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It's Time To Congratulate PHIL BLACK, The 218th POTW!
2/15/2010 12:55:33 AM

Congratulations To The 218th POTW: PHIL BLACK!

A proud member of the Baby-Boom Generation, I was born in High Point, NC, "The Furniture Capitol of the World", on March 22, 1947, to two of the most Loving, Christian parents anyone could ever be blessed to have. Although both of my Parents are now at Home with our Father, they are always with me in Spirit, and I pray each day, in all that I do, that I may make them proud.

After graduating from High Point University with a B.S. in Management & Accounting, I worked as a Credit Manager for a small Textile Machine Company. It took less than a year for me to realize that I was not meant to sit in an office and crunch numbers. My Dad's early influence led me quickly into Sales. At a very young age, my Dad said to me, "If you have something in your pocket to sell, and you're not afraid to talk to other people, then you will never go hungry. Well folks, if you look at my picture, you'll see that I've never gone hungry. Therefore, in early 1971, I went to work for the Prudential Insurance Company, and have never really looked back since.

Of course, there have been other positions since the early 70's, most involving either Insurance or other types of Sales. From '74-'84, I worked as a Placement Specialist for the NC Employment Security Commission, until President Reagan had brought the Economy back to the point where so few people were unemployed that we were no longer needed by the ESC and I was Laid-Off by the Unemployment Office. Since Dad & I had started an Independent Insurance Agency following his retirement in 1981, I returned full time to Insurance and operated that Agency until 1994, following my Dad's passing. Being somewhat burned out on Insurance sales, I joined with a friend and formed a business to market Portrait packages. Until late 2000, we traveled over 5 states, working primarily through the "Big-Box Store", selling Glamour and Family portrait packages, and raising money through the stores which went to The Children's Miracle Network. After spending Christmas Eve, 2000, in Wallace, NC, and New Year's Eve, 2000, in Forsyth, GA, I left the road for good and went back into Insurance in January 2001.

As many of you know, my main source of income over the past few years has been primarily from my Insurance Agency, as well as from my Bookkeeping & Tax Service, which of course took about 75% of my time from January-April each year. I was actively involved in preparing taxes & performing bookkeeping services for over 25 years. That has now changed. I have sold the Tax & Bookkeeping Business and all Accounts to a young man and his wife, both of whom had worked for me while they were attending my old Alma Mater, High Point University. Originally, I had planned to work part-time at the Tax Service to help out, and also to continue my Insurance Business. Due to changes in my health, that is no longer possible.

Back in August of 2009, I entered the Hospital and was treated for Congestive Heart Failure. To make a very long story short, I lost around 100 lbs of ugly fluid during my stay in the Hospital and came home a different man, both physically as well as Spiritually. According to my Doctors, for all practical purposes, I shouldn't be here today. According to them, my condition, at least in the advanced stage that it was, should have been fatal. I guess God still has other plans for me. You see, He tried to tell me once before, and I've tried to live the right kind of life, but I had never fully surrendred to Him. He saved my life twice and I think it's about time I showed Him how grateful I am.

To better explain, let me introduce myself, Hi, I'm Phil, and I'm an Alcoholic. My last drink was on October 15, 1983. Through the grace of my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ, I have lived each day since that time, Clean & Sober. As I said, I've tried to live my life for Him, but it just was not complete before. Since my hospital stay, I now have a clearer picture of what exactly He would have me do and how He wants me to live. I am no longer able to drive, so that tends to limit my Insurance Sales somewhat. However, with His continued help, each day my thinking seems a little clearer than it was, so I have been able to work some part-time at the Tax Service and of course, I'm once more able to interact with all of my wonderful Friends online. Most importantly, I now have time to be a living Testimony to the Glory of the Lord and to share His love with all those whom I meet.

Since first becoming involved in Network Marketing in the early 70's with a Company called Amway, I've been quite successful over the years, have built some great organizations, and have made many wonderful Friends, several of whom are now even more successful than I ever was. and I'm quite happy for them. Quite simply, I'm just not looking for that next great deal, that next great money-maker, or that newest and greatest Program any longer. I've found the greatest Program that there is and the best part of it is, it doesn't cost me a dime, it's God's Gift to me and to anyone who will ask. I guess what I'm trying to say, I'm still in Network Marketing, I've just got a different CEO that I answer to these days. These days, I'm recruiting for Jesus. He's got a great Program, best I've ever seen, and the Retirement Plan can't be beat. All He asks is that you answer His knock at the door, let Him into your heart, accept His love, and accept Him as your Savior. If you will simply do this, then He invites you to spend the rest of Eternity with Him in Heaven. Not that I'm in a hurry to die, I'll trust Him to take me Home when He's ready, but I am looking forward to it. You see, my Mother and Daddy, my Grandmother, and all my Aunts and Uncles are already up there waiting for me, and the Reunion's gonna be something else. Thank You Jesus.
I appreciate that you have taken your time to learn a little more about me, and I would like to learn more from you as well. I'm always here to help wherever I can. Please, if I'm not on your Friends list yet, Invite me. In the future, I hope that we can stay in touch more often. I hope you'll stop by my
Forum. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact me anytime at, whether just to talk or to share a idea or an opportunity, or if there is anything with which I can help.

God Bless You My Friends,

Phil Black


Congratulations, Phil! I'm glad you won and you're feeling better recently! It's great to see you back here at Adlandpro Community. You're the only person in the past year who sent me a bio without my having to ask for it! THANKS!! Have a fantastic 2010. (From Kathleen)

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RE: It's Time To Congratulate PHIL BLACK, The 218th POTW!
2/15/2010 1:03:33 AM
Hi Phil,

Nice to See You Back In The Frame At Adlandpro.

Worthy Winner Of the 218th POTW Award.

Have A Great Week Phil

Bob Vaughan U.K.


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RE: It's Time To Congratulate PHIL BLACK, The 218th POTW!
2/15/2010 2:00:29 AM

Hi Kathleen,
I am so glad to see this up and running again. Thanks for all you do.

Hi Phil,
I am so glad to see you as our POTW, it is so way overdue. What a great bio you have. I am so glad that the Lord keep you here with us because I know you have a lot ot work to do here. Your friendship is so very important to me. I enjoy all your wonderful posts, especially those on my Native American forum. Bless you my friend and a huge


RE: It's Time To Congratulate PHIL BLACK, The 218th POTW!
2/15/2010 2:22:49 AM
Congratulations, Phil! I'd buy you a beer if I lived near you!
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RE: It's Time To Congratulate PHIL BLACK, The 218th POTW!
2/15/2010 2:25:33 AM

Hi Bob,

Great to see you here at the Forum. I appreciate your stopping by and thank you for th enice comments. It's Great to be back among Friends.

Have A Bright & Blessed Week,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10

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