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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: An Open Letter to All True Americans
1/6/2010 2:49:14 AM


You know what you did. You don't like the message so you go ahead and make your jugment in regards to the messanger. How typical?

We won't be having court and judges here to determine whos fault it is and who said what. I'm telling you like man to man. You have crossed the line. It is up to you to show that you can deal with issues like this.
This is my last message to you in that matter.


Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: An Open Letter to All True Americans
1/6/2010 3:07:06 AM
Peter Fogel

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RE: An Open Letter to All True Americans
1/6/2010 7:38:55 AM
Hi Bogdan,

Before I reply to your above post (and I will :) ) thanks are in order.

I can now post in IE and FF again. The email notifications with the subject line of the thread is much appreciated.


Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: An Open Letter to All True Americans
1/6/2010 1:16:23 PM


Youknow what you did. You don't like the message so you go ahead and makeyour jugment in regards to the messanger. How typical?

We won'tbe having court and judges here to determine whos fault it is and whosaid what. I'm telling you like man to man. You have crossed the line.It is up to you to show that you can deal with issues like this.
This is my last message to you in that matter.


Hi Bogdan,

Sorry my friend I don't know what I did aside from replying to your posts that stated your opinions. Above you mention that I don't like the message so I make judgments about the messenger implies that the message is correct and I in some way maligned the messenger.

The implication is incorrect since I don't agree with the message or concept that you believe in and I so stated. I also gave my opinion of what I consider to be the obvious results of the direction this concept will have and is having. So you'll have to be more explicit in order for me to understand in what way I crossed the line. If disagreeing with you is crossing the line then so be it. We disagree and I've said that a few times in this thread and neither one of us is going to change the others mind.

As I said Radical Islam and terrorism have been around way before the Afghanistan and Iraq wars without the United States "occupying" these countries. So again the question remains what came first the chicken or the egg.

Your message or concept is that the occupation is the cause of Radical Islamic Terrorism and I believe the cause is their goal for world domination. We disagree and that's the crux of the issue.

I watched the latest video with Ron Paul on the Larry King show. I had to laugh when I saw only one potential opposition to Ron Paul's views and 2 that obviously will support him. None of them heavy weights and the thought why Larry didn't bring Ben Stein to rebut Ron Paul's opinions was quite obvious. Don't you think?

As to the video. More of the same Ron Paul rhetoric. His solution would be to sit back and do nothing. I don't think so and most won't agree with that IMHO.

Here are a few gems from the video:

"Declare war on terrorists" - Hmmmm, who declared war on whom seems the obvious question? The answer is evident and combating terrorism is definitely legitimate and necessary.

"Incentives to come here" - The claim that the war on terrorism is the reason for their incentive to come here is not only far fetched but borders on the ridiculous. They came and attacked hence the war on terrorism was declared. So we're back to what came first again the chicken or the egg.

"Declaring war on a tactic" - To call Radical Islam Jihadi terrorism a tactic insinuates that were it not for the "occupation" there would be no terrorism. We've already agreed Radical Islamic terrorism existed before that happened so there is no logic to the claim.

And the best for last:

"Help Bin Laden's recruitment efforts" - Oooops, sorta shows regardless of what the United States does or doesn't do they will continue to recruit. So now we're back to what really drives Bin Laden and nothing the US will do can change that.

Bin Laden then answers his own question:

“Yes.There are only three choices in Islam: [1] either willing submission[conversion]; [2] or payment of the jizya, through physical,though not spiritual, submission to the authority of Islam;[3] or the sword — for it is not right to let him [an infidel] live. The matter is summed up for every person alive: Either submit, or live under the suzerainty of Islam, or die.”

There were more but these jumped out and made his concept look so weak and far fetched.

The truth is I'm sorry you were offended but the intention was and still is to have an intelligent discussion but our disagreeing in no way maligned you and simply shows the differences in our outlooks and opinions. That apparently won't change as I stated earlier.



Peter Fogel
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Jim Allen

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1/6/2010 2:44:28 PM

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