital as well that you see in some fashion how you can ‘youth’ and overcome present health difficulties. These changes are only examples of how to overcome those problems put forth long ago by the Atlantean scientists.

What is truly vital is to look deeply into why you were so afflicted and how these new devices can alter you and provide a gateway to even more amazing results. Think in terms of what this means and do not be enamored by what they do. You are to be given a quick evolvement to your full potential. This is a gift, which you are expected to take on new responsibilities.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! What is blessedly happening in this reality is a final struggle between the Light and the dark. This conflict has been going on for a very long time. We are using our focus and vision to resolve the current phase of this unholy battle. The dark has long held an advantage.

At present, this is coming apart and the scraps from this conflict are only temporarily delaying what is to happen. This next period of time promises to be when the dark’s strengths can be ruptured. The result of these actions is to produce a means to successfully distribute the blessings that we have long promised.

Our vision is for this moment to start a series of operations to begin a great alteration in your reality. Then, the Light can start in earnest to implement a vast series of programs, which are finally to change your realm forever. These are to set the stage for our lessons and the formal arrival of your spiritual and space families.

Hossana! We look forward in glee to what can then be possible. The past 26,000 years (roughly a great galactic year) set the stage for what has happened to Gaia and her people. Migrations to and from Gaia framed the very nature of what occurred. This time has passed. A new time is set!

This time is not about a paradise lost and found. It is about a great reunion and a time to move outward to carry out a most grand set of heavenly directives for this sector of physicality. As you move back into the divine state of galactic humanness, be ever mindful of the magnificent responsibilities that you are to gladly embrace.

Creation is a sacred set of divine thoughts. You unfold these. You have innumerable companions to assist in this most incredible mission. Each of them is dedicated to completing what their part is! What you are required to do is to approach them and work out a mutually acceptable solution.

As you can see, a most remarkable time lies ahead of you. Our supreme task is to guide you successfully through all the difficulties resulting from your actions. The next times are therefore to introduce you to those who are your ancestors and those who have agreed to help.

This process is one, which is most complex. Long ago, in Atlantis, you began a quest that has taken you nearly 13 millennia to complete. In the beginning we were important, yet still somewhat few in number and seemingly quite marginal to this vast project. Yet as time moved forward, we became more in numbers and quite essential to the outcome.

We are therefore fairly understanding of what needs to be done next. In this mode, we began about eight centuries ago to forge a way to allow us to guide you to the path most favored by Heaven. You are now at the very edge of what Heaven has fashioned. The rest is to be your joyous destiny!

Today, as usual, we have given you an overview of what is about to occur. Take this data and know deep in your heart that a most marvelous and joyous event is ready to happen. With this, we leave you now.

Be happy and Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle, June 23, 2015, at

Source link: Sheldan Nidle PAO Update for June 23, 2015

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/24/2015 7:19:09 PM

Peter Borys Jr: Love is the True Self as Soul-Body

Peter BorysThe whole human journey of awakening is about emanating love. Our sole purpose as incarnated souls is to be love, love, and receive love. Thus, the entire journey of higher consciousness is only about love. In being love, we emanate the Divine essence and energy.

In describing the shift in consciousness, as well as human healing and transformation, we use many images and concepts of the thinking mind.

The ideas and information include, but are not limited to ascension, healing, evolving, transforming, fifth dimensional consciousness, resonance, holographic frequencies, crystalline cellular consciousness, light and sound, chakras, and the pineal gland, etc.

While all of this information may assist our understanding of how our infinite Divine consciousness manifests as unique souls and frequencies within dimensional existence, it can at this time obscure our only purpose that emanates all of this—it is love.

Human beings in a fear-based consciousness of an overlay thinking mind and reactive emotional system are very poor communicators. Humanity has been conditioned with static, friction, noise, and limitation that we describe as ego consciousness.

The programmed ego mind system is a duality awareness of conflict, control, and separation. With this consciousness, humanity interprets a communication from within its own perception of conditioned experience. In ego awareness, there is a misalignment with Divine love.

Therefore, in the ego there is always misreading, misinterpretation, and either an intentional or unintentional fixation on the separate self. This awareness of self is not the unique self in unity, but is a compensating self that seeks to fulfill needs without the freedom of love.

Love has no agenda, no seeking, no manipulation, and no self-centered interest arising from a fear conditioning of a sense of lack. There is no egoic consciousness in love, only the unique Divine soul in unity with all. Love of self and love of the other are one.

Love never denies one’s good, but in being love is always factoring in the interests of others and does its best to serve those interests. It is not born of self-denial or suffering, rather it is an essence as energy pulsating forth in freedom and unity by seeing the other’s interests as one’s own.

Love is a unitary being and consciousness that is an awareness of the unity of love. Without this pure unity, there is no fullness and purity of love. The peaceful silence and dynamic action of love is infinite and eternal. It knows no boundary or restrictive wall to the free and fluid flow of harmonic frequency.

The true Divine being of the human soul-body is a knowing Light mind using intuitive capabilities of mind and the Divine feeling body through the physical subtle energies and the higher multidimensional soul awareness.

While the soul is emanating and expressing as a physical body vehicle, it opens to its infinite knowing and intuition through heart consciousness. It is in heart consciousness that the soul-body experiences the Divine soul as love. In this infinite awareness, there are no veils, overlays, armoring, or censoring ego. There is only the free and fully coherent love that is the nature of our creative soul.

Love is the underlying creative power of the universe and non-dimensional existence. The true nature of the human being is love. We have been restricted from being the fullness of the love that we are by living a false consciousness through the energy of a distorting matrix.

The false chaotic web of frequencies isolates humans from the pure communication and interaction with each other and the creative universe. In this matrix, communication is always jammed, restrictive, and misaligned. Thus, humans really do not understand or know each other as they truly are. In the fear-based frequencies, there is always a slightly different angle that does not align in perfect synchrony.

Humanity must remember, return, awaken, and transform to our true being of love. In love, there is infinite knowing and pure feeling awareness. There is total synchronic coherence. Thus, there are no more dense energies of perpetual misunderstanding.

In love, there is no longer separation or disconnection. Love is a conscious connection that never ceases. Through love, the knowing Light mind can emanate its intentional awareness to experience unique frequencies of expression. These frequencies are always in unity with the whole as they provide an aspect of the joy of an infinite expression of creativity.

In a myriad of ways, human consciousness has been imprisoned in a false Earth matrix that simulates human interaction without the fullness of love. We must awaken to the Divine love that we are as a soul emanating as a physical body on Earth.

As the Sun and Earth system continues to shift in order to change the holographic frequency to a range where the false matrix no longer resonates, it is each human’s choice to be the infinite love of the Divine soul expressing as a Divine body on Earth.

May we open to the love that we are so as to restore our infinite conscious communication with each other in our journey of love, peace, joy, and unlimited creativity.

“Love is the True Self as Soul-Body” by Peter Borys Jr, June 22, 2015 at

Original link: Love is the True Self as Soul-Body

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/24/2015 7:26:37 PM

Golden Gaia News Roundup: June 24, 2015

news roundupPolitics & Reform: Can the States Assist in Immigration Policy?

Save Alaska, Texas and California are America’s largest states (by area), and with their big land, they’ve got big ideas! With both states bordering Mexico, they’ve decided to take on the immigration issue, given the federal system does not seem to be very effective.

It seems said states are taking their cues from Canada and Australia, which also have continent-spanning countries with diverse melting pots of culture. “In a recent report, Canada called its Provincial Nominee Program a success; 96% of the program’s immigrants to Manitoba, British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan were employed within a year, many filling niche rolls in the labor market.”

“If the U.S. government followed that example and relinquished some migration powers to state governments, we’d see a proliferation of different visas regulated in various ways.”

California is exploring the implementation of high tech and agricultural jobs for new immigrants, and similarly Texas might incorporate visas for agriculture, high tech, and construction positions.

And Michigan is even considering a program for real estates investors in Detroit. If all goes well, these pilots programs may develop in many more states.

The Assembly of California Assembly recently passed worker visa bill doctored by Assemblyman Luis Alejo (D-Salinas). Alejo acknowledged that the federal system has been failing and offered, “If California wants change in immigration policy, we as state officials must stand up and lead.” This bill would, in fact, grant currently residing farmworkers a visa to continue employment.

Although this program may ease some immigration woes, there are concerns, such as abuse of guest workers which unfortunately has occurred previously at the federal level. One solution could be to connect the worker visa to the employment in a specific State, rather than to individual employers.

It seems that States are in a “better position than the federal government to discover, appropriately punish, and design programs to prevent worker abuse. State guest workers would not be eligible for citizenship,” considering the federal government chooses naturalization.

While not yet perfect, at least this program could create custom-tailored jobs to meet local needs. And given the difficulties with immigration laws at the federal level, why not allow States to give it a-go, especially considering they’re doing a decent job ironing out other federal issues, such as welfare, education, and drug policies?

Op-Ed Immigration reform: Let the States Lead the Way by Alex Nowrasteh. LA Times.

Auto Industry & Sustainability: Exploring New Uses for Old Electric Car Batteries.

Like the previous story, this article is most exciting for me as it proposes new usages for old electric car batteries. Noting that typically old batteries are disposed of only to gather dust in a junk yard or maybe in the back of an auto dealer lot — not cool! While old electric car batteries can no longer power a car, they still have enough power in them to execute smaller tasks.

“On Monday, Nissan plans to announce that it has teamed up with startup Green Charge Networks to reuse batteries from Nissan’s LEAF electric car to store energy for commercial and industrial buildings. The partnership is an important milestone because Nissan’s LEAF is among the best selling electric cars with over 70,000 sold in the U.S.”

This of course is a relatively new industry, given that the electric cars started hitting the roads approximately five years ago. As such, said batteries are at their 5-6 year mark, where many are now expiring, opening the opportunity for these to be re-purposed.

Luckily, Nissan is not the only company looking to extend the life of their electric car batteries. GM announced their plans for other battery uses yesterday at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, having spent time and energy with heavy hitters ABB and Duke Energy.

“Green Charge Networks is among a handful of startups that are using low cost batteries to help corporate customers manage their energy use. When electricity rates are high, like during a hot summer afternoon, it automatically shifts customer energy use from the traditional power grid to batteries. The goal is to help clients lower their electricity bills. UPS, 7-Eleven, and Walgreens are among the companies that have signed on.”

Old Electric Car Batteries Will Have a Big Future. Here’s How by Katie Fehrenbacher. Fortune.

Across our beautiful world, We Are All One.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/24/2015 9:21:58 PM


Méline Portia Lafont ~ Decoding and Deactivation of the human mind

This exercise is to be done with headphones for an optimal result!!

If you wish to download and have this audio + pdf you can purchase this on Méline's Website :

This tool is co-created by Méline Portia Lafont and the Heavenly Realms of Light. This tool is
conveyed through the higher Heart wisdom of all creation and assists in the decoding and
deactivation of the Human mind. Hence this tool is merely an activation of the energies that are
already stored within you and which you represent as an eternal Multi-Dimensional being. Thus this needs to be viewed as a tool that will assist you and not as a miracle solution that will do things for you. Instead you can co-create with this channeled tool and experience your SELF on deeper levels.

This process is to be done multiple times as the deactivation of a mindset, which has been
programmed within you during aeons, is not done overnight. We therefore deactivate layer by layer
as we experience a deeper groove into this process.

Tools are thus made available to assist you on this highway of Ascension to ease the path of
awakening and to allow you to experience all of YOU as conscious as possible. We are living in a
remarkable time where everything is given for us to work with if we wish to. Therefore it is up to you to make the steps and to create what is yours to BE.

With Love and Blessings,

Méline Portia Lafont

Ascension Guide and Gatekeeper from the Violet Ray

I AM you and YOU are ME ~ in Oneness we ARE and in Love we BE.

Copyright © Méline Lafont 2012 – 2015

Background music by Orin Da Ben ~ Thaddues: Solar Light Transmission.

Tibetan Singing Bowl frequency Solfeggio 417 Hz by

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
6/24/2015 9:32:47 PM


Anna Merkaba ~ Singularity of Action – The Hathors


Greetings everyone! Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note.

I know that I have not been in touch with you for what seems like eons to me. And many of you have been wondering where I disappeared to. The reason that I vanished so suddenly is due to a family emergency that has arrived at my shores without any warning. A close family member has had a stroke and everything changed in a split of a second for the entire family. The last three weeks I have spent day and night in intensive care unit at a hospital assisting him in fighting through the density surrounding him, helping him find a link to himself, grab on to that link and pull himself out of the karmic wheel of life. What an experience it was and still is, an experience of the most incredible growth of consciousness yet!
Whilst it was the family emergency that has rapidly brought me to NY on moment’s notice, as I was spending every waking and not waking hour at the hospital I realized that I was called there to assist many. I found myself working on many souls who were in the hospital at the time, seeing every single intricate occurrence that went on in every room of the hospital simultaneously! I saw new souls entering this planet and those who have finished their journey here on earth departing. I saw angels and various guides working around the clock to assist all who are interconnected in this amazing web of life. Each second of every day was filled with tremendous energy flow which kept me awake for days. Surging energies pulsating through my body dispersing this life force not only throughout the hospital but many miles into the city.

And whilst there, I kept thinking of the latest
channeling that I have shared with all of you before my sudden departure. A channeling which spoke about grand changes coming our way, changes and wrapping up of loose ends as one phase is coming to an end and another is about to flung its doors wide open to all of us. It is there that I have realized that we are moving in the right direction for all of us. The right direction for earth herself and for the universe enlarge. No matter the experiences that I have gone through in the last month, the lessons learnt and the expansion of consciousness experienced not only by myself but everyone around me touched me to the core!
Things certainly are changing rapidly now, and can go any way that we desire them to go, unexpectedly, urgently, swiftly. I know all of us are feeling the changes, and are being pushed one way or another to accept the inevitable expansion of degree of consciousness. And so, It is from the bottom of my heart that I send all of you the strength, vitally, perseverance, light, patience, understanding and tremendous illumination of pure cosmic power of love to carry you through these amazing, and yet turbulent times.
Once again we’re getting there and the support from the angelic realms and all our benevolent co-creators is felt, acknowledged and welcomed!
I also wanted to inform all of you that I am once again available for healing sessions. To learn more about what I do please see my blog at
Now having said this, here is the channeling that I have received from the Hathors.
“Singularity of action stems from the results of benevolent benign encounters of the unconditional understanding of BEing. Singularity of action, stems from misconduct and misunderstanding of the reality structure of the matrix at hand.
For through the matrix at hand much has indeed been gleaned of the universal codices. For the codices of the universe which have unfolded to create a maze which you are experiencing, have made amazing strides into the direction of full awakening, of full accord of being, have allowed the universal consciousness to expand the mass of the degree of benevolence.
The universal consciousness has indeed been influenced by that which is happening presently on your planet. Why is it then so important for your consciousness to expand, what is then such importance of said experiment? The importance of said experiment is to compare the zero degree of consciousness, to the tenth of the billions percent of antiquity, to examine the core structure of society, to examine the cognition of said realities and to finally arrive at the final understanding of said equation.
The new reconstructive cognition and the debris of yesteryear are transforming into a new reality structure, a structure from which a new species and new Beings and order of things shall emerge, leaving behind the matrix of the beholders and arriving at the new cognitive understanding of that which is.
What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds, is that the phase two of full awakening is rapidly spreading its influence throughout your world perfectly so, in alignment with all that you are. And so and thus, the informational decree which has been bestowed upon you is taking route and shape in the form of oneness, collective cognition of realities of the past interlinking with cognitive understanding of that which truly is.
The reconstructive abilities of human beings, their understanding of karmic realities, their understanding of changes occurring within, their knowledge of self, their desire to transform.
Goddess Vortex Disc
Goddess Vortex Disc by Natalya Ankh
The benevolent cognition of the principle of being, has ignited the core of your earthly structures. The core of the earthly structures have indeed been ignited by the considerable amount of transformation that has indeed taken place on your planet. The transformation within the core structures of earthly ways of life, through the chaos that you see unfolding rapidly before you, the human consciousness of those who indeed are causing set unrest is showcasing to all that the release and purification of said objectives is well under way. The release of said energies, which the beholders are indeed experiencing and releasing is transmuted into the light by those stationed on Gaia who have indeed been prepared for said initiatives. Who have indeed taken shape and form on your planet in order to attend to said goals and bring them to fruition.
What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds is that as the unrest and deliberate exposure the chaos that is being created, is nothing more than an act of kindness by that which you deem to be “dark” for indeed the release of said energies within the human psyche is akin to a volcano erupting on the mount, for through the eruption of said energies the “lava” can flow freely transforming the landscape and forming a new platform on which to grow, experience, and be.
And so, and thus, as foliations erupt tidily within your emotional cognition of being, the earth and human beings are both clearing the way for a new platform to emerge. A new platform which already is underway and should emerge within your realities in the months to come. The new platform of cognition, action, activity. For each and every moment of your experience, the souls who are set to release all that is standing in their ways shall release and unleash said energies.
And so, the energy for the coming months shall find you riding a phenomenal wave of powerful vibrations, phenomenal wave of powerful vibrations uplifting you and carrying you faster and faster and higher and higher to the culmination point of ignition.
And once said culmination point occurs, once all is in alignment with that which indeed is to be, once all are in place a phenomenal spectacle of light shall be seen before your very eyes, a light vibration that has not been seen on your planet for hundreds of thousands of years, for eons. For indeed your planet and all who dwell therein are traversing time and space on their way back to whence they have come from.
For all are traveling home, home to themselves, home to the new reality of being. And so, the experiment is coming to an end, and your roles of way showers, leaders, gateway keepers, key holders, guides, benevolent co-creators and originators of all that is, is commencing, swiftly lifting you and carrying you to the locations around your globe where you are meant to be for the moment at hand. Throwing you rapidly into the swirling energies which you are meant to uphold. Assisting you in all that you are here to BE.
Stay in the light dearly beloveds. Stay in balance, in perfect alignment with that which indeed you are. In perfect alignment with the source of all that is. Remember your power and keep the ignition key ready for the moment of absolute action is nearing. Remember your divinity and walk with dignity in your stride. Know that we are walking with you hand in hand and foot in foot. Know that you are supported by all that is! Know that it is so. For it is!
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.”
pdfdownloadableversioncoverP.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit :
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. annamerkabadistantenergyhealerTo book a Healing Session with Anna
and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL
Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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