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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2015 6:05:19 PM

Sheldan Nidle Update for June 2, 1015

10 Ben 11 Pax, 11 Ik

Selamat Balik! Much is now happening on this world. Many final changes are taking place to ensure the success of what we do. As we stated last time, what is happening is the last fading of a system that has ruled this surface world with an iron fist for the past 13 millennia. Such an operation is filled with seemingly endless individuals who are truly dedicated to the old system that was set up long ago by the Anunnaki. Our earthly allies began over a decade ago to establish precedents to construct an alternate system. As we stated previously, this new system already operates in most of Asia and is coming on board in many parts of this globe. It is this prototype system that we last alluded to. In Europe and in Asia, this alternative is becoming strong and is being used to exchange funds across this world. The US Corporation realizes this and deeply senses that its time of reckoning has come. These views have been secretly exchanged. The last hurrah for this antiquated system is upon us. A great moment in the changing of power is near.

The US Corporation comprehends what is currently going on around this world. Asia has risen up from the great depths that she had descended to at the beginning of the post World War II era. America was completely dominant and used this advantage to enforce its global precepts upon the world. This superiority came to a screeching halt after the second Iraq conflict. Suddenly the lack of sufficient precious metal monetary reserves brought a change in US monetary policy. The fiat dollar was under attack and the US Corp. began a series of holding actions that has brought the Federal Reserve to the very brink of existence. The world, and especially Asia has shown that the past monetary idea of fiat currency is no longer completely viable. In its stead is to be formed a new system based on a fair exchange rate from a pool of precious metal currencies. The US and its friends are staging this holding action. The length of this action is one, which is attempting to hold back currency resets and a global currency revaluation. This action is running its course.

At present, there is a legal system that has declared the US Corp as bankrupt. Likewise, its companion, the Fed has been declared bankrupt. This is to become official once various other aspects of a new financial system are fully in place later in the year. Thus, the old system is living on borrowed time. A most magnificent moment is nearly ready to blossom. Until then, humanitarian funds are to be exchanged and after a number of such key fundings, the US Corp is to disappear. It is to be replaced by NESARA. This transitional period is when we can emerge from the long cover-up and our benign status can be officially affirmed. Then, we can oversee the lessons of the Ascended Masters and introduce you to the Agarthans. The events are to show you a new general paradigm. Heaven wishes us to make sure that the dark and its agents are no longer in a position to adversely influence you. This is to be an Age of Light. It is when you are to return to full consciousness. It is when you are able to access the Akashic records and the administrations of Heaven.

This time comes after the last struggles with the dark are over. We are in a position where we can influence events. Nevertheless, we have a limit as to how we show ourselves to you. Much of this realm has been saturated by propaganda skillfully devised and disseminated by the dark. Hence, many of you believe these lies and therefore, we need to appear only in ways that disprove these perceptions. Therefore, we cannot openly appear en mass until these dark regimes are history. At that time, we intend to increase drastically the number of ships you see. Then your fears can dissipate and all can freely feel our Light energies. At the same time, Angels can manifest themselves and the wonders of Heaven can begin to appear daily in the sky. This is to be the forerunner of what is to happen. The Light wishes to show you what you are truly capable of. Along with this are to be the various funds to bring you prosperity and general debt forgiveness. In this new reality, you are to continue to grow and claim your return to being this star nation’s physical Angels!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Today is a truly blessed day! Our focus is upon the bringing forth of a marvelous set of formal resolutions by Heaven. These are just the start of a number of adjustments, which are to greatly increase your sensing of the new chakras that are being installed around the diaphragm and the thymus in your upper heart. These two new chakras have led to some difficulties in your upper chest and upper abdomen. Do not be overly alarmed, blessed Ones; this is part of a new stage in your continual construction of the preliminaries required for your ascension to full consciousness. Centuries ago, some of us were given a special ceremony required by Heaven to become who you now know us as. This time was a very special one as many years of aging and bewilderment were sloughed off and replaced by the golden glows of Heaven. We were then in divine service and needed a time for an “initial boot camp” to understand what was to be expected of us.

The same is to be expected of you by Heaven and thus, you are to be required to learn how to communicate and fulfill your divine service to Gaia and to Heaven. Look upon these times as a preparation. In this, Beloveds, we are sure that you can acquit yourselves very, very well. The dark fades and you come into a realm which you have not seen before. Our associates are preparing the way for events, which are, at times, to surprise and shock you. These events are to be portents of what is to come. In many previous lifetimes, we had come to the bad end that we all call “death.” Suddenly, this option was removed by a set of long awaited rituals. We were treated to an environment, which we knew nothing about. In this practically “new-born state,” we emerged and were exposed to things mostly unknown. We were initiated by a special Master and quickly trained for each of our new duties. It was the start of our service.

We say this only to express how you are to quickly change, and once trained, to easily do what your new duties are to detail. What is ahead is simply a gentle overview of your coming life. Be positive and follow your heart; not your head in these matters. We intend to do our part by giving you a number of deep truths, which were forcefully purged from your distant memories after the Anunnaki took over this surface world some 13 millennia ago. Once the dark’s power structures disappear, you are to become more conscious of the new reality as it can then reconstruct itself anew. In this realm, you can begin to start a communication with your space and spiritual families. Here, additional wisdom can be shared with you. You are as well to welcome the landings of our brethren. This is swiftly to lead to an introduction to Agartha and all the wonders contained therein!

Today, we brought you yet another weekly message for all of you to share with each other. Events are now forming which are to alter this realm and permit you to experience the new. Hence, be ready to open up your conception of possibility and gladly welcome in the new!!! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Sheldan Nidle was born in New York City on Nov. 11, 1946, and grew up in Buffalo, New York. His first extraterrestrial and UFO experiences began shortly after his birth and were highlighted all through his childhood by various modes of contact phenomena, as well as accompanying manifestations – light-form communications, extraterrestrial visitations, and teaching/learning sessions on board spacecraft.

Source: Sheldan Nidle — Planetary Activation Organization

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2015 6:19:06 PM

Emmanuel Dagher: Energy Forecast June 2015 – The Crystals Speak

Emmanuelpeaceofficial1Dear friend,

I’m excited to reconnect with you again. Sharing in this space, where we get to honor each other in this way, is one of the things I cherish most, and for that I am profoundly grateful.

I am also grateful for all the heartfelt messages I receive from you, sharing your own personal journey of how you came to be the miraculous person you are today. It reminds me that we are truly all in this together.

There’s a lot for us to catch up on in this Energy Forecast, so let’s get right to it.

The Gap Narrows

In the past few weeks, a resurgence of light frequency from the celestial skies has been pouring into every single corner of the planet. This light has also been pouring into our biomagnetic sheath (auric field), body, and mind.

For a while, it appeared as though the two worlds (the world of Unity/Oneness and the world of fear/lack that have operated in the context of duality) were headed in completely different directions, creating a large gap between them.

This was creating a kind of anxiety and sadness in many sensitives and empaths who felt as though they had to leave behind many of the people, places, and things they had grown to care for, and formed bonds and connections with.

A few months ago, many of us even went through a deep cleansing and grieving period, as a result of releasing many of the people, places, and experiences still choosing to operate in a world of fear and lack.

Well, the recent resurgence of light that has been pouring into our planet is a direct answer to the yearning of many wayshowers’ prayers, to not have to leave behind the people and things that may not have chosen yet to awaken to their greatest Self.

The reason we as empaths have a kind of yearning to remain connected to the people and things that may not be fully awakened to their greatest Self, is that at our core … we have a resilient faith that they eventually will.

It’s that part of us that just doesn’t give up on anyone or anything, even if the world around that person seems like it has.

Our Divine Will has summoned a narrowing of the gap, so that no one and nothing gets left behind.

I know that at first, that sounds like a tall order. However, the amount of light pouring in at this time is a clear confirmation that it is happening.

It’s easy for any group of people who gather in community to deem themselves as more enlightened than any other group. But we’ve seen every attempt at that model fail, because it is very much based in judgment.

What if no person, place, or thing was better or worse than any other? What if we were able to embrace our seeming differences, and accept that we’re all on this journey together?

What kind of reality do you think we would manifest?

The rational mind usually goes to a thought such as, “That kind of world is just wishful thinking.” That is just the mind’s way of creating a protective barrier for itself, as a result of past experiences that the mind may have found disappointing.

Meanwhile, the Spirit within each of us knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that a world where we all embrace our seeming differences and accept one another fully is possible in this realm of existence.

That’s actually why each and every one of us chose to come in at this time, because on some deep level we knew we could make it happen. And . . . we are!

I’d like to offer you a daily prayer/intention that has helped me tremendously in letting go of the judgments the mind sometimes likes to create out of self-protection:

‘Dear Spirit, I ask that I see beyond my story, and the stories of others, and into the truth of who they and I really am. I ask to see, hear, and feel myself and others through the eyes, ears, and heart of the Divine One Spirit of All that Is. I choose for this to be easy and graceful for my mind, body, and emotions. With profound gratitude, I say … And so it is!”

Try adding this prayer/intention or something similar to your morning daily practice for the next 28 days, and notice the shifts that begin showing up for you.

You may find yourself feeling more loving, tolerant, and compassionate. You may also notice many doors that once seemed closed to you, now open up completely.

I’m looking forward to hearing about your experience!

Simple prayers and affirmations like this will help to narrow the gap between the world of unity/love and the world of fear/lack, so that all that is left is a world of love. That’s how powerful we are.

The Crystals Speak

Like most on a mindful spiritual path, I have always had an affinity with crystals and minerals. I often use them in my healing practice, and during my personal meditations. I remember as a child being captivated by their beauty and energy.

With the resurgence of light pouring into our planet, just as we are being affected by it, so is every living, breathing thing on the planet. This includes our friends in the animal kingdom, plant kingdom, and yes, mineral kingdom!

Many colleagues, clients, and friends I’ve been working with have noticed that their crystals are vibrating in ways they never have before. Many of them couldn’t even feel the subtle energies of crystals and minerals before, and are now feeling them without question. So one morning I decided to bring my crystals out and meditate with them to see if they felt any different from how they had before.

To my amazement, I did notice a big difference. As an intuitive and an energy worker, I’m already quite sensitive to crystals and minerals, but there has definitely been an expansive shift. The most accurate way I can describe it for me was that new life has been breathed into the crystals and minerals. It’s quite awesome!

I’ve noticed that when I use them during meditations and healing sessions, they are generating even greater and more remarkable results.

The crystals I have been working with lately are tektites such as selenite and moldavite, as well as aquamarine, Lemurian Seed crystals, citrine, and phenacite. I’d love to hear from you about which crystals you are most resonating with right now.

To check in with your crystals to see if they are shifting, place one crystal at a time in your left hand (the receiving hand) and let your hand rest comfortably on your lap, while sitting with eyes closed. Take a few deep breaths, and notice if you feel a vibration or energy move from your hand into a certain part of your body.

From this relaxed state, mentally ask the crystal to share any wisdom, message, or healing it has to offer you. You may be surprised with the guidance and support you receive!

Isn’t it amazing how everything on our planet, even the rocks, are alive?!

Now, more than ever, everything in our natural environment is available to support and guide us back to our most Divine Selves.

If you haven’t connected with crystals, minerals, and nature in general for a while, now is an excellent time to do so. It’s amazing how life gifts us with the most spectacular tools to help us awaken our body, mind, and Spirit.

The month of June will feel quite busy, so giving ourselves permission to pace ourselves, and to take it one day a time, will serve us tremendously.

Making sure we are well hydrated and that we’re getting plenty of rest will also help us to quickly integrate the current waves of light pouring into our world.

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,


“Energy Forecast June 2015 – The Crystals Speak” by Emmanuel Dagher, June 1, 2015, at

Source Link: Emmanuel Dagher: Energy Forecast

©2009-2015 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2015 6:24:02 PM


Bob Fickes ~ That Which is Closest to the Truth Lasts Longest in Time

The most powerful Shrines and Temples were originally created on a Vortex of Energy also known as a Power Spot. The Ancients recognized these Power Spots and built their Temples or Shrines there in harmony with the energy of the land. Usually the buildings were constructed according to the four directions of the compass with the entrance to the East. In this way the building would radiate Life Force to the surrounding environment enhancing the prosperity of the people and the fertility of the land. These sacred places would continue to be valued by the people for many generations and the people were happy.
If the building was not constructed on a Vortex of Energy, the people would lose interest and the building would be eventually abandoned. This is the way of the universe. It is also the way of our thoughts and desires. When we have empty thoughts created only from mind, our desires will not manifest and we feel disappointed. But if our thoughts are in harmony with the universe and have strong feelings from our heart, then the universe and our environment feel our desire and help it to materialize.
Temples, Shrines and our own thoughts when in harmony with the flow of Life Force will continue to support us in everything we do. The power of these places and our own desires do not come from the building or the logic of our mind. The real manifesting power of everything in this universe comes from the Life Force of the Universe that moves through them. In the case of the Shrine or Temple, the real power is in the location of a Vortex of Energy that was there before the building was constructed and will continue to respond to our desires as long as we honor them and give them our love and appreciation.
This is a time of revival of the ancient spirit of appreciation for the forces of Nature that once existed in the land and the people who lived there. When we give our love to these places and support the energy that is there, prosperity will return to the people and the land will provide us with all the elements that our life requires for a good and harmonious life in the world.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2015 6:34:22 PM

Nanice Ellis: The Hidden Antidote for Depression

Nanice EllisIt is no secret that depression is a worldwide epidemic, but did you know that a hidden cause of depression is the fear of self-expression? If you often sacrifice self-expression in exchange for acceptance, appreciation or approval – or to avoid negative consequences like rejection or conflict – you may become depressed.

Every time you shut down self-expression in order to get your emotional needs met by others, you are actually rejecting your Real Self – cutting yourself off from your intrinsic source of energy and power, and thereby diminishing your natural state of peace, joy and love. The result is often what we refer to as depression.

But, why would we ever do this to ourselves?

From birth we are taught to believe that in order to be accepted, appreciated, or to get any emotional needs met, it is necessary to follow a set of rules, regulations and limiting beliefs that were handed down to us from parents, teachers, religion, culture and society. If we fear that others will withhold love and approval if we don’t conform, we are likely to restrict our self-expression whenever it contradicts with the pre-existing ideals of those around us. We may even feel as if our survival is at risk – making us believe that self-suppression is a better choice than self-expression. Unfortunately, when you constantly repress your Real Self, there is a huge unseen price to pay.

Depression is the unavoidable by-product of not being who you really are and a direct result of repressing your Real Self.

When The Need For Peace Turns into Depression

Yes, it can be wonderful to choose peace over adversity, but if you are habitually choosing peace in order to avoid conflict, you may be sacrificing your Real Self. Negating yourself or your preferences, in order to avoid conflict with others, may sound evolved and selfless on the surface, but when we look deeper, we see that continuously closing yourself down in order to avoid conflict causes chronic depression.

Self-expression is a sign of spiritual evolution. Self-expression allows the Divine to shine through you like a priceless work of art. Choosing peace over expression just might mean repressing Divinity.

Indeed, sometimes being our Real Selves causes others to feel uncomfortable and maybe even to judge us for being different – and on occasion there could be conflict. This is all true, but what is also true is that when you have the courage to express your Real Self, you call forth a higher version of reality where you can truly be your Real Self. Yes, this might mean overcoming the opinions of others on the way to this vibrant new land of expression but it is nothing you can’t handle. When you get there, you will discover that there is nothing easier than just being yourself. The people in your life will learn your new song and the steps to your new dance, and many of them will sing and dance along with you, and those who don’t will simply go on their merry way.

Your only job is to be You. If you are not going to be You, then who will? Being You requires that you follow your joy, listen to your heart, and express yourself in all ways that feel like YOU.

Get Plugged In!

When we express our Real Selves, we are tapped into the source ofwho we really are and, as a result, we are plugged into unlimited life force energy. When we hide our Real Selves and suppress expression, we disconnect from this immense source of energy and power, and if we do this for a prolonged period of time, eventually we become depressed, and it seems as if the whole world is against us. This means that in order to fit in, be accepted or to keep the peace, we often sacrifice the very life force that gives us the vision to create extraordinary lives and the energy and enthusiasm to follow through.

Depression is a result of being disconnected from the Supreme Energy of the Universe, but at any moment, you can get plugged back in, by choosing to be who you really are.

Certainly, seek professional help for depression when needed, but don’t depend on pills or doctors to save you. You can only save yourself by finding your Real Self and getting plugged into a Universe that loves you.

Listen To Your Heart

You cannot live your life according to anyone else’s ideals, values or expectations; you must choose to live life for yourself. Every time you suppress a desire to try something new, connect with other people, laugh, have fun or create, you repress the life force energy within you – shutting down the source of a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Depression is the long term consequence of not living your life the way “something inside you” really wants to live it.

The way to live a “life worth living” is to live it from your heart. You must throw out the concept of right and wrong, good and bad, sinful and saintly and begin to discover your own personal truth that is not influenced by anyone or anything (as long as it does not physically hurt you or others, the sky is the limit).

Impossible you might think – but it is what you have unknowingly been seeking. You will not find the answer to your happiness in anyone else’s diary or vision board. You can only find the answer for yourself – perhaps independent of everything you have ever learned. If you want peace, bliss and a “life worth living,” there is no other way.

How far down the rabbit hole of self-suppression must you sink before you begin to question the illusions you have been living?

If you were to know me now, you would never imagine that I once suffered from chronic depression. It began when I was just a child and it lasted for decades. Living with depression was very much like having an invisible disability that affected every aspect of my life. I tried everything to overcome it, and I sometimes had success that would last for weeks or months but that dark cloud always returned. More than anything I wanted to experience joy and I wanted to be at peace with myself, but it would take me years and years to find this permanent cure.

The Hidden Antidote For Depression 2

People who lovingly express their Real Selves are simply not depressed. They are the people who go through life singing and dancing. They have made the choice to live their lives from the inside out and not care one bit about what other’s might think. Joyful people know that, in the end, what they think and feel about themselves and their lives is all that matters. They are the people who die with smiles on their faces and feel the deepest sense of gratitude for having lived the best possible lives they could have imagined. You have the very same choices right now.

You might be depressed because you have a history of oppression but as long as you blame the outside world, you will remain powerless to heal yourself. Instead of trying to overcome oppression, turn your attention toward expression. The way to climb out of the pits of depression is by the ladder of self-expression. It is true, that when you are depressed, it is often difficult to get in touch with self-expression, but if you can take small steps consistently, you will make progress. The journey from depression to expression is one day at a time. Every time you express yourself you are one step closer to emotional freedom.

The only thing that is required for an extraordinary life is bringing your Real Self to the table.

What Is Required To Be Your Real Self?

Meet Your Own Emotional Needs

Until we wake up and become conscious, our emotional needs dictate our behavior. The need for approval, appreciation, understanding and acceptance often rule our lives, causing us to sacrifice ourselves in order to get these, and other, emotional needs met. But, it never works, because if you have to hide your Real Self in order to gain approval, for example, it is only your false-self being approved of, so you never really experience approval. Instead you may even feel like a fraud.

As long as you expect others to meet your emotional needs, you will stay locked in a prison of your own making. You unlock the doors of your prison when you stop looking to others, and you meet your own emotional needs. How can you expect anyone to appreciate you, if you don’t appreciate yourself? Ironically, as soon as you practice self-appreciation, the world will reflect it back to you. If you are no longer needing others to meet your emotional needs, you won’t have to change or hide yourself for any reason, or for anyone. You will be free to be yourself – your real, true, authentic, beautiful self! This is the whole point.

Re-evaluate Your Life

When you finally decide that the cost of not being yourself is too much to pay, the first step to take is a non-judgmental assessment of your current life. In order to determine where you are out of alignment with your Real Self, a willingness to be honest is required in all areas of your life. It is important to approach this evaluation with curiosity rather than judgement. Judgment will lock you into negativity, while a sense of curiosity will begin to loosen your past reality and allow you to start thinking about what is possible.

Listen to Your Inner Voice

Deep inside you is a voice that is whispering divine instructions to you. This still small voice speaks through your secret desires, your creative drive and your greatest fantasies of a life well-lived. You may think, “I don’t know what my inner-self is saying,” but this is only because you have been suppressing your deepest desires for so long. When you don’t listen to that inner voice, it becomes almost impossible to hear, but once you begin to listen and take inspired actions, your divine voice will become louder and clearer.

Apply Unconditional Self-Allowance

It is time to release that inner critic that focuses continuously on everything that is wrong. It is time to embrace yourself from a loving space of self-allowance. You don’t have to accept anything. It is not about acceptance. But, if you can begin to allow yourself to be where you are right now, you will likely experience a sense of peace which will allow you access to your inner-self. From a space of unconditional self-allowance, you can find your truth, and ultimately manifest that truth in ways that support your greatest and most extraordinary self.

Embrace Soul-Worth

When you base your self-worth on possessions, accomplishments or how you think others see you, your worth is transient – and it remains inaccessible, as long as it depends on external things. This type of artificial worth invokes fear and anxiety, even when you are experiencing what you consider success. But how can you be your Real Self if your worth is contingent on things you cannot control?

The greatest healing is to own your worth. Stop giving it away and stop looking for proof outside of yourself. Look deep inside. Your worth is guaranteed and unconditional. You have worth just for being.This is Soul-Worth! When you remember that worth is intrinsic and unconditional, you gain access to personal freedom, where it doesn’t matter what the world thinks or says. Imagine having the freedom to discover yourself and ultimately the freedom of glorious expression.

Re-align Relationships

When you make the conscious choice to be the Real You, you may disrupt the dynamics of current relationships where you have not been your Real Self. Some of your relationships will begin to improve, while others will naturally fall away. It is normal to focus on what you might lose but there is so much more to gain when you align withwho you really are. The relationships that remain and the new ones that will ultimately show up will be more satisfying than you ever imagined. It is only by being who you really are that you can truly connect with others. The most essential aspect of any connection is the Real You. When you have the courage to be the Real You, positive energy infiltrates everyone around you. As you express your Real Self, you invite others to do the same. If you want to be the change you want to see in the world, this is it!

Practice Expression

When we are depressed, it is easy to go further and further into seclusion, but that only makes us feel worse. Chances are, if you are going into seclusion, you are excluding more and more things, people and opportunities from your life – this adds up to deeper depression. When our lives are not an expression of our Real Selves, it is easy to shut down to everything, but in order to rise above depression, it is important to include things in your life that might make you feel better. You don’t have to expect huge changes in yourself overnight – you just have to move step-by-step in the direction of self-expression.

If you practice even small acts of self-expression every day, you will naturally gravitate toward emotional freedom. Dance, sing, paint, draw, write, make a video, dress in ways that make you feel more like you, or express your hidden gifts and talents. Any expression of you will do!

Speak Your Truth

An essential aspect of self-expression is speaking one’s truth. It is not that you have to tell everyone everything – that is not the point, nor is it helpful. The point is being willing and able to verbally express yourself, without fear of consequence. The greatest consequence is to sacrifice the beautiful gift of your life because you are too afraid to stand in your truth, and be seen. What truth do you need to express to the people in your life? Remember, speaking your truth can more powerfully come from a space of love. Love for yourself, love for another and love for your truth.

Mind Your Own Business

It’s none of your business what other people think about you. Every time you alter your behavior because you are worried about what others might think, you stop yourself from being the Real You. As long as the opinions of others matter, you will never be free to be yourself. You already know that you cannot please everybody, no matter how much you monitor your behavior, so why not just please yourself? Yes, you can still care about others without caring about what they think about you. As you are committed to being your Real Authentic Self, you give others permission, and space, to do the same. This is a priceless gift to those you love.

Take Chances and Make Changes

If you have not lived as your Real Self, your life and relationships are based on a false image. Being your Real Self means taking chances and making choices that support you regardless of whether others approve or not. It means that sometimes you go against the grain and do what is right for you, simply because it feels right. The people in your life might negatively react but it is your life we are talking about and your life is far more important than any reaction you will get from anyone else. As you begin to re-create your life around your most authentic self, a new freedom emerges that will carry you forth to an amazing new life.

Set Boundaries

Believe it or not, boundaries allow you to be more of who you really are. When you set and enforce boundaries, it allows others to understand what is acceptable and not acceptable to you and what they can expect from you. When you say “no” and mean it, you free up time and energy to say “yes” to all those things that are an expression of who you really are. What boundaries do you need in order to be your Real Self? Keep in mind that some of the most important boundaries are the boundaries that you will set with yourself, for example, I will not judge, criticize or limit myself in any way.

Talk Nice to Yourself

You cannot overcome depression if you continue to think or speak negatively about yourself. Every word you think or say is recorded in your subconscious mind and later played back through the manifestation of reality. Carefully choose thoughts and words that support self-expression.

Activate Your Senses

Our five senses are the way in which we connect with the world, and the way in which the world expresses itself to us. But, often when we are depressed, we close down our senses and refuse to participate in receiving life’s expression. Intentionally re-activating your sense of hearing, taste, touch, sight and smell will assist you in moving out of depression, and back into a receptive and loving world.


In order to get reconnected with your Real Self, you need to go inside. Meditation is one of the most direct routes to get there, and, as a by-product, it will allow you to connect with your sixth sense as well.

Christian Hopkins

Be In Nature

One of the reasons that it is so powerful to be in nature is that it is believed that the natural DMT in your body communicates with the DMT in nature and this helps to rebalance your body, mind and spirit.


When we are depressed, our breath tends to be shallow. Breathing deeply for even ten minutes a day can bring life back into your body. You can even imagine breathing in golden light energy to all the cells of your being.

Move Your Body

I know that it is difficult to get moving when you feel depressed and lethargic but do your best to do it anyway. Any kind of movement will do – dance, yoga, walking. All movement is expression.

Express Emotion

When we repress emotions, over a long period of time, we become depressed. In order to heal from depression, it is usually necessary to express your emotions. Often, beneath depression is repressed anger that needs to rise and clear. You don’t need to be afraid of anger, as it is a step up from despair. There are no good or bad emotions. They are all beautiful gifts of expression.

Wake Up

You cannot be depressed and ‘awake’ at the same time, no matter how much you know about being awake. You can only wake up by getting plugged into the source of who you really are – and fully expressing that source.

When you make a commitment to being your Real Self, you access the power to naturally transmute depression through the power of self-expression.

At first, you may not be able to discern between the Real You and the false you, but this is only because you have grown accustomed to acting in ways that perpetuate the false you. Being the Real You requires a daily analysis of what supports and empowers you and what doesn’t. It’s like using an internal navigational device to set, and re-set, your course over and over again – until you finally know your destination in life. As the Real You naturally surfaces over time, your path will become clear and your choices will seamlessly align withwho you really are.

I will be honest with you, there is a mountain ahead, and you must climb that mountain to escape the valley of depression. It will take concentrated effort and energy that you probably don’t have right now, but if you decide to step into your power as the creator of your life, you will begin to access unlimited energy that will take you anywhere you want to go. From the high peak on the mountain, life takes on an effortless flow that brings joy, peace and fulfillment in every moment.

If I could speak to my past “depressed self,” I would tell her, “There is a bright light at the end of the tunnel and you must do whatever it takes to get there. Listen to your heart, discover who you really are, and find the courage to truly express your Real Self.”

You are meant to be happy and you are meant to create a brilliant and extraordinary life, and no matter how it might seem, you can get there from here.

“The Hidden Antidote For Depression” by Nanice Ellis, June 1, 2015 at

Original link: The Hidden Antidote For Depression

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Josh Richardson: 25 Characteristics You May Find In Those Who Are Awakening

credit: www.bodymindsoulspirit

credit: www.bodymindsoulspirit

There is no doubt the Earth is evolving spiritually. People are experiencing intense changes within their life, work, behaviors and personal relationships. Many are awakening at a rate that can only be described as phenomenal. So how do we know if we are awakening? Here are 25 common characteristics you may find in yourself and others.

Some of you may experience things not on this list and I encourage you to share your experiences in the comments below. We are all unique and many of us are experiencing phenomenon that are difficult to explain at this time. We are all learning from each other.

1. Being in public places is sometimes overwhelming. Since our walls between self and other are dissolving, we haven’t really learned to distinguish between someone else’s energy and our own. If the general mood of the crowd is herd-like or negative, we can feel this acutely, and may feel like retreating into our own private space. When we have recharged our batteries with meditation, spending time innature, far away from other people, or just sitting in quiet contemplation, we are ready to be with the masses again. In personal relationships, we often will feel someone else’s emotions as our own. It is important to have this higher sense of empathy, but we must learn to allow another person’s emotions while observing them and keeping our empathy, but, realizing that not all emotions belong to us. Social influence can dampen our own innate wisdom.

2. We understand our current paradigm, more than we understand ourselves. We see the big picture and marvel and the duality of our world including why polarity consciousness has brought us to where it has today. We no longer see life choices and right or wrong, good or bad, just choices defined by the neutral frequencies that we later define. Unity consciousness is allowing us to spread the message ofunity consciousness to all of humanity that will allow us to heal our division and change the misery of our human beings to abundancewithin a global community filled with love for each other and not fear of each other.

3. We know things without having to intellectually figure them out. Often called intuitive awareness, we have ‘a-ha’ moments and insights that can explain some of the most complex theories or phenomenon in the world. Some of the most brilliant minds of our time just ‘know.’ Adepts and sages often were given downloads of information from higher states of consciousness after meditating or being in the presence of a more conscious individual; this is happening for more people with more frequency. As we trust our intuition more often, it grows stronger. This is a time of ‘thinking’ with our hearts more than our heads. Our guts will no longer be ignored. Our dreams arebecoming precognitive and eventually our conscious thoughts will be as well.

4. We acknowledge our imperfection and how beautiful it is to be an imperfect version of our true selves. We thrive on challenging only ourselves, and not through competition at the expense of another, especially since we have no need to judge those who are exactly where they need to be.

5. Watching television or most of main stream media, including newspapers and many Hollywood movies is very distasteful to us. The mindset that creates much, but not all, of the programming on television and in cinema is abhorrent. It commodifies people and promotes violence. It reduces our intelligence and numbs our natural empathetic response to someone in pain.

6. We no longer have a need to attach our love to material things, understanding that it only leads to misery because we are not learning to love ourselves and others. The mentality only leads to further acquisition of more things. Although things too are part of consciousness, they do not allow humans to accelerate the mass consciousness required to change the world. Only love for ourselves and others can do that. Love is knowing the deservability and worthiness of all. We are loved so unconditionally by Creation that we can even choose to believe that we are not loved.

7. Lying to us is nearly impossible. We may not know exactly what truth you are withholding, but we can also tell that something isn’t right. We also know when you have other emotions, pain, love, etc. that you aren’t expressing. You’re an open book to us. We aren’t trained in counter-intelligence, we are just observant and knowing. While we may pick up on physical cues, we can look into your eyes and know what you are feeling.

8. We may pick up symptoms of your cold, just like men who get morning sickness when their wives are pregnant. Sympathy pains, whether emotional or physical, are something we experience often. We tend to absorb emotion through the solar plexus, considered the place we ‘stomach emotion’ so as we learn to strengthen this chakracenter, we may sometimes develop digestive issues. Grounding to the earth can help to re-establish our emotional center. Walking barefootis a great way to re-ground.

9. We tend to root for the underdog, those without voices, those who have been beaten down by the matrix, etc. We are very compassionate people, and these marginalized individuals often need more love. People can sense our loving hearts, so complete strangers will often tell us their life stories or approach us with their problems. While we don’t want to be a dumping ground for everyone’s issues, we are also a good ear for those working through their stuff.

10. We don’t feel the need to awaken every person we see. Within a few sentences we can interpret their level of comfort in discussions relating to consciousness. When necessary, we plant a seed and if it’s meant to grow it will. We understand that attempting to awaken those who are not ready is toxic to their sensibilities.

11. If we don’t learn how to set proper boundaries, we can get tired easily from taking on other people’s emotions. Energy vampires are drawn to us like flies to paper, so we need to be extra vigilant in protecting ourselves at times.

12. We are all becoming healers. We naturally gravitate toward healing fields, acupuncture, reiki, Qi-Gong, yoga, massage, midwifery, etc. are fields we often find ourselves in. We know that the collective needs to be healed, and so we try our best to offer healing in whatever form we are most drawn to. We also turn away from the ‘traditional’ forms of healing ourselves. Preferring natural foods, herbs, and holistic medicine as ways to cure every ailment.

13. We see the possibilities before others do. Just like when the church told Copernicus he was wrong, and he stood by hisheliocentric theory, we know what the masses refuse to believe. Our minds are light-years ahead.

14. We are creative. We sing, dance, paint, invent, or write. We have amazing imaginations.

15. We fully accept that we can only attract what is within ourvibrational field. There are no experiences that we can obtain in physical form without attracting them from a vibrational perspective. That includes the most horrific experiences and the most beautiful ones. What we are learning to do is accept relationships and experiences for what they are. People and experiences are serving as reflections to teach us something about ourselves.

16. We don’t question what love is, why it is or how it presents itself. We know it is everywhere, in everyone and everything, all permeating and infinite.

17. We require more solitude than the average person.

18. We might get bored easily, but we are really good at entertaining ourselves.

19. We have a difficult time doing things we don’t want to do or don’t really enjoy. We really do believe life was meant to be an expression of joy. Why waste it doing something you hate? We aren’t lazy, we are discerning.

20. We are obsessed with bringing the truth to light.

21. We don’t live in fear of anything. Any and all changes coming, no matter how much they are perceived as negative or dramatic on our Earth, are being designed by us. We have past the point of no return and the Earth is ascending to a higher state of consciousness. Nothing will stop it now.

22. We can’t keep track of time. Our imaginations often get away with us and a day can feel like a minute, a week, a day.

23. We abhor routine.

24. We often disagree with authority (for obvious reasons). Some people call it “anarchy” without a true understanding of what that word or our governments really are.

25. We will often be kind, but if you are egotistical or rude, we won’t spend much time with you or find an excuse to not hang out with people who are obsessed with themselves. We don’t ‘get’ people who are insensitive to other people’s feelings or points of view.

Article sources:

“25 Characteristics You May Find In Those Who Are Awakening”, by Josh Richardson, June 2, 2015 at

Original link: 25 Characteristics You May Find In Those Who Are Awakening

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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