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Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/8/2010 5:59:43 AM
Bogdan, you are in denial and from the way you continue to lay blame, a sympathizer, admittedly. Though seriously misguided.

I have been on this since 911, as I watched the towers come down. I began researching the enemy, and yes, he has infiltrated our borders and blended with our society.

We welcomed him with open arms. Allowed them to take positions of responsibility. Even elected them to public office. And unfortunately, they fooled us into thinking they were assimilating. Of course this was part of their Grand Scheme to bring down the west.

As in Europe and everywhere else, they have migrated to, when their numbers reach certain levels, they have become more radical. The proof is there for YOU to see my educated friend. The pattern has repeated itself. Undeniably so. They begin to ask and demand to police themselves by there law.


America is a land of rules and laws. Those that wish to live by their law, should go home and be oppressed. Or follow our laws. Pretty simple request to live here, isn't it.

We all have rights granted by the creator and can worship anyway we wish as long as we follow the law of the land. Why is that so hard for these Radicals to understand? You understand don't you?

Do you follow the Canadian rule of law or do you follow the Polish rule of law?

Your facts on the no fly list is over estimated by 1/2 a million. Per recent reports worldwide there are only 500,000 on the list.

The facts you use are revisionist dreams and part of the grand scheme to destroy the Western World. Referring to a lack of education is a typical leftist move "Saul Alinsky" when they cannot win an argument. I thought we were above that.

I have read thousands of pages, watched hundreds of hours of videos and as a uneducated man, as I do not hold a degree, but have been told, I have a lot of common sense and intuition and uses discernment, I must disagree with you whole heartedly.

Yes I watched the Addendum, thank you and it proves nothing other than more speculation, innuendo and pipe dreams. Next you are going to tell me we will be visited by the Gallatic Federation soon.

It is easy to revise history, when the leftist liberal "progressives" can claim just about anything, as those that truly know are dead or dying.

You do know 1984 was fiction do you not? I guess H. G. Wells "War of the Worlds" was real too?

Now exactly what do you want me or America to accept or do to make amends?

Convert to Islam?

Pay reparations?
Hell, we already send more aid and money to those impoverished souls, only to see it stolen and misused by their own leaders. The difference is Our Constitution gives us a way to get rid of these elitists. See a real Democratic Republic in action during this election cycle.

A question for you Bogdan. The Tartars of Poland, are you a descendant?

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/8/2010 8:13:53 AM

The difference is Our Constitutiongives us a way to get rid of these elitists. See a real DemocraticRepublic in action during this election cycle.

I give you the benefit of the doubt, but I won't hold my breath. We have seen one change already, didn't we?


A question for you Bogdan. The Tartars of Poland, are you a descendant?

Sorry to disappoint you. I'm as Polish as it gets. I'm catholic, have Polish descendants as far as I can trace it. One thing I can tell you is this.

As being born in the nation which close to 200 years has been under foreign occupation, I have in my genes a inborn distaste for the government. During my lifetime the Soviet occupation allowed me to develop a senses of understanding that government is my enemy and anything government says or does, is exactly opposite and this could be proven as you know it. The 150 years of previous occupation with short break for period between first and second war was a historical victory of the national survival under circumstances, where the occupiers did all they could to take the national identity, its language and culture and all they did, they created even stronger nation which came up in 1918 and in short 3 years defeated Soviets who attempted to occupy Poland again.

So as I said previously the democracy was a good try, so was communism.
They both failed miserably and I have doubts to see which one failed more.

There is time coming for societies to embrace next ideas and get rid of the corrupt elite. I hope US will take the lead, because there is the biggest corruption and has to be taken out first.

The world is full of resources and amount of energy is limitless (just consider the sun, 1 day of energy captured from the sun can satisfy all energy needs on earth for a year). Those who control energy today, don't want you to know that, because they can't tax the sun, they can't tax the wind and they can't tax the temperature inside the earth. They want you to believe that oil is the way to go so you work for them.

Consider that if you were able to harness energy from the sun, anything you buy would be 90% less expensive. If you would take taxes away from it, it wold be 96% less expensive.
You could work 1 hour a week and you would be getting what you are getting now.

The tyranny has to go.

You keep telling me that you read and you know the stuff. The problem is that for some reason you believe that your enemies are Muslims from the third world and you are denying the fact that US has been creating wars and dissension since it become world power. During second world war, Muslims were not anywhere around and US banksters managed to create monster in Germany. Later another one in Iran. Today banksters took all the manufacturing jobs and moved them to China and India and you still defending them. All what is left in America today, are lawyers, insurance brokers, banksters, government employees, health care providers, teachers, policemen, military and intelligence people. None of them producing any exportable goods. In fact they don't produce any goods at all. They all need to be paid. Sorry I have forgotten the farmers. They still produce genetically modified foods, but even this lots of countries are blocking.

You keep identifying yourself with American foreign policies and defending them, even though they are against your interests as a nation. You would not have made those policies and you would not go to wars to fight for banksters if you had understood that all wars are only for the benefit of those power hungry monsters. You've been told that your country is strong and powerful because of the democracy. This is false. It is strong because democracy allowed the corrupted elite to flourish in your country, create currency which has been forced on to world as reserve currency and keep printing it for ever. This is the biggest ponzi scheme.

For exactly the same reasons Madoff went to jail. The only difference between him and the FR is that they are bigger robbers and your government is accomplice in crime.

If FR is ever exposed, all the top people in government will go down with it.
Let's hope this happens sooner than later.

Bogdan Fiedur

Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/8/2010 6:03:28 PM
Hello All,

I'm finding this all very illuminating and educating in a strange way. Bogdan you're referring us to the "truth" about history

Check this link and learn real history how Americans helped shape the Nazis Germany.
and other links that one can accept or reject. Many conspiracies that again accept or reject.

The truth be told the more I read and check up on your links it seems that everything is conspiracy based and the CIA or some other government agency is behind them.

We do agree on some things but disagree on much more. I actually find it amusing that Radical Islam that's been around for centuries in one form or another is all of a sudden a tactic to steal more freedoms from the American people. I would much rather fight something that is staring all of us in the face then shadows that might be there and then again they might not.

One question Bogdan. I've been reading your links and watching the videosyou recommended and aside from the many conspiracies and "hints" of solutions I've yet to read or listen to a plan of how to defeat all these bogey men.

Up till now according to your theories America seems to be the root of all evil and you also say
There is time coming for societies to embrace next ideas and get rid of the corrupt elite. I hope US will take the lead, because there is the biggest corruption and has to be taken out first.
Let's assume for a moment that all your conspiracy theories are correct the question remains ; what is the plan? How do we go about getting rid of the "corrupt elite"?

On the other hand Radical Islam and their plan for world domination is well documented. Their use of Jihad in all its forms. Terrorism, Shariah law, creeping Jihad and stealth Jihad are all there and we are all witness to it but so many ignore it cos of PC. The present US administration embraces Islam, promotes it and is its strongest advocate in the US. B Hussein refrains from using the word terrorism or Islam even when talking about the screw ups of his agencies in regard to the latest attempted attack on the flight to Detroit. It's all Al Qaeda but heaven forbid the usage of the word Islam or terrorism.

Well,Bogdan so far for me Radical Islam is the greatest danger in the world today. You can ignore the demographics in Europe and the eventual influence it will have on America and Canada but it will be to the detriment of us all to do so. Ignore the dangers of the never ending terrorist attacks and again to the detriment of us all. We won't be as lucky as we were on the flight to Detroit all the time. That event is the exception to the rule as opposed to the rule.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/8/2010 11:33:59 PM

Onequestion Bogdan. I've been reading your links and watching thevideosyou recommended and aside from the many conspiracies and "hints"of solutions I've yet to read or listen to a plan of how to defeat allthese bogey men.

Up till now according to your theories America seems to be the root of all evil and you also say
Thereis time coming for societies to embrace next ideas and get rid of thecorrupt elite. I hope US will take the lead, because there is thebiggest corruption and has to be taken out first.
Let's assume for a moment that all your conspiracy theories are correctthe question remains ; what is the plan? How do we go about getting ridof the "corrupt elite"?

The ideas to solve the problems are not what you would consider a main stream. They are from the higher level of consciousness and they will be taken by most as a cute ideas, at least after they hear them for the first time. This is what I did.

I believe you have heard about them but knowing your position so far I would not see you as someone who advocates it or believes as your world of values is world which consist of bad and good people where good people have to destroy bad people. (possibly the other way around)

The higher level of thinking is to create conditions which don't give a person reason to be bad and which create conditions in which person strives to be the best.

The first approach to it is to remove the money from our life and make all the resources common goods.

The project I want you to refer to is called and my heart is already there. The 93 year old man

Jacque Fresco

who I consider a genius, presents it here for 100 minutes. If you are new to it, watch it all before you start making your judgments.

Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/9/2010 4:06:02 PM
As I have said Bogdan,

I am not uneducated, just well informed.

Stay Tuned to PJTV for the full Interviews. Today Bill Whittle talksabout interviewing a former FBI special agent in Washington, D.C. whoasserts that the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist body, is directly tiedto U.S. anti-terror policies. Watch & comment on Trifectahere:

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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