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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/19/2015 5:25:05 PM

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey. June 19, 2015.


Dear Ones, so much is now happening that although we have only been away from you for a short time, events are forever speeding up and in a relatively short time they will reveal our intentions to you.

There has never been a time when we have not been active, but for reasons of secrecy to avoid interference from the dark Ones, we have always been quietly working away. The stage has been set for an announcement of our intentions, and once that step has been taken they will escalate into a whole series of them.

You have patiently waited for such a time and when it arrives you will not be disappointed. We are more confident now that we have curtailed the power and influence of the dark Ones, and we aim to keep their activities in check under our watchful eye.

We have many friends upon Earth and for eons of time have been helping them to progress with their tasks to bring out new ways of swiftly taking you into the New Age. Once the revelations commence you will probably feel overwhelmed by the speed at which they will take place.

You will also be delighted to note how quickly they introduce you to much needed changes that will immediately lift up your quality of life. There is so much poverty on Earth yet it need not have been that way, as there are more than enough of her riches to ensure all of you have the necessities of life.

Not only that but once your basic needs have been satisfied there will be changes that allow you more time to pursue your own interests, instead of being a slave to earn money for the necessities of life. It is our intention to bring the changes in as soon as possible so that there is no delay in establishing the benefits of the New Age.

For some time now you have gradually been given an insight into what to expect once you have been released from the influence and activities of the dark Ones. They would rather see you continue your struggles and deliberately cause wars and unrest so that you can never fully enjoy the peace and happiness that is your birthright.

However, your destiny is assured and you will soon experience release from all that has previously prevented you from living a fulfilling life. There will be a time that is rapidly approaching when you will enjoy the freedom of living in freedom from the always present threat of war, as it has no place in the higher vibrations.

For some time now they have been lifting up and slowly but surely you are approaching a time of great change. In the midst of unrest and so much that needs changing to raise your standard of living, you find it difficult to envisage how permanent peace can be assured. However, it will come and in a way that you may not have considered possible, and will signal the end of all hostilities and bring the peace that you desire.

Mother Earth is highly involved in the changes that may at times seem rather extreme, but bear in mind that the Earth has been slowly dying and needs much attention and changes to bring the New Age into being. The pollution of seas is of major concern as it is killing off areas that sustains the life that should abound within them. In many areas the soil is saturated with chemicals and they need cleansing so that they can be fully restored.

There is much work of this nature which would present you with an almost impossible task, but as you are finding out, there are new discoveries that will immensely speed up such operations. Indeed, with our help the task of cleaning up the Earth becomes so much easier. There will be changes of such a nature that your industries will no longer need to use polluting or toxic chemicals. There are many changes planned that will speed up the whole process to restore your Earth.

At a time when many people fear the worst it is up to the souls who are of the Light and understand what is happening to help those who feel abandoned and in distress. Let it be known that massive beneficial changes are on the way that will lift the quality of life far beyond your expectations. We of the Galactic Federation of Light will be assisting you at all stages, although we will give you every encouragement to take part in the whole process of change.

Be assured we are fully aware of your needs, but because of your karmic responsibilities we cannot always intervene to help you. We will however do our best to influence you in your actions to achieve the best results. In fact, all along we have travelled by your side encouraging you and helping you to get through periods of immense pressure. You may sometimes wonder where new ideas come from and sometimes it is our influence at work. Soon will come a time when we can work openly with you, without fear of interference and then you will see matters moving forward in leaps and bounds.

Regretfully your Press is still under the control of the Illuminati, and your news is carefully monitored to keep back the truth about many things that are happening to you. However, once you aware of the true situation you will accept the news with caution and develop the ability to “read between the lines”, as so much is concealed from you and also falsely set before you.

For eons of time you have been kept in the dark on so many matters, and much that could have directly benefitted you has been kept back. Perhaps this is best illustrated in respect of the scourge of cancer that can be cured except that it is not released to the general public. Those concerned would rather treat you than cure you in an industry that is worth an immense amount of profit. It will of course change very soon, as the truth will come out and nothing will prevent it happening.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and glad that we can give you good news about the future. You have patiently awaited the End Times that now loom large and will soon begin in earnest. We are pleased to be part of your enlightenment and soon will be part of your lives.

We are your future and look forward to enlightening you as to your true history, as you are much greater than you imagine and we admire and salute your determination to see the final defeat of the dark Ones.

We will be with you at all times to support you and send our Love.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa. Channelled by Mike Quinsey. June 19, 2015.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/19/2015 5:41:33 PM

News Special Edition: It’s the Medium, Not the Message

Golden Gaia News Special ReportIt’s the Medium, Not the Message

The effects of television on humans is causing physiological changes, according to a large amount of scientific evidence. Regardless of what you choose to watch, generally, our favorite pastime takes up more of our time than any other activity except work and sleep. The scientists examining the findings are set to recast the role of the television screen as the greatest unacknowledged public health issue of our time.

General guidelines recommend that children of all ages should not have a television in their bedroom and children under the age of two should not have any form of screen entertainment at all. Studies show an increased risk of developing attentional problems for every hour of television watched. The dynamic stimulus of stylistic techniques such as cuts, edits, zooms, criticism and sudden noises, do indeed trigger involuntary physiological responses that are designed to capture our attention.

Television portrays life in fast forward by stimulating our attention with fast rates of edits and camera angles that are increasingly associated with unfavorable biological and cognitive changes. Autism, Alzheimer’s disease, obesity, type two diabetes, myopia, and sleep disturbances are among the many disorders identified with television exposure.

“To be sure, there has been some lack of political will to take on the enormously powerful and influential entertainment industry to be recognized as a major public health issue”. Hence, far too little attention is being paid to the biological and cognitive research that clearly recognizes television as a potentially dangerous health issue.

The Effects Of Television On Humans, by Hassam, Waking Times

The Arecibo Message

Carl Sagan and some colleagues sent a message into space via powerful radio waves in 1974, which was known as the, “Arecibo” message. This pictorial messaged depicted our planet’s location in our solar system, the core principles of our math and science, as well as as our physical appearance and DNA code.

A response to this message, twenty one years later seems to have appeared in the form of a crop circle depicting a different solar system, an image of the sender, non-human DNA, and a microwave antenna. The comparison of the two images is remarkable, as is the series of circumstances surrounding the crop circle’s appearance and location. The extraterrestrial ‘selfie’ crop circle that appeared days before the message is one of my favorites. And even though these crop circles were made in 2001, the question one must ask is, why did we not continue this communication? Or did we?

In 1974 Carl Sagan Sent This Message Into Space: In 2001 We Received This Response, by Arjun Walla, Collective Evolution

The Chilbolton Crop Glyphs – A Message Finally Received In Answer to Carl Sagan?, by Richard Hoagland,

With much light and joy,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/19/2015 6:08:36 PM

FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2015

Anrita Melchizedek ~ Pyramid of Shambhala ~ Elders June Solstice Transmission

The Elders June Solstice Transmission ~ The Pyramid of Shambhala

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Welcome, sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this month of June, and particularly as you experience the amplified celestial energies over the time of the Solstice on June 20/21st, as you come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart. What this Solstice energy brings, sweet ones, Overlighted by the Masters from Shambhala and many of the Illumined Beings of Light from On High, is a deeper sense of the wisdom that you hold within, in your ability to communicate and in your ability to simply observe many of the lessons that you have experienced and learnt in this playschool on this sacred Earth; and being able to integrate this into the higher dimensional frequencies of Light, the New Earth templates of Light, as we invite you into this beautiful Pyramid of Shambhala to experience the Twelve Ray Ashrams. The Twelve Rays spiral forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and each one of you, sweet ones, travels on one or more of these Soul Rays as you experience many of your lessons on this sacred earth. It is also the amplification of the Three-fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom that activates at this time in addition to a re-emergence of the Divine Masculine and Feminine frequencies, led in this instance, sweet ones, through the energy of the Divine Masculine archetype.

So let us set our sacred space, as we journey together into this beautiful Pyramid of Shambhala, into these Ray Ashrams and into a renewed re-balancing through this incredible celestial activity of Light and the amplification of the Solstice energies.

You start simply by breathing deep into the body, expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in and contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out. Finding this sense of balance, and deeper connection into the heart chakra simply through the awareness of your own energy in this Now, sweet ones; through your breath, through the energy of your feet on the earth, through the sense of the knowing of yourselves as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light. Overlighted now by Mother/Father God, and the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, and the Arcturians, all of the Light, you experience these beautiful ray frequencies of the Christed ET’s and in particular this beautiful silver-gold Flame of the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light as they Overlight you in this sacred year of 2015. As they take you deeper into the heart, in the ability to heal the wounds of old relationships and activate the sacred sexual energy of tantra, of Unity Consciousness, lifting you into the dimensional frequencies of the New Earth templates, sweet ones.

You call in now the Archangels and their Divine Feminine counterparts, the Mighty Elohim, the Order of Melchizedek and Lord Melchizedek, Melchior the Galactic Logos, Helios and Vesta the Solar Logii, Sanat Kumara the Bridge to Solar Christ Consciousness, and Lord Buddha the Planetary Logos. Starting to connect deeper now into Shambhala, experiencing and sensing the energies of the Ray Masters, Master El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, St Germaine and Lady Portia, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin, and Pallas Athena, and merging now with your Beloved I AM Presence, the Highest Light of who you are in the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. Calling in your Master Guides and your Guardian Angel, and all other Beings of Light from On High you personally acknowledge and wish to join you now in this sacred space.

And you have a sense now as the energies of the Solstice approach, of connecting into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, this grid of Light within you and around you, linking you now into the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light. Connecting you to the Light workers and the star seeded ones, to your soul and star family and friends of the Light, and coming deeper and deeper into your own hearts, sweet ones, into the integration of the ray frequencies, into the integration of your Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits, and into the ability to hold and activate at a deeper level within your heart the Three-fold Flame of Empowerment, of Love, and of Wisdom.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/19/2015 6:22:03 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Swetlishoff: The Quality of Fulfillment

Angel of Light - gabriel - marlene

Beloved Ones,

I wish to have discourse on the quality of love known as fulfillment.

Experiencing spiritual fulfillment in one’s life means knowing who one really is as the divine inner self that the outer world around them does not see.

It is an inner experience in which the individual knows that who they are in this moment is always more than sufficient.

Spiritual fulfillment is a knowing that who one is as a divine expression overcomes all things that could ever challenge them.

Spiritual fulfillment takes place when one releases oneself from their lower nature and transcends their earthly material existence. They let that go so that it no longer has the importance and attachment that it once had.

One understands that they are here on Earth to work out what they need to experience and learn; and once they do that, the perfection of spirit appears from within them.

They know that they are working under the direct guidance of their divine essence in a spirit of moment to moment cooperation of loving service. It illuminates their understanding and they have a profound appreciation for the ways and the timing in which divine spirit works.

Fulfillment is a sharing of divine love, in direct and intimate partnership with the divine. Everyone desires to have a meaningful, magnificent and fulfilling life.

When there is a knowing and acceptance of their own inner goodness, one is living in a manner that better reflects their true heart and soul. As they practice being true to themselves, they know that their true nature is inclined to live beautifully, just as the divine intended.

They aspire to do the will of the divine, to live as the divine would have them live. They try to do much good in the world as they follow their heart and seek to express this innate goodness in all their experiences and circumstances.

They hold firmly to a positive self identification as a divine being that is living in the world. They allow expression of the divine to work through them in benevolent cooperation and co-creation.

This genuinely reinforces their positive convictions about who they are. The fulfillment of their spiritual purpose on Earth provides them with peace, contentment, joy, centeredness and happiness in their life.

When one realizes that their true self is one of pure potentiality, they align with the power that manifests everything in the universe. By doing so, they experience fulfillment, freedom, and autonomy in every moment in their daily life.

They understand that inherent in their every intention and desire is the inner workings for its fulfillment. They know that when they introduce an intention into the fertile ground of pure potentiality, they put this infinite organizing power of the whole universe to fulfill their intention and to work for them.

They know that by learning to harness the power of intention, they can create anything they desire. They come to a knowing that it is only the present moment in their awareness that is real and eternal.

As long as their attention is in the present moment, then their intent for the future will manifest, because the future is created in the present moment.

Everyone has a purpose in life; they each have a unique gift or special talent to give to others. When one blends this unique talent with service to others, they experience the fulfillment, ecstasy and exultation of their own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of each human life.

Each individual has taken manifestation in physical form to fulfill a purpose. They seek a connection with their divine essence through spiritual practices and through these practices, discover the unique talents they have brought to the world.

In this process of discovery, enjoyment and satisfaction are experienced, everything becomes easy and effortless, and their desires keep getting fulfilled.

They focus on their true purpose in life by expressing their unique talents and fulfilling the needs of their fellow humans. They begin to create whatever they want, whenever they want it. Their life is fulfilled and becomes an expression of unbounded love.

Fulfillment means that an activity is aligned with one’s higher values and as a result one’s mind interprets it as meaningful as they gather information, think things through and develop a strategy to create the right conditions for that fulfillment.

Taking action and having an open mind are the most important ingredients in finding and experiencing fulfillment. When one’s desire to create something wonderful comes from a feeling of enthusiasm, passion, joy, inspiration and fullness within, then they are in touch with their true nature.

Through this connection, the guidance that will help them create and experience fulfillment leaves room for them to enjoy the whole of life.

By doing that which brings them pleasure, they feel good and are always happy and confident. Regular practice of prayer, meditation, contemplation, and reflection are how one becomes soul centered, happy, fulfilled, and creative.

Taking one’s attention inward is the key to transforming one’s life from one of suffering and pain to one of inner fulfillment in all things. This creates a life that is peaceful, fulfilling, satisfying and spiritual beyond ones most heartfelt dreams.

May your innate ability to be fulfilled with what is happening in the moment at hand and in the joyous journey of your lives be ever blessed.

I AM Archangel Gabriel

“Archangel Gabriel: The Quality of Fulfillment,” channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, June 18, 2015, at

Source Link: The Rainbow Scribe: Archangel Gabriel 2015

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/19/2015 6:25:40 PM

FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2015

Gillian MacBeth - Louthan ~ We continually sabotage our dreams and our future, in an effort to save the rainforests of the old self

Humanity is destined and designed to change and for change. Like water, we each have the potential to experience many forms. We have our liquid days, our solid days, our vaporous days, and our evaporated days. We can be as an iceberg, a stream, a cloud, a raindrop, mist, or an ocean. We are 90% water. We ebb and flow with every new thought, every sunrise, and every storm, every eclipse. Yet year after year, we yearn to stay still, stay stuck, stay constant and in our comfort zone. The only true constant that we really have is the fact that we will always shift and change!

As we move thru this year, the weight of our do’s and don’ts seem to get heavier and solid. They gather around and cement themselves at our feet, creating an immovable sinking feeling. Our intentions chomp at the bit, our soul gives us the green light to move ahead. We sink deeper and deeper into despair and dis-repair, as we beat ourselves with the proverbial wet noodle. We spend vast amounts of energy disagreeing and arguing with ourselves. Trying to tame what seems to be the wild beast of indecision, that holds us back, always blocking our way to happiness, to love, and to abundance. With the amount of energy that we spend on arguing with ourselves, we could build malls, erect towers, and maybe even a pyramid or two. Yet still we stand still, as we sink deeper in the quicksand of immobility, into the quagmire of non-action.

We continually sabotage our dreams our desires, our future, in an effort to save the rainforests of the old self. We hold tight to that which once served us. Numbing our ability to move into the new, the shinier, and the bright future of our dreams. Why are we afraid to move forward? Why are we afraid to take action on what lives in our heart?

Everyone on earth is feeling the transformation. We all know that there is no staying in the comfort zone, the null and void zone. We know it is time to get up off the benches of the old self of the past and move into the playing field of the new, the now. Yet when it comes our turn to bat, we freeze. Frozen still in all of the possibilities, the new doorways the wonders of our future. Embracing our ‘Popsicle consciousness’. Like Frosty the snowman, waiting fearfully for warm weather, knowing the change is inevitable. Understand that the restlessness within you is a Gentle reminder that it is time to let go. ‘Resistance is futile’. Nothing can grow in your resistance.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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