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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/16/2010 4:03:08 PM

“They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.”

-Benjamin Franklin

A majority of Americans are willing to give up liberty in order to be safer from terrorism.

Poll: Most Americans would trim liberties to be safer

WASHINGTON — After a recent attempted terrorist attack set off a debate about full-body X-rays at airports, a new McClatchy-Ipsos poll finds that Americans lean more toward giving up some of their liberty in exchange for more safety.

The survey found 51 percent of Americans agreeing that "it is necessary to give up some civil liberties in order to make the country safe from terrorism."

At the same time, 36 percent agreed that "some of the government's proposals will go too far in restricting the public's civil liberties."

The rest were undecided or said their opinions would depend on circumstances.

As has happened often since the 2001 terrorist attacks, the renewed debate over security is hinging on the balance between personal liberty and safety. The suspect's success in boarding a Detroit-bound plane allegedly carrying explosives is setting off calls for full body scans, which some find an invasion of privacy, and for new restrictions on passengers once they're in flight.

To stop terrorists, Americans look first to better governmental coordination and use of intelligence, the poll found, with 81 percent calling that effective and only 11 percent calling it ineffective.

Body scans or full body searches at airports ranked second, named by 74 percent as an effective way to stop terrorism. Nineteen percent called those measures ineffective.

Further restrictions on carry-on baggage ranked third, called effective by 57 percent, ineffective by 34 percent.

New in-flight restrictions such as banning the use of laptops and electronic equipment or restricting people to their seats ranked last, called effective by 50 percent and ineffective by 42 percent.

A solid majority of Americans still feel safe flying, but the number has dropped.

The survey found 75 percent saying they feel safe, down from 86 percent in 2007, and 24 percent saying they don't feel safe in the air, up from 13 percent in 2007.

Even with the Christmas Day bombing attempt and all the news coverage of it and its aftermath, terrorism remains very low on the national priority list. Just 4 percent called it the country's most important problem.

The economy and jobs remained the top issue on people's minds by far, named as the top problem by 48 percent of Americans polled.

Other domestic issues were cited by 31 percent, topped by 9 percent who said that health care was the biggest problem.

Fourteen percent cited some aspect of war or foreign policy, including the 4 percent who named terrorism.

The poll found that 52 percent approved of the way President Barack Obama is doing his job, and 45 percent disapproved.


These are some of the findings of a poll conducted from last Thursday through Monday. For the survey, Ipsos interviewed a nationally representative, randomly selected sample of 1,336 people 18 and older across the United States. With a sample of this size, the results are considered accurate within 2.68 percentage points, 19 times out of 20, of what they would've been had the entire adult population in the U.S. been polled. All sample surveys and polls may be subject to other sources of error, including coverage and measurement error. These data were weighted to ensure that the sample's composition reflects that of the U.S. population according to census figures. Respondents had the option to be interviewed in English or Spanish.

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/16/2010 5:11:23 PM
These are my views and thoughts on current events. Thank you for reading.

I want to take a moment and commend the patriots of Massachusetts for gaining national attention and motivating our Commander and Chief into action. With the rising threat of the SB underground and the potentialtakeover of a Kennedy stronghold.

The President has been pressed into action to overcome and quell the voices and forces of discontent with the status quo of the past 38 years.

It appears that a less government, voice of reason scares this oppressive force that is in charge of the country at present.

Especially when it gets in the way of delivering to the forces already on the ground in the field battle. Yes the purple shirts have been dispatched to the red zones and preparing to blanket the area with shots of propaganda. Reaching deep into their arsenal they will utilize all forms of media and field warfare.

Yes folks they see this as warfare for welfare and you need to understand the "Rules of Engagement" from the sunshine with more clarity "Progressives" In Charge.

I commend the efforts of the underground grassroots movement and hope their efforts and success will be recognized and replicated on a national scale.

Imagine getting the chief cook and bottle washer to leave his hoop dreams and handicaps behind to address the losses in the field of battle.

Especially when that field of battle was such a sure walk in the park, that it has really taken them by surprise. And swift action must be seen from the leadership to evensave face much less the empty seat belonging to the people of Massachusetts and not some Kennedy or Progressive Legacy enslaving future generations to some kind of Communist/Islamic state of existence.

Fellow Americans that are fed up with the "Progressives' Politically Correct" big government appeasement programs. We have to realize, understand,face and decide exactly what American Freedom means to each of us.

What it means to me is something very different than represented by the current status quo of career monarchs with lifetime pensions and other benefits while ignoring the very document and oath they took when sworn into office.

They have been allowed to appoint themselves royalty above the laws we must live by. Now is the time is to speak up and take a stand for the American Freedoms you believe in. As these times may be last time we can do so civilly and in a peaceful manner.

American Patriots like the ones in the SB underground network should be supported and celebrated for their magnificent efforts. Causing the Commander n Chief to come into the field of battle to defend against your grassroots organization.

Proof that the American Spirit is alive and taking a stand. Voters of Massachusetts stand up, speak upand claim your Senate seat by supporting Scott Brown in his quest to speak for a Free America.

Personal comments from none other than me:
Jim Allen III
Reason and Common Sense Patriot
NoIncumbents 2010 2012

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/16/2010 6:10:25 PM The tragedy unfolding in Haiti is not totally a natural disaster. It'salso a man made disaster brought about by chronic poverty, corruptionand terrible infrastructure...a situation we've allowed to fester inour back yard.

The above video describes the challenges facing Haiti as it tries to rebuild. There is a free registration available. Hopefully some of these will reach YouTube.

That said, there seems to be no shortage of aid but transporting it to the people is the challenge. As mentioned in the video. This nation has been receiving aid for years yet, it's infrastructure is in such disrepair. Papa Doc and Baby Doc wasted the money sent in aid in the past.

Knowing this, "What is the Best way to aid and help rebuild a sustainable way of life for these folks now?" Should the UN be there in force? Why aren't they there yet? Where are the helicopters to move the supplies from the tarmac to where the people are?

We know Port Au Prince is devastated as it's people are, this is a population center with slums. I am curious what the inland scene looks like. Were those ares just as devastated?

I am sure this will somehow be laid at the feet of Americans to shoulder. We shall do as we always have. Open our hearts, our borders, our warehouses and pantries, we will disperse our military to provide humanitarian aid and yes once again we will open our pocketbooks and finance the rescue and rebuild of this disaster and poverty stricken nation.

We can also see our so called leaders and self appointed royalty, posturing and grabbing face time in front of the cameras. Offering little more at this time than self importance and political preservation.

Did you notice how fast Obama, interrupted perfectly good programming to make a statement? This was warp speed for this administration.

Wasn't it?

It is all about perceptive deception. Our current administration is playing to a global audience. Not to bring attention to the catastrophe in Haiti.

But as Rahm Emanuel has said in the past "Never let a good disaster go to waste." Obama and crew are making hay while the sun is shining so to speak. This is being done for personal status on the global stage. All of the players are clamoring for the cameras.

This is not why average Americans are stepping up.

Americans step up because we have true compassion for all our neighbors around the world.

No matter our status or where the cameras may be, we give aid without question. Not looking for accolades, ours is a basic human response. Which cannot be educated out of us. Nor should be forgotten, when our politicians play politics for personal gains.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/17/2010 3:28:43 PM
Canadian goverment doesn't want to stay behind their friends in Washington.

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/17/2010 3:40:28 PM
Canada doesn't want to stay behind with their friends in Washington.

Very funny but only proves that the insurgency and threats from terror mongers affects us all. Also as you see the typical terrorist profile is still not used to screen passengers.

The Politically Correct and that includes Canadians, crowd that is afraid to single out a group of people so grandma in a walker and wheelchair must go through pat down searches. Notice no terrorists grandmothers have been caught in these searches. So they must be WORKING to keep terrorist grandmas from even attempting to breach the security

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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