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Glenn Beck Documentary: "The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free...Or Die" - 01/2
2/3/2010 4:53:11 PM

Glenn Beck Documentary: "The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free...Or Die" - 01/22/10

Part 2| Glenn Beck Documentary: "The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free...Or Die" - 01/22/10

Part 3| Glenn Beck Documentary: "The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free...Or Die" - 01/22/10

Part 4| Glenn Beck Documentary: "The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free...Or Die" - 01/22/10

Part 5| Glenn Beck Documentary: "The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free...Or Die" - 01/22/10

Part 6| Glenn Beck Documentary: "The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free...Or Die" - 01/22/10

I hope you watched each and every one of these, I believe you will find the facts are fact.

Jim Allen

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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Going Down to Egypt
2/4/2010 1:14:05 AM
Wow! I found this interesting post on one of the community sites and found it quite intriguing.

Going Down to Egypt

By Rev Dean Beaty 1/24/10
Genesis 12:10 “And there was a famine in the land: and Abram went down
into Egypt to sojourn there; for the famine was grievous in the land.” (KJV)

Abraham went down to Egypt but didn't return the same.
He brought back some of Egypt and Hagar was her name.
She was just a servant girl to help around the house.
But she became a problem and a hindrance to his spouse.

You never can go to Egypt without sin's clinging vines.
It grows and gather round us until it completely binds.
Egypt and worldly sins draw us to passing pleasures.
You may choose their vanity and lose eternal treasures.

If Abe had not seen Egypt, Ishmael would not have been.
His linage was not a blessing but a source of awful sin.
Sin always bears its fruit, sometimes for years to come.
Stick with God's clear teaching. Make it your rule of thumb.

This life is not a playground, a battleground is what we face.
If we toy with his temptations, we'll lose in life's long race.
Prepare your mind for battle and learn to know your foe.
He's like a roaring lion who pursues where e'er we go.

Don't let this foe deceive you, his gold is a mirage.
His well is dry and empty. Don't faint at his barrage.
Let Jesus be your Captain. Let God defeat his hoards.
Profess as did young David, “The battle is the Lords.”

Brought to you by: The Peacemaker

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Flag of Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
2/4/2010 5:02:45 PM

Glenn Beck Documentary: "The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free...Or Die" - 01/22/10

Part 2| Glenn Beck Documentary: "The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free...Or Die" - 01/22/10

Part 3| Glenn Beck Documentary: "The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free...Or Die" - 01/22/10

Part 4| Glenn Beck Documentary: "The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free...Or Die" - 01/22/10

Part 5| Glenn Beck Documentary: "The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free...Or Die" - 01/22/10

Part 6| Glenn Beck Documentary: "The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free...Or Die" - 01/22/10

I hope you watched each and every one of these, I believe you will find the facts are fact.

Jim Allen

Hi Jim,

I watched Glenn Beck's documentary a few days ago since I wasn't able to watch it when it was aired on TV. I had to wait till it was all uploaded to Youtube but it was definitely worth the wait.

When you consider that the re writer of history Oliver Stone who's glorifying the Hitler/Stalin/Mao trio and all the present administration's staff and top honcho that embrace the Communistic/Socialistic dogma that one man will stand up and tell the people the truth about these terrible regimes and leaders.

When you have Hollywood glorifying these evil people and the fashion industry making a mint off Che Guvera T shirts you have to educate the good citizens of the truth and Glenn Beck did it exceedingly well. My hat's off to him for a job well done.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
2/4/2010 5:53:20 PM

More News from Around the World posted in Funny news stories

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Barack Obama’s grandfather ate Polish missionary, ministers in Poland joke

Obama eating

A political scandal is gathering pace in Poland. Officials of the Polish administration are accused of releasing racist statements against US President-elect Barack Obama. Poland’s large opposition party Right and Justice said that the remarks had been voiced by the Polish Foreign Affairs Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, the Dziennik newspaper wrote.

“Why does Barack Obama have Polish roots? Because his grandfather ate a Polish missionary.” This is the joke that Sikorski supposedly distributed in his ministry. The minister, the newspaper wrote, explained afterwards that he had heard the joke from someone else. However, Witold Waszczykowski a spokesman for the National Security Bureau, confirmed that he had heard the joke from Sikorski and added that he would be ready to testify at court.

The head of another opposition party of Poland, The Union of Leftist Democrats, Wojciech Olejniczak, said that he had heard Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the chairman of Right and Justice, telling the same joke, says.

In addition, Artur Gurski, a spokesman for Right and Justice, stated last week at the Polish parliament that the election of Barack Obama would “mark the end of the white man civilization.” Spokespeople for the Social and Democratic Party of Poland filed a legal complaint in connection with Gurski’s racist remarks, which, as they said, dishonored the Polish administration. If convicted, the deputy can be sentenced to up to three years in prison.

It is worthy of note that Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was also involved in a racist scandal connected with Obama. He described the former Illinois Senator as a handsome and tanned young man. Berlusconi was harshly criticized for those remarks, but he said that it was only a cute compliment that he made for Obama.

"Why are they taking it as something negative? If they have no sense of humour, worse for them," he said. Later, he told Sky TV-24 Ore that his comments were meant to be "cute" and bashed those who disagreed, saying they are "imbeciles, of which there are too many."

Sometimes Laughter is the Best Medicine


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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Nostradamus Predicted World War III for 2010
2/4/2010 6:11:22 PM
More News from Around the World

10.12.2009Source: Pravda.Ru

Nostradamus Predicted World War III for 2010

According to astrologists and prophets, the next year of the Yellow Metal Tiger will not be easy. Researchers of Nostradamus’s predictions talk about some mysterious Virgin whose death is wanted and about the appearance of some “heartless, blood-thirsty” leader who will rule with “sword and fire.” Pavel Globa, a famous Russian astrologist, thinks that the year will be easier for Russians, but Europe and the USA can expect another economic downturn.

Researchers of Nostradamus believe that his predictions for the year 2010 can be found in X quatrain of X century.

The passage speaks about some mysterious Virgin, whose death is wanted, problems with trade, and appearance of some “heartless, blood-thirsty” leader who will rile with “sword and fire.” There is also a mentioning of “Satan’s arch of fury.” Interpreters think that it might be a ballistic missile.

Famous Nostradamus specialists think that his quatrains contain the following information for 2010:
- Possibly, World War III will start in November, and bacteriological and chemical weapons will be used.
- There will be conflict between Western Europe and the USA.
- There will be conflict between Great Britain and France.
- There is a possibility of armed military conflict on the Crimean peninsula.
- Europe will suffer an economic downturn.
- There will be a catastrophe in the Black Sea involving sulphuretted hydrogen.
Will the financial crisis end?
One of the famous astrologists predicted that economic problems in 2010 will grow. Many large companies will declare bankruptcy. This will cause hunger, religious and ethnical conflicts, and ecological problems. Global warming will greatly damage agriculture. An armed conflict is possible in Central Asia.

Russian “prophet” Pavel Globa believes that the year will be easier for Russians, while Europe and the USA can expect another economic downturn. This will happen because Russian officials will change their financial policy.

In September, predictions of a psychic named Ekaterina were spread on Russian websites. The predictions were as follows:

- Russia will suffer from a wave of earthquakes. One of them will destroy a huge building.
- Many cataclysms will take place in the US.
- On November 11, 2010, a war will be waged between two large countries. Only those who will be able to hide in the East or Caucuses will survive. 50 million Russians will die. There will be a short period of peace after the war.
- Four kings will clash in a battle, and another World War will commence.
- A large bird will fly over the USA, Satan himself will lay a bomb, and people will cry bloody tears.

What do futurologists think about it? In the end of the 20th century, a group of specialists formulated the following scientifically-based predictions for 2010:

Solar activity will drop.
- There will be a large flood in South-East Asia
- Birth-rate in Europe will decrease.
- Russia and Belarus will experience economic upturn.
- An era of matriarchate will commence to last for 23 years.
- A new union will be formed involving the US, Europe, and countries of the Pacific basin
- New political and economic theories will start to form, and they will drastically change the future.
- New robots-androids will appear and will be introduced to day-to-day life
- Scientific evidence of the existence of soul will be discovered.
- Hadron collider will crash and form a black hole of artificial origin.
Predictions of Lev Melnikov, Russian futurologist.
- A possibility of development of virtual human nature will be researched.
- Cloning will be banned.
- A cluster computer of the world scale will be introduced.
- Households will use robots to help with chores.
- The UFO mystery will be solved, and our planet will be visited by guests from other planets.

The majority of predictors are inclined to believe that although years of the Tiger can be tough, they bring about many changes that are necessary to move forward. Let’s hope this happens again.

Margarita Troitsina

Read the original in Russian

Russia Today: Cannibals survived brain disease epidemic thanks to a mutation

Wow is All I can say and LOVE IS THE ANSWER,

Jim Allen

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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