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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2015 6:18:58 PM

Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: You Are Going through a Rebirth


Beloved Ones,

Each of you is coming closer to a stronger connection with your divine essence, and this will help you feel more stable than has been evident in the past several months.

This process is opening new doors of perception, which will help you to move forward once again.

There is ever the ebb and flow in the energetic waves that move through your personal and planetary cycles. As you become aware of these, and how they affect you, you align with their influences and act accordingly.

As you do this, life becomes more harmonious and pleasant. The people around you are more responsive to you and show you their appreciation and love.

When you are in tune with your personal energy cycles, life becomes an ever-expanding adventure of new experience. This new state of being requires its recipient to be willing to go beyond their established comfort zones and take the steps necessary into new directions.

It takes courage and bravery to move past one’s former patterns of limitation and to begin taking action to forge a new path as one leaves behind all that one experienced in their lives, to make a start in the new beginning that beckons them forward.

Allow the self-doubt and indecision, as to the right path you must follow, to dissipate, as to the right path you must follow; it will unfold in its own divine timing.

It is difficult, we know, to focus on just one thing, as your senses are assailed by creative thoughts and ideas. Spend time in the outdoors, sitting quietly and experiencing the sights and sounds that array your senses. This helps to ground your energies and keep you aligned to your divine essence.

The next step will be made clear to you through this activity of keeping things simple. Know that there are many loving, supportive, and nurturing energy beings constantly surrounding you. All is in the process of the unfolding story of your personal and collective lives.

We find that many of you are now experiencing the return of the energetic flow through your human operating system. For many of you, this was a missing ingredient that felt like a disconnection from source energy.

This process was necessary in order to give you the time needed to absorb, assimilate, and integrate the new downloads of information and activations that are being sent on waves of love.

This process is ongoing. Sometimes it comes as great energy flow, and at other times as a time of rest. Life is a continuous cycle with valleys and peaks and there is always motion, even when you don’t feel it.

Follow the signs your physical body gives you, for these are important to listen to for your continued health and well being on all levels of interplay.

You are going through a rebirth, and your body, mind and spirit are being brought into alignment and connection so that you can manifest a greater reality than you have previously known.

You are in a process of regeneration and transformation that offers you an opportunity to express yourselves in new ways. Seize these moments as they manifest in your lives, for they bring to the surface new treasures from your soul.

It is always up to you to choose how you grow, move forward and expand in your conscious awareness and evolvement; there is no one else who can do it for you. When you commit to taking a new direction, what you need to manifest it will be drawn to you.

Experience the joy and fulfillment that comes with creation, and expect the unexpected – for your life can take a new turn, miraculously.

In your new beginning, you are reaching a new level of understanding which is helping you to reach new dimensions within. By following your inner wisdom and listening to your inner guidance, you will achieve success in all of your endeavours. All that is required is your active involvement and that is the key that unlocks your great potential.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

“Hilarion: You Are Going through a Rebirth,” channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, June 21, 2015, at

Source Link: The Rainbow Scribe: Hilarion 2015

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included –,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2015 6:21:28 PM

Feel Good News: Sunday, June 21, 2015

feelgoodnewsflowersHappy Sunday and Happy Solstice, dear friends. I think life is playing a trick on me. The hare has finally learned what the tortoise’s life is like!

I am sure many of you have felt that time is literally speeding up. Every week, Sunday seems to come faster and faster, and we can’t even comprehend where the time went. We get involved in projects and find we are missing vast amounts of linear time.

This aspect of the current energies has been around for about a year, and most have adjusted to it. Suddenly for me, while the days seem to go by just as fast, the moments are now expanding vastly. I can sit and pet my cat for a few minutes of shear joy, and it seems like an hour. I can walk in the garden, visiting flowers and watching the bees buzz for what seems like eons, and it is literally a minute passed in linear time.

Is it that I am focusing more in joy in the present moment and those moments expand fully, while the time needed to get things done passes unnoticed? Our perception of time as a linear and static thing, is certainly coming up for re-evaluation! While every moment is precious, it seems as if the moments spent enjoying life are blooming more fully than those spent doing tasks that are not so enjoyable.

So, I embrace this new concept of time, and drinking fully of each moment as joyfully as possible. Try it out for yourself and see what comes up for you!

Hawaii looks at converting old city buses as portable housing for homeless.

Architecture firm, Group 70 International, is in the process of re-purposing 70 high-mileage city buses for use as homeless shelters in Hawaii. Hawaii currently has the highest homeless population in the United States, and this innovative and cost effective option will assist many in need.

The buses will be stripped of their interiors and remodeled using recycled and donated materials. They will also be portable, so they can be moved to areas where they are needed. The project will include sleeping areas, shower facilities and recreation rooms.

While this effort is only a bridge to providing appropriate housing and support for all beings, it is wonderful to see creative individuals, thinking outside the box in an effort to offer tangible support for those who are struggling.

Hawaii to fight homelessness by renovating old city buses by Kristin Toussaint for the Boston Globe

What happens when you build a preschool in a nursing home? Magic!

The Intergenerational Learning Center is a unique preschool. What makes it so unique is the fact that it was built, intentionally, inside an assisted-care nursing facility in Seattle, Washington. The 400 elderly residents participate in daily activities with the children in the preschool, and the initial results have been extremely positive for both generations.

The permanent residents are given the honorable title of elders, and the young folks are nurtured by and learn amazing lessons from these beings. In a time when ageism is prevalent in many societies and extended families are not the norm, it is so important for the young to be around those who have deep wisdom and experience. It is also such a joy for older folk to feel invigorated and needed by their interaction with young beings.

I hope that this model will expand far and wide, and create a wonderful renaissance in the way generations interact and learn from each other.

When a Preschool Opens Inside a Nursing Home All Heaven Breaks Loose by Terry Turner for the Good News Network

An interesting look at gender identity through the eyes of children.

Most folks are aware that Bruce Jenner, former Olympic Decathlon champion, has just recently publicly gender transitioned to Caitlyn Jenner. There is much in the main stream media about this transition, which Jenner says has been a secret desire since he was a small child.

I believe that all beings should have the opportunity to decide for themselves how to truly honor their own self, but many are in an upheaval about this very public declaration of self.

I would like to bring to your attention this extremely poignant video that asked a group of young children a number of questions about pictures they were shown, and then expanded into a discussion of honoring self. It is heartening to hear their very candid and lovely responses. It gives us a glimpse into the hearts and thoughts of the young ones incarnating at this time.

They showed these kids current and past pictures of Caitlyn Jenner. Here’s their reaction shared by Parker Molloy on UpWorthy

A young boy thinks he lost his stuffed tiger, but it only went on its own adventure.

This is a beautiful story! A young boy was flying to Texas with his mom from Florida, when he realized he left his stuffed tiger at the terminal. This was not any stuffed tiger, as his grandmother handmade the Hobbes doll especially for him.

When they touched down, his mom called the Tampa airport, in the hopes that the tiger had been located. Not only had he been located, he was given his very own adventure at the airport. What unfolded, through the kindness of strangers for a child none of them even knew, shows us how love can work on all hearts to make beautiful things happen!

A boy’s lost stuffed tiger goes on an airport adventure by Justine Griffin for the Tampa Bay Times

And finally…

Kindness is never wasted.

Enjoy this short student video from Toronto, CA, where college kids shared thanks with those who made their university a better place, along with other small acts of kindness. The smiles on everyone’s faces show that no matter how small a gift one gives, it is always appreciated!

Kindness is never wasted on YouTube

That’s the good news for today. Have a spectacular day. See you all next Sunday as we explore more good news together.

Be Well. Be Joy. Be Love!


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2015 6:24:26 PM

SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 2015

Energy Update June 2015 by Matt Kahn

Whether you were bamboozled by the Mercury in retrograde that we just successfully completed, or made it through virtually unaffected, the past few weeks have brought forth a rather interesting array of energies. As these energies came into Earth's atmosphere, they assisted in loosening the cellular structure of the old paradigm that is being purged out of the human energy field. You can think of the past few weeks as a "cosmic shakedown," where anything lingering from the old paradigm was loosened out of its fixed cellular position, so it may be released to create space for the immerging 5D light body. While you will still appear physical in form, the immerging 5D light body shifts the orientation of your experience into a much calmer, vast, synchronistic, and intuitively-aligned perspective. In simple terms, as the 5D light body awakens, you transition from being a person attempting to hold light within your field, or in search of oneness with the light, to being the light within the body that experiences each thought, feeling, interaction, outcome, and encounter as I AM.

As the loosened cellular imprinting of the old paradigm is released out of your field by the Universe, the activation of your 5D light body unfolds. Since you have spent more time in a dense physical form than aware of the subtle higher vibrational 5th dimensional energies, it is common for you at this time, to be more aware of the old imprints dissolving than of the 5D light body that is emerging. One common symptom of the dissolving old paradigm cellular structure is joint pain. Whether you feel inflamed, less flexible than usual, or even unjustifiably sore, it is more than likely that you are becoming aware of the unraveling of the old, as the new comes forward. This can also include lightning bolts of energy coursing throughout your body, or abrupt electrical shocks felt within your field.

While I stated at the beginning of the year that we have ventured beyond the point of needing to continuously clear and purge as a means of maintaining alignment with the Universe, it does not take away from the fact that everything you've been clearing up to this point must be given the space to move out and return back to Source. This essentially means while so many have been clearing and purging on an energetic level, there hasn't been an appropriate amount of time and space given to allow what you've energetically cleared - to move out of the cells of your physical form. When energetic healing occurs, an imprint is released out of the etheric body, which exists on the soul level. From this space, the etheric body must converse with the physical body to determine how much time will be required in incubation, in order for the transformation to trickle down from the ethers of the soul and into the tangible form of physical reality.

What I am referring to as incubation is an extended period of rest and renewal. When you are immersed in incubation, you might feel exhausted, depressed, void of inspiration, or without the drive to be a part of life. While it might be easy to think that something is wrong, it is merely the Universe channeling all of your life force energy to usher your healing into completion. While many seek healing modalities to resolve these experiences, they are unaware of how essential these periods of incubation are, just as embryos need time in the womb in order to grow.

If a moment of energetic healing is like a surgical procedure, then the essential stage of incubation is the crucial period of recovery that is necessary afterwards. Using this analogy, so many diligent lightworkers, often afraid of being left behind or left out of the Ascension, worked diligently to cleanse and clear their fields, like patients who have been living on a surgical table for years on end. Of course, each of us has and always will be a vital element in Earth's Ascension, which requires your cooperation and assistance in the most relaxed, faithful, and heart-centered manner. As I was asked by the Galactic Council to announce the end of needing to cleanse, clear, and purify, it was done to invite every lightworker out of endless rounds of etheric surgery, so the body could begin to incubate, recalibrate, and receive all the healing that has taken place.

As the maturity of our highest truth dawns within, it becomes profoundly clear that it's one thing to ping-pong from one healing modality to the next, but a much deeper journey unfolds when you give yourself the time and space to adjust and welcome in the healing you've already received.

Another symptom to notice is an internal shaking, which can be interpreted as anxiety, fear, loneliness, or even projected outward as expressions of anger, judgment, agitation, and frustration. This inner shaking is the recalibration of your nervous system. When the nervous system is recalibrated, your energy field is adjusting to life in the absence of the cellular memories you had carried in your body for so long. When your nervous system is being recalibrated, the best strategy is to just sit still and slow your breath whenever the shaking becomes too daunting or irritating.

You can also repeat the mantra: "I acknowledge this recalibration as a gift and receive it here as I AM now." This mantra can be repeated throughout the day, or used as a meditation when the nervous system requires more grounding.

As periods of incubation bring forth the integration and recalibration you require for your journey ahead, it is common to sense a wellspring of impatience. As lightworkers and starseeds alike are being rooted deeper into present moment reality in preparation for light body activation, it is natural to want to fast track your healing and desire any possible way to move things along. As is always the case, the best way to accelerate the storyline of your journey is by daring to slow down. At this stage, you can consciously choose to slow down and honor the healing underway, or force life to slow you down through the circumstances and outcomes that arise.

During this period, you might find yourself at odds with time. Perhaps your healing requires more incubation time of rest and renewal than you are willing to offer yourself. Maybe you find yourself confused by your inability to know what to do with your life or where to go next. There can even be an urgent sense of there being something else to do or somewhere else to be without an instinct of how to take the next step. Each of these examples acts as signs of incubation in progress, where the impatient ego structure continues to unravel, as your nervous system is recalibrated. As this process unfolds, the healing that has already occurred on a soul level trickles into tangible physical form.

The best approach at this time is to relax as often as possible, especially throughout the course of your daily activities. Since relaxation acts as a sign of spiritual alignment, the Universe asks you to slow down and be as relaxed, intentional, open-minded, and easy-going as possible, so you may accelerate the integration process and fully receive all that has already been given.

For many, the unraveling of the old cellular structure and recalibrating of the nervous system may continue to occur until enough space can be created for the 5D light body to be felt within your field. While some have already completed such critical stages of incubation and are already experiencing the flowering of their newly-activated light body, it is essential to maintain the utmost compassion towards yourself by not comparing your experiences with the journey of others.

While this stage of incubation may seem to linger longer than you desire it to be, there are other stages that you have completed with ease that may have been difficult for others to process. In essence, we each take turns reflecting the breakdowns and breakthroughs of transmutation, as the one eternal light experiences its emergence in every combination of possibility.

Another sign of an unraveling cellular structure and recalibrating nervous system is loss. Whether you've experienced the loss of romantic partnerships, friendships, sudden career changes, or shifts in your living environment, it is important to think of loss not as a form of rejection or deficiency, but as a parting of ways between you and the old paradigm.

The relationships or circumstances that may dissolve throughout this stage represent the releasing of karmic ties to the vibration you embodied when the circumstance or relationship began. Through the eyes of the Universe, the ending of a relationship doesn't have to symbolize you being rejected, but can be seen as a graduation out of an outdated level of consciousness that such relationships helped you outgrow. If possible, allow yourself to focus on the greater possibilities your life is creating, instead of mourning the losses that you haven't yet remembered how to live without. Even if it seems impossible to remember a greater spiritual perspective, it could only be another opportunity to embrace the one who mourns loss - with greater peace, patience, love, and support.

Whether you are experiencing a lack of inspired direction, feel done with your current reality but without the passion or clarity to take the next step, overwhelmed by the pain, frustration, loneliness, and confusion that arises during critical stages of energetic incubation, confronted by the losses that represent the dissolving of outdated levels of consciousness, or even starting to feel better than you've felt in quite some time, I offer these words of confirmation to reveal the success of a journey that each of us is equally a part of bringing to life.

On behalf of the Galactic Council, I applaud all the inner work you've already completed, and remind you to make time and space for it to integrate, so the fruits of your labor can take tangible form throughout the spiritual garden of your eternal paradise.
In my next energy update, I will speak more extensively on how an activated light body can change your experience of reality, including how it can be used to participate in the world without getting tossed around by the energies others may still be releasing and processing. Through the grace of an activated light body, may you surrender all energetic shields and courageously step forward as a fully integrated expression of spirit in action.

In the meantime, may you savor your experiences as exquisite gifts of divinity, trusting in the grace of the cosmic plan, while loving yourself and others more and more every step of the way.

May all be healed, awakened, and transformed by the light of your highest potential. May all be blessed by the love that you are.

Matt Kahn

P.S. To take this journey even deeper and finally live a life of emotional freedom and energetic peace and harmony within yourself, and with all around you, please join us for an upcoming Soul Gathering, 5-day retreat in the Portland, Oregon area, or our upcoming Angel Academy 5: True Divine Nature Calendar

We look forward to being with you soon. Peace, love & blessings to all ~Julie

© Copyright 2015 True Divine Nature, LLC

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2015 6:49:16 PM

Heavenletter #5323 via Gloria Wendroff: Start Over

Heavenletters - Version 2God said:

Beloveds, I see disparagement for the suffering it truly represents. I am not hurt by unkind words. Those who feel they must raise their fists at Me are suffering such antagonism that their very antagonism becomes their extreme cause for living. They shake their fist and say: “You did this, God. You made me suffer. Now I will get back at You.”

To those of you who love Me and would defend Me from disdain, there is no need for you to defend Me. Nor do those who rail against Me have to defend themselves and be against Me. They do not have to resolve to oppose Me. They do not have to choose sides, for, in so doing, they turn their self-flagellation on Me Whom they blame for their suffering, as if they have been personally attacked. They are sure I did it.

There is nothing for anyone to take personally.

I know My children suffer. On behalf of those whose suffering won’t leave and they turn their suffering into opposition against Me, let it be known that they are free to make this choice.

So now I talk to you, those who may choose to rail against Me. I respond to you now:

You may be saying, how can I not suffer as a result of the conditions I suffer under?

I say: Suffering may be a choice you chose long ago, yet you chose it, and you choose it still. You may think you are under a yoke of suffering. Indeed, you have suffered, yet who put the yoke on you and told you to carry it as long as you can? Who claimed the yoke of suffering and placed it on you? Not I. I would remove it from you.

I understand how you put this yoke on. You chose a branch from the first tree you saw, and you stopped there. “This is my branch,” you said.

Beloveds, it was not an olive branch, you chose.

There is nothing to forgive. However, you saw that there was too much to forgive, and you would not. You would rather let the heat of dismay turn into anger and burn a hole in your heart. You chose to be a victim of life. I would ask you to save yourself from your own conclusions.

Choose that God loves you. It is an impossibility for Me not to love. There are no exceptions. What if you could turn your heartbreak around to sparing your heart, giving it a chance, saving your heart from the noose you have put around its neck?

This you will come to, yet how tightly you presently hold on to vindication. You are so despairing and outright angry that you will even cramp and hurt your own heart. You will show God that you are not to be tangled with. You are your sovereign being, and you will not tolerate what you see as the vengeance of God, and so you would rather flail your arms and fight Me rather than to hear Me.

You decided to have a boxing match with Me. You will show Me. You will show Me that you can’t be treated this way. And so you undermine yourself in a one-way battle.

Must you be so certain that there is some kind of feud between Us? It is like you have said:

“God is so mean, I will be mean back. I will punish God for the suffering He has given me. I will not submit to Him. He must be my enemy. I will not allow Him to be my Friend. I will not let Him sit down with me. I will not give Him the benefit of any doubt.”

And you reaffirm your slogan, not Mine: “Vengeance is mine“ says bitterness.

You like to see yourself as being strong and indomitable. What strength is there in retaliation? The depth of your hurt is so great that you will even spar with God no matter how much this keeps you in bondage.

Beloveds, you who suffer and add anger to the top of your suffering, you restrict yourself to only two alternatives: to fight or to submit. Yet, between hot and cold, there are gradations.

You have chosen judgment, and so you see Me as having judged you, and, therefore, you have copied your perception of Me. You have joined judgment and you have nailed it in as irrefutable. You made your mind up, and, with all your will, you will not stop this debate no matter what.

You can change course. You can drop the façade you have latched onto, that God is a bad guy, and you are a good guy who has been victimized.

You think I have not given you a chance when you refuse to give Me a chance. What if you gave Me a ticket to your heart? What if you would start all over, and give yourself a good chance at happiness?

Bitterness does not lead to happiness. You do not need to put a stranglehold on yourself. Set yourself free. Give yourself a chance to see greater and be greater. Let go of what keeps you where you are. Start over.

“Heavenletter #5323: “Start Over,” channeled by Gloria Wendroff, June 21, 2015, at

Source Link: Heavenletters 5323 Start Over

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2015 6:54:01 PM

SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 2015

Natalie Glasson ~ From Origin to Synthesis by the Andromedans

It is with love, respect and truth, we the Andromedan consciousness step forth to greet you. We bring forth our star light and the vibrations of the cosmic level of the Creator to be embedded within your being. Like many star civilisations we have actively supported the creation and continued ascension of the Earth and those wishing to be present upon the Earth. We are present with you, within your heart and soul with every step of your ascension journey, our support is always yours to receive and encounter.

We honour you with our presence because you so openly honour us with your presence; we are working with your soul and all of humanity to bring forth the divine will and plan of the Creator upon the Earth. You like us have sacred wisdom and templates to anchor into the Earth which can take an entire lifetime to achieve. You hold a divine aspect of the Creator within your being, so pure and unique; it is for you to deliver this to the Earth and all of humanity. You may not know what this energy is, the wisdom it speaks of or even how it will influence the ascension of all, this doesn’t matter as it is still bestowed upon you with the purpose of sharing. The more you discover, express and expand your soul embodying it deeper into your being the more you deliver an aspect of the Creator to the Earth and humanity. Every soul upon the Earth is wishing to find themselves, to disc over their truth and to realise their origins, this is the same for every person whether they are aware of it or not. You are searching within you for the aspect of the Creator which you have contracted to download into the Earth, however you are also searching to connect with the aspects of the Creator others are downloading as uniting with these would mean you realise yourself as a greater whole and truth of the Creator. This symbolises that every person upon the Earth is equal and holds the same purpose; you cannot achieve your purpose without the support and presence of other souls in human form as they cannot without your presence. We share our consciousness with you so you may see how precious you and all of humanity are, you are not randomly placed upon the Earth, you have all contracted to achieve the same purpose and yet you all will execute it in numerous diverse ways and forms. We to some extent are also contacted to achieve the same; to download our own truth fro m the consciousness of our civilisation into the Earth to bring forth and highlight an aspect of the Creator.

One of our intentions for coming forth to greet you is to guide you in a perspective of viewing your being, creations and reality in a new way. We wish to encourage you to contemplate and focus upon circles. We wish for you to realise that every creation formed by you holds the format of a circle, this is the same of every experience, every lifetime, project, idea or understanding. Everything within you, everything you create and experience holds the format of a circle due to the realisation that you are a source of origin for your creations. Everything begins with you and moves in a cycle of a circle, meaning it evolves while remaining aligned with your energy and returns to you to either be completed or further explored.

We wish for you to take time in meditation to contemplate everything in circle form. For example, consider your lifetime as a circle, you move from the inner planes to be born and live to then return to the inner planes. As you reach the opposite side of the circle you may feel the furthest away from the inner planes as you have ever been and yet you are always aligned as if you are constantly travelling along the same train line; even if you wanted to exit you couldn’t. Contemplate your spiritual evolution as a circle with every thought and belief you give energy to as a circle. We know that the concept of a circle is that there is no beginning or end. We ask you to imagine there is a beginning to the circle which is also the end, rather than thinking of it in this way, think of it as a point of merging, synthesis and integration, in truth being seamless. The entire circle is s eamless which means you can never move away from your truth, essence and origin.

Our idea and perspective we share with you in essentially a tool and yet it will enhance your faith of always been aligned to the Creator, being in the most appropriate place at the appropriate time, being guided and of divine perfection. We encourage you to contemplate the tool, agree with it, disagree with it and experience yourself as well as all you create as a circle.

Everything you create will always journey to merge with you, this is the purpose of all you are and all you achieve in every present moment of your reality. New circles are being born from the synthesised energy within you while old circles are merging with your being creating fulfilment. You know that an experience or circle has not yet completed its journey if fulfilment has not yet been experienced. Fulfilment is only truly achieved when a seemingly new aspect of the Creator is merged with or remembered within your being.

We wish to encourage you to recognise your past lifetimes as circles as well. As you are creating and existing in the 5
th Dimension which is also known as the Era of Love one of your purposes is to bring healing and completion to your past lifetimes which are in truth your simultaneous lifetimes. You have been allocated in your current lifetime as a powerful healer and synthesis for your entire soul, lifetimes and the other 11 aspects of your soul. Your current lifetime is immensely important as even if you continue to have many more lifetimes after this one, your current lifetime is a point of completion. This means that all circles of every lifetime you have experienced are now completing their journey, moving to you for the moment of synthesis and fulfilment. Any further lifetimes you embark upon will hold the energy of completion of the past as if your history has been digested and integrated while no longer impacting your experiences. You will also embody the energy of fulfilment meaning that fulfilment will become your belief and reality, a source from which you consistently create. In many ways your current reality gives you the opportunity to tie up loose ends or in other words to complete your circles and experience integration. Take time to contemplate your past lifetimes as circles which are impacting your currently reality to bring forth synthesis. Let yourself acknowledge that every experience in your reality holds a purpose of synthesis and integration. Even your completion will bring forth inspired ideas of expanded understanding.

With the concept of circles you can realise your connection to everything and all aspects of the Creator, realising yourself as a point of origin with everything returning to you for integration. Let yourself realise how expansive and eternal you are when you perceive yourself beyond your physical body and awareness, there is no end to your expansion. We invite you to call upon our energy as you explore the perspective we share with you so we may further inspire expanded consciousness and perceptions.

You may also wish to use this invocation to support your connection with our energies:

‘Andromedan beings of love and cosmic vibrations, I call forth your presence and light to surround me. Shower my entire being in your stars of light, consciousness, expansion and truth. Support me in connecting on a deeper level with your consciousness, experiencing an alignment and bond with you which empowers my ascension and divine purpose upon the Earth. Support me in experiencing greater expansion and a unity with the Creator.

Assist me in connecting with the divine truth and aspect of the Creator within my being supporting me in downloading this into the Earth with divine timing and awareness.

With your guiding presence support me in bringing healing to my entire being, all aspects of my soul and past lifetimes. I am ready to complete my circles to experience integration, merging and synthesis where appropriate with your assistance and divine guidance. I am ready to easily and perfectly accelerate my ascension. I am grateful for the energy, light, love, consciousness and expanded perspectives you now share with me. Thank you, I am ready to further awaken within my being and receive.’

With cosmic vibrations,

The Andromedans

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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