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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2015 6:41:10 PM

Sri Ramakrishna on Being God’s Instrument

Sri Ramakrishna

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

In my opinion, the vast majority of problems people face on a daily basis stem from the fact that they aren’t connected with their creator.

Some of you free thinkers out there might not want to hear about God or why connecting with Him/Her is important, but a lot of things about life that once brought us down could get easier if we could maintain this connection daily.

Why, you ask? Because we’ll have finally and permanently forged a connection that expands our outlook on life and reminds us that we have an infinite universe within, which we can turn to in our times of difficulty or suffering.

Here, I’d like to examine some material from Sri Ramakrishna about God.

I think the topic at hand is relevant to our spiritual evolution and the vibrant states of consciousness we can now access, and in order to understand these higher realms, we might want to understand the creator entity that’s responsible for their (and our) existence.

First, Sri Ramakrishna tells us that God is responsible for the understanding that we have to deal with the consequences of our actions.

“It is God alone who has planted in man’s mind what the ‘Englishman’ calls free will. People who have not realized God would become engaged in more and more sinful actions if God had not planted in them the notion of free will. Sin would have increased if God had not made the sinner feel that he alone was responsible for his sin.

“Those who have realized God are aware that free will is a mere appearance. In reality man is the machine and God its Operator, man is the carriage and God its Driver.” (1)

While we tend to think we’re separate from our creator and we’re solely responsible for the things we do, Ramakrishna reminds us that we’re actually instruments for God to express Himself.

“God alone is the Doer. I say: ‘O Lord, I do as Thou doest through me. I speak as Thou speakest through me. I am the machine and Thou art the Operator. I am the house and Though art the Indweller. I am the engine and Thou art the Engineer.’” (2)

True wisdom is knowing that we’ve never been separate from our creator. I know it’s easy to assume we aren’t connected with God at all, but we are and all we need to do is open up and realize this.

We just don’t know how strong this connection already is, and if we did, we’d probably pursue it with a lot more faith. With everything we do that’s intended to help others or advance our collective evolution, our creator is working through us.

I’d imagine there’s an ego-driven force working through us when we do things that aren’t in our or the world’s best interest, and perhaps our negative or self-serving actions result the fact that we think we’re separate from God. Allow me to explain.

Maybe, the belief that either God doesn’t exist or, if he does exist, we’re separate from him and we couldn’t possibly know Him, causes us to engage in actions that might be called selfish or ‘sinful’.

I don’t prefer the term ‘sinful’ or anything else that has to do with religion, which is why it’s sometimes hard for me to write these reports. However, I recognize that even with these old fashioned labels thrown around, the spiritual teachers who use them are coming from a genuine place.

Once we understand this, hearing from the Masters becomes a process of picking and choosing which expressions and philosophies work for us. I do think that religious terms like ‘God’ and ‘sin’ are useful – we just have to be careful with them. But I digress.

Maybe the idea that we’re separate from God causes people to embrace wickedness, and without a solid, genuine spiritual figure to remind them who they really are, it can be easy for a lot of people to fall onto a path of hatred, selfishness and general ‘sin’.

Understanding that we’re instruments for God to express Himself can keep us off of paths that hurt our spiritual growth, as Ramakrishna tells us.

“If a man has the firm conviction that God alone is the Doer and he is His instrument, then he cannot do anything sinful. He who has learnt to dance correctly never makes a false step. One cannot even believe in the existence of God until one’s heart becomes pure.” (3)

True knowledge, Ramakrishna tells us, comes from understanding that God is the ‘doer’ and we are His ‘instruments’.

“What is knowledge? And what is the nature of the ego? ‘God alone is the Doer, and none else’ – that is knowledge. I am not the doer; I am a mere instrument in His hand.

“Therefore I say: ‘O Mother, Thou art the Operator and I am the machine. Thou art the Indweller and I am the house. Thou art the Driver and I am the carriage. I move as Thou movest me. I do as Thou makest me do. I speak as Thou makest me speak. Not I, not I, but Thou, but Thou.’” (4)

I’d say we can become a conduit for our creator, but in reality, we already are. Whether we realize it or not, everything we’re doing to push this collective evolution along is being done by our creator.

Some people are into channeling their higher self or some other higher being, but true knowledge helps us understand that we’re already channeling God with everything we do. God speaks through the spiritual writers who are dedicated to raising awareness and uplifting people with the power of words.

He gives people the inspiration to do good in the world, which is why you sometimes hear the expression, “doing God’s work”.

I know this can be hard to consider for the spiritual seekers out there who are as anti-religious as me, and it’s taken me a while to get to a point where I can be comfortable with these somewhat religious ideas.

I’m still not totally there, and I feel a degree of discomfort even as I write this. It’s all a part of the process of surrendering to our higher consciousness, and while conforming to a spiritual teacher’s outlook on God doesn’t have to be a part of it, a lot of teachers do have helpful things to say if we can get past the religious talk.

People are right to be disenchanted with religion, but we don’t want to miss all the truths that are right in front of our faces because we’re uncomfortable with the word ‘God’, the word ‘sin’ or the idea that God works through us when we do something positive or wholesome.

We’ll eventually realize that the only time God isn’t working through us is when, again, we feel so separate that we start doing hurtful or destructive things. If we could realize we’re constantly connected with a creator that does in fact exist, we could start to do His will instead of our own seemingly separate will.

I’m sure it’ll become easier for the conscious community to open up to the idea of God – the real God, not the fake one religion would have us worship – as we continue to dismantle religion and we invite each other to form our own understanding of our creator.

Nothing I’ve shared here has to fit in with your understanding of God, and if anything is said here or anywhere else that doesn’t resonate with you, feel free to leave it behind.

Our unique individual perspectives of God and spirituality are the most important, but if we can be open to Ramakrishna’s insights and those of various other spiritual teachers, we could learn a thing or two that we might be glad we learned.

It all comes down to how we want to experience life and our spiritual evolution, and I’m happy to be somewhat open (yet still discerning) about spiritual material that discusses God, sin and other concepts most people associate with religion.

These things can help us expand our understanding and eventually evolve, but we have to be open to them before we can untwist their true meaning and see them in their true light, instead of the false light that’s portrayed by religion.

I hope this piece will help you enhance your connection with God, who’s always working through us. At the very least, I hope it helps you in your quest to open up to your higher consciousness, however you define it, and let your love and creativity flow. In my eyes, this is what our creator wants for us.


  1. Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 379-80.
  2. Ibid., 209.
  3. Ibid., 220.
  4. Ibid., 98.

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-one year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2015 6:43:24 PM

News Special Report: Governments’ Secret Space Programs – Part 2

Multiple Secret Space Programs

Multiple Secret Space Programs

Exopolitics & Ethics: The Deep Layers of the Onion Seem Endless!

Read Govts’ SSP Part One here.

Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to share more with you regarding our governments’ Secret Space Programs. Dr. Salla continues with his interview with whistleblower “Corey Goode.”

This story opens with talk of an actual war occurring in deep space, on Mars, and on Earth –and yet, as of right now, it has been halted.

Corey states that the war is between two space alliances currently at odds, unable to discern “how much” repressed technology and information will be shared with the rest of surface humanity upon the inevitable disclosure event.

“According to Corey, on the one side of the conflict is a positive (service-to-others) Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance comprising the first secret space program created by the U.S. military, ‘Solar Warden,’ and its allies, a number of ancient human space programs, and friendly human-looking extraterrestrial races that [are] genetically linked to humanity.”

This positive SSP alliance wants surface humanity to learn the truth about the extensive space programs hidden from public view, involving free energy technology, ancient civilizations, and extraterrestrial visits. Most significantly, said SSP alliance is committed to dissolving the global financial debt-slavery system capturing most of the human populace.

Corey described the opposing faction as a negative alliance (service-to-self), which is officially the first corporate operated space program, called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC). If I may digress from the story for a moment: If this information is true then it makes a lot of sense where the deep loyalty comes from between politicians and corporations!

In other words, it’s much deeper than just money. This story tells us it’s deep wells of secrets –secrets that extend all the way out into outer space! For me, this sheds major insight to the depth of their loyalty to one another.

For example, why Monsanto is continually supported by lobbyists …because quite possibly billions of their dollars (our monies spent on Monsanto products) are being funneled into said space programs, and probably many other activities that remain “secret.”

I’ve been puzzled for decades by how companies like Monsanto continue to thrive while the public-at-large says “no more,” especially considering the harm they do to the agricultural community, to our environment in general, and to our food supplies. Now it makes lots of sense: Politicians, corporations, and even governments all seem to be deeply intertwined in truly top secret operations.

Corey shared that the ICC is comprised of three parts: 1. Ancient bloodlines from Earth known as our cabal, or the “Illuminati”; 2. Reptilian extraterrestrials originating from outside our solar system; and 3. Humans connected directly or ideologically to the original Nazi regime, who “normally operate outside the solar system, but were trapped inside a recently imposed solar system wide quarantine.”

A group of newly arrived extraterrestrials called the ‘Sphere Alliance,’ according to Corey, “have technology far superior to any of the conflicting space program alliances, and have implemented a solar system wide quarantine. This has created havoc with ‘Cabal led SSPs’ that previously were the dominant power on Earth and the Solar System, but are rapidly losing power to the SSP Alliance. This has led to growing defections from the Cabal led SSPs to the SSP Alliance.”

Further, Corey described other pressing issues between the warring factions and their current standstill. One such issue is that the Cabal led SSP wants a “controlled disclosure” where humanity remains deceived, resulting in the cabal staying in power.

In contrast, the positive Sphere Alliance has a “disclosure plan of massive official document dumps (like Wikileaks) and television broadcasts that will reveal the truth about humanity’s situation, and lead to Nuremburg War Crime-like trials against (former) leaders of the Cabal led SSPs.”

Without a doubt, this type of information is drastically different from what mainstream media is telling us on our televisions –that’s whyGolden Age of Gaia is an alternative news source. What I take away is that so much is happening at this very moment, between the forces of the dark and the forces of Light.

As the onion layers are pulled back further and further, and deeper and deeper, I will be the first to admit: Some of it is a bit scary, some is quite empowering, but all of it is most surreal!

And yet, it’s my understanding that everything is in Divine perfect order and timing. Granted, we’ve been hoping for Disclosure for years now, yet I can only trust that the delays are both unavoidable and necessary to ensure our safety and liberation. Thank you, again, to all the Light forces diligently working toward our freedom!

Future articles will follow this as Parts 3 & 4, and possibly more, depending on the extent of the information that Dr. Salla and Corey share.

Secret Space War Halts as Extraterrestrial Disclosure Plans Move Forward by Dr Michael Salla. ExoPolitics.

Across our beautiful world, We Are All One


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2015 6:44:30 PM

Ida Lawrence: Dimensional Jumping, Already

Ida LawrenceI woke up this morning feeling inexplicably happy… with a ‘little kid looking forward to a fun day’ spirit. What happened? Circumstances haven’t changed, but then again who knows?

Some people say we do dimensional jumping, and there are many dimensions to slip into, all with a different feel, which would explain some of our mood changes. If that’s the case, I’ve been in one of the ‘everything is divine’ versions of my life.

Or, it could be the lingering effect of a heavenly night in the dream world. Maybe I met up with my sweetheart and we had a goooood-time. Or maybe I saw, in my dreams, that love conquers all, and it all works out for all of us, to our highest good, and heaven never left, and hell never came, and we’ve just been engaged in the ‘Evolve’ movie series, this one entitled, Humans Bring God Home.

Sometimes our moods seem to have no apparent reason, sometimes we can point to circumstances of life and relationships that are affecting us, and oftentimes we’ll read or listen to what somebody says, catch a thought, and it triggers an emotion. That can be healing if we’ve been down and now we’re uplifted, or it can take us down if it’s information that unduly evokes fear. Some people call the intentionally fearful stuff ‘fear porn’.

Exposure to information about danger or threat is woven through every type of information we encounter, from government propaganda to alternative media to the New Age type of articles and videos, and even spiritual teachings. Sometimes we avoid ‘looking’ out of self-protection, wanting to protect our mood, our mind, our energy and so on.

But frankly, if the reason for exposing ourselves is to look at the movement of the light and tap into the truth, we’re strong enough to look without our emotions jumping all over the map. Even if the truth isn’t pleasant, it’ll inform us, and we need that, especially if we can avoid a danger or verify what we have picked up through our intuition.

Fear porn, on the other hand, is garbage for the addicted: half-truths, exaggerations, lies and ‘what-ifs’ about which much fear can be felt but nothing can be done. Like any kind of porn, this is sensational, usually monetized, producing food for those whose survival depends upon our stirred up emotions. We can get out of it with a click, and I’m sure many of us do, feeling repulsed rather than drawn in.

But… my subject today actually isn’t fear porn or moods, or sorting out the frantic, angry, hateful voices from the truthful, loving, healing ones. It’s about what we intend with regard to our journey on this beautiful earth.

I do a lot of reading and listening, most of the time for the purpose of seeing where people are in their minds, especially with regard to spiritual information. Like the Tarot Fool, with the bag of belongings over his shoulder, I have wandered through one cul-de-sac after another of differing and seemingly contradictory new age and spiritual beliefs and teachings for what, at the moment, seems an ever-so-long journey.

Human beings created these beliefs and teachings, and hence they will differ and even contradict each other; flavored as they are with the wisdom’s, fears and prejudices of the people who thought of them. But, even though different, they often agree in the essence. At the origin, many of the beliefs and teachings were aligned with or drawn directly from Source.

I don’t see a problem with picking a spiritual teaching or practice and following it if the path expands consciousness, or warms the heart toward others, gives peace and is humble and honest. People need a way to love God. A way is a way, and followers can change paths if they grow out of one and into another.

Whether we are self guided or guided by teachings or teachers who are ahead on the journey, what we are experiencing when we talk of a ‘spiritual’ or ‘consciousness’ journey is an inner pull toward truth. We want a true expression of Source because we are in love with the feel of truth and love. For very many souls, there is no attracting force more powerful.

Since, on the journey, we have been gradually uncovering ourselves, realizing our physical body and our personhood truly are the temple of the divinity we seek, and we are that love, our expansion of consciousness has provided us a perfect beginning: to live as ‘heart-centered’ human beings on earth, with love for our own selves and each other.

So here’s the question: can we transform what are now extremely degraded conditions in the world? To do so seems an awfully great task. But first maybe we should ask… what are the options? #1) to live for love/home on the earth in relationship with each other and all living things, or #2) to live for love/home somewhere else after we die.

Some people are very keen on being accepted in a ‘heavenly home’ in another dimension after they die, so they live for that. Others are dedicated to not having to reincarnate and live another life on earth, so they focus on that.

I’m not putting down the focus on afterlife, because such beliefs can lead people to do right while they’re here. But I have to ask… isn’t it possible that we came here out of love, to help end suffering, to be of service, to change the world by coming awake to ourselves and others, and in so doing help bring heaven to earth?

Yes, some of the teachings tell us eternity is more important than physical life. Maybe it is, or maybe we’re already in eternity. I say ‘maybe’ because I don’t know these things first-hand. But I do know this… at the moment we’re in bodies here on the earth, in relationship with each other, and this is where the action is.

It can be more than a little rough on us here. We have to be kind to the unkind, just to the unjust, and give to people who cannot give back. But so what… we know people are broken and we know why. We’re broken too: gratitude for the abundant help we receive makes it easier to align with our highest intentions and keep on going.

We see so many people longing for tenderness and truth, justice and caring for each other. The people want it so much that a movement in that direction has been going on for a while now, and is presently increasing and increasing. It’s scattered, people are showing their frustrations, they are striving, they are helping each other, and disagreeing, but it looks like quite a few are intending to make it a better world.

In closing, giving thought to this subject, I googled ‘kingdom of heaven on earth’. From the results I noticed something interesting: one of the responses said that for the kingdom of heaven to be on earth, God has to be on earth. Isn’t God here? Hasn’t God always been here? The only thing missing has been our realization of that truth. Although much information has been withheld from us, is there any more vital information than that?

We had to uncover ourselves by expanding consciousness, being accountable to the divine core that is within us, and taking responsibility for being fully human.

If the Divine dwells in us, and the force of Divinity flows through us for right action, then it flows through us in danger and in safety, in fear and in faith, in justice, in life and in death, through change and through eternity.

“Dimensional Jumping, Already” by Ida Lawrence, May 28, 2015 at

Original post: Dimensional Jumping, Already

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2015 6:34:04 PM

The Oracle Report, Thursday, June 4, 2015

The news is flowing now very fast, with news concerning China/US, Greece, and the USA.. Still, I find I must take a break and will return later to publish it. My concern is that if I don’t publish it, people will lose the ‘thread’ of what is happening. ~J



Full Moon Phase: revelations, shadows

Moon in Capricorn

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: recognize transformation

Catalysts for Change: trying to bind or control, narrow vision, not making sense, communication barriers, afraid to take action or a leap of faith, repeating behavior patterns, energy drains, headaches, elitism

True Alignments: signs/messages/clues (especially from the past), changing a behavior pattern, the old-fashioned way, foreshadowing the future, sophisticated analysis, overcoming barriers, dependability, standing up for something, recognizing self-worth

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a mature woman reawakened to romance”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The Full Moon phase continues today, continuing the themes of revelations, revisions, and results. Recall that the energetic of “a flag that turns into an eagle that crows” characterizes this Full Moon phase.

If you haven’t had a revelation, revision, or result this phase, you may today. Energetics in place today focus somewhat on the past — on personal and collective histories. Clarity about a situation comes from looking at what happened in the past and acting in accordance with the wisdom gained from experience. If you find yourself in a situation or circumstance that seems like Ground Hog Day (repeating over and over again), mentally jump out of it and engage the wisdom of your experience.

Changes and transformations are strongly in effect today. Minds, conditions, and feelings can change radically. The overall energetics today are so full of change that it may be jarring. Both the Black Moon and Pluto will move to different degrees in the sky and thus disseminate new energetics. The “changing of the guard” happens fast. The Black Moon will change degrees at 7:10 pm ET and Pluto will change degrees just four hours later at 11:06 pm ET. The Moon will be conjunct (conjoined or at the same place in the sky) Pluto at this time. There is potential for high drama.

The Black Moon moves to the degree of “a royal coat of arms enriched by precious stones.” It symbolizes ancestry and pride in one’s lineage, but it also symbolizes the old system of royals and banksters. This is interesting today as Venus is at the degree of “a daughter of the American Revolution.” Venus and the Black Moon are sisters in a sense, and they bring as much resolution as they do revolution to matters. We will see how this plays out today. The Black Moon will discharge the energy of this degree until June 13, 2015.

Pluto moves back to the degree of “in a hospital, a children’s ward filled with toys.” This energy brings healing and brightens spirits. Pluto is retrograde, and we’ve experienced this energetic before. Situations that were in place between January 26 and March 1, 2015 may return for revision or evolution while Pluto is at this degree until July 17, 2015. We will see how this energetic has changed in fifth dimensional consciousness.

Today may feel destabilizing, but a better description is “re-stabilizing” because the energy is actually trying to bring everything into alignment with what is better. It’s a return to the natural balance of mind, body, spirit, and planet. Things are trying to be “straightened up.” If things are far afield, the strike of balance may be severe. In all that happens today, we recognize transformation.

The flags or ideals of greatness of wise owls continues to fly high under the light of the Full Moon.

(Note: In an effort to once again try to resolve interference with scheduling readings, I will be going back to the old-fashioned way. If you’ve scheduled a reading and we’ve had difficulty, please call the phone number listed on the Readings page so we can rectify things and proceed. Going back to the old-fashioned way (of actually talking with a person!) when telecoms aren’t serving is a trend I think we will see develop in 5D. We persevere.)

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Oracle Report

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2015 6:46:31 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Swetlishoff: The Quality of Diplomacy

Angel of Light - gabriel - marlene

Beloved Ones,

I wish to have discourse on the quality of love known as diplomacy.

This quality enables one to engage in spiritual practice in the midst of life, one that can bridge the external world with one’s inner world.

The practice of spiritual diplomacy is one that harmonizes by bringing agreement and understanding through the reduction of the fear level within others, in order to bring about a more harmonious world. It is a high level of spiritual discipline that one practices by being a living example in order to bring others in the direction of a world of harmony and peace.

By being mindful and aware of what is happening in each moment, one becomes aware of the greatness and wholeness of all life. By cultivating the understanding of the spiritual beliefs of other cultures that has made them who they are today, one gains new spiritual insights. They integrate the spiritual aspects of life by practicing these precepts in their everyday life.

By the practice of open-hearted and open-minded awareness, one is available to life as it exists around them, in the conditions in which one finds them; but at the same time they are aware of the improvements within self that are needed.

These individuals thereby change themselves and the world around them through the understanding that there is a chance to change a way of being in each moment of the current now moment.

Diplomacy depends on one’s ability and sensitivity to the higher truths of existence and having the ability to balance one’s inner spiritual life with the outer world.

The quality of one’s spiritual search for these truths and the ability to integrate spirituality into all other parts of one’s life is an important attribute to embody.

There is a realization within self that the inhabitants of the Earth are not as separate as they once thought and that the web of life encompasses all. It is the knowledge that what happens in one part of the world affects the entire world and it is everyone’s personal responsibility to love, respect and help each other as the Creator intended.

Human diplomacy in its spiritual context opens up promising possibilities of alternative ways of relating to others. Through the practice of the honouring and elevating one’s connection to the divine and that of others to a spiritual realm, there is a desire to transform relations with one another other in a diplomatic, meaningful, and truthful way.

By inner reflection and the knowing of one’s self, one then becomes aware of the needs of the other. Taking control of situations in a way that leaves both parties feeling comfortable with the outcome is an important part of showing diplomacy.

Practicing spiritual diplomacy requires one to make space in one’s heart so that the other person or people can fit in, in order to realize the common Divine origin of each. By extending hospitality, help and sustenance to others, one acknowledges that the Divine exists within all and diligently works towards the common good.

Diplomacy is the process of understanding Divine will and being useful in serving others rather than to benefit self. It is an invitation to higher spiritual powers to become involved in order to change the understanding and perspective of both parties so that the greater good of all can be realized.

Practicing diplomacy aims to reach a compromise, which results in a win-win situation. The recognition of the spiritual dimensions of human interactions with respect to their history empowers everyone involved.

By examining the spiritual histories of the people and land, it can help to better integrate an understanding of the ecological and social justice of right relationship within the world community.

Taking control of situations in a way that leaves both parties feeling comfortable with the outcome is an important part of showing diplomacy.

By coming to a better, diplomatic understanding of the diversity of attitudes, values, and practices of one’s neighbour and community, it can be a means to move beyond limitations within the context of right relations with the greater community and one’s own environment.

All of humanity is dependent on nature, for it is the environment that maintains and sustains them. This environment extends beyond physical and national borders and affects the greater whole.

The sustainability of one’s environment requires a shift in consciousness from the management of resources to the management of individual self in the understanding that all of humanity is part of the environment around them.

It is an inter-dependent relationship and is not separate. What affects one affects all, simply because there is only one Earth that all of its inhabitants have to share in order for all to survive and prosper.

By removing the resources from the Earth, it depletes the balance of nature. There needs to be a greater diplomatic effort in understanding which expands beyond one’s community and one’s nation in its need to survive without regard for its impact on others.

Developing effective diplomacy skills requires practice, good judgement, and the quality of empathy in one’s ability to see the world from another person’s perspective. Being polite and courteous, and respecting other people’s viewpoints and cultural differences is important in all relationships.

Diplomacy in right human relations on a global scale must take into account the concept that the world is ecologically interdependent, and there needs to be cooperation amongst all peoples and nations towards the sustainability of their world.

The Earth must be remembered, honoured, and celebrated through the awareness and consciousness of its inhabitants. There must be a higher value placed on its impact on the lives of the people that it is affecting.

In diplomacy, there should be no room for political consideration, which always overrides the greater awareness that all of humanity shares one another’s fate, and should be instead promoting the well-being of each other.

May your use of the quality of love called diplomacy in an appropriate manner lead to improved relationships with other people so that you might build and develop mutual respect that leads to mutually successful outcomes which take into consideration the higher good for all.

I AM Archangel Gabriel

“Archangel Gabriel: The Quality of Diplomacy,” channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, June 5, 2015, at

Source Link: The Rainbow Scribe: Archangel Gabriel 2015

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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