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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2015 6:56:44 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: You Were Created to Experience the Bliss of Union in Every Moment

Jesus postingJohn’s audio reading is available here.

Here in the heavenly realms, the state from which you seem to be so far removed, we are in celebratory mood as your awakening draws ever closer.

I know you have heard this before, but words are extremely limiting and so we have to repeat ourselves very frequently to ensure that you “get” the message that we are charged with delivering to you. Namely, anything that is not of Love, of God, of Source, is unreal, of the illusion. You are Real, the illusion is not!

But the illusion’s seeming reality constantly confuses you and leads you to make unwise or erratic choices that in the moment that you make them seem appropriate. Then, when things do not work out as you had hoped, fear and anger arise.

Dreams, nightmares, and general illusory states of consciousness are the indicators pointing to the unreality of what you are experiencing as life as humans. That is why, when you come to awareness of the unsatisfactory nature of your lives, that you are drawn to seek real meaning in life; the lives most of you lead are not satisfying.

You were created to experience the bliss of Union in every moment, and within the illusion that most definitely is not what you do experience. So you seek meaning, but mostly within the ongoing dream where no answers can be found. We commune with you, when you quieten your busy minds and let us in, in order to offer you the guidance that will lead you Home.

We are always here for you and we always hear your calls, but due to the many distractions with which the illusion presents you, constantly, it is frequently very difficult for you to hear us. That is why we keep emphasizing your need to enter the peace and quiet of your inner sanctuary every day to commune with us, your guides, angels, and spiritual mentors, so that we can assist you with your inevitable and imminent awakening. How long do you want to go on sleeping and missing all the joy that awaits your awakening?

For many of you a quiet mind is an unacceptable condition, a condition that you need to correct by thinking. But it is only when you temporarily cease thinking that you are open to “hearing” us, that is sensing and feeling the intuitive ideas that we suggest to you. It is those ideas that bring you peace, a sense of belonging, of divine purpose, enabling you to lay down your worries and anxieties and rest in the assurance of knowing that where you are is precisely where you are meant to be in this now moment.

And that relieves your stress and lowers your blood pressure. It is very good for you! When you allow yourselves to let go of stress inducing worries and anxieties you move forwards towards your awakening, and be advised that you can no longer regress because the human collective has made the irreversible decision to awaken. That is why we are in a celebratory mood, well, hardly a mood! We are in a state of anticipatory celebration as we see what lies ahead for you.

So, please, make a determined effort daily to enter your holy inner sanctuary and call on us for assistance in your awakening process. THEN just relax, allow all thoughts, worries, or anxieties to just fall away. You can do that, and we will help you. When you do you allow God’s Love to suffuse you, bringing you into a state of unaccustomed peace and contentment in which you engage only with the now moment, the only moment there ever is.

It is in this now moment that peace, joy, ecstasy, in fact eternal and infinite Love can be momentarily experienced, bringing into your awareness the wonders that await your awakening.

Most of you are burdened with utterly invalid feelings of unworthiness and inadequacy that were inculcated into your personal belief systems when you were children by those who were assisting you to grow from childhood to adulthood. And those caregivers were only passing on their own beliefs which they “knew,” from their own human life experiences, that you needed to accept and honor for your own good and safety, earthly or eternal.

They were of course misguided, but they were doing their best for you. Don’t judge or blame them, understand that they, in their limited understanding, were doing what they honestly believed was in your best interests. Just be aware that you were given invalid information with the best of intentions, let it go, and forgive those who led you astray. They were, on the whole, acting from love.

Remember that within the illusion, where you are experiencing a very limited form of consciousness while living as humans, that the concept of love is severely misunderstood. It is thought that true love involves sacrifice and self-negation. This is most definitely not the case.

You, every human without exception, is One with God, with Source, and therefore you are Love! So, being Love, it is your divine nature to LOVE Yourselves. When you love yourselves you are then in a position to love others.

If you are taught to discount yourselves, as so many of you were, to refrain from loving yourselves, then, as long as you accept that insane belief, there is no way that you can possibly love another, because you have shut Love out of your lives, out of your hearts, hidden It behind the veil of the illusion. That was a free will choice you made as you entered the illusion to prove to yourself that you had no need of Love. Insanity!

Love will flow through you to all with whom you interact in any way at all, and to Earth and all life forms, when you love and honor yourselves. When you don’t love and honor yourselves love is blocked, leading to enormous unhappiness and suffering. Planetwide this has been the case for eons, but now, since the middle of the last century, this state of denial of love, in which sacrifice is demanded instead, has been in the process of being released, and signs of this are apparent everywhere.

Love conquers all. And Love, the Tsunami of Love, is opening every heart. Some are indeed resisting, but, as the “aliens” in one of your sci-fi movies stated so forcefully: “Resistance is Futile.” Humanity’s awakening into Love is divinely assured, all that you need do is go within, daily, and allow that Love to suffuse you totally.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Jesus: You Were Created to Experience the Bliss of Union in Every Moment. Channelled by John Smallman, June 21, 2015,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2015 7:00:17 PM

SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 2015

Gillian MacBeth - Louthan ~ This place of Earth is filled with infinite possibilities.

Whenever you have a resistance towards anything (person, place or thing), you end up creating an electrical charge, a quantum response. This charge then becomes positive or negative depending on which pole you direct your sled towards. This place of Earth is filled with infinite possibilities.

Possibility lives in every situation you are continually being drawn into every energetic thought you react to. Imagine yourself as a mathematical equation, a series of numbers and outcomes. Each time a number in that equation changes, the outcome also changes. When your life moves you into a cul-de-sac that seems to have no way out, it is then you must learn to fly above what blocks your progress.

Lift your thinking upward to a new plateau of creation. Anything that is happening in your life is there because of you. Own it. You are not a victim but a student engulfed in deep animated teachings.

Just like learning to become a soldier with real bullets this is not a practice run but the real thing. Even though earth is holographic of nature all actions on earth are recorded and held secret. Even in your holographic universe all thoughts count like live ammunition.

Progress is quickened in everyone’s life as time marches forward and faster than you think or know. The lessons are thicker and deeper than one has expected after years of clearing up the debris of the personality. You no longer live on the same street of light. Your soul address has changed once again. You are asked to experience a new level of self and soul that you are not familiar with nor comfortable with. Like meeting new people all you can do is observe until it is safe to act.

The mind and the body are joined by a new light – one they have not interacted with before. They are suspicious and confused by this new vibrational presence. The old aspect of you has left, never to return but in a fleeting memory. The new aspect of your soul presence is not attached to any outcomes as the old you was. The new aspect sees the entirety of the dialog of creation and sits in the land of thought manifestation with a feeling of power.

There’s one glitch in this vast portrayal of light enhancement. There is a thin ethereal membrane that keeps the new light intact. This thin ethereal membrane is like a protective sac around a newborn baby a blue veil so to speak. It keeps it safe from the harsh outer world until it is ready to be birthed. The new light that has been activated will not be fully felt until the end of summer 2015.

Right now there is a feeling of being torn between two lights, two souls, and two worlds. The sense of being you and not being you is amplified. All elements of life point at you asking 'will the real you stand up?' As you try and try to redefine yourself the confusion just seems to get stickier and deeper. Allow time for the membrane between layers of light to quicken and thin.

Fill up with what is good in your life and embrace what is beautiful around you. There will always be something that is unresolved in your life on some level. It's important to move your awareness above it, into the beauty of life. There will always be a pulse of polarity that keeps the small black hole in everybody’s life spinning. Do not be sucked into what is wrong – always holding you hostage. What is wrong is but a minute percentage of your life force. Move your awareness into what is right, what is good and what is blessed and spend your creation in that place. Every thought changes something.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2015 7:03:31 PM

Corinne Dobbas: Is Fear What’s Really Blocking You? Choosing Love over Fear

Corinne DobbasI talk about “choosing love over fear” a lot.

In fact, these words make up one of my favorite daily mantras: I choose to let love in and fear out.

It wasn’t always like this though. Before I was ready to dig deep and really look at (or even be aware of) how my inner world shaped my outer world, I would have thought you were a little nutty, if you told me to “choose love over fear.”

Today, however, choosing love over fear is an integral (grounding) part of my day on a moment-to-moment basis – in all areas of my life – finances, relationships, business, self-kindness …

In truth, choosing love over fear is a key part in all of our lives, to feel centered, grounded, and peaceful. We just don’t always realize it, as we get off-track, stop tuning-in, or feel like we’re not worthy enough to do it.

You are.

And once you start choosing love over fear, I promise your world will become infinitely more safe, loving, and open, so you can in fact, do what your heart most desires and grow more into your person. All it takes is an open heart, a willing mind, and the desire to feel more love.

So – what does choosing love over fear mean?

Choosing love over fear means:

1. You choose to stop beating yourself up, accept that you too are human, and show yourself compassion.

2. You choose to accept your struggles as opportunities for growth and change.

3. You choose to see all people through a lens of compassion and yes, even the ones who treat you poorly (they’re going through their own stuff … nothing to do with you!).

4. You choose to forgive yourself and others, so you can let the past go, cut the chords, and finally be able to do what you need to do in the present to thrive.

5. You choose to start appreciating your body (instead of bashing it),and that very respect allows you to do what’s right for you and your body daily.

6. You choose to not let others determine your worth.

7. You choose to savor your moments and be grateful for all that you have (even if you want more). Note: it is this very mindset that will get you more.

8. You choose to let the beliefs, thoughts, and ideas that are no longer serving you go.

9. You choose to set loving boundaries, so you can feel important too (and not like a doormat).

10. You choose to honor the present moment, by showing up the best you can for where you are in that moment.

11. You choose to speak your truth and ask for what you need, so you can live freely, fully, and honestly.

12. You choose to see your possible.

13. You choose to remember that feelings are just feelings and that they too will pass.

14. You choose to show your loved ones love.

15. You choose to not let what you labeled yourself as prevent youfrom becoming who you want to grow into.

is fear what's really blocking you?

Most importantly, you choose you every time, so you can show up for yourself and others. Because you absolutely have the power to achieve anything you want to achieve. You just need to get your intentions inline with your actions. And once you start doing that, you will create an energy shift that will propel you along your journey.

What does this take?

It takes consciousness. It requires you to show up, each and every single day and to do the work. To be awake. To do your very best with where you are right now and to love, honor, and accept that and to have faith (even when you think you can’t anymore) that yes, you still can.

And with your honest intentions, inner work, and constant choosing of love over fear, you will get there. And maybe that “there” will change for you along your journey, but eventually wherever “there” takes you will be exactly where you need to be. And once you really start to delve in, you’ll realize that you’re already “there,” you just have more work to do (like all of us).

Is this always easy?

Absolutely not.

I still struggle. And that’s okay. I know that it’s a moment-to-moment every day kind of thing that requires us to consistently show up. We learn the most about ourselves and push ourselves to grow when we go through bumps along the road.

The thing is when we choose love over fear the road is smoother, faith keeps us going, and we choose to see our pain, discomfort, and struggles through a lens of light, love, and growth instead of darkness, fear, and staying stuck.

And this is important: when you can’t shift your mindset, go actively do something.

Don’t get stuck in your head (that’s the worst feeling … and just your fear talking). So drop it, let it go for now, take a few deep breaths and do!

Go for a walk, take the dogs on a hike, swim, read a mindlessly delicious book, call a friend who always brightens your spirits, knit – whatever it is, go do something that gets you out of your head and brightens your spirit.

You do not have to stay stuck.

is fear what's really blocking you?

Remember, when you can’t choose, DO!!!

Change your space, move your body, get out of your head and ever so gently remind yourself that this is just a feeling, it will pass, and even though it sucks right now, you will grow from it.

Whatever it is, it’s showing up to teach you something.

So, take the lesson. Expand. Move forward.

Because when you do that, that’s choosing love over fear right there.

“Is Fear What’s Really Blocking You? Choosing Love Over Fear” by Corinne Dobbas, not dated, at

Original link: Is Fear What’s Really Blocking You? Choosing Love Over Fear

With love,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/22/2015 5:28:36 PM

Montague Keen Message 6-21-15… “The effort to block the awakening of mankind has never been greater”

montague_keen_veronica75With the first sentence as it showed up here, I felt this went right in line with the last couple of posts (videos) that clearly showed that we were all being pressed strongly with energies that needed to be released.

“It would benefit everyone, no matter what country they belong to, to learn the TRUTH, as it affects everyone on Earth. It would EXPOSE all the control and the false history, and it would show how one scam after another was used to destroy and control mankind.

“When all Vatican control is removed and LOVE replaces FEAR; then, and only then, will peace be restored and enjoyed by all. Then all other countries will follow suit and will succeed. The future is in your hands. Will you bow down to your controllers or come together to create a better future for all?

“This is the first time in 2000 years that you have an opportunity to stop all wars, create peace, and learn to live together as humanity, with no divisions of race or creed. Do not kill your fellow man. He deserves to live as much as you do. Look into the SOUL-LESS EYES of those who are pushing for World War III and realise that THEY ARE NOT LIKE YOU.”


Message from Montague on Sunday 21 June 2015

The effort to block the awakening of mankind has never been greater. All those who were chosen to have a role in it are going through extremely difficult times. The Cabal is using AIs to interfere with consciousness. They use mind altering techniques that cause confusion and exhaustion, and thereby slow down the awakening. Interestingly, the Irish people seem to be way ahead of others, as they are DEMANDING ANSWERS. The Irish suffered for hundreds of years at the merciless hands of the Vatican. Throughout their suffering, they were told by the priests to “offer it up” as they struggled to stay alive. The Irish HOLOCAUST, instigated by Rome and the Crown, almost succeeded in wiping the Irish from the face of the Earth. Those who survived those terrible days, did so in the hope that, one day, their people would be free to learn who they are.

All the gold that is hoarded in the Vatican would not compensate the Irish people for the CRIMES that were committed against them by the Vatican. The Vatican stole their heritage. They are the Ancient Israelites. Their true history and their ancient language were stolen and used to confuse humanity. The Vatican set up their invented place names in the EAST, to fit their STORY, and to pretend that “it all began in the East”; but it did NOT.

It would benefit everyone, no matter what country they belong to, to learn the TRUTH, as it affects everyone on Earth. It would EXPOSE all the control and the false history, and it would show how one scam after another was used to destroy and control mankind. Look to the great thinkers; Michael Tsarion, Andrew Power, Conor Mac Dari, and many more, who have explored the truth and shared it with you. You were dumbed down through the years of control and lies. Do the research while you still can, before the Cabal removes all such evidence from you. It is your right to know who you are. The Cabal has succeeded in ruthlessly controlling humanity; through banking, religion, and of course, by destroying your health through chemtails and GM food and vaccinations, etc. It is by your own actions that you will set yourselves FREE. Everything is stacked against you, but DO NOT FALL FOR THEIR LIES. See their scams for what they are.

The Irish people are leading the way. They are waking up and DEMANDING ANSWERS. They demand the TRUTH from Rome. They are uncovering MASS GRAVES WITH HUNDREDS OF BODIES in them. Rome’s desire to wipe out the Irish people was what drove Rome to EVIL THAT KNEW NO BOUNDS. Soon, every last vestige of Vatican control will be removed from Ireland, and the people will again embrace the religion of love that flourished in Ireland before Rome began her EVIL rule. The only threat to Rome is that the Irish people will learn the truth of who they are, and their true role in the world. The Irish will lead the way to FREEDOM and peace for all. It will once again be the Island of Saints and Scholars.

The TRUTH is there for all who wish to find it. You owe it to all those whose lives were wiped out in the effort to take control of Ireland.

[Veronica says: I grew up in Ireland. I saw the brutality of the Vatican towards the people, especially the innocent. I, too, was brutally RAPED by a PRIEST. I saw the suffering all around me, in Ireland, in those terrible days of Vatican rule.]

When all Vatican control is removed and LOVE replaces FEAR; then, and only then, will peace be restored and enjoyed by all. Then all other countries will follow suit and will succeed. The future is in your hands. Will you bow down to your controllers or come together to create a better future for all?

This is the first time in 2000 years that you have an opportunity to stop all wars, create peace, and learn to live together as humanity, with no divisions of race or creed. Do not kill your fellow man. He deserves to live as much as you do. Look into the SOUL-LESS EYES of those who are pushing for World War III and realise that THEY ARE NOT LIKE YOU. They do not have SOULS. They cannot empathise. They just want control at all costs. They demand that you destroy countries for their GAIN. How much longer are you willing to be SLAVES for these tyrants? If you open your eyes, you will see all around you the preparations that are being made to wipe out two thirds of the population of the Earth. It is difficult for us in Spirit to see what is being done, quite openly, in preparation for the destruction of human life on Earth as you know it. Will you come together as the 99% and say, NO, I will not assist you to destroy my world. You are living in serious times, when serious decisions need to be made to ensure that humanity survives. You can make this exercise into the adventure of a lifetime. It is all in your hands. Enjoy the experience.

Because of the PAEDOPHILE SITUATION world-wide, the Cabal has decided to make you believe and accept that PAEDOPHILIA is the NORM amongst most men. I TELL YOU IT MOST DEFINITELY IS NOT THE NORM. THIS IS HOW PROPAGANDA IS USED TO ENFORCE ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH EVIL ACTS.

You know in your soul that it is wrong. This shows you how they will go to any lengths to try to PROTECT themselves. I beg you, DO NOT FALL FOR IT. You are in the END TIMES. Do not allow yourselves to be kept in CAPTIVITY, one moment longer than you have to. Be brave and seize the moment. It is yours for the taking.

My love, again I say to you that you need to rest. You are going through stressful times. Much is being done to block you, and those whose mission it is to help you. The dark deeds of those who impede your friend will be exposed.

Always, your adoring, Monty.


I cannot sign petitions in the United States. My home address is not accepted as I am in the United Kingdom.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/22/2015 5:32:44 PM

The Oracle Report, Monday, June 22, 2015



Crescent Moon Phase: challenges, perseverance

Moon in Virgo

Goddess of Wisdom: Bagalamukhi (Goddess Who Paralyzes Negative Thoughts and Speech)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: find solid footing within nature

True Alignments: taking the best of what’s around and building on it, unity, thoughtful, thinking before acting or speaking, clearing confusion or misunderstanding, bringing air to situations, spreading warmth, plans for the future, courage, defiance

Catalysts for Change: headed for trouble, inexperience, losing touch/feeling untouchable, giving out/up, immersed in victimization or feelings of failure, putting up a wall, refusing to consider that things may be getting better, post-traumatic stress/fear of imminent trauma, shaking/breaking.quaking

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “winter frost in the woods”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

A fast and intense solar storm is underway with a “full halo” (Earth-facing) coronal mass ejection from an M2.6-class flare. The coronal mass was ejected Saturday, June 20 at 10:34 pm ET/ Sunday, June 21 at 2:34 am UT. The full intensity of the CME arrives today. Communications may be somewhat disrupted, as the storm may affect satellites and radio transmissions.

The CME occurred when the Moon was located at 22 Leo 45 and the Sabian symbol of 23 Leo: “a bareback rider in a circus displays her dangerous skill.” The symbol images mastery or skill at maneuvering energies and instincts.

Our instincts, which are intimately tied to our shadow sides, are already on heightened alert today with the Moon moving through Virgo, along with the Black Moon. The exact meet-up of the Moon and the Black Moon is tomorrow, Tuesday, June 23 around 11:30 am ET/3:30 pm UT.

When the Moon enters the sign that the Black Moon is in, shadow sides are projected. Our core fears are triggered. Right now, those most affected by this are those with the Sun or Black Moon in Virgo or Pisces.

Add into the mix that we are under “double Crescent” energies since we are in the Crescent Moon phase of the second month that is like a month-long Crescent Moon phase. We are doubly-challenged to preserve and protect what is important and meaningful to us under this energetic. The Crescent Moon phase is in effect until early Wednesday, requiring exceptional perseverance on our part.

The intense solar storm is amplifying the energetics that are in effect based on the position of the planets today. Today, the Sun is disseminating the energy of “a man on a magic carpet observes vast vistas below him.” This implies a momentary stop to take in the scene or expand our level of awareness. We get a better view of the future. This energy can also disconnect people, places and things, especially disconnect them from reality. Since it’s a “Black Moon Day,” Black Moon Fever can become rampant, with people acting from their most fearful side. We are aware of this potential today.

The Earth is located at the degree of “three stained-glass windows in a Gothic church, one damaged by war.” This energy is usually experienced as a bombardment on love. Carelessness with feelings often ensues. In many cases, we feel as if we are under attack by something. Longtime readers know that this nebulous “something” was identified long ago by the Gnostics, who warned us of the danger of the Archons.

The Gnostics also told us our Sun, the being named Sabaoth, is an ally of humanity and the Earth. Sabaoth’s message with the CME is for us to be like the bareback rider in this circus of reality we find ourselves in and engage our skills of evading danger. We can somersault over issues and see beyond them.

No matter how far above things we have to catapult, we always land with solid footing on the Earth. Today we will remember what grounds us when we need to find ground – nature.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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