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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/31/2010 7:28:07 PM
It appears we both may only be half right, which half is yet to be confirmed but will keep digging. Fiction as you know is often based on fact as in the case of "Oliver Stone's JFK"

It is not about right or wrong. It is about providing the evidence. I did provide for you evidence about Wall Street involvement in bring Hitler to power and then American Industrial support in creating Nazies war machine. This is well document in Nuremberg trial papers, all 400 tons of it.

Where is your evidence except for rumors and your criminal source that John Paul was selling poison gas to kill Jews during the war?

I'm waiting.

RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/31/2010 7:39:57 PM
Hello again Jim and thank you for the warm welcome.

I agree with a lot of what you said to me in your reply, but I just want to add that more is accomplished by the spreading of Goodwill then there is by strong and decisive words. I know that you are just trying to open our eyes to the thread of radical Islam but again I repeat that the best thing we can do is try to win over Muslims with Goodwill and Love. Good will triumph over evil; our hearts just have to be in the right place when dealing with a thread. God will be behind those whose hearts are good and sincere. Take care! :-)

John R. Sanchez
RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/31/2010 7:49:45 PM
I've got thread on my mine as in this forum thread and I was using that in my sentences for the word threat. Sorry, but I'm sure you understood what I meant. Take care!

Flag of Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/31/2010 8:17:44 PM

Zyklon B on the U.S. Border

Letter to the Nuremberg Tribunal RE: Rockefeller and IG FARBEN

My concern here is with the Rockefeller family and their involvement tothis horrific company. It is widely known and even proven that the USStandard Oil Company had shares in this horrific company and we thepublic would like to know why this was never put forward in theNuremberg Trials. We would like to know why Rockefeller was never puton trial as his money was used to fund this company, and I am sure heeven had a word in the policy making of this company. We would like toknow that with the evidence available, that we can expect a new case beopened and a push towards a trial with the head of this monstrousfamily - The Rockefeller Family. If we are to believe that justice wasyour motivation, then we will expect you to do the right thing.

Nuremberg Trials: Big Pharma's Crimes Against Humanity

IG Farben worked closely with the Nazi regime and the SS and wereperhaps the most important dynamic in driving the Nazi war machine,donating some 80 million Reichsmarks in return for chemical,pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries seized from occupiedcountries. Yet they could not have gotten to a position of such powerwithout huge investment from John D. Rockefeller and his Standard OilCompany. Together with Rockefeller they set up a company calledStandard IG Farben.

The Long Road of Eugenics: From Rockefeller to Roe v. Wade

Rockefeller money funded eugenic scientists decades before Hitler puteugenic theories into practice. After Pearl Harbor, the Rockefellers’ StandardOil was still so heavily intertwined with Hitler’s powerhouse chemicalconcern, I. G. Farben, that in 1942 the antitrust section of the Justice Departmentfiled criminal charges against both companies and their officers. Bythat time, I.G. Farben had already opened slave-labor plants at Auschwitzand Monowitz. In 1941, the Nazis had begun their first purchases of ZyklonB, the asphyxiating agent used in the gas chambers; the only manufacturerof Zyklon B was an I. G. Farben subsidiary, Degesch. Five of I. G.’s boardmembers sat on the board of Degesch. Author Joseph Borkin reported that“I. G.’s dividends on its Degesch investment for the years 1942, 1943, and1944 were double those of 1940 and 1941.”27

Nazi connections to Allopathy

[IG Farben merged with Rockefeller before the war, and Rockefeller is Allopathy. Rockefeller funded Hitler's eugenics programme (ref).


If you need more, go here. Hundreds of documents.

Bogdan Fiedur

RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/31/2010 8:51:30 PM
Hello Bogdan!

Your last post reminded me of the movie I just saw yesterday at the theater, "The Edge of Darkness" staring Mel Gibson. It is right along the line with what you are saying about what the Rockefeller's did with their money to fund unscrupulous endeavors, and in the movie too there was a political figure who went along with the unscrupulous project for his own personal gains.

John R. Sanchez

From the abundance of your mind come the manifestations in your life. John R. Sanchez

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he... Prov 23:7 King James Version

Luke 6:45
Agood man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth thatwhich is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heartbringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. King James Version

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