Hello Bogdan,
I had prepared a great post for you here, using IE8. Unfortunately the webpage errored per IE, and had to close losing everything in my post. When using the new editor, I have noticed that my cpu usage goes up to 100%. I have 8 gigs of the latest memory, a system custom built for Window Ultimate Pro with all updates installed. Never had a issue or challenge till about 2-3 weeks ago, about the time some changes were made here at ALP. PLEASE FIX this, as I know many folks can no longer access ALP and have moved on, never to be seen here due to this issue. It is the editor that is the problem, in my opinion.
Firefox works but tends to degrade too over time. There is a huge drain on resources that can be seen if you watch your task manager and resource bar. Never had these issues before with the old system, I understand it could be from my lack of edumacation but, my PC Tech says it ain't my PC, it is the site.
Also is there anyway for this thing to keep my preferred default text?