Americans up to their necks helping Nazis with assuming power in Germany since 1925 . Supplying with all the materials for the war machine, running their factories, GM, Ford, GE, and many many others. Running banking schemes Federal Reserve, JP Morgan and many many others, helping Hitler until America showed up in Europe in 1943, some even after that date. These are not any revelations, but very well hidden from current history. There would be no Nazis if Americans would be not helping. There would be no Soviets if Americans would be not helping. There would be no Radical Islam if Americans would be not helping. Check this link and learn real history how Americans helped shape the Nazis Germany. here video talks about American involvment in Nazi rise and Soviet Union rise. The same establishments which helped Nazis rise to power and SU are running America today. Federal Reserve and JP Morgan, GM, GE, Ford, Rockefeller and many more. Bogdan Fiedur