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RE: Stand Up And Be Counted For The Innocents
1/18/2010 6:45:27 PM

Hello Friends,

I just received this in Today's mail and wanted to pass it along...

A message to all members of Team Sarah

Join us at the March for Life this Friday, January 22nd!


The 37th Annual March for Life is this coming Friday, January 22nd. Every year, thousands of Americans march on Washington for the Annual March for Life. Most news outlets give it little air time, if any. With the focus on health care reform this year, it will be interesting to see how coverage will be handled. New this year, organizers of the March have added a “Mini-Rally” in front of the White House to the event agenda. Visit

If you are a member of Team Sarah and you are planning on attending the March or any of the associated events, please be sure to check out the following information:


You will find a summary of everything there, plus links to the event pages. Updates and information will be emailed through the group, so if you plan on attending, please be sure to join the group.


The Convention:

The White House Mini-Rally:

TS Meet-Up Breakfast:


The Rose Dinner:

In the group, we also have links for the March for Life site, the Metro, the March Route, and the Ronald Reagan Building

For more information or any questions contact:
Debi in VA (TS-TL), Billy (TS-TL), or Marta

We hope to see you there!


The Tiny Team behind the Team

Have A Blessed Day,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
RE: Stand Up And Be Counted For The Innocents
1/18/2010 7:28:02 PM


I could speak of the many " evils " of this Health care bill ( i.e. death panels, which contrary to what you might read is REAL, rationed care, taxes that are too numerous to mention here, etc. ) not to mention a fine ( which is totally AGAINST what the U.S. Constitution says ) for those not purchasing " government mandated health care " but aside from all this, in relationship with the subject at hand, Abortion, there is a 383 page document called the " Manager's bill ". This bill states in section 10503 of this admendment that 7 billion dollars will be earmarked for community health centers ( abortion mills ) which is appropiated DIRECTLY to these centers. I say directly because if these funds were appropiated thru HHS, the Hyde Amendment would prohibit funding for abortion. Now, they can " sidestep " the Hyde amendment by allocating these funds directly to these centers thereby " forcing " you and me to help fund these abortions!

In summary though, there is a distinct chance to " fillibuster " this health care bill and it starts tommorrow with the election in Mass. for the seat of the late Edward Kennedy. Simply put if Brown wins ( he is already on the record of opposing this health care bill ) this will give the republicans the vote to fillibuster this bill. Knowing the democrats though, there are other " shannigans " they can pull!

Mind you I am neither republican or democrat, I consider myself a evangelical christian ( endangered species? as some may have you believe ) who believes fervently that life" begins at conception " and we must do our part to " stand up and be accounted for " when we see God's laws being " cast aside " in this great country!

Thank you for all " God-fearing Americans " who " stand in the gap " just like Nehemiah did against the forces of evil many years ago!

James Lykins
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RE: Stand Up And Be Counted For The Innocents
1/18/2010 8:13:09 PM

Hi Jim,

As always, thanks for stopping by with more great information and thanks for your continued support for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Like most of those of us who understand what a catastrophe Obamacare will truly be, I have been, and will continue to be praying for the Election of Scott Brown and the defeat of Martha Coakley and her Anti-Christian Coalition. Unfortunately, as you have already noted, the Democratic forces of evil will stop at nothing and I'm sure that there will more underhanded maneuvers to win at all costs.

All we can do is pray, and trust in Him to be victorious in the end.

God Bless You My Friend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Flag of Phillip Black

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RE: Stand Up And Be Counted For The Innocents
1/19/2010 2:10:05 AM

Hello Friends,

On this day which we have set aside to Honor a Great Man who worked, and even died, to achieve Equality for all, and to do so Non-Violently, I have to stop and wonder what Dr. King would have said to the Butchers who deny Equal rights to the Unborn, even the Right to life, and who Violently end the lives of these poor defenseless babies, before they even have a chance to cry out for their Rights as Human Beings.

I just read an Article by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's Niece, Dr. Alveda King, entitled

The Dream Includes Protecting Unborn From Abortion

For the whole Article please see

In the piece, Dr Alveda King who early in life had an abortion, but who now speaks out for protecting human life says in part...

“Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke of a Beloved Community where all are treated with respect and dignity,”..."Today, we are compelled to continue Uncle Martin’s fight by standing up for those who are treated as less than human because of their helplessness and inconvenience."

Dr. King concludes, "As we celebrate the life of Uncle Martin, let us renew our hearts and commit our lives to treating each other, whatever our race, status, or stage of life, as we would want to be treated. Let us let each other live."

Dr.King also speaks further and calls "abortion and racism evil twins" in an article where she explores in depth the links between Abortion and Racism, and where she discusses Planned Parenthood's Margaret Sanger. and explores how Ms. Sanger "targeted blacks in her eugenics-based campaigns". Yes, this is the very same Planned Parenthood that is poised to receive a Tax-Based Bailout (Handout) from the Obamacare Health Plan.

I must say that I found these articles to be riveting, and I would urge all of those who would know the Truth to read them.

Have A Blessed Evening Friends.


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
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RE: Stand Up And Be Counted For The Innocents
1/19/2010 10:40:51 AM
Hello Phil,

Here is the Pro-Life video of Paris of last Sunday 17. There were some 25 to 30 thousand people which near doubles last years numbers.

Numbers obviously are only a human way of evaluating progress but nothing is ever lost in the ways of Our Lord for whom a seemingly lost cause in our eyes can always be turn around into a total victory for the best. By his resurection he has conquered and is master of the world.

Friendly yours,


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