Hi Jim, Unfortunately the Computer Gremlins are still alive and well in the Old Dell and even my Laptop has started acting quirky, so I have to catch it when I can. I've spent quite a bit of time in Fayettevile. Matter of fact, my StepBrother is a Detective on the Police Force down there. Yes, we just had a spell of cold weather that's been with us since New Year's Day, but it was back at 62 Balmy degrees today and we're looking for low 60's again tomorrow. We'll still have some cold weather before Springtime, but nothing like other parts of the Country. I've lived all over this great Country in my 62 years, but I also come back home to NC, and I'll be here at least until the glorious day He takes me Home to Heaven. My heart aches when I think of the way our Country has fallen and how many seem to have turned their backs on God. The Day is close at Hand when there will be a reckoning, and all we can do is pray that they turn back to the "Light" before it's too late. I appreciate your visits here at my Forum, all of the great information you have shared, and most of all, I appreciate your prayers and support and the fact that you have the courage to Speak Up and Stand Up for those who cannot speak for themselves. 
Have A Bessed Sunday My Friend, Phil