Hi Judy,
I'm so glad that you were finally able to get through to post. I appreciate your kind words and your Prayers.
I, along with you, cannot imagine circumstances which would cause me to choose to kill an Innocent Baby. With people starving for the opportunity to adopt Children, there is always another solution. As we both know, there will come a day of Reckoning, when we shall stand before His throne of Judgement and answer for our decisions. I'm often reminded of a Quote by Congressman Henry Hyde...
"When the time comes, as it surely will, when we face that awesome moment, the final judgment, I've often thought, as Fulton Sheen wrote, 'that it is a terrible moment of loneliness.' You have no advocates, you are there alone standing before God -- and a terror will rip your soul like nothing you can imagine. But I really like to think that those of us in the Pro-Life movement will not be alone. I think there'll be a chorus of voices that have never been heard in this world, but are heard beautifully and clearly in the next world -- and they will plead for everyone who has been in this movement. They will say to God, 'Spare him, because he loved us!'"
Yes, I hope that the Voices will rise up, "Spare him, he loved us, because You first loved him.". And then He will Welcome me Home to His loving arms.
Let me finish with a little Poem which I have included previously, and of which we distribute copies whenever we are counseling the Confused at the Abortion Mills.
I Love You Mommy
I'm six weeks old Today, Mommy,
He had a Birthday gift for me.
A pair of big blue eyes,
Through which one day I'll see.
Where are we going Mommy?
The rain keeps splashing down.
And when it falls down to the ground,
It makes such a funny sound.
Bang through those big doors, Mommy,
Who are all those people dressed in green?
If they try to hurt you Mommy,
Just run away and scream.
Oh, please help me Mommy,
They're tearing me all apart.
There goes my big blue eyes,
There goes my little heart.
I love you Mommy,
Believe me, I really do.
But the worst part about it, Mommy,
I thought you loved me too.

May God Bless & Keep You My Friend,