Hi Everyone,
Well, unofficial estimates placed the crowd at somewhere between 250,000 and 400,000, however, it seemed more like 500,000 to me. At least, it was the largest crowd I've ever experienced in the three years that I've attended.
All in all, I'm afraid my health left me overly tired this year, however, I still returned Renewed and Rejuvinated, and more ready than ever, ready to fight the continuing Murder of the Innocents.
Many of the Speakers were Inspiring and Interesting, however most Inspiring to me was Congressman Mike Pence of Indiana, a rising star in the political world who had a simple message for the Pro-Life advocates gathered at Dinner on the evening of the March for Life. Pence reminded everyone that President Barack Obama is the most aggressively pro-abortion president to ever occupy the White House.
Obama's record promoting abortion is lengthy and includes taxpayer funding of abortions in various circumstances, key pro-abortion appointments and leaving a pro-abortion legacy on the Supreme Court.
Pence reminded everyone that "after just three days in office, President Obama allowed federal tax dollars to flow to organizations that promote and provide abortions abroad," he said. "The longstanding Mexico City Policy ensured that America provided international aid in a way that is both fiscally responsible and consistent with the values of pro-life taxpayers. President Obama repealed this common sense policy and disregarded the moral values of millions of Americans," Pence explained.
Then less than two months later, the President continued his executive disregard for the Right to Life. In March, the President moved to strip conscience protections for health care providers who refuse to perform abortions because of their deeply held moral beliefs, in other words, you no longer have any right to your Religious beliefs. Excuse me, if I'm not mistaken, wasn't that one of the main reasons our Forefathers came to America in the first place.
Finally, Obama hasn't just promoted abortion but forced taxpayers to fund embryonic stem cell research that has destroyed human life but never helped a single patient. He has authorized the use of taxpayer dollars to fund unethical embryo-destructive research, which has failed to provide a single treatment for a single patient. Meanwhile, the voices of patients successfully treated with ethical adult stem cells are largely ignored by the President.
If we are going to end abortion we must bring an end to abortion profiteering, and we cannot end abortion in this country as long as the American taxpayer is forced to be the largest financial supporter of abortion. Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America, performed more than 305,000 abortions in 2007. That same year, Planned Parenthood received hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars, either through federal, state or local assistance. This is unacceptable. Now is the time to deny federal funding to Planned Parenthood.
These Butchers are now on the verge of opening their biggest Slaughter Mill Yet, a six-story Monstrosity down in Texas. One floor is to be devoted exclusively to late-term abortions. Planned Parenthood Funding must be stopped and stopped now! That why I was so excited to learn about 4o Days For Life. The next campaign starts in just a few days, February 17 – March 28. Wherever you are, there is a campaign in your area. Please pray about it and hopefully you will join us, wherever you may be. The Innocent Babies are counting on us to Stand Up and Be Counted! Give Them A Voice!
Please click below for details..

Please contact me if you want more details or if I can answer any questions.

God Bless You My Friends,