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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Is QURAN a FRAUD ?
2/11/2010 8:31:38 AM
"Your enemy is in your own country not in the middle east.

Your enemy is hiding in the buildings of Federal Reserve, Pentagon and White House and doesn't believe in any religion or god. If they believe in anything, than this is power and total control. "

I agree totally with this !


Hi Linda,

I agree with most of your quote but not all of it. It in no way contradicts the dangers of Radical Islam that are spreading all over the world including the United States.

With the present administrations Islamic agenda that should be quite obvious especially after the last 2 attacks. One successful Jihadi attack causing the death of 13 at Fort Hood and the attempted Jihadi attack on the flight to Detroit. Radical Islam is no longer a "middle East" issue but one that is running rampant all over Europe and now in the USA and Canada. As I said in your back yards.


Peter Fogel
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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Is QURAN a FRAUD ?
2/11/2010 2:26:39 PM
Hello Linda and thanks for coming by and sharing, your thoughts.

Your reply is only partially correct, as the enemy is in your back yard and in many cases have infiltrated all aspects of our government.

They would have you believe it is the organizations they have YET, infiltrated and that is the problem as I see it. While we have conspiracy theorists, da*mning our military, our foreign policy and even those tea baggers (I am included in this group).

They are playing the game of false flags. You should be quite familiar with this game. Cast doubts about your enemy through propaganda campaigns. We actually have such campaigns happening right here in ALP. Those with discerning eyes and minds can see this game. And yes, Linda, I believe they even have infiltrated the highest offices of the land.

Our career politicians are power hungry and we need to rid ourselves of all Incumbents in 2010 and 2012 elections. We should rescind all benefits and salary increases these a$$holes have voted for themselves including their retirement and pension plans. Just think of all the money that would save us. I include ALL Incumbents in this including our favorites. It is time to clean house and with a new broom .

Linda, I hope you have read the previous posts in this forum and others. As I would really like to have your input. You took the oath to defend our USA Constitution and protect us from all enemies foreign and domestic.

Let's shine a true light on our challenges and call a spade a spade. The Radical Extremist of Islam have decreed and declared their plans to destroy the Western World like a disease from the inside out. It is time for Chemotherapy and destroy this cancer.

Jim Allen III

"Your enemy is in your own country not in the middle east.

Your enemy is hiding in the buildings of Federal Reserve, Pentagon and White House and doesn't believe in any religion or god. If they believe in anything, than this is power and total control. "

I agree totally with this !


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Reclaim America Conference Know your true enemy!
2/12/2010 6:03:12 AM

Know your true enemy!

Reclaim America Conference

Pay attention to Allen West 4th speaker in, Presidential Material. IMHO

Hudson Institute

The Hudson Institute held its first annual Reclaim America Conference.

John Bolton gave the keynote address.

1. The economic panel moderated by Herb London and featuring: Peter Morici, Professor of Inter. Business at the University of Maryland Betsy McCaughey, Health policy expert and patient advocate Gary Wolfram, Professor of Economics at Hillsdale College Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute

2. The national security panel moderated by Jed Babbin and featuring: Gen. Richard Myers, Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Andrew McCarthy, Senior Fellow, National Review Institute Col. Allen West, (U.S. Army, Ret.), Con Candidate, Florida's 22nd District Gordon Chang, author of The Coming Collapse of China

3. The sovereignty panel moderated by Midge Decter and featuring: Joseph Loconte, Senior Research Fellow, The King's College Michael Mukasey, Former Attorney General under President G. W. Bush Claudia Rosett, Columnist for Forbes Mark Steyn, author of America Alone: The End Of The World As We Know It

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: Reclaim America Conference Know your true enemy!
2/14/2010 10:01:49 PM
Peter another good post with positive information.

I plan to quote this to my thread as well. (hope you do not mind)

Another great post full of information, showing that the Radicals are being thwarted, somewhat by their own. It is about time that peace loving Muslims, stand up and speak out against these terrorists.

My only concern is that we not be lulled into complacency because Taqiyya (hope I spelled that correct) is the practice of lulling ones enemy, through lying and make believe friendship. As this is seen as ok and expected when a Muslim is on Jihad. I believe more good faith by those Muslims need to be shown. It is easy to do too. Just point fingers at the known radicals and lets remove them from our societies.

Jim Allen III
Hello Friends,

Believe it or not Radical Islam is a threat not only to infidels and non believers but to moderate Muslims world wide as well.

There are Muslims that believe in integrating into the societies they live in and becoming part of the culture of their countries. The few who are willing to speak out are under constant attack by their Radical Islamic counterparts and many live under the threat of fatwahs ordering their death.

One of the best known in the United States is Dr. Zhudi Jasser the producer of Obsession and his latest release The Third Jihad. Dr. Jasser is ostracized by the Muslim community where he lives and many Mosques don't allow him entry. He is constantly being attacked by the different Muslim Organizations that are funded by the Saudis and are supporters of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Below you'll read about some European Muslims that are in worse situations then he is and many are in fear for their lives.

Radical Islam is a danger to the Western world and their goal for world domination is becoming a fact of life for many European countries today and is only getting worse. The US is not far behind with the radical Muslim agenda B Hussein has and is doing his utmost torealize them as soon as possible.



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Muslims Confront Islamism, Get Targeted by Islamists

by David J. Rusin • Feb 14, 2010 at 12:03 pm

French imam Hassen Chalghoumi recently learned firsthand that Islamists despise non-Islamist Muslims as much as they do anyone else. Chalghoumi attracted their ire by coming out strongly in favor of a ban on face-covering veils, a prohibition that is moving closer to reality. Echoing President Nicolas Sarkozy, he described the niqab as a "prison for women, a tool of sexist domination and Islamist indoctrination" that "has no place in France." Moreover, he explained:

Having French nationality means wanting to take part in society, at school, at work. But with a bit of cloth over their faces, what can these women share with us? If they want to wear the veil, they can go to a country where it's the tradition, like Saudi Arabia.

Islamist reaction to his comments was swift and fierce, with a gang of nearly a hundred men storming his Paris mosque during a meeting of an organization focused on interfaith relations:

"They started to cry 'Allah akbar' and 'God is great,'" recounted Chalghoumi. "Then they insulted me, my mosque, the Jewish community, and the [French] republic. They left after an hour and a half."

According to a member of the Conference of Imams, the mob condemned Chalghoumi as an apostate and threatened him with "liquidation, this imam of the Jews."

Chalghoumi is not the only moderate risking "liquidation." Abadirh Abdi Hussein, a Muslim rapper in Sweden, had his head slashed by attackers displeased with his outspoken opposition to al-Shabaab, which has been recruiting young men to join the jihad in Somalia. And, as IW noted in January, Majed Moughni received a death threat after organizing a demonstration by Detroit-area Muslims to denounce the attempted Christmas Day airplane bombing.

Undeterred by this atmosphere of intimidation, many other Muslims have gone on offense against radicalism in recent months. Among them:

  • The Muslim Canadian Congress called on lawmakers to ban the niqab, declaring it a "political issue promoted by extremists" that "has absolutely no place in Canada."
  • Minhaj-ul-Quran, a Sufi Muslim organization operating in the UK, issued a fatwa against suicide bombings, labeling them "totally un-Islamic" and "violations of human rights."

As the above examples suggest, at the core of the resurgent jihad is a conflict between an authoritarian interpretation of Islam and a more spiritual, secular interpretation. The fate of two worlds — the Western and the Islamic — will be shaped profoundly by the outcome.

Related Topics: Demonstrations, Free Speech, Head Coverings / Dress, Moderates, Mosques / Imams, Multiculturalism | David J. Rusin This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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What Drives the Elected Class? Money!
2/15/2010 2:19:33 PM
Hello Adlanders and Readers,

The following my cause some to claim that "Money" is the cause of many debacles. I disagree, without money or a monetary system, there would be some system of exchange in place. Whether it be a barter system, a gold or precious metals standard or yes even an oil standard. "So that dog don't hunt" as my Uncle Will Earl, would say.

What has happened in America and the rest of the world is our laws and our constitutions, and sovereignty have been traded for dollars. By the very people we charged with protecting us and upholding our laws, constitutions, and sovereignty. Politicians worldwide have crawled into bed, with that sultry stranger while drunk with their own perceived personal power.

We have trusted these people of little willpower and lower morales to remain in office far too long. Some of them are looking for morning after pills, and others are just wanting a little "hair of the dog" just to take the edge off so they can think. Unfortunately for us, these alcoholics do not stop with a taste. They are drunk with power and lobbyists provides them the drug that causes these sick people to repeat their misdeeds.

On this "Presidents Day" let's pay attention to those mainliners that are running around sucking on the nipple of the bottle that the lobbyists refuse to ween them off of. We it is time to take their bottles away and let them fall. It is time to remove the lobbyists from the process and time for these alcoholics to seek out the nearest 12Step Programs and leave public life.

Below is why,

Jim Allen III

What Drives the Elected Class? Money!

February 15, 2010 by Bob Livingston

What Drives the Elected Class? Money!

The elected class no longer cares about you.

If there was ever any doubt about that reality it should have ended after the massacre in Massachusetts, where Republican Scott Brown defeated Democrat Martha Coakley for the United States Senate seat long held by the man known for both his driving and drinking prowess, Ted Kennedy.

One would think that election was the end of Obamacare. But on the heals of Brown’s win—in a campaign in which he ran specifically against the Obamacare healthcare bill—some Democrats continued to promise passage of a healthcare reform bill. And President Barack Obama signaled he wasn’t ready to drop it.

Democrats have threatened to use reconciliation to pass a healthcare bill—a process that would subvert the traditions of Congress but allow them to pass it without a Senate supermajority—despite the fact that 53.8 percent of the population opposes it.

So the message that Brown’s win in Massachusetts sent to Democrats wasn’t received. There has to be a reason, and there is. Just follow the money; because that’s the only thing the elected class cares about. Well, money and power; but with money comes the power.

In 2009, 13,741 registered lobbyists spent $3.47 billion lobbying members of Congress and federal agencies. That’s an increase of $1.7 million over the year before. In fact, lobbying dollars have more than doubled since 2000 when $1.55 billion was spent by 12,449 registered lobbyists.

In the House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has been a major beneficiary of that largess, as have other Democrats and Republicans in leadership positions. But even back-benchers do well.

Still one wonders why Pelosi has been so strident in her efforts to push through a bill that is so unpopular, and is probably unconstitutional as well. A look at her major contributors sheds a little light on what drives her.

Health professionals have contributed $141,200 to her campaign coffers over the last year. Lawyers contributed $61,650, securities and investment firms $54,900, building trade unions $54,500 and miscellaneous financial institutions another $50,800 during the same period.

A legal firm representing healthcare and real estate interests was the largest single contributor over that time, buying her services for $20,250. The American Dental Association, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the American Nurses Association and the American Postal Workers each gave $10,000.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) received more money from electric utilities ($124,000) than from health professionals ($117,460). But he also took in large sums from lawyers and law firms ($121,457), lobbyists ($95,993) and hospitals and nursing homes ($89,000). Top individual contributors were Verizon Communications at $26,800; Kindred Healthcare at $22,500; Norfolk Southern at $18,000; Comcast Corp. at $14,000; and the lobbying firm of Patton Boggs LLP at $13,400.

Majority Whip James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.) was bought and paid for by health professionals with a $84,952 contribution. Pharmaceuticals and health products was his third-largest contributor at $70,819, right behind electric utilities at $74,000. Lawyers gave him $67,450 and securities and investment firms gave him $53,342 for his services.

Top individual contributors were RLJ Companies, a holding company representing a number of businesses ($17,000) and videography company Crawford Group ($14,800). Verizon, General Electric and Emergent Bio Solutions gave Clyburn in excess of $10,000 each.

It’s more lucrative to be a Senator. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) raked in more than $1.7 million from lawyers and law firms. In fact, health professionals gave him a piddling $479,825, making one wonder why he is willing to sacrifice his seat at the alter of healthcare reform (he trails in his re-election bid 47-39 according to the latest polls).

Of course, securities and investment firms and gambling interests are keeping him flush with cash. Combined they’ve given him more than $1.27 million as an industry. Top individual contributors are MGM Mirage at $153,400, the law firm of Weitz & Luxenberg $88,800, Harrah’s Entertainment $81,600, the law firm Girardi & Keese $76,400 and Stations Casinos $71,200.

Majority whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) is really well-liked by the lawyers. They gave him more than $2 million last year. Securities and investment firms, real estate interests, the pro-Israel lobby and other lobbyists combined to give him more than $1.8 million. Four of his top five individual contributors were law firms which gave him more than $249,000, with United Airlines pitching in $46,175.

For Conference Secretary Patty Murray (D-Wash.), health professionals were her fourth largest contributor, giving her $214,150. Lawyers and law firms provided her with $440,146 and lobbyists another $383,619, followed by retiree groups at $283,530 and various political action committees (PAC) $202,800.

ActBlue, a Democrat internet PAC, was her largest single contributor, giving her $128,224. Boeing Co., Amgen Inc., Weyerhaeuser Co. and Microsoft combined to give her another $170,000.

Republicans are no better. House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) raked in $92,270 from insurance companies, $80,550 from electric utilities, $67,200 from securities and investment companies, $63,450 from big pharma and $59,507 from retiree organizations. His top individual contributors were American Financial Group $38,400, American Electric Power $19,450 and Walt Disney Co. $12,000, New York Life Insurance and the American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons gave him $10,000 each.

Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) took in $150,250 from securities and investment firms, $145,497 from real estate interests, $131,950 from insurance companies, $89,425 from retiree organizations and $88,700 from law firms. Top individual contributors are the holding company McAndrews & Forbes $18,700; financial services company Interface Group $14,400; tobacco products company Altria $13,400; the lobbying firm McGuire, Woods, et al $13,000; and Dominion Resources $12,600.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is well-liked by securities and investment firms to the tune of $1.14 million. Lawyers and law firms contributed $915,683; retiree organizations $899,055; health professionals $722,500; and real estate interests $718,380.

His top five individual contributors were Kindred Healthcare $108,200; the financial services firm UBS AG $98,450; Elliott Management $88,500; Peabody Energy $73,600; and FMR Corp. (the parent of Fidelity) $66,400.

For Minority Whip Jon Kyle (R-Ariz.), retiree groups were the major contributor at $1.065 million. They were followed by real estate interests at $794,393; lawyers and law firms at $676,874; health professionals at $649,383; and republican/conservative causes $430,667. Top individual contributors were the PAC Club for Growth $155,753; law firms Snell & Wilmer $52,650 and Squire, Sanders & Dempsey $52,250; event marketer VIAD $48,300; and Tuttle-Click Automotive Group $41,600.

Conference Chair Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) got his biggest contributions from lawyers, taking in $396,900. Real estate interests, retiree organizations, leadership PACs and securities and investment firms combined to give him another $1.23 million. Top individual contributors were the law firm Baker, Donelson et al $34,150; Hercules Holding $29,250, Regions Financial $26,800; Pilot Corp. $26,500; and the law firm Waller, Lansden et al $26,100.

In other words, Washington is controlled by corporatocracy. That’s why the legislative deals are done in secret, behind closed doors. They don’t want you to know that.

With such vast sums of money exchanging hands in Washington D.C., is it any wonder the elected class have grown arrogant and unresponsive to the needs of their constituents? They’re convinced they can spend any amount of money, steal any freedom, impose any onerous regulation or create yet another bloated bureaucracy and you will like it. If not, they have enough dough in their pockets to pay for enough glitzy television advertisements to convince you that whatever they are up to is for your own good.

But their constituents today aren’t the constituents of yesterday. The electorate is becoming more informed, and many who sat silently on the sidelines grumbling about what was going on in Washington are becoming more vocal. They are even marching on Washington to express themselves.

Still, the elected class tries to ignore the increasingly vocal constituency. But while corporatists, lobbyists, lawyers and PACs feed the campaign coffers, it’s the voters who pull the levers in the voting booths.

So here’s a warning to the elected class: Ignore us at your peril.

(Campaign finance information from More campaign finance information on these and other members of Congress are also available there.)

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Filed Under: Bob Livingston, Personal Liberty Articles

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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