Hello My Friends,
Today, January 19th, could be one of the most important days in 2010.
In a special election to vote on the successor to Democrat stalwart Ted Kennedy (who held the seat for 47 years), today voters in Massachusetts are headed to the polls to choose between Democrat Martha Coakley and Republican Scott Brown. The results of this election have national implications on the direction of our country - and on you and me.
The radical Democratic leaders know what is at stake!
Recent polls suggest that the Coakley-Brown race is too close to call, although Brown leads in most polls. In a liberal state where registered Democrat voters out-number Republicans by a 3-1 margin, the fact that Scott Brown could replace the late Sen. Kennedy and cast the deciding vote against what is essentially Kennedy's bill is nothing less than astounding. Brown has endured a political onslaught of Democrat spin, deceit and misinformation. He is up against a huge Coakley war chest, funded by many liberal special interest groups. And this weekend, the Democrats paraded their heavy hitters with campaign appearances by President Obama and Bill Clinton, coupled with specially-timed endorsements from John Kerry and numerous other Democrat operatives. Today could be the day when one vote helps change the course of our nation. Today could be the day when the Obama/Reid/Pelosi axis of power has their stronghold on our nation's political system reduced to a mild grip. Today could be the day when the ObamaCare agenda faces its most stunning setback.
Friends, I'm asking you to fervently pray throughout the day for the people of Massachusetts and about the outcome of this critical election. I'm also asking for your commitment to pray continually for the people of our nation to once again call on God for His guidance for our leadership and His blessing on our country.
There is so much at stake while we are under the reign of one of the most corrupt legislative bodies and administrations our country has ever erroneously elected.
The worst is not over, since even worse dirty tricks are coming! Even if Brown wins, the Left has already promised to use every legislative trick possible to force ObamaCare through Congress.
That's why I'm asking each and every God-fearing American topress as hard as possible on targeted Members of the House and Senate as this drama unfolds. We are going all out to protest to Congress over ObamaCare's abortion content and the scandalous way in which the process is being handled.
Now more than ever, the Socialists and Abortion Advocates need to understand that WE HAVE NOT GIVEN UP and will fight until the issue is fully resolved.
Here's what I'm asking you to do... #1 - Fax Your Senators! Even if you have done so many times already, help us continue flooding Senate offices with protests until the liberal coalition cracks.
#2 - Fax Your Representative and Key "Blue Dog" and Pro-Life Members of the House!
#3 - Continue to pray that this bill will be miraculously derailed. Pray for God's deliverance from being forced to pay for abortions and from the overt deceit and trickery that has become the norm from the Obama/Pelosi/Reid power axis.
Together, we can keep the heat on. Join thousands of like-minded Americans who will make the 111th Congress realize that this scandalous Socialist power-play will be the undoing of anyone who votes for the ObamaCare Abortion Bill!
God Bless You & God Bless America,