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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2015 7:03:07 PM

Life Is a Spiritual Experience


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Who says life on Earth can’t be fun? Who says we have to tolerate life while we strive to find something better, instead of recognizing that what we seek is right in front of us? I’ve been a part of the conscious community for a couple years, and every now and then, I notice that some people would rather not be here.

Some would rather be in a higher state of consciousness or reunited with their spiritual family, and for them, living on Earth is a chore or a bother that they have to suffer through before they can return ‘home’ and find what they feel is missing.

What if this world is in fact our ‘home’, because ‘home’ is all of creation? What if, instead of our true home being in a distant higher consciousness we have to search for, our true home is right here, in this moment of now, waiting for us to realize it?

What if a full, loving heart can show us that the higher reality we want is here on this planet inside each of us, and once we realize this, we can start the next stage of our spiritual evolution? Maybe, just maybe, spiritual evolution will lead us to understand that everyaspect of our existence – this reality and every one beyond it – is our home.

Maybe we don’t need to try so hard to find a higher consciousness, and if we relax, calm down and approach our spiritual work with the understanding that we already have what we want, our higher consciousness would suddenly appear everywhere.

Maybe if we change our outlook from one of not wanting to be here to one of understanding that our higher consciousness is an intrinsic part of our planet, we’d realize that we don’t just have to tolerate life on Earth.

We can approach life with the understanding that everything we experience, in every moment, is teaching us and preparing us for the greater reality that lies ahead. In understanding that our life is one with the higher reality we seek, we can diminish the pressure we put on ourselves and learn to let everything flow.

If we can do this, we’ll learn a lot more than if we turn our back on life in favor of our spirituality, because life itself is a spiritual experience. Everything we do is spiritual, whether we realize it or not, but there’s nothing wrong with seeking a higher level of wisdom and experience.

In fact, it’s the basis for everything we’re doing here, and our purpose is to discover that we’re one with our creator, elevate our consciousness and discover what the next planes of existence have to offer.


All I’m suggesting is that we change our outlook on our current life before we start chasing the higher reality that lives within. I think we should be centered in love and appreciation for this world (so we can learn from it) before we can discover anything greater.

We have to realize that our life is a blessing as it is right now, despite all the difficult and stressful things we have to deal with, and we have what it takes to soar through this life – even if we don’t feel like it when the frustrations pile up.

We don’t just have to settle for life, and we can make it a fun adventure if we just try. But how can we do this when we have so many stresses and responsibilities to deal with every day? The simplest answer I can give is that we have to be able to shift into love, in any moment, and remain there.

When we’re rooted in love, we aren’t bothered by tedious chores or stressful circumstances. We don’t worry that we’re missing out on something better, because we already feel great and the simplicity of this moment is all we need.

Cleaning dishes or cutting grass can become as fun as playing music or meditating, and all it takes is shifting to love and changing our outlook.

Everything comes down to our perspective and how we choose to handle the world, and a very simple shift into the humility of the heart space will help us to see that life doesn’t have to amaze us to be fun.

We can find amusement or enjoyment in the simplest tasks if we do them with love, and our entire outlook changes when we’re permanently rooted in the heart. The wellbeing of the people around us and people all over the world becomes our main focus, and we think less about ourselves and more about society and what we can do to make things better.

Our spiritual practices begin to flow more freely, producing more amazing results in the process, because we’ve opened a channel in our heart that we require in order to truly explore ourselves.


It’s understandable that so many spiritual seekers would rather leave this world behind for the heavenly planes beyond, but shifting our perspective will allow us to see that we’re here for a reason and this place really doesn’t have to be so bad.

It can be hell or it can be a paradise, and it all comes down to our perspective in every moment. When we understand this, we can open up to our higher consciousness without any self-imposed blockages and learn to have fun here while we evolve.

Life will teach us more than we ever thought possible when we’re completely and totally open to it, so let’s open up and surrender any ego-driven aspects of ourselves that want to keep us in our comfort zone. It’s our time to shine, and we can’t shine if we’re too busy wishing we were somewhere else.

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-one year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2015 7:05:36 PM

Michelle Walling: What Does It Really Mean to Ascend to the Fifth Dimension?

Michelle WallingThere are plenty of false light teachings that skew how the fifth dimension is tied to ascension. These particular tricks and spells were created in order to distract us from the true reality of being our multidimensional selves. As the imposed veil continues to thin, we are realizing the truth about the fifth dimension and its purpose in our ascension.

The word ascension has been given many meanings in the spiritual and metaphysical community. The meaning of ascension for the purposes of this article encompasses the raising of our awareness and consciousness into a whole new understanding and practice of being able to exist in many dimensions or places at once in our true nature and form.

Quantum physics has proven that our thoughts create our reality and that everything is energy vibrating at a certain resonance. A dimension is a gathering of a particular resonance, with the edges of that dimension overlapping into the edges of the next dimension.

Our physical bodies were designed by the Anunnaki to “trap” us within the third and fourth dimension. The third dimension resonance gives us the physicality and experience having a dense body. Changes were made to the successful prototype of a human that was allowed for a spirit to inhabit a third dimensional body while being consciously connected to many other experiences and memories. These changes cut off memory of who and what a person is, while presenting the illusion that we are just our bodies. The programming starts very early in this reality in order to remind us of our physicality and biology, and science does a good job at explaining third dimensional reality.

The fourth dimension is connected closely with the third and encompasses space and time. It is where the matrix operation headquarters resides. Time and space were created to have a physical incarnation experience and at one time many humans enjoyed this experience on Earth until it was hijacked. Most of the minions for the hijackers exist in the fourth dimensional vibration and wish to either enter into a third dimensional body or steal energy from a third dimensional body in order to get Source energy.

The fifth dimension and above are outside of space and time. The existence of a body in this dimension does not include dense physical reality, however it does have the capability of form that is perceivable to others in the fifth dimension. There are no memory wipes in this reality, as the ones who do dirty deeds are trapped in the fourth dimension.

From this basic description of the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions, you can deduce that the preferable place to exist around Earth would be in the fifth dimension (or higher), in the third dimension inside of a planetary body tied to Source, or returning to the oversoul (and eventually to Source). When the ability to have a third dimensional experience is available without having the influence of the lower entities of the fourth dimension, a person may choose the third over the fifth until the soul calls for the spirit to move on to another experience.

Our spirit is the essence of the Source that is incarnated into the physical body. Our spirit is always connected to everything. It is connected to Source, our oversoul, the consciousness of Mother Earth, the animals, the crystals, and all human beings on the planet. Our oversoul has many aspects spirits that have experiences in all of the dimensions. Since we are connected to our oversouls, we are connected to all of the dimensions. Aspects in the first and second dimensions are closer to the elemental worlds.

Ascension involves being aware that we have access to our multidimensional selves and expanding the connection with those parts of us. It is also understanding that we have been tricked into accepting the trap of the third dimensional body and memory wipe. Forgetting who we are would allow us to dive deep into a third dimensional experience, but it would also made us vulnerable to those who need to harvest energy. The easiest way to make us slaves to harvest our energy is to do everything possible to pull us away from our capabilities as multidimensional beings. Ascension is understanding how we got to where we are as well as how we have the power to break the wall down that keeps us trapped.

Some people who have done their clearing work and have decided that they are finished with a physical body experience can certainly move their consciousness to a fifth dimensional place if they were to “die” (or ascend) out of their physical body. They could also move many other places depending on their vibrational attainment in this lifetime. Whereas those in a higher dimension can move their consciousness into the lower dimensions, those in the lower dimensions have to ascend their vibration in order to have a resonance match to the higher vibration. This is normally not a challenge with the awareness and experience of prior lifetimes to perform tasks that will raise the vibration.

What Does It Really Mean To Ascend To The Fifth Dimension? in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit prior lifetimes before the human body and fourth dimensional matrix trapped a consciousness into a body, humans had the capability of time traveling with their consciousness and fifth dimensional body. The physical body could be put into stasis if one wished to travel inside of time. If one wished to travel outside of time, they could be gone for what may seems like a week in experience but only a second may have passed in physicality here on Earth.

The goal for some people in this lifetime is to return to being able to use those certain techniques to access the wisdom and experience of all of your oversoul’s experiences while existing in a third dimensional experience. When your vibration is raised with intention and through the changes that you make in your life, parts of the fifth dimension and higher become available to you. This includes heightened senses and capabilities that can create what have been described as miracles or magic.

Other people will try to manifest a negative to positive ascension by incarnating into a physical body that is tied to Source in order to stay with that planet while she raises her vibration. These beings would not have been able to raise their vibration if not for the piggy back connection to the planet, and they were lucky enough to either incarnate into a body or “walk in” a body. These are the beings who chose a negative polarized path in order to serve Source by experience in this dualistic creation. While everything eventually returns to Source, there are some negative beings that chose to piggy back and the others will go kicking and screaming back to Source by way of shortcut and reconstitution into another form of energy as they will have cut their energetic tie to Source completely.

The poisoning that is occurring on the planet as well as the planned destruction through HAARP and CERN have a number one goal of keeping humans from being able to ascend. The prison matrix that was imposed on us was a brilliant plan on their part in order for them to steal the energy needed to survive, and was planned for a very long time. However, because deception was used against humans in order to trick them into giving their free will to the plan, intervention has played out in many ways to free those who wish to leave. The prison door is being opened right now and the clarion call has gone out to those who wish to hear it.

For now, some ascenders may actually decide to drop the body and move to the fifth dimension. Other people came to Earth to remove the programming and blocks that have trapped humanity in the third with no recollection of their multidimensional selves and capabilities as co-creators of many experiences at the same time, and out of time. These people will restore the Disneyland of third dimensional incarnation on planet Earth. Their job will not be easy but the rewards will expand their souls to the highest capability. Finally, if we are all connected to Source, why would we want to stop at accessing just our oversoul’s experiences? Eventually merging with Source while keeping our identity as a part of Source out exploring the wild west is going to be a trip that you do not want to miss!

“What Does It Really Mean To Ascend To The Fifth Dimension?” by Michelle Walling, June 2, 2015 at

Original link: What Does It Really Mean To Ascend To The Fifth Dimension?

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2015 7:06:51 PM

Andrea Schulman: How to Put the “Believe” in “Ask, Believe, Receive!”

Andrea SchulmanAsk, believe, receive. It’s the Law of Attraction motto, and it’s very simple. We are all GREAT at asking, and we are usually pretty clear on what it is we want. Receiving is a no brainer, because it simply comes as a result of believing. It is the believing part that trips most people up.

Believing can be hard, because we have to believe in the unseen in order to get what we want. For example, maybe you want to manifest a great new relationship. You haven’t yet manifested it, you haven’t seen it with your own eyes, yet in order to get it you must believe it is yours!

This is challenging because for so many years, we have been taught that seeing is believing (“I’ll believe it when I see it!”). However, this lesson contradicts the way the Law of Attraction works. In order to receive (and see!), we must believe first.

So how does one start to believe in the unseen? Rather than trying to have faith that a great relationship will simply drop into your lap, I’ve found it’s easier (and more effective) to find proof that the process of attraction is working. Just like we’ve learned our trustworthy friend or relative will come through for us when we ask for a favor, we can also start to believe the Law of Attraction will come through for us, no matter what we are asking for.

Here are a few tips I have outlined to help you gain faith in the process, so you can start to believe any of your goals and dreams can come true. My strongest recommendation is that you use these strategies frequently. The more you “see” evidence of the Law of Attraction at work, the easier it will become for you to believe in its ability to bring you the unseen.

1. Keep a running tab of all of the “big” things you have manifested in your life.

For example, I would write down 2 beautiful children, a loving husband, a nice home, awesome friends, my growing blog and business, and every other significant thing I’ve intentionally set out to achieve that has come my way.

In a journal, write down all of the big manifestations you’ve been blessed with throughout your life, adding to it as you achieve more of your big dreams. Review the list periodically to remind yourself of all of the wonderful things you have already attracted!

2. Set time aside some time on Sunday to review any smaller manifestations you’ve had that week.

At the end of the week, before you start up again on Monday, take a few minutes to think about all of the smaller, conscious manifestations you attracted the week before. For example, this past week I have manifested a couple of great parking spots, a few new connections to help me grow my website, and a fun night out with my family on Friday.

What are the things you were looking and asking for this past week that came your way?

3. Acknowledge all of the crazy “instant manifestations.”

Do you ever think about your mom, and then she immediately calls or texts you? Have you even been thinking about a word or phrase, and then someone said it or you heard it on television?

These are both examples of your thoughts transforming into things, quickly and easily. They are also known as “instant manifestations.” Instead of brushing these events off as coincidence, when they happen, make a note of it, and tell the universe “thank you!” for giving you more evidence to help you believe in the process.

4. Look for evidence of the Law of Attraction at work with friends, relatives and acquaintances.

This one is one of my favorites, because it allows me to receive evidence of the Law of Attraction in a more objective, non-personal way. When you are looking to gain more belief in the process, think about the people you know and how their thoughts and actions have created their realities.

We’ve all met someone who talks about illness all of the time, and therefore constantly gets sick. We’ve all seen the friend who hates her job and therefore typically attracts rude coworkers, mean bosses and extra work. We probably even know a guy who says he’s got good luck at the casino and therefore wins pretty much every time he goes there.

Run through the roster of people you know and look for evidence of how the Law of Attraction is working for them and bringing them the things they believe they will get.

Developing faith in the “ask, believe, receive” formula just requires a little bit of reflection and willingness to look for it. We tend to like to see before we believe, so each of these strategies can provide you with evidence in the process, which can then help you find the belief you need to draw your goals and dreams into your life.

Instead of having to believe in something that hasn’t yet arrived, you can believe that the Law of Attraction works-because you’ve seen it! This can help you evolve to the point where you know you can ask the universe for the things you want, and then actually believe they will come to you.

Do you have any other processes that help you “believe?” Comment below and let me know!

“How to Put the “Believe” in “Ask, Believe, Receive!””, by Andrea Schulman, May 16, 2015 at

Original link: How to Put the “Believe” in “Ask, Believe, Receive!”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2015 7:08:09 PM

Farhana Dhalla: Want to Empower Yourself? Choose Enlightened Endings

farhanaI want to preface something here…I am going to make it sound easy.

You will be the one to decide if it is easy or not.

First things first:

Victimhood is passé. Freedom is the new black.

You can’t be the victim and free at the same time. You choose.

If you’ve recently lost a friendship…a job…a relationship – remember: it ended because it was over. Period. No story required. It was complete.

Go back to the first fleeting feeling that you had when you knew it was over. The tiny feeling that was probably overlooked. I will bet you exhaled in relief. Am I right?

But chances are you didn’t listen to that first feeling, and instead you went to something more familiar: fear.

Here is the thing. Fear exists because our dreams aren’t big enough. We need to envision bigger, juicier dreams. And when we do, that fluttery feeling in the pit of our stomach that we interpret as fear, we will now begin to interpret it as excitement. It’s the same feeling. You choose its meaning.

You may find that as your world crumbles and you begin re-inventing in a rapid way, your circle of friends may not be able to connect with you anymore. Bless them. Don’t blame them. It is time for you to engage a new circle.

Choose wisely. Whoever you engage with, you will entrain with. The five people you spend the most time with determine the direction of your life. Pick high.

Ask yourself if you can really express yourself freely with them. Can you be truthful about your pain, your lies and your fears? Are you free to express your brilliance, your creativity and your freaking genius ideas and goals?

Can you have a vulnerable breakdown and their eyes don’t change one bit – because they still see you as amazing? Painful moments will happen. But remember, pain is just a breadcrumb trail to your magnificence.

Now…want to know the fastest route to freedom?

Embrace your responsibility 100%. Where did you contribute to the downfall of your relationship, job or friendship?

Oohhh… I felt that. You went “ugh!”

Some of you might be saying, “Well, I’ll take 50% responsibility, and they can take the other 50%.” Here is the thing with that kind of math. It sucks. You will only be 50% free. And what kind of freedom is that?

Taking 100% responsibility does not absolve the other person of their responsibility. But that’s theirs to sort out. The only thing you have control or power over is yourself.

Here is why embracing your 100% responsibility is so liberating…

When we take full responsibility, we acknowledge ourselves as the master creators of our life and circumstances. And while it may feel a little crunchy to start with, I promise, the crunchiness soon turns into a thrill, because taking responsibility allows you to acknowledge your immense power.

We have always been master creators, but we empower ourselves by recognizing our hand in all the crappy and all the great things in our life.

When our master creator fuses with the big juicy dreams that have begun to occupy our thoughts, then we become conscious master creators. Cool, huh?

And now you can do what you were always intended to do. Enlighten the world by being your whole magnificent self out loud.

Okay, a quick recap: exhale because the truth was spoken – it was over. Envision big fat juicy dreams and watch the fears melt away. Engage a circle of amazing people who can support your reinvention. Express the all of you freely with those that can hold space for the ever-expanding you.

Embrace your 100% responsibility and acknowledge the master creator that you are. Combine that with your big, fat, juicy dreams and feel yourself empowered to now consciously create. And allow your dreams to enlighten the world just a little or a lot.

As always, you choose – so, what’s it going to be?

“Want To Empower Yourself? Choose Enlightened Endings” by Farhana Dhalla, May 26, 2015 at

Original link: Want To Empower Yourself? Choose Enlightened Endings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2015 5:14:25 PM

The Oracle Report, Friday, June 5, 2015



Full Moon Phase: revelations, clarity

Moon in Capricorn

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: practice impulse control (going with the flow)

Catalysts for Change: settling for much less, minimizing self and self worth, pessimistic about relationships, pushing others, manipulation of media, co-dependency, extremely angry outbursts that tax the body’s immune system, desperation and panic, reactionary, inflammatory, feeling victimized and misunderstood, stuck, resistant

True Alignments: rallying and team building, dignity, recognition and expression of true self, receiving important information, inner wisdom, clarity, seeing true value, alternatives or new options and opportunities, setting a standard or drawing a line

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a mature woman reawakened to romance”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

On its last day, the Full Moon phase makes a spectacular exit. It’s a last punch of energy for revelations, revisions, and results that will reverberate through the remainder of the lunar cycle.

Part of the blast effect is due to Venus’ movement into the fires of Leo with the Sabian symbol of “under emotional stress, blood rushes to a man’s head,” It is always a stark jolt from Cancer energy into Leo. Emotions are sparked and spread like wildfire. The Moon will be in opposition, magnifying and multiplying the effects.

Other energetics are also pushing for revelations, revisions, and results in our lives and in the world. Things are trying to come to light. Most of this is coming via communications. The Sun and also Mercury are discharging energetics that are bringing things forward from deep within us. It’s a radical process to produce radical clarity. A random conversation that is overheard can ignite as much profound insight as a conversation with a long-time, like-minded friend. A headline can produce an awakening or understanding of something we thought we had grasped, but now see that it was emotionally unintegrated. In other words we see that we intellectually understood something, but maybe did not feelthe totality of it until now.

The big push for revelation, revisions, and results comes courtesy of the Black Moon beginning exact opposition with Chiron. The energetic will be strongest with the exact opposition on Monday, June 8, 2015, but it begins in earnest today. The wave of energy brings an awakening to the truth. The truth of all kinds of things appears. All of this helps us balance and realign our lives and our world toward a better way.

But it isn’t necessarily the easiest thing when it comes in full force like this. Feeling the “totality” of things can craze people. The energetics are renegade and bringing up our inner rebel (or outlaw to the untrue law) so that we can align with our heart’s desires. The key is to adjust. Adjustment takes time; reaction does not. In the fifth dimensional level of consciousness, we temper our reactions to give time for us (and the field around us) to adjust. We learn how to go with the flow better. In the adjustment phase, we can use the time wisely by creating, revising, and recuperating.

As things fire up in response to the energetics, we understand and channel it toward alignment with our heart’s desires, our hopes, wishes, and dreams, and the value of life. We bravely approach clarity and allow ourselves time for adjustment when it is revealed. We remain grounded.

Check back this weekend for the weekend report about the unfolding Black Moon/Chiron opposition and Episode 2 of the “Parliament of Wise Owls.”

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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