Those Saudi Arabians, you've gotta love 'em. First, 15 out of 19hijackers on Sept. 11 were Saudis, but Saudi Arabia had NOTHING to dowith it, or so we're told. They love us!
Now Saudi Arabia is about to drop another bombshell on us, and this one will make Sept. 11 look like small potatoes.
I never thought I'd say anything could make Sept. 11 look like smallpotatoes. But this does, at least when it comes to the economy.
Sept. 11 shut the markets down for a few days. When the next crisi****s, you'll wish the markets would shut down so you wouldn't have towatch the carnage.
If some well-informed experts are right, Saudi Arabia's oil reserves are a fraction of what they've been telling us.
Whydoes it matter? Because everyone has believed for decades that SaudiArabia's oil supply is virtually unlimited. That's what the Saudis havesaid over and over again for more than 30 years.
If anoil shortage threatens to cause a recession or a market crash, we cancount on the Saudis to come through. So people think.
In other words, the guy is a heavy hitter who knows the energy business.
Hewarned Bush that the Saudis don't have anything near the oil reservesthey claim. They already pump less oil than most "experts" think, andhere's the real kicker...
Saudi oil production is about to drop sharply. And it will keep going down for good.
Otherexperts have analyzed the numbers and come to the same conclusions. Ifthe charges are true — and I believe they are — we could be facing...
The oil is running out. It's as simple as that.
Butthat's not what you hear from so-called experts. If you ask governmentofficials, our intelligence agencies and even powerful Wall Streetfinanciers, they tell you the opposite.
They say theSaudis could quickly double their oil production from the current levelif they wanted to. And given a few years, they think the Saudis couldproduce four times as much oil as they do now.
The intelligence agencies and the conventional "experts" are dead wrong. The oil isn't there.
Why should you pay attention to what I think? Let me give you a good reason, and then you decide. My name is Byron King, and I'm the editor of Outstanding Investments.
The oil and gas shortages we've seen lately are nothing compared with what's on the way.
Thenext few pages show you how to protect yourself and get rich off energysources and technologies the world will scramble to buy at any price.
Don't be surprised if certain commodities and resource stocks soar three, five or even 10 times over.
I urge you to keep reading and at least consider the steps I recommend to protect yourself. Because you need to ask...
Wewill if the country dodges crucial energy choices — and time is runningout. It may be too late to avoid a deep recession, thanks to..
Saudi Secrets and Funny Math
The cupboard is bare and nobody knows it
Americans used to run Aramco, the huge oil company that manages theSaudi fields. But in 1979, the Saudis booted us out and took over.
And then a funny thing happened...
The Saudis started keeping everything a secret.
Noone knows for sure how much oil they've got in the ground, or how muchthey produce each year or how much they could produce if they wanted topush it to the max.
It's all secret. Experts try tofigure out how much oil the Saudis sell by monitoring tanker traffic inand out of the world's ports. That's how little we know for sure.
But wait, it gets worse!
After the Saudis took over, an even funnier thing happened...
Their figures for proven reserves kept going up and up and up — even though they didn't find any major new oil fields!
In1979, the Saudis adjusted proven reserves upward by 50 billion barrels.Then eight years after that, their proven reserves magically grew byanother 100 billion barrels.
Their estimated reservesincreased by 150% in nine years — to a total of 260 billion barrels.And they didn't find a single major new oil field!
And here's the funniest thing of all...
For the last 18 years, they've claimed they own 260 billion barrels ofproven oil in the ground. The figure never goes down, even though theypumped out 46 billion barrels during that period.
Let me see...260 minus 46 equals 260. Saudi math!
Basedon these bogus figures, the Saudis claim they can produce as much oilas the world wants for the next 50 years. As recently as 2004, theyclaimed their reserve estimates are actually conservative.
That'swhy most of the world's governments and intelligence services believethe Saudis could pump 20 million barrels of oil a day if they wantedto. Trouble is, we've got no proof except their say-so.
If it were true, we wouldn't have a thing to worry about. But it's not.
It's horse hockey
Before Aramco's American owners were shown the door in 1979, they toldCongress that Saudi Arabia had proven reserves of 110 billion barrels.There have been no major new discoveries, so 110 billion barrels wasprobably about right. And since then, about half of that has been usedup.
So why do the Saudis insist everything is just fine and they have 260 billion barrels of reserves?
One reason is they wanted to discourage non-OPEC nations from looking for more oil or switching to alternatives.
It was a devious plan, and it worked perfectly.
Butthat wasn't the only reason the Saudis lied about their reserves. Theydid it because everyone does it! Everyone in OPEC, that is.
The Biggest Lie of All: OPEC's Imaginary Oil
In the 1980s, OPEC's claim of total reserves magically leaped from 353to 643 billion barrels without a single major discovery. Industryexperts call it the quota war.
You see, OPEC had to limithow much oil each member could sell, because prices were too low. Thequotas were based on... each member's oil reserves!
That'sright: The amount of oil OPEC would let a member pump depended on howmuch that member had in the ground. So it paid for OPEC members toclaim the biggest reserves they could. And that's what they did.
TheSaudis alone jacked up their estimate by about 100 billion. Kuwaitadded 50% to its reserves in one year, 1985. Venezuela doubled itsreserves in 1987. Iraq and Iran doubled their estimates, too.
What'smore, OPEC members did like the Saudis and kept their reserve estimatesthe same year after year, as if no oil were being pumped out and sold.
Everyone claimed to have a bottomless well.
Now, if you're like me, you prefer to base your financial decisions on the real world, not on a fantasy.
Let's look at how much oil there really is...
In the 1970s, when Western managers were still in charge, they believedfor a time that Saudi output could reach 20 million barrels a day. Butby the time the Americans lost control in 1979, they figured the peakwould be 12 million.
They also predicted that peakproduction would last only 15–20 years. 1979 plus 20 is 1999. We'repast the peak, if these men were right. But we already know they weretoo optimistic.
The truth is that Saudi production nevergot to 12 million. "In all probability, output peaked in 1981 at anunsustainable level of about 10.5 million barrels per day," accordingto Matthew R. Simmons, a leading oil industry authority.
And yet the lies go on...
In 2004, Saudi officials claimed they boosted production to 9.5 millionbarrels per day and maintained that level for five months.
It'salmost sure they were lying. The International Energy Agency is thegroup that keeps an eye on these things for the developed,oil-importing countries. The IEA could find no sign the Saudis wereselling more oil.
As far as anyone can tell, they pump only around 5 million barrels a day, and that's all they've pumped for years.
It's déjà vu all over again
In spite of being lied to at least once, the IEA, the U.S. Departmentof Energy and other forecasters believe the Saudi claims. ALL theirprojections of our energy future ALWAYS assume the Saudis could produce15–20 million barrels a day.
The lies have worked. Notonly do Western politicians believe them, but so do many oil industryexperts and investors with huge amounts of money at stake. They've beenhad.
You'll get the full story in a FREE special investment report called Crude Awakening: How to Survive the Total Global Energy Crunch. It's just one of four free special reports with my 10 best recommendations.
The three picks in Crude Awakening are already moving up. The profits have just begun.
We went through three recessions from 1973–1983.
Care for a repeat?
Our whole economy is at risk. Your investments are at risk. Your retirement plans are at risk.
Americahas been so prosperous the last couple of decades, a lot of peopleforget what the energy crisis of the '70s was like. Let me remind you:The price of a barrel of oil shot up 400%. Long lines formed at gasstations practically overnight.
Folks had to pay fourtimes as much for a gallon of gas, and there came a week when one outof every five gas stations in the United States had no gas to sell atany price.
The U.S. had three major recessions within10 years after the first oil crisis in 1973. And those recessions weredeep, with double-digit unemployment, double-digit interest rates anddouble-digit inflation.
Think 10–12% unemployment.
Think 15–18% mortgage rates.
Got the picture? That was the �70s. Not fun. Mytake is that a similar crisis will rock the nation before we solve ourproblem with clean coal, liquefied natural gas, oil from tar sands,high-mileage cars and safe nuclear plants. More than likely, thepoliticians will quarrel for yearsbefore they do what has to be done.
Mypicks are already way up, even though our energy problems so far arenothing compared with what's on the way. At the risk of looking kind ofcynical, the worse the crisis gets, the higher my recommended stocks will climb.
So I urge you to send for the four free special investment reports, including Crude Awakening: How to Survive the Total Global Energy Crunch. Then buy the recommended stocks and hang onto them, because...
- Most of the rest of your investments will tank...
- You may lose your job...
- Gasoline could race beyond $6 a gallon...
- Houses, including yours, will lose value. It could be a paradise for bargain hunters, but not if you're broke...
- Groceries and everything else you buy may cost a fortune...
- What's more, you might need to buy a gun to protect yourself.
The 10 energy investments you'll get in Crude Awakeningand three other free Special Investment Reports are the best insuranceI've been able to come up with. I can't guarantee you'll make money. Noresponsible investment analyst will do that. But my newsletter had thebest documented track record in the United States over a five-year period.
Infact, we were one of the first newsletters to realize that thelong-awaited promise of oil sands was becoming a reality. Since thelate 1960s, geologists and scientists had searched for an economicalway to separate usable oil from a giant pool of sand, water and clay inCanada. Someoil forecasters had been predicting giant profits from the project foralmost as long.
Outstanding Investments,however, didn't see any compelling reason to jump in until just a fewyears ago. That's when a scientific breakthrough sent processing costsplummeting... just as conventional oil prices were skyrocketing. It wasclear to us that oilsands' time had finally arrived...
Not long after, theU.S. Department of Energy agreed, and for the first time it calculatedCanada's oil sands as reserves — putting it just behind Saudi Arabia.
Since then, we've watched our pick go from a mere $6.35 to $24.20. But you're not too late; the fun has just begun. Join Outstanding Investments today, and you'll see this one still listed as a buy.
And inside the FREE reports you'll receive, you'll discover another hot buy:
Operations in All the Right Places
A Brand-New Oil & Gas Operation With Some Old Successful Faces
Investors have already figured out most of the oil story. While thereare few precious gems left, most of the best companies have alreadybeen discovered and overbought.
However, in typical Wall Street fashion, some great secondary plays are still completely overlooked.
Considerthe case of natural gas. For over a decade, its price has moved more orless in tandem with oil. Just a few years back, in fact, investors usedthat fact to secure some pretty hefty gains. The memory didn't seem tostick, however... because natural gas is ready to move again.
To my eye, natural gas is undervalued... and that's why I'm so excited about the relatively new stock I've uncovered...
20% by Next Year — Just for Starters!
Once part of an energy giant, this company went off on its own in late2007. But it took a pretty hefty chunk of real estate with it.
This company now controls some of the most important natural gas pipelines in North America,able to send natural gas from Houston, Texas, all the way to Halifax,Nova Scotia. It has mining operations, transfer terminals and evenstorage facilities in all the right places.
In short, it has the kind of infrastructure that would be nearly impossible for another company to create.
Asif that weren't enough reason to love this gas play... just take a lookat the numbers this company has racked up — even as natural gas priceshave declined.
The Numbers Speak for Themselves
With a market cap of less than $20 billion, this company sports aprofit margin of 12.4% — nearly unheard of in the gas industry. Severalmajor institutions are predicting a steady influx of cash, too. Infact, one major analyst expects 9% earnings growth for the years tocome.
We think that might be a tad conservative. Forone thing, gas prices are on the verge of breaking out. Moreimportantly, this company has big plans for branching out. It's alreadya pretty big player in Canada, and could benefit nicely from oil sandsgrowth... not to mention anyappreciation in the Canadian dollar.
Obviously a playthis fantastic won't be overlooked for long. Once the mainstreamcatches on to what they're missing, we could easily see resultsmatching that oil sands play that has quadrupled already.
I'd hate for you to miss out. So send for your FREE copy of Crude Awakening: How to Survive the Total Global Energy Crunch. And here's a recommendation you'll find in another one of your free reports, Tailpipe Riches: The Race to Build the Car of theFuture...
A Secret Way to Invest in the Car of the Future
The hybrid engine isn't it. And the hydrogen car
isn't, either
Therace is on to design the car of the future. Every player in theindustry is scrambling for the prize, and the winner will dominate theworld car market for decades.
The three big contendersare the hydrogen fuel cell, the electric hybrid vehicle and the diesel.You're going to be surprised when I tell you the most likely winner.
What'smore, I've identified a "secret play" on the winning technology, readyfor your portfolio right now. Let's take a look at the three cars inthis race...
The hydrogen fuel cell gets the most hype
Detroit put all its chips on fuel cell technology, and it's beentelling us since the late 1990s that a breakthrough was just around thecorner.
In 1997, German-owned DaimlerChrysler actuallypredicted 100,000 fuel cell engines on the road by 2005. In 2001,General Motors projected about the same timeline.
Even George Bush got into the act, declaring in his 2003 State of the Union message that "America can lead the world in developing clean, hydrogen-powered automobiles."
It didn't happen and it probably won't
The short explanation for Detroit's failure is that the engineeringproblems were bigger than it thought. On top of that, the fuel cellengine costs 10 times as much as a conventional engine.
Worseyet, there's also the problem of building a national network of fuelstations where you can fill the tank with hydrogen. Hydrogen isn'tfound in nature in a usable form, and it's very expensive to produce. Anational hydrogen rollout could cost $100 billion.
There'sstill hope that hydrogen will come through in the end, but the NationalAcademy of Sciences believes the "hydrogen economy" is decades away.
Meanwhile, electric hybrids roar ahead
When Toyota announced a heavy investment in electric hybrids a fewyears back, Detroit snickered. To Detroit, it just seemed like ahalfway solution on the way to the fuel cell car.
Idon't need to tell you that the electric hybrid Prius is a sensation,and Detroit is now rushing to play catch-up. It'll come out with anumber of hybrid models in the next few years, many of them usingtechnology licensed from Toyota.
What's more, theelectric hybrid is not just an underpowered small car. Toyota nowoffers a high-end SUV hybrid with better acceleration than the standardmodel!
So hybrids are where it's at, right? Wrong again.
The Prius has problems.
First off, the gas mileage on the Prius is not all it's cracked up to be. Consumers have noticed, and some aren't happy.
Whathappened is that the EPA tests vehicles under ideal conditions on aflat surface. In the real world, it looks like Prius' mileage is not sohot. Also, most of the hybrid's big mileage gains occur instop-and-start city traffic. On an open road, the conventional engineactually getsbetter gas mileage.
When you look at the Prius' true mileage, there are plenty of conventional vehicles that do as well or better.
Addin the high extra cost of the hybrid engine, and some say you have todrive the car a hundred thousand miles to recoup the extra money youpay for the fancy technology.
There's a third alternative, a "sleeper" technology that's going to surprise everyone...
And the winner is...
The humble old diesel engine — the third and final competitor for car of the future.
How can that be? Diesels are loud, dirty and smelly. A pollution nightmare.
You can hear a diesel truck from a mile away, see the soot from halfway down the block and smell the exhaust as it rolls by.
Except— surprise! — those diesels you hear and smell are antiques. Thanks tonew technology, diesels aren't so dirty anymore, and the gas mileage isbetter than ever!
Here's what happened: Europeans haveto pay heavy gasoline taxes and they worry about global warming, sothey invested in the diesel engine as a stopgap, just in case thehydrogen car hit a snag.
As you know, hydrogen DID hit a snag. Now the stopgap looks like the winner in the great auto race.
Yousee, diesel gets about 30% more miles to the gallon than gasoline, andthose savings are real, in any kind of driving conditions. What's more,people who worry about global warming prefer diesel because it emits upto 20% less carbon dioxide. But wait, it gets even better...
Diesels have a huge, surprise advantage
Dieselsnow rival traditional gasoline engines for quiet, and Europeanrefineries have removed most of the pollutants from the fuel. Theengines cost more, but the gas savings almost make up the difference.I'll tell you a sleeper stock — it's not a car company — that's thebest way to play the diesel revolution.
But meanwhile,there's an even better way to invest than the hardware under the hood.Diesel's biggest edge is something you'd never expect...
You don't need crude oil to make diesel fuel
You can make it from coal, plant matter or even cooking oil. (Nokidding! A restaurant can invest in a cooking oil converter kit thatlets you fry a batch of potatoes and later reuse the oil in yourdelivery truck.)
In a few pages, I explain how liquefiedcoal is one of the big technologies of the future no matter what,whether the diesel engine wins or not. But if diesel wins the autorace, coal will be the biggest thing since folks traded in their horsesfor cars. King Crude may be dead, once andfor all.
How bad does the world need these new technologies? REAL bad. My readers have already profited, with one energy pick up 306% as this is written, and two others up 168% and 127%.
We reaped those gains because, whatever the future holds, the oil crisis right now is bad enough...
In India they make fuel from cow dung
Every year and, indeed, every month the world will grow more desperatefor the alternative fuels and technologies I'm talking about.
Indiaimports more than 75% of its crude oil. It's so desperate foralternatives, it recently promoted cow dung as an important energysource. A new use for sacred cows!
The problem is Asians these days are buying cars like... well, like Americans.
TheChinese would have to buy 650 million vehicles to reach American levelsof car ownership. That's not likely. But a fraction of that figure willcreate an oil and pollution crisis big enough to finish us off.
Inthe vast markets of India and China, a vehicle that runs without crudeoil will be irresistible. But there's still more to the diesel story...
A hybrid diesel engine is the next step
A combination of hybrid and diesel technology will take the fuelsavings up a notch. Make that two notches. And it will happen soon.
AnMIT study predicts the diesel hybrid could outperform a hydrogen fuelcell engine on both gasoline mileage and carbon emissions — within 10years.
In other words, the hydrogen fuel cell car may never get to market. It's dead in the cradle thanks to breakthroughs elsewhere.
Is there a catch? And how can you make money?
There is indeed a catch to all this, but the catch is where you'll find the profit opportunity.
The obvious play is to buy the big automakers like Toyota that own the leading hybrid or diesel technologies.
Obvious,but wrong. The auto industry is on its way to becoming a replay of theairline industry. The competition is already cutthroat, with razor-thinmargins. Now we're going to see General Motors and Ford file forbankruptcy.
When that happens, they'll walk away from thepension and health care obligations that are killing them. Their plantsare in political battleground states so the politicians will help themstay afloat. They're "too big to fail."
Once they'reoperating under Chapter 11, like the airlines, the automakers willlaunch profit-killing price wars that may last for decades.
Emissions are the key to profits
No, the way to profit from the diesel revolution is to buy the companythat's going to remove the last obstacle that stands in the way ofdiesel: pollutants.
You see, the Europeans still haven'tbeen able to remove the last bit of filth from diesel exhaust. They'vejust put up with it for the sake of fuel economy and lower carbonemissions.
Whoever comes up with the best diesel tailpipesolution stands to make a killing. And a high-tech American company hasdone exactly that. It's come up with a diesel filter that's farsuperior to what the Europeans now have.
A very surprising angle will make you money
Diesel tailpipes will be a billion-dollar market within two years — anincrease of more than 80-fold from the year 2000. As the oil shortagedeepens and the world scrambles for fuel mileage, the company I'mtelling you about will be on every front page in the country.
Thiscompany is a technology leader that created one of the most importantinventions of the '90s telecom boom — but I'm not talking aboutMicrosoft or Intel or any of the obvious choices. The company I have inmind keeps a lower profile.
Now it's come up with ANOTHER breakthrough technology that few investors know about.
Mycrystal ball says its technology is going to wind up in 200 millionvehicles. I'll tell you all about the stock in a FREE specialinvestment report called Tailpipe Riches: The Race to Build the Car of the Future. It's one of four free reports you get when yousubscribe.
Subscribe now and get your free copy. You'll want to snap up this breakthrough technology before it's too late.
But meanwhile, you can also make a bundle off the liquefied coal story...
The Great Coal Rush
It's clean, cheap and soon will be liquid
While the oil runs out, there's still plenty of coal. The world hasenough coal to last for 300 years at current rates. Coal alreadyaccounts for more than half of our electricity.
But coal is dirty, right? And there's no way it can power cars, right?
Wrong,and wrong again. Coal can be cleaned up AND it can power your SUV.However, it's not cheap to do. It's only worthwhile when a barrel ofoil costs more than $30.
Which means you're in luck if you own stock in a coal company, as my readers do, because oil is way more than $30 a barrel, and it's going to stay that way. Forever.
My readers have already booked 43% gains on this recommendation in just over three months. And that�s just the beginning.
Coal is set to replace oil almost everywhere
You're now one of a handful of people who know about clean coal, andyou're going to make a fortune off it. I want to send you all thedetails in another FREE special investment report called Turning on the Juice: Power Plays for the Electricity Crisis Ahead. It'sone of four reports I send to all new subscribers.
Let's look at how big the opportunity really is...
The U.S. and China both have a growing problem with the price of oiland with the unstable countries they have to buy it from. Meanwhile,the U.S. and China both have HUGE reserves of coal.
Addin Australia and Canada and you've got four countries that you couldcall the OPEC of coal. They own just about all the coal there is.
TheU.S. alone has 254 billion tons of proven coal reserves, or about 25%of the world total. Compare that to Saudi Arabia, with 24% of theworld's oil (if you believe it).
Meanwhile, the Chineseeconomy is doubling every 10 years and has a lion's appetite forelectricity. The Chinese will have to give up that growth rate or buildhundreds of new power plants, one or the other. They have no choice.
China is starved for electricity...and we're not doing so well ourselves!
Electricity could be China's biggest roadblock to growth. Already,blackouts and brownouts happen every day all over the country.Factories by the thousand are forced to shut down from time to time.Many are allowed to operate only during off-peak hours. Children insome cities dotheir homework by candlelight.
With an economy thatgrows 8% or 9% every year, and electric usage soaring at the same rate,the Chinese have no choice but to build hundreds of new power plants.And most of those plants are going to run on coal.
Inthe United States, we have a power crisis of our own. We're at thelimit of our generating capacity. We have our own brownouts duringpeak-demand times. We, too, need to build hundreds of new power plants.Yet the public still doesn't want nuclear power.
A coal boom is inevitable
Youdo the math: We face a crude oil shortage... nuclear power gives peoplethe willies...we've got plenty of coal in the ground...we've got achoice between more power plants or deep recession and unemployment.
Everything points to coal.
Already my readers have gained 43% on myfavorite coal investment in just over three months. You'll get detailson the company in the free special investment report called Turning on the Juice: Power Plays for the Electricity Crisis Ahead.
Thegains have just begun. We can thank ever-increasing demand for coal andever-higher prices. All that's left is to solve the pollution problem.And as you'll see in the next few pages, that's about to happen. I'vegot a way you can play the clean coal technology.
A safe, conservative way to play the Great Coal Rush
The safest way to profit is to own some coal and wait for the price to go up. It will.
I'vefound a great, long-term stock that came on the market in 2004, as aspin-off from another company. Already, this new kid on the block isone of the five largest coal companies in the United States, with 13mines in our richest coal regions, plus 100 electric power plants in 29different states.
This outfit has a staggering 1.8billion tons of proven and probable coal reserves. That's enough tolast 28 years at current rates of production.
The topexecs have an average of 26 years of experience apiece. They employ themost advanced technology and achieve some of the highest levels ofefficiency of any coal producer on the market.
With anabundant, cheap replacement for oil, these guys just about can't gowrong. Their coal is going to look better and better with oil back at$100 and even $150 per barrel. You'll receive all the details in Turning on the Juice: Power Plays for the Electricity CrisisAhead.
A Coal Company That's Proven To Sizzle
Now, lets talk about a company that's ready to skyrocket with increaseddemand for coal. One that's based in the U.S. but stands to benefitfrom a worldwide demand in coal.
In case you missed thememo, China is a huge player in the energy market. This includes thedemand and need for energy sources to fire up their many coal-firedpower plants.
With new plants coming online almostevery day China has been single handedly spurring the demand for coal.Prices are starting to rise, and the companies that own the coal in theground stand to benefit. The company that I've told my readers about is just that...
43% Gains in Three Months!
So far this company has shown myreaders 43% in gains in just over three months. That's nothing to sniffat. This huge player in the market is ready to keep spiking up higherand here's why...
Simply put this is the largestprivate owner of coal east of the Mississippi. They have deep roots inthe U.S., along with deep seeded logistics that help get their productthrough the rails, waterways, and roadways of America.
As you can see, this is no fly-by-night coal company.
Andtheir long lasting logistics network has created competition amongsttransport companies. This coal behemoth is large enough to make smallercompanies scramble to give it better transport prices.
But that's not all this company has going for it...
A Confident Company Poised For Growth
Thiscompany is currently in the middle of a huge stock buyout of anotherenergy player — something you like to see from a well managed company.
Combinethat with a 42% increase in their dividend in late 2007 and you can seethat this company's share price is poised for solid growth in thecoming years.
Now is still the time to buy — I'mlooking at it as a long-term core holding that will pay for a big chunkof your retirement. But you'll still want to act quickly, this stockhas already shot up 43% and there is no sign of it slowing down.
You'll find all of the information, including this lucrative coal company's name, in your special report Turning on the Juice: Power Plays for the Electricity Crisis Ahead.
You can receive this report FREE, plus...
Riding the Natural Gas Boom to Triple Your Money
Tailpipe Riches: The Race to Build the Car of the Future, and
Crude Awakening: How to Survive the Total Global Energy Crunch.
In fact, subscribe for two years — with a full refund guarantee — and you receive six special investment reports free.
You'lldiscover everything you need to know in the free special investmentreports. You see, with the help of these special reports, you can...
Profit from something few investors know
The Chinese are turning their country into an open-air lab to developnew energy technologies. The new technologies that come out of theirefforts will be exported all over the world. Later in this letter, I'lltell you about their breakthrough in nuclear technology.
TheAmerican company that's helping China liquefy coal is doing the samething in India, another giant country with almost no oil. It's also gota stake in a big Philippine deal.
In other words, this company is the technology leader in a fast-growing industry most investors don't even know about.
And if diesels powered by liquefied coal become the car of the future, there's no telling how high my coal picks can go!
Whilemost investors expect the price of oil to stay stuck in double digitsyou can position yourself to profit from the new, long-term energycrisis.
Keep reading and discover...
- The fastest-growing energy source in the world. Also the cleanest and safest. But America may be sidelined. I tell you more in a few pages, and everything you need to know in one of your free reports, Turning on the Juice: Power Playsfor the Electricity Crisis Ahead.
- Goodbye global warming! A Chinese breakthrough may create cheap, safe, clean electric power for the whole world. I've got a safe angle to profit from China's massive investment in electric-generating plants.
- A true alternative energy superstar!This dividend-paying company has a market cap of just $923 million. Yetit provides essential components for one of the most popular types ofalternative energy. It's order backlog is a jaw-dropping $186.3million — and growing by the day.
- A "minor" sector of the energy market is set to grow 17 times over. I'll give you my best pick.
But please act now. The crisis could hit overnight...
Wild Cards
How oil could go beyond $150 in 24 hours
If you want to bury your head in the sand and pretend Saudi Arabia has plenty of oil, be my guest. But Outstanding Investments is for investors who want to face reality and be prepared.
Everyshred of evidence points to no Saudi buffer for world oil markets. Andthat's a real problem because oil consumption soared from 52 millionbarrels a day to 82 million in the last 19 years, and it's expected togrow to 120 million in the next 20...
If the oil can be found. Very doubtful.
High-priced oil is here to stay
There are three ways oil could race past $150 a barrel: It may getthere gradually...or on a faster pace of a year or two...or overnight,literally within 24 hours.
Pick any one of the three. Nomatter how you look at it, it's a sure thing the days of cheap oil areover. We're never going to see $30 oil again, and we may never even see$50 oil. Soon oil in the $100s may very well return to stay.
"Younever really run out of oil," says a Houston energy consultant namedHenry Groppe. "But many years ago we ran out of $2 a barrel oil, thenwe ran out of $25 oil, and now we're running out of $40 oil."
That's for sure. And that means you need to readjust your holdings. Outstanding Investments has a strategy that will profit handsomely from this inevitable trend. But our strategy could profit even more because...
The disaster could hit very fast
Saudiproduction could fall over a cliff almost overnight. There could be adeep, sharp reduction in Saudi oil production literally any day.
It'sguesswork, but energy expert Matthew Simmons says, "It will take energyforecasters and policymakers by total surprise. Not a single seriousenergy plan devised in the past three decades has envisioned such ascenario."
He's told interviewers that Saudi outputcould drop 30–40% from the already low level of just 5 million barrels.Simmons doesn't claim to know for sure, but I believe he's right.
In the big oil crisis of 1973, oil went to $100 in current dollars.
Backthen, the problem was just political. Angered by U.S. support forIsrael, the Arab oil producers cut our supply. After things calmeddown, there was plenty of oil. This time the problem is real andthere's no quick fix.
There's a sword hanging over our heads, and most people don't even know. Just consider this...
Three quick disasters could send oil over $150 in 24 hours
I've spotted three trends to watch that could crash markets and cause a recession.
Youalready know that the 2005 hurricane season was the worst on record,and the one before that was almost as bad. In 2005, there were 27tropical storms. Weather experts could hardly believe it, but the lastone formed in December, a month after the "end" of the hurricane season.
It's not as weird as a blizzard in July. But it's close.
Worse,the storms are more powerful than ever before. It seems that a tropicalstorm is more likely now to become a deadly Category 4 or Category 5hurricane.
Two reasons for the monster storms
The first reason is there's a normal cycle of low hurricane activityfollowed by a period of high hurricane activity. Each phase can lastfor several decades.
Clearly, we're in the high phase,and it will probably go on for years. That's bad enough, but it'snormal. But now you have to add...
Wild card No. 1:
The danger of climate change
Bear in mind that climate change can be caused by either human activityor natural causes. And either way, the jury is still out. Despite whatyou may hear from the mainstream media, the case for global warming isfar from closed.
But global warming believers are already blaming the monster hurricanes on climate change.
They may be right.
Thelevel of hurricane activity we're seeing has no precedent in thehundred years or so that scientists have been counting and categorizingstorms. Meanwhile, a big chunk of our energy industry is located in theworst possible place.
Not in my backyard, and soon, nowhere at all
Americans have largely banned oil and gas drilling and liquefiednatural gas ports from the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. They don't likeoil refineries, either. Plus, it's well known that the Gulf of Mexicois energy rich.
So America ended up with a huge part of its energy infrastructure located on the Gulf Coast.
A lot of it was knocked out by Katrina and Rita. As I write this, the Gulf coast energy industry is still not back to normal.
Just in time for the next hurricane season
If there is a hurricane season like 2005, it could be the end of some 20% of America's oil and gas industry. And it could all happen in 24 hours.
It'shard to picture that oil companies are going to keep on investing in aregion where they get knocked out every year. And the onshore plantscan't be moved to Boston and San Francisco, where they're not wantedanyway.
We may be staring at a permanent loss of a large part of our energy industry.
Wild Card No. 2:
War and revolution at the chokepoints
Worldoil supplies are so tight the price could go through the roof if welose just a couple of million barrels of daily production out of theworld total of 82 million.
Production is running fulltilt and consumers snap up every barrel that comes out of the ground.There's no buffer (despite what the Saudis claim).
Asudden leap to $150 a barrel, not to mention $150+, could tip us overthe edge — and into a deeper recession. The immediate cause could bewar or revolution in an oil-producing country.
Toss in another bad hurricane season at the same time and it could be the end of our way of life.
SaudiArabia itself is a prime candidate for revolution. You might thinkal-Qaida's main target is the United States, but in fact the maintarget all along has been control of Saudi Arabia.
The World Trade Center was just a stop on the road to Riyadh, as al-Qaida sees it.
But myown pick for disaster is Nigeria. This African country is the world'sNo. 12 oil producer, and a big supplier to the United States.
The Nigerian wild card
The country is seething with revolution. The government — if you wantto call it a government — admits that thieves steal as much as 200,000barrels of oil a day and sell it on the black market. Off the record,experts put the bootleg oil as high as 650,000 barrels a day.
Thatkind of oil generates huge sums of cash, and a lot of the money isplowed into arms for the rebels. There's no shortage of poor, hopelessyoung men willing to use the weapons. Three Nigerians out of five livein poverty.
Caught in the middle of all this are bigoil companies like Shell and Chevron. In some parts of the countrytheir facilities have been shut down and they've been kicked out. Ifyou want to get punched in Nigeria, just tell a native you work forShell.
Wild Card No. 3:
You won't be surprised to learn terrorism is the third wild card thatcould create an instant crisis. In fact, a former CIA director recentlyjoined some former oil executives and government experts in arisk-analysis exercise.
They forecast three very likely events that could bring the roof down on our heads.
One of them was civil war in Nigeria.
The other two were both terror incidents.
Intelligenceagencies know the terrorists have especially targeted oil facilitiesand infrastructure. It's an international game of cat and mouse inwhich the terrorists are looking for a weak point day and night, highand low, while we try to find them and stop them in time.
It'sonly a matter of time until they succeed. It's like a thief checkingevery door in the neighborhood every night. One night, he'll find adoor that's not locked.
Are you getting the picture? The good scenario is that the oil price will merely hover around $150 over the next few years.
The worst scenario is that it will go there — then much higher — next week, or next month or next year.
Eitherway, you can gain anywhere from 100–1,000% on the investments Irecommend. The only question is HOW MUCH MONEY YOU'LL MAKE and HOW FASTYOU'LL MAKE IT.
The investments I reveal in your fourFREE special reports are your ticket to survival, and even wealth, inthe midst of recession and chaos. You receive full details on all 10recommendations as soon as you subscribe to Outstanding Investments.
The Natural Gas Bottleneck
A market set to multiply 17 times, according to
government figures
When oil started getting pricey during the 1970s, Americaswitched to natural gas in a big way. Natural gas now supplies about24% of our total energy needs, including a big chunk of our electricity.
Themove made sense. We had plenty of natural gas, and what's more, it's aclean-burning fuel that cuts down on pollution. But like any kind offossil fuel, there's only so much of it. Now we're running out.
Afterthe big hurricanes of 2005, everyone can see the U.S. is vulnerable. Wedidn't have the gas supplies we needed when we needed them. That was acold, expensive winter for a lot of Americans.
The gas shortage will be hard to solve
Americahas placed vast areas off limits to drilling. Not only millions ofacres of federal lands, but also most of the offshore areas on theAtlantic and
Pacific coasts.
Thesegas-rich regions are off-limits even though natural gas doesn't createspills. If there's an accident, it just escapes into the air. Anddrilling rigs are mostly out of sight of the resort properties on thebeach.
The regulations have left only the Gulf ofMexico, aka hurricane alley, for offshore drilling and natural gasproduction. But we've painted ourselves into a corner...
The rest of the world burns up natural gas to get rid of it!
If you saw your heating bills shoot up this winter, you'll befrustrated to learn there's plenty of gas worldwide. It's a byproductof oil wells, and if an oil field isn't close to a big populationcenter or a pipeline, the gas is just flared off.
Therest of the world burns off as much as 2.5 trillion cubic feet of whatis called "stranded" natural gas. That's equivalent to 1.7 billionbarrels of oil totally wasted every year!
The problem isthat gas, unlike oil, is hard to transport. You can't build pipelinesacross oceans. And big oceans separate North America from the cheap gas that's now going to waste. This energy bottleneck is your chance to multiply your money up to 17 times.
Because of the bottleneck problem, the price of natural gas is much higher in North Americathan in the countries that are swimming in the stuff. It's a hugeopportunity, and I've prepared a free special investment report to helpyou profit. I call it Riding the Natural Gas Boom toTriple Your Money.
Take a look at the free report's best play on natural gas...
An easy answer to the gas shortage, with a 45-year
safety record
There's an easy solution to our natural gas shortage, and it's beenaround for years. It's called liquefied natural gas, or LNG.
Ifyou turn natural gas into a liquid by supercooling it, you cantransport 600 times as much gas in the same space. One LNG tanker cancarry as much as 600 ships hauling natural gas in vapor form.
Anddespite what you may have heard, LNG is safe. With 40,000 LNG tankervoyages spanning the last 45 years and crossing 60 million miles ofocean, there hasn't been a single major accident. Not one.
No explosions, no fireballs, no gruesome casualties. Sorry, Hollywood.
You'll learn everything you need to know in Riding the Natural Gas Boom to Triple Your Money, devoted just to this topic. I'll rush you a free copy when you try my newsletter, Outstanding Investments.
A market set to multiply up to 17 times
As things stand now, the U.S. gets only 1% of its natural gas in theform of LNG, but with the energy crunch, things are going to change.
Thegovernment's Energy Information Agency believes LNG will provide from14–17% of our total gas supply by 2025. That means a 14- to 17-foldincrease in LNG.
Better yet, that's going to be ahigher percentage of a bigger market, too. The EIA projects total gasconsumption — LNG and vapor combined — will boom 30% in the next 10years. And meanwhile, a fierce bidding war has broken out among Europe,Asia and the U.S. for everyavailable ounce of LNG.
Would you to like to sprint from a 1% market share to a 17% market share in a growth industry? I would!
Destined to dominate
The boom was actually under way before the current energy crunch hit.LNG trade soared 55% in the 10 years ending in 2004. This little marketis growing like crazy.
Some analysts even predict LNGwill surpass King Crude to dominate the world's energy markets. The CEOof Shell says within 10 years, gas will be a bigger part of thecompany's business than oil.
Please join me and the happy, increasingly rich readers of Outstanding Investments. As I write these words, we're up 109% on my first pick...
The Best Play on Natural Gas
Finding the right investment in the booming natural gas market is notas easy as it sounds. For example Exxon Mobil is so large that buyingit as a play on natural gas would be like buying a ranch to own a steer.
We need a pure natural gas producer that can grow 200%, 300%, or even more. And I found it!
Make Several Times Your Money in Natural Gas
Mytop pick sports a $13 billion market cap. It's one of the top 3independent natural gas producers, but in the energy business itqualifies as a small, nimble player.
This company is a natural gas powerhouse based in the U.S.
Itowes its success to active property acquisition and consistentdrilling. This isn't a new strategy, but this company is doing it on alarge scale in the right market. This company is a master in everyfacet of the natural gas business.
I'm not the only one who thinks this company is about to skyrocket...
What's one indicator that great investors have always used to predict upward movements in a stock price? Insider buying.
Whoknows the business better than the management of a company? No one. Ifcompany execs are putting large chunks of their hard earned dollarsinto the stock, you know that they believe the price will go up.
Thiscompany's CEO has been stocking up on shares. For the past couple yearsthe CEO has been filing SEC form-4's — the forms you have to fill outif you are an insider buying your own company's shares.
Doyou think this CEO would be sinking his hard earned money intosomething that he didn't believe in? No way. He knows what I know aboutnatural gas. And right now it's at a great time to buy.
The Worldwide Natural Gas Boom
This company is in a great position to profit, but they are in an evenbetter market. Natural gas is quickly becoming the energy of choiceinternationally.
As oil prices increase, natural gasdemand will also become a cheaper and more viable energy source. Andthis company will stand to make money. And here is the kicker...
Alonethis natural gas producer is a strong candidate for growth, but it maybe an even stronger candidate for a buyout. With a company this wellpositioned it may just be a matter of time before one of the big guysbuys them out...
You'll learn all about it in your free special investment report, Riding the Natural Gas Boom to Triple Your Money. You receive this report and three more to boot when you subscribe to my newsletter. Meanwhile, here's another way to profit...
Earn a 16% Dividend and
Double Your Capital, Too!
LNG is a possible grand slam homer in natural gas. But you can alsoprofit from North American companies that don't need to ship their gasacross an ocean.
Andif you're fed up with the pitiful interest rates you get on bankaccounts and CDs, I've got the best news you've heard this year.
Your free copy of Riding the Natural Gas Boom to Triple Your Money recommends a Canadian gas company that pays a 16% dividend as I write these words.
Thecompany is an energy trust, also known as a royalty or resource trust.The idea is that a group of investors pool their resources to buy acash-generating asset that provides long-term income.
You'reprobably familiar with the income trust idea from REITs (real estateinvestment trusts). Same basic concept: A REIT receives and distributesincome from a portfolio of real estate properties, while an energytrust pays income from a collection of oil or gas properties. If theassetsappreciate, you can also reap a handsome capital gain.
But you have to watch out for this deadly pitfall
All of this comes with a warning: There's a difference between a realestate trust and a gas trust. Real estate doesn't get used up. Gas does.
Thatmeans it's unwise to invest in any old energy income trust. Some ofthem are just selling off their treasure trove of natural gas anddistributing the profits. Eventually, the gas will run out, and yourshare of the deal may become worthless.
If you lookinto it, you'll find Canadian energy trusts that pay dividends of 25%or even 30%. Sounds great, until you realize they're paying out all thecash and the business will eventually die.
Buy a gas trust that's in it for the long term
Riding the Natural Gas Boom to Triple Your Moneyreveals a trust that solves the problem. At about 16%, its dividend isa bit lower, but it retains cash and extends the life of the trustthrough acquisitions and exploration.
It pays outonly about half its cash flow. This trust invests the rest in findingnew, long-life, high-quality gas projects. What's more, it's darn goodat it.
It's been finding $4 worth of new gas for every $1 it invests
Thatmeans you can enjoy the best of both worlds — income and capitalappreciation. What's more, the potential for long-term gains iseye-popping.
Just with its current reserves, this trustcan keep paying out dividends for another 20 years, compared with 10years for its competitors. But given its success in finding new gas,and with prices headed up, there's a good chance the dividend willincrease and the reserves will too!
You'll be collecting the dividend AND building your assets. The more you learn, the better this company gets.
Bestof all, the insiders have been consistent, long-term buyers of thestock. When directors and senior officers put their own money on theline, it's a very good sign they believe in the company.
You'll learn more about this dynamite investment in your free copy of Riding the Natural Gas Boom to Triple Your Money. Read it and reap!
Profit From a Nuclear Breakthrough
Keep reading if you'd like to discover a new technology that sounds like a miracle, even though every word is true.
What's more, this breakthrough can fatten your personal bank account.
Ifthings play out the way I expect, fossil fuel power plants will joinwood-burning stoves on history's dustheap. You'll learn all the detailsin one of your free reports, Turning on the Juice: Power Plays for the Electricity Crisis Ahead. It's the No. 1 way to profitfrom...
The worldwide boom in nuclear power
After a couple of freak accidents several decades ago, Americansdecided they wanted nothing to do with nuclear power ever, anywhere.The accidents at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island killed nuclear powerin the United States.
We're just about the only people with that attitude.
Therest of the world took a look at the safety problems, solved them andforged ahead. France now gets 77% of its electric power from nuclearplants. Japan and South Korea get 39% — and the two of them have morethan 20 new plants on the way.
Belgium, Sweden,Finland...they've all gone nuclear. It seems like everyone but us isbuilding nukes. China plans to boost its nuclear power capacity by 500%.
In fact, for the past 40 years, nuclear has been the fastest-growing power source in the world. And now it's really taking off.
What'smore, all the hundreds of plants worldwide have logged thousands ofreactor years without a single accident. You see, Asians and Europeanshave discovered something Americans refuse to see: Nuclear power beatsfossil fuels hands down.
Nuclear is safer, cheaper and cleaner.
In Turning on the Juice: Power Plays for the Electricity Crisis Ahead,you'll find out how the worldwide boom in nuclear power has sent theprice of uranium through the roof. Uranium doubled in the last threeyears, and it will probably double again in the next two.
Turning on the Juice reveals mybest pick among the uranium stocks. The company has huge uraniumreserves, plus ready access to China and its massive nuclear program.Best of all, this company controls a production bottleneck the U.S.nuclear industry can't do without.
But exciting as that is, it's nothing compared with my best play on the worldwide nuclear power boom...
Nuclear power plants will roll off an assembly line
TheChinese are charging ahead with a new type of nuclear power plant. Ipredict utilities will build hundreds, and maybe thousands, of thesenew plants all over the globe. Electricity will become super-cheap. Andeventually we'll see an economic boom worldwide like we've never seenbefore:
- The new plants will be walk-away safe. A meltdown is not just unlikely, it's impossible
- There's no danger of radioactivity venting into air or water
- There's no chain reaction involved
- No need for huge cooling towers or water. No billion-dollar pressure dome
- Almost no waste, and what waste there is can be stored safely on the premises
- No need to fear a terrorist attack.
You'll learn all the details in your free special investment report, Turning on the Juice: Power Plays for the Electricity Crisis Ahead. The technology uses an alternative way to harvest the energy of the atom — a way that Americans discovered and then rejecteddecades ago.
TheChinese plan to mass-produce the reactors. The plants will be modularand factory made, built to last 40 years, ready to ship anywhere in theworld and assembled like Legos.
A Chinese scientistboasts, "Eventually these new reactors will compete strategically, andin the end, they will win. When that happens, it will leave traditionalnuclear power in ruins."
The man has reason to be cocky.They've already tested the prototype by turning off the coolant andletting the plant cool down by itself. That would be totallyunthinkable with a conventional reactor.
The ultimate solution to global warming
These plants will get built by the hundreds because the world needscheap, clean energy. But they'll get built by the thousands if theworld decides to get serious about global warming. Selected stocks willtake off into the stratosphere.
I think the Chinese will pull it off, and we're going to see a new industrial revolution.
You need to move soon, because the Chinese are plunging full speed ahead. Subscribe now and get your free copy of Turning on the Juice: Power Plays for the Electricity Crisis Ahead.