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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/2/2015 6:14:54 PM

The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild: May 30, 2015

blossom goodchildBlossom: Here we are again! Happy as can be … well much better than I was, that’s for sure. Hello … How’s life in your neck of the woods?

Federation of Light: With all Love and Gratitude for ALL THAT IS … we say welcome to Each One.

It cannot be denied that such change is going on for everyone. So much coming up to the surface and such a feeling of … well, there’s no other word … CHANGE. Yet, I am assuming it is not THE CHANGE that you have been speaking of, over the years?

We would very much like to inform you … that THE CHANGE that is happening FOR ALL … is indeed, the beginning of THE CHANGE that we speak of. Your world is undergoing incredible amounts of issues … both personal and global that are affecting THE WHOLE. With Each Soul that is transforming … on every level of themselves … they are bringing into their BEING… more of THE TRUTH OF WHO THEY ARE …


There are many that are aware of themselves becoming LIGHTER … and yet, they experience this through going through the opposite. Yet, within THEIR BEING … there is stirring a MIGHTY FORCE … a KNOWING that they are beginning to KNOW. An understanding that this is simply LIFE working through life in order to fulfill its desires … in all forms of itself.

Yet, where is this change leading to?

It is taking you deeper into your Truth. That is ALL and EVERYTHING. This Change is allowing firmament* that has long been overlooked to arise and dispel.


So, what are we to expect ahead exactly?

To let go of expectation and BE in Each Moment … For it is within doing so … that you will REALLY notice THE CHANGE. We cannot tell you what lies ahead … for that would be interfering with natural play. If you were to expect something … then you would be forever expecting it … and then FEEL disappointed when each new day brings more of the same.

And yet, we wish you to come to a place when that which you desire … not expect … becomes your sameness.

Sameness conjures up for me … boring. Yet, how come we are suddenly taking of sameness, when we have been speaking of change? I’m confused so early on in the piece!

Because your desires … when fulfilled … will bring you more of the same. Do you see?

Not very clearly, to be honest.

This new phase … this very exciting phase that is upon you … may FEEL very much like you have been there and done this all before … and perhaps you have. Perhaps in many eons gone by … have you brought about the Energy amongst all that now expresses itself with this FEELING …


Yet, this time … this VERY SPECIAL EXPERIENCE is taking you to a place where before, was not possible.

This time you are moving through … instead of discarding. You are not resisting … you are allowing ALL to fall into place.

Much upheaval and turmoil is presenting itself in order for it to be transmuted into LOVE. The more one is aware of this … the more they realize the GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY that is arising to REALLY ‘GET IT’ … this time around.

There is a strength now … within you … that has become present … and although it may originally disguise itself as weakness … it brings you UP and OUT of the density in which you reside … and leads you forth into an expression of Comfort and Peace and … READINESS.

You say you cannot tell us what lies ahead. And yet you have said before that we are moving into a New World where all wars, hatred, etc cannot exist. So, you must know the basics … the foundations of it … do you not?

We know that Through/In/As/Of Love … YOU … YOU most vigilant wayfarers … are setting within yourselves the outstanding unraveling of TRUTH.

Within that TRUTH lies that which you are walking into … This NEW WORLD … and yet, it is the same place … the same house … the same seas … the same skies … and yet … we say to you …

IT IS YOU THAT SHALL BE DIFFERENT … Therefore, all these things that are the same … shall appear differently because of the dramatic change WITHIN.

This is inevitable. This is not going to happen just for some … but for ALL.

It shall depend of course, on the frequency in which One is residing … as to how dramatically THE CHANGE shall appear. For some, it will seem as if they have literally walked into a dream … For others, they shall simply FEEL more ‘At home’ … For another, they may still be ‘warping’ between the very lower energies of your planet and yet, at the same time … having glimpses and more appropriately … FEELINGS … that will eventually become more commonplace for them … and assist them in moving into the next level of their journey.

OK. So, is this a gradual happening … as in … it just becomes clearer each day? Or, is it to be a MONUMENTAL ALL IN ONE outburst?

You are now, as we have said, in the preparation stages. Imagine the analogy of astronauts having completed their training … sitting strapped in within the rocket. All behind the scenes are checking that ‘It is good to go’ … and anticipation of such heights … such degree … is stirring within all involved.

What comes next?

The countdown …


That’s wonderful. May I ask what number it counts down from? For in our time, we could be thinking of 10. 9. 8 etc. …whereas, you have no time, so maybe we should be starting at 10,000,000,000. or something! It’s just really to help us get this into perspective.

Of course we cannot give you this … for it cannot be transposed into ‘time’ from our perspective.

Yet, we can and will say that the countdown has begun.

Is there not a FEELING within many, that you are almost there? We accept you have FELT this many times … and have come to a space where ‘almost, there’ can FEEL as if you are almost back where you started. Yet, TRUTHFULLY … DEEPLY … WITHIN YOU … you are as an amoeba awaiting its graduation day … and then it is a matter of recognizing where you are … and soaring FREELY into the KNOWING that YOU KNEW would come.

If you could only see from our perspective … what an INCREDIBLE JOURNEY … what an INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY is to come.

YOU, as the Ground Crew … YOU, who were chosen to fulfill this mission from the place you are in … as humans … are, as we have often said …



For you have endured beyond all endurances.

You have suffered beyond all suffering.

Yet, you have come though … as YOU knew … as WE knew … you would.

And NOW … we are at the most exciting part of THE GAME.

The Game will not stop … and yet, there will be a different understanding of it.

Are not games for fun?

Are you not TRULY ready to LIVE IN FUN?

From this day forth … allow ALL THOUGHTS to be of HOPE … of KNOWING … that indeed, ALL THAT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR is as close as your horizon.

How the celebrations shall acknowledge ALL THAT YOU CAME TO BE.

Remain steadfast, Dearest Souls … Your determination has got you thus far … sitting strapped in the rocket … simply ready for …


And you shall encounter new spaces … space you had never imagined … for your imagination had been trapped within certain boundaries … and yet … once FREE … your magic shall conjure up an expression of ALL … that shall fill your very Being with wonder.

Perhaps it is a little difficult for us to TRULY express within the confinement of your words upon Earth.

You KNOW of awe and wonder … yet, these expressions are of limited value compared to THE TRUTH OF WHAT IT IS YOU ARE TO FEEL … as you travel ever onwards In/As/Through/Of LOVE … Becoming more of itself as the chains are released … as your wings are unbound … as you take a taste of moments from now on … that ensure your ‘travel pass’ … a never ending ticket to the Universe.

A Universe that is there to serve you … To express ITSELF through YOUR creation OF SELF.

We cannot contain our excitement … for we have felt your Energies … that have oft times been so battered and bruised … and yet … up you got!

And soon … so very soon Our Beloved Family … you will simply …





Be of great excitement … the countdown clock ticks away …

Well, thank you for that … All that you say resonates within me. It certainly FEELS as you are saying. So, we’ll keep on keeping on. We have become real experts at that. In the KNOWING … through FEELING … that we are about to throw a double six! ( I’m sure I wrote that to you years and years ago … and here we still are. ) There’s always another chance!

In love and Light and many thanks. It’s been a pleasure.

The pleasure is all ours.

Oh no its not! Let’s say it’s equal. Again … Thank you.

*This can mean ‘heavens’ … yet also figuratively speaking ‘Activity’ … so I am presuming this is what they mean here.

Just a reminder of the Invocation ‘WE ARE THE GAME CHANGERS’ . Let’s keep on building that Energy. Many thanks.

The Federation of Light: May 30, 2015, channeled by Blossom Goodchild at

Source Link: Blossom Goodchild: Federation of Light

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/2/2015 6:16:42 PM

The Oracle Report, Tuesday, June 2, 2015

If you read The Oracle Report, please check out the questionaire at the end of today’s report.

I’m having a bit of intermittent internet trouble, but will be back on asap. ~J



Full Moon Phase: revelations, clarity

Moon in Sagittarius

Wisdom Goddess: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: remain committed to ideals

Catalysts for Change: high drama, pushiness – especially pushing one’s beliefs on others or pushing an issue, need for approval or validation from others, over-disclosing personal information, misunderstandings, refusing to accept new or different things or ways, dredging up the past in order to control someone or something OR the paying for the past, feeling exposed, resistance

True Alignments: seeing the light with something, connecting two different sides, overcoming differences, removal of obstacles, people of like mind coming together, what is right and just, passions, opportunities, the unfamiliar becoming familiar, practice, higher Self in action

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a mature woman reawakened to romance”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The Full Moon phase of the Taurus lunar cycle begins today. Revelations, revisions, and results characterize the next few days.

The wisdom of the cycles of the Sun, Moon, Earth, and planets is called “the music of the spheres.” This wisdom teaches us that the energetic in place at a New Moon is brought its fullest point at the Full Moon. Everything becomes heightened during Full Moons.

The energetic that was in place at the New Moon (in Taurus on May 18) and is discharging all month long is that of “a mature woman reawakened to romance.” Things are being brought to life within us and within the world. This moves the bridge into the Second Renaissance forward and it brings everything into further alignment with the value of life and the value of the experience of life. It is a return to sanity and equilibrium. The old world of dominance and systems based on power and control are dissolving and a world of brilliance is dawning.

The Full Moon adds another element to the lunar month’s mixture. So in addition to the continued dissemination of the energetic of reawakening, we now have the energy of the 12:20 pm ET/ 4:20 pm UT Full Moon at 11′ Sagittarius 49″ or 12 Sagittarius and the Sabian symbol of “a flag that turns into an eagle that crows.”

The process of reawakening is like turning into something else. The world is never the same. The ideals of greatness that we symbolize — as individuals and as a collective — take shape and declare themselves throughout the remainder of the month. Evidence of the transformation becomes more and more visible.

Anything or anyone (or any place inside of ourselves) that has been marginalized (or pushed off or offline) has ample power to return today to be resolved or rectified. Anything or anyone that has “dared to dream and differ from the hollow lies” likely finds reward today.

Interestingly, right after the Moon becomes Full at 12 Sagittarius, it will move on to discharge the energy of 13 Sagittarius and the symbol of “a widow’s past is brought to light.” Is the “mature woman reawakened to romance” of the New Moon a widow? If there is something inside of us that we have “widowed” – perhaps something that we haven’t been able to leave behind or forgive ourselves for – the energetics seek to heal it, to bring it to light. If it is holding us back from turning to a better, happier way of life, it seeks removal. This is the nature of Full Moon phases.

Today, the flags or ideals of greatness of wise owls fly high under the light of the Full Moon.

(Note: Andrew has developed a 2-question survey in advance of this month’s “Parliament of Wise Owls” recording. If you have a question or comment, you can CLICK HERE to send it to us.)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/2/2015 6:19:03 PM

Heavenletter #5300 via Gloria Wendroff: Hold the Reins of Life Ever so Lightly

Heavenletters - Version 2God said:

Yes, I understand. You want to bow to My Will. You want your life to always be My Will, and, yet, it is like you find yourself hovering over Me. You come to see that you even have to let go of Me. This letting go, if only it were so simple to let life happen as it happens and you truly be neutral about it, for you are not neutral, and you do not want to pretend that you are.

It is confusing. You have will. In fact, you have to have will. It’s not for you to be passive in life. You care. You do care. You certainly are not indifferent. You are involved in your life. In order to live life, you participate in it. At the same time that you understand the power of letting go of control, you find yourself avid for life to follow your will amicably.

You do not know how to be lackadaisical about life. You care about life, yours and others’ lives. You do want to do good in the world, and you do not wish to usurp My Will. You know you can’t just sit around in life. You do have to arise to the occasion. You understand that you have accountability for the direction of your life. You cannot be hapless about your life. You are greater than a chess piece.

How can you take hold of your life at the same time as you let it go? How do you assert without taking control? Perhaps you only imagine control. Perhaps control is an illusion, just as much as no say about your life is also an illusion. If all is illusion, what matters anyway?

Are you to follow or are you to take initiative? If both, then how do you know when?

On one hand, the idea that life is a game takes some pressure off you. At the same time, you feel pressured. You are sure it is not My Will that you feel pressured.

Babies are helpless, yet, for the most part, babies do well. Can it be that you also are no more than a baby in life? Yet, wherein does your volition lie?

Part of you wants to take responsibility, and part of you doesn’t. You want to be good and do right. You receive mixed messages. Let go, take direction. Give input yet only so far and no farther.

You would love to know when it is My Will, and you would love to know when it is yours. So, here is your quandary: You have choices to make in life. You would love to follow My Will, and yet, by definition of life itself, you are not here to be passive or impassive.

You believe in the Glory of God, and you would love to uphold it. And now you come to the crux: Why would I, God, give you Free Will unless I meant for you to use it? Do I or don’t I? Do I or don’t I mean for you to live your life as best you can? Do I or don’t I allocate Free Will to you?

Meanwhile, you wait until the time when you will know that your will and My Will are the same.

You see mistakes in life, and I see Life. You see that you blunder. You want Me to be hands-on at the same time as you don’t quite know what you want. And, meanwhile, you lead your life. You live your life as best you know how, yet you do not harness life. You hold the reins ever so lightly, as if almost not at all, and yet the reins are in your hands even as you give life free rein. Live life, beloveds, more than you weigh it and try to figure it out.

“Heavenletter #5300: “Hold the Reins of Life Ever so Lightly,” channeled by Gloria Wendroff, May 30, 2015, at

Source Link: Heavenletters 5300 Hold the Reins of Life Ever so Lightly

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/2/2015 6:25:55 PM

Retooling, Refining

June 2, 2015

Originally posted on Welcome to Brenda's Blog:

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Summary of Brenda’s May 26, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at You may feel chaotic for you are doubting your ability to perform as CEO of your totality. You’re probably giddy with the joy of completing a long journey one moment and fearful the next. Feelings so fleeting they’re difficult to share with anyone. This internal chaos is a key indicator that you’ve transitioned from 3D to new you.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog ”No More Expected Patterns”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Much more is happening within your being than you realize. Even though many channelers have stated something similar the past few weeks, we wish you to understand how instrumental this time in your transition truly is.

Most of you remain between two worlds – that which you know and that which you are trying to envision. Neither is clear nor comfortable. Think in terms of knowing that someone is inventing a new transportation form, but you cannot yet conceptualize what form that new creation will take. Will that new transportation form be an updated electric car? If so, communities need to fund related electric outlets. Will it be a driver-less car? If so, you need not worry about your driving eyesight. Or will it be something you cannot envision, as was true for those of earth at the time when various inventors were dreaming of the automobile?

You are trying to place your new life, New Earth in the earth framework with which you are familiar – all the while denying, ignoring or forgetting that new means new. Nothing in your current framework can possibly conceptualize how new you and New Earth will be different from now – and most certainly from your Old Age lives.

New Earth is no longer an isolated island of the heavens. New thoughts, new lives, new experiences – experiences you perhaps dream of in your sleep, but pooh-pooh upon awakening.

You have recently learned that there are no limitations to new you. Now you are starting to conceptualize that such might truly be so. For your previous dreams of New Earth possibilities were limited to what you knew in 3D or fairy tale dreams.

The past few weeks have been about clearing your being of the naysayer thoughts that have limited you for earth eons – particularly those related to dimensions and frequencies.

Some of you have mastered frequency jumping, dimension hopping and/or time travel. But most have not. So you deduce that such is possible for a special few – but certainly not you. Such thoughts/beliefs are what you have cleared or started to clear the past few weeks. For indeed, to be creative, to move into your new role without 3D strings of concern or fear, you requested a clearing of all that did not propel you to new you.

Many of you worry you will never move beyond this void, this in-between state of limited life, joy and action. Such is not true, but you will not believe differently until you experience the difference.

When will those new experiences occur? When you decide you are ready.

That last statement makes many angry for you believe you are fully ready to move beyond this void. But then, the heavens are not dictating your transition – you are.

Imagine yourself as an inventor of something truly astounding. Would you not expect that such an invention would require some time? That you would try various components until the right gears/ concepts meshed to create what you wanted to invent? That you would tweak the product after each testing until it was the best product available? And that such a wonderful product would be tweaked for perhaps generations – as has been true for automobiles and airplanes? Such is most definitely true for new you.

You could have accepted the first new you that appeared prior to you creating New Earth. But en mass you decided to tweak and reformat until you became a finely tuned entity fully capable of not only completing your original task of creating New Earth, but creating a new you that could comfortably live in New Earth.

So it is you are refining, retooling, testing and recreating new you on almost a minute-by-minute basis – most notably in the past few weeks. Think of new you as refusing to accept a cart as your means of transportation. So you tested and retooled that cart into a modern automobile with full GPS and computer capabilities, power steering and on and on.

So it is that in the past few weeks you refused to move about in New Earth without a shiny, new, gloriously designed you. The you you are just starting to understand and love. so be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/2/2015 6:32:38 PM

Steven Bancarz: Scientific Proof That Our Minds Are All Connected

Steven BancarzAre our minds connected to one another? Some phenomena people point to for evidence of this include telepathic experiences and psychic abilities. We all know what it’s like to know what a friend is going to say right before they say it. But there is an entirely new field of evidence that exists which gives serious credence to the idea that our minds are connected at a much more intimate level than ever imagined.

This may seem like a far out idea, but is it possible that our thoughts create fields of information that go into the Global Mind we share? What if consciousness is not created in the brain, but is received by the brain in the same way a cable box receives satellite signals? Is it possible our thoughts might create “thought fields” that can interact with the thought fields of others?

There is a fascinating phenomenon in science known as the “multiples effect“. The multiples effect is when multiple people geographically isolated from one another come up with the exact same discovery at the exact same time. People who have absolutely no communication with one another come upon the exact same discoveries and inventions at the same time, often not realizing that their idea has already been recently presented to the public by someone working on the same problem.

By 1922, there had been 148 major scientific breakthroughs identified to have been discovered in such a way. Here are just a FEW major examples:

Evolution (Darwin and Wallace)
Calculus (Newton and Leibniz)
Decimal fractions – 3 people
Sunspots – 4 people in 1611
Law of conservation of energy – 4 people in 1847
Steamboat – 4 people
Telescope – 9 people
Thermometer – 6 people

Here are some discoveries which are a little more recent in our times:

– In 2012, the collaborations of the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider independently reported the discovery of a new boson with properties in agreement with the Higgs boson.

Sound film was in invented by two different people. Joseph Tykociński-Tykociner (1922), Lee De Forest (1923).

– The jet engine was independently invented by three different people. Hans von Ohain (1939), Secondo Campini (1940) and Frank Whittle (1941).

Endorphins were discovered independently in Scotland and the US in 1975.

– The J/ψ meson was independently discovered by a group at theStanford Linear Accelerator Center, headed by Burton Richter, and by a group at Brookhaven National Laboratory, headed by Samuel Tingof MIT. Both announced their discoveries on November 11, 1974. For their shared discovery, Richter and Ting shared the 1976 Nobel Prize in Physics.

The list goes on and on. Some of these discoveries not only happen within the same general time frame, they happen on the exact same day. Can this be attributed to just sheer coincidence? It seems highly unlikely that people, especially ones living hundreds of years ago, would just so happen to stumble upon the same things without even being in communication with each other. Here is a list of all the reported multiples in history.

Imagine two people completely geographically isolated from each other working on the same problem at the same time. They are each intently working on the same exact dilemma, with their thoughts floating around in the consciousness field filling it with data and information which is now more easily accessible to people who desire to solve the same mental problem. The idea of consciousness being a non-local field that we all share is one which is getting some serious attention by people like Dr. Amit Goswami, Dr. John Hagelin, and Dr. Michio Kaku.

But this is not only an effect seen within recent scientific discoveries. Below is a picture of pyramids build in three separate ancient cultures geographically isolated from one another. There is no possible way these cultures would be able to communicate with one another, yet the pyramids they build are exactly alike.

I personally suspect that ancient cultures decided to build calendars, map out constellations, and built architecturally identical pyramids as one another is because our minds are all connected to the Mind Field, which our brains act as receivers for. We already know that our consciousness has energetic effects on all things in creation (thoughts/actions of other people, DNA, quantum objects, electrical circuits, biology, etc), but it appears as though our connection to each other is more than a mere causal influence. There is also a transference of actual information. Our thoughts seem to create a blueprint of information that goes into the consciousness field, allowing others who are intently working on the same problem to have direct access these thoughts and the information they contain.

Your thoughts are more than just biological functions and are even more than just energetic ripples. They are waves of information as well, which is why people who attempt to complete riddles, tests, and even crossword puzzles always have much higher results after the problems have already been worked on and the answers discovered by many people beforehand. This is because the thoughts of the people who worked on it prior to you have already put the answers out into this global databank of information in the consciousness field that we all share.

The total number of minds in the universe is one.” -Erwin Schrodinger, Nobel Prize in Physics 1933.

More on thoughts from my friend at Spirit Science:

“When the time is ripe for certain things, they appear at different places in the manner of violets coming to light in early spring.” – Farkas Bolyai, to his son Janos, urging him to claim the invention ofnon-Euclidean geometry without delay. Quoted in Li & Vitanyi, An introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications, 1st ed., p. 83.


Listed within the article

“Scientific Proof That Our Minds Are All Connected” by Steven Bancarz, not dated at

Original link: Scientific Proof That Our Minds Are All Connected

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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