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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2015 6:49:59 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: Why Would You Wish to Change Anything That Is Already Eternally Perfect?

Jesus postingJohn’s audio reading is available here.

To be fully alive, fully aware, fully conscious, and infinitely loving is your natural state, the state in which you were created and which can never be changed or altered.

And there is absolutely no desire on the part of even one of you to alter that undeniable divine Truth, because you are all One with your Source, God. Why would you wish to change anything that is already eternally perfect? You would not, and never have!

However, there was an extremely brief moment when the thought of change did occur, and in that moment was the illusion born. To you, as humans, thoughts, ideas, and dreams can seem ephemeral, unreal, inconsequential, but, as divine Beings, eternal sentient aspects of God, the One and only Source of all that exists, thoughts, ideas, and yes, even dreams have an existence that surpasses the age of your known universe. Nothing is or can be forgotten!

Every Ascended Master, mystic, or spiritual guide who has worked on the Earth plane has told you the importance of guarding your thoughts because, being of God, you have the creative power of God, and what you intentionally create has eternal ramifications.

Mostly you do not use that power because you are generally unaware that you have such enormous power, but you are going to awaken and become fully aware of your divinity, of your Oneness with God, and if not fully aware of that power due, perhaps, to an underlying sense of sleepiness, of not being instantly fully awake you could construct another illusion. That is most definitely something you would not wish to do! And our task, among others, is to ensure that you awaken fully, when you do awaken, to ensure that this does not happen.

Those of us in the spiritual realms who are tasked with guiding and protecting you are determined that this will not occur. That is why we never cease to remind you of the unequivocal requirement that you daily go within, to your private and holy sanctuary, and while there feel and experience the Love that dwells there, the Love of God, the divine Light that is the life force that knows Itself as One with God, You, and which, unveiled, will awaken you to your true nature.

In doing so you will be firmly and lovingly guided to intend and desire to live lovingly as a human, and to demonstrate Love in action in every moment in order to assist all others in the awakening process. Every single human is actively involved in the awakening process, because there is no separation, all are One.

But many are unaware of their involvement, because of the nature of the illusion, its seeming reality, and so are totally focused on it and do not see, except perhaps momentarily, that their real purpose is to find their spiritual path home to Reality, to awaken.

The task of awakening humanity is, in human terms, gargantuan. As you are so very well aware, there is disharmony, disagreement, distrust, and, of course, tremendous disinformation abroad within the illusion that must all be dissolved before you can awaken. Awakened, there is only Love. Anything that is not of Love, anything unreal, cannot awaken.

If you are fully engaged with the illusion, and with all its ongoing problems – suffering, deprivation, conflict, disease, and desecration of the environment – as most of you are, it can be very difficult to set aside the necessary and essential time daily to go within and while there to know and honor your spiritual heritage.

Nevertheless, please remind yourselves of the essential daily need that you have to go within, quieten your mind, your ongoing and sometimes seemingly endless flow of thoughts, feelings, and other distractions, and then sit doing nothing, and thinking nothing, and allowing your mind to be blank, empty! That is the state in which you make it possible for yourselves to listen attentively – but without striving or trying! – and hear the spiritual guidance offered to you in response to your requests or prayers.

We – those in the spiritual realms to whom you address your requests and prayers – are always here for you, but frequently, due to the noisiness of your anxiously thinking and worrying mind, you are unable to hear us. Be quiet, be still, be loving, forgive yourselves for anything about yourselves that you judge unworthy, wrong, bad, or inadequate, and in that self-forgiveness peace and quiet will arise enabling you to hear us.

Doubtless many of you have read about and attempted various practices that have been suggested as good ways to still the mind and arrest the almost constant flow of thoughts, and if one of those methods works for you, then of course use it.

But we often see people getting so caught up in the practices and then self-assessing their competence or lack of it, that the space that they are attempting to access gets filled up with thoughts about practicing their practice. Sitting quietly, silent, still, as you seek your inner and most holy sanctuary does not require effort, it is just a gentle letting go – watching the grass growing, or the paint drying, or the river flowing softly by – there is no effort, there is just being.

When you make the intent to go within, to be quiet and listen, we are there with you, embracing you lovingly. So trust that we are there with you, and just let go. It is really very simple, not difficult at all, unless you make it difficult by striving!

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Jesus: Why Would You Wish to Change Anything that is Already Eternally Perfect? Channelled by John Smallman, June 4, 2015,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2015 6:51:55 PM

Owen K Waters: The Gateway to Spiritual Consciousness

Owen WatersLove is the saving grace of all of humanity. We contact this primal energy in our finest moments. From the moment a baby is born, it is enshrouded in the unselfish love of its mother. From the moment a person springs into action to save others from peril, their own thoughts of survival are ‘overlighted’ by the love and caring that shines from their heart.

When a person dies and reviews their life, they see that one thing that mattered the most: Love. Pure, unadulterated, unconditional love. It is the source of compassion. It is the energy of caring for others. It is the binding force which holds together the entire universe, and it flows through you whenever you simply allow it.

Love is the gateway to spiritual consciousness. It is through activation of the spiritual heart that we pass into a whole new world of expansion and joy. In the realms of spiritual consciousness, we find peace, bliss, and continual inspiration. In the realms of spiritual consciousness, we expand our view of life to see the issues that are important to the soul. We can then see how love can heal and how we can and should spend the time to spread a little more love in the world every day, even if it is simply done in silent prayer for the well-being of others.

Let your heart open to love each and every day. Start the day in meditation and prayer for the healing and well-being of others and you will invoke a beautiful flow of natural energy through yourself. It truly is a great way to start each day because it sets the tone and the energy flow for the day.

When you are attuned to the natural flow of love throughout the universe, you then feel the natural flow of energy within your own universe. Your senses of insight and timing develop to help you achieve more and to succeed easily at the tasks that are important to you.

The flow of love is critical to life. Without the love of the Divine Mother which fills the universe, nothing would exist. For centuries, humankind has been playing a game where love and inner inspiration have been blocked off and ignored. Today, the tide is turning and people are opening up to this wonderful flow of natural energy.

Remember the love within, especially when outer circumstances seem dark. Remember that love is the gateway to the higher realms of consciousness where answers can be found to meet every challenge that life presents.

Tune into love. It will never let you down. Instead, it will set your spirit free to explore the realms of consciousness which offer greater vistas of awareness, greater peace of mind, and a sense of ever-present joy.

“The Gateway to Spiritual Consciousness” by Owen K Waters, May 31, 2015 at

Original link: The Gateway to Spiritual Consciousness

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2015 6:52:59 PM

Lady Quan Yin and Mother Mary via Natalie Glasson: The Synthesis of the Divine Feminine

nature-670025_1280-169x300It is with the grace of the Goddess and the Divine Mother that we, Lady Quan Yin and Mother Mary, greet you.

We come forth as representatives of the purest vibrations of the sacred feminine aspects, qualities, and expressions of the Creator, so you may absorb and activate the same within your being.

Let us welcome the purest vibrations of the Divine Feminine aspects of the Creator into our present ascension, knowing that acceptance will lead to synthesis within your being and the universe of the Creator.

Upon the inner planes we, Lady Quan Yin and Mother Mary, are communing in unison, joining our energies together with a focus of synthesising the Divine Feminine aspects we represent to create a powerful unified surge of Goddess vibrations and power, which will impact and alter the Earth and inner planes.

We, Lady Quan Yin and Mother Mary, have always been focusing upon unity and synthesis between our energies, as Mother Mary represents one aspect of the Divine Mother energies while Lady Quan Yin represents a different aspect.

When these two aspects are united, we are all able to recognise fuller and more complete vibrations of the Goddess. Mother Mary, upon the Earth, has been known as a western figure of the Divine Mother, whereas Lady Quan Yin has been known to represent the Eastern figure of the Divine Mother.

Many may perceive the energies of Mother Mary and Lady Quan Yin as the same. They both hold a powerful resonance and embodiment of the Divine Mother. Some may even recognise them as the same soul, however we are two souls representing two aspects of the Divine Mother vibrations.

The synthesis of the Divine Mother energies is our purpose, in order to unlock the divinity and power of the Creator, bringing forth empowerment to all aspects of the Divine Feminine, whether on the Earth or the inner planes.

When the Divine Feminine is restored and empowered, this will allow for nourishment and enhanced vibration of the Divine Masculine, thus the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine will become equal in vibration encouraging a full and complete merge where the concepts of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are dissolved, becoming a unified vibration of the Creator where aspects are no longer recognised as separate identities. Take a moment to imagine how this would impact the Earth, inner planes, and most importantly your perspective.

You may wish to visit us upon the inner planes to experience and absorb the powerful surge of synthesised Divine Mother energy we are creating. You may wish to use this invocation:

‘Beloved Mother Mary and Lady Quan Yin, I call upon your energy, love, protection, and support. Please transport my conscious awareness to the chamber you currently reside within, on the inner planes within the 11th Ray of Light Ashram at a Planetary Level.

‘It is my wish to sit with you both as you synthesis your own soul energies and the energies of the Divine Feminine, also known as the Divine Mother and Goddess vibrations.

‘It is my wish to absorb the synthesised energies you are creating, to empower the Divine Feminine aspect within my soul, thus anchoring the energies you create and I receive into the Earth to benefit and support all of humanity in accepting this powerful surge of light and synthesis with the Creator you are creating now.

‘I am now ready and available to receive the beautiful blessings you are creating, I am now ready and available to support the emanation of these beautiful blessings across the entire world and universe of the Creator. Thank you.’

Simply breathe deeply, imagine, sense, or acknowledge yourself present with us, Mother Mary and Lady Quan Yin, observing and receiving our creation of energy. Breathe the energy deep into your entire being and body, noticing the shifts and healing which take place.

We are synthesising two aspects of the Divine Feminine in order to raise the energy vibration of all upon the Earth and the inner planes. We are also achieving this now because the process of synthesis is deeply important at this stage of ascension.

The unified energy we are creating will actually create a healing space for deep synthesis of all forms and aspects of the Creator to take place within your being. This is a powerful concept and idea, which will bring forth immense healing and a deeper feeling of resonance and familiarity with the Creator.

It is our wish for you to take time to contemplate the extreme energies of the Creator, for example, love and hate, fear and contentment, happiness and sadness, abundance and lack, trust and distrust, confidence and doubt.

There are so many extreme energies which exist within your being and are created by your energy throughout your day. The examples we have shared are more focused upon feelings, emotions, perspectives, thoughts and states of being. However, there are extremes of energy, vibrations, beliefs, experiences, situations, and even souls, all around you.

There is a need to recognise, honour and respect these extreme aspects of the Creator, as all were born from the energy of the Creator. Even seemingly negative experiences, energies, or thoughts were created from the energy of the Creator, or the Creator’s energy was used to fuel their creation.

Take time to acknowledge the extremes within your being and around you, try to contemplate this on numerous levels even contemplating the physical surroundings of your reality. We do not wish for you to judge, but to simply observe, recognise and notice.

We wish for you to notice the beauty of the Creator in all, this is a wonderful practice of acceptance without feeling the need to alter, become involved or influence.

The energies we, Lady Quan Yin and Mother Mary, are creating support, a healing, and synthesis of these extremes you are observing. Our purpose is to bring forth a vibration of balance; the synthesis of the extremes.

This doesn’t mean that the extremes will be dissolved or erased; it simply signifies that your perspective of the Creator and all that is the Creator, will alter and shift, thus supporting a new perspective focused upon unification and synthesis.

If your focus is upon unity, this is the energy you will create and experience in your reality as well as recognising within yourself and others.

Thus you will not react to energies which seem to be extremes in your reality and within your being, you will recognise they are the same, unified in oneness. This has always been the case; it will simply be that your perspective has altered and shifted to align with and recognise the truth of the Creator.

In meditation or quiet time, we wish for you to focus upon two extremes which influence your reality or are created by you. Maybe there is a desire to be love, and yet there are people within your reality whom you hate or dislike because they frustrate or have harmed you.

It is important to recognise that love and hate are born from the same energy; essentially they are the same vibration, simply expressed in different ways. With your recognition of love and hate being the same vibration and an expression the Creator, we wish for you to acknowledge and accept both love and hate within your being.

Imagine that you take love and hate into your heart chakra. Hate is not negative and love is not beautiful; they are simply two aspects of the Creator which you do not wish to judge, simply accept.

We then invite you to call upon our energies, Lady Quan Yin and Mother Mary to surround you, asking us to send our synthesised light of the Divine Mother into your being.

When you feel ready, invite the energy of synthesis and unification from your soul to come forth and fill your heart bringing healing to the energy, perspective, and past experiences of love and hate.

As these two aspects heal within your heart, the energy of synthesis and unification flow in all directions into your entire physical being, auric field, and surroundings.

This energy is truly making an impact upon your being and your reality. It is as if the energy vibration and perspective of love and hate of the past are being healed within you and reborn as a new synthesised energy of oneness and unity of and with the Creator. This is a process of empowerment and greater unification of the Creator. Take time to contemplate all extremes within your reality.

We are in love with you,
Lady Quan Yin and Mother Mary

“Lady Quan Yin and Mother Mary: Synthesis of the Divine Feminine,” channeled by Natalie Glasson, June 3, 2015, at

Source Links: Sacred School of OmNa, Natalie Glasson OmNa School

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2015 6:58:49 PM

Open: Breaking through the Pain of Existence

OpenI’d say one of the biggest problems humanity is dealing with right now, is something I call “The Pain of Existence”. It’s the disconnection from the sublime feeling of unity with the divine, and therefore unconsciously seeking some kind of substitute in the outer world: distraction, entertainment, relationship, sex, drugs etc etc. It’s not that we shouldn’t enjoy life, the problem is identification with the outer mirror: we need it to be a certain way, rather than realising it as the mirror to the inner perfection of the divine.

How does that mirroring work? How can we locate the divine through all these kinds of circumstances in our lives?

False Identification

At Openhand, we consider there are basically two flows of consciousness that generate and influence every conscious and subconscious action: it is the interplay of the flow back to the Source – unity consciousness – and the generation of some physical experience – the separation consciousness. Essentially it’s the interplay of the soul through the bodymind. When you’re aligned with the soul, there’s the sense of loving connection to the divine. However if you’re identified with only the physical experience itself, then you have the sense of separation from the divine. It’s why people say reality is generated by only two expressions: love or fear.

So how do we find the aligned expression through these circumstances?

We need to recognise that this internal interplay between love and fear, generates external ‘mirrors’ through our lives: in short, we create circumstances based on the need to realign with the completeness of the divine – which you might call love. How does this work?

You create a circumstance that might cause you to contract down in fear – losing a job or a relationship for example. Your immediate thought might be to try to fix the ‘problem’ – to sort out the situation in the external drama. But actually this is not the causality – it is only the external effect. The causality is the tightening of your consciousness around the need for a particular outcome in life. That’s why your consciousness manifested this drama in the first place and drew it to you by the Law of Attraction.

The Tightness is a Priceless Gift

So now the key is to work with the distortion – essentially to work with where your consciousness gets contracted down. So you have to feel into the moment. As the world is screaming at you for some kind of answer, some kind of fixing, instead you have to go inside, into the contracting consciousness that you feel as some kind of tightness…

Go into this tightness. It’s a priceless gift, because here is the opportunity to grow, to know yourself as ‘the One’. Feel the contraction, soften consciously into the tightness, let go of the need for an outcome. It’s like slipping into a bath that’s a touch to hot for you. So you ease yourself gingerly in.

In so doing, you unwind the tightness and realign your consciousness. Now the soul can flow unhindered through that blockage and so the sense of the soul carries you all the way back to the Source – back to the feeling of the One. Steadily you unwind the Pain of Existence.

The Divine Being “DIVINICUS”

Humanity has been lost in the outer mirror of our lives for too long now – trying desperately for some kind of solution to the sense of internal lack. It’s spawned the capitalistic nightmare we’re currently living within – everyone running around to get their ‘slice of the pie’ rather then seeking and finding the completeness of the One within.

But there’s a new evolution coming – a divine being that can live in the Separation Consciousness, partake of the fullness of life, yet enjoy every experience as a sense of union and completeness with the divine. There’s plunging into the raging torrent of life, drinking in the fullness of it, yet there’s the penetration of every experience, feeling through it into the realm of non-identification — into the realm of the divine.

Every experience becomes a celebration of the divine.

This new being I call DIVINICUS.

Connecting with People Around the World

I’m currently embarked upon a World Tour of Nine Countries in Nine Weeks, blessed to be working with wonderful pockets of evolving people, all pushing back the boundaries, exploring deeply the internal nature of who they truly are and… what they can become.

We talk about this spirituality don’t we? People read all the books about how we’re not the physical, not the mind. But it’s about truly testing that in the day-to-day circumstances of life. Really pushing back the boundaries of physical identification:

What does it mean to lose a job?
What does it mean to have no money?
What does it mean to have a disability or life-threatening illness?
What does it mean to lose family or loved ones?

Do you try to fix it?
Do you descend into a downward spiral of fear?
What do you do with that fear?
This contraction is exactly where you need to be.
Here are the internal mechanics of identification.
This is exactly the moment you need to confront, WITHOUT trying to fix the problem.

The problem is your soulution – the solution of your soul.
It’s a chance, a priceless opportunity,
to make a choice, one which you never made before…
To be liberated, to be free, to be empowered through the problem.

The message of Divinicus is that the world is going to change,
in time beyond recognition, a progressive transformation.
So you cannot rely on the fact that tomorrow will be like it was yesterday.
There will be no certainties.
How do you feel about that?

Do you regard it with insecurity and fear? or….
Can you embrace the priceless opportunity just to let it all go.
No more control.
No needs, desires, ambitions.
No sense of lack.
A fearless embrace of the moment.
Diving into the swirling torrent of life, live like this was your last day.
Live like you never lived before.

And then…
You’ll break down identification with the physical.
You’ll activate and infuse your spirit light body.
You’ll become the divine being…. Divinicus!

Breaking through the Pain

People everywhere are breaking through the Pain of Separation. I’m encountering people everywhere with the courage to challenge the fierce embrace of life in this way. It’s literally soul stirring – for me the juice of life. I look forward to encountering many more divine beings in due course – people pushing back the boundaries of the old existence, the old Sapiens fear-based reality.

In the meantime I leave you with this amazing Sufi video about their take on what they call the “Pain of Separation”.

From my heart to yours,


The Pain of Separation – the Longing

“Breaking Through the Pain of Existence” by Open, September 30, 2014 at

Original link: Breaking Through the Pain of Existence

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2015 7:01:29 PM


Bob Fickes ~ Life’s Amazing Treasure

I am so grateful to be alive, to feel my heart expanding when I look at Nature, visit a Shrine or Temple, and to see the smile on people’s faces. I feel more alive every day as I travel around Japan and meet all of you heart to heart. It is the greatest gift that life can offer.
When we live our life sharing love everywhere, we are happy, but when we look for love to come to us, we are usually sad and disappointed. The real trick to receiving more love is in the offering of love to others. A simple and sincere smile on our face can light up the world around us. When love is alive in our heart, the world is happy and God-In-Us moves through everything we do.
How do we find this love? Stop thinking about it and just have fun. Simply enjoying your life is the key to opening your heart, even when you don’t understand what the heart is or how to feel it. Thinking about how to open your heart is much more difficult than just being happy.
Happiness is the key that unlocks the heart. Even a tiny feeling of happiness goes a long way to change everything around you. No thinking, just enjoying your life each day reveals Life’s most amazing treasure. Set your intention to enjoy what the universe will bring you today and see how much of a difference it can make in your life.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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