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Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/4/2010 9:49:40 PM

In 2010 they will be sent abroad in even larger numbers to manairbases and missile sites, supervise and participate incounterinsurgency operations throughout the world against disparaterebel groups, many of them secular, and wage combat operations in SouthAsia and elsewhere. They will be stationed on warships and submarinesequipped with cruise and long-range nuclear missiles and with aircraftcarrier strike groups prowling the world’s seas and oceans.

They will construct and expand bases from Europe to Central andSouth Asia, Africa to South America, the Middle East to Oceania. Withthe exception of Guam and Vicenza in Italy, where the Pentagon ismassively expanding existing installations, all the facilities inquestion are in nations and even regions of the world where the U.S.military has never before ensconced itself. Practically all the newencampments will be forward bases used for operations “down range,”generally to the east and south of NATO-dominated Europe.

More speculation as I see it, no definitive proof any of this will be happening in the USA. Especially under this administration. Obama not Bush remember?

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/4/2010 10:03:14 PM


Thatradical Islam reaching America is the direct result of American foreignpolicies in fact I showed you articles written by scholars that Americahas strengthened jihad and fundamentalism in Afghanistan against theRussians.

I agree on this point and ourinvolvement there was IMHO wrong, even though the Afghans were fightingwith WWI weaponory and the Russians were using the most advancedtechnology on this undeveloped country. What were the Russiansreasoning for the invaision? To obtain control of the Opium trade?

The Opium trade started later (review article I have provided on this topic) when Americans joined by helping Jihad and Taliban against Russians.



Bothsides agree that American Foreign Policy is in big troubles because ofbeing involved in conflicts which don't serve American interests.

Nos*hit Sherlock! We have been protecting the interests of muslims andnow we are the enemy? This is why your sources suck. They play bothends against the middle. The same thing you blame the USA for duringWWII. Now decide what your point is, because right now you are graspingfor straws and seem to be walking a thin line here. Using extremist andconspiracist theory and Blaming America and Israel for the ills of theworld is really amazing, to say the least. Implying once again thatIsraelis are responsible for the wrongs in the area.

Here is how America is helping.

Americans are helping to install Hitler ( I have documented it in previous posts), then Americans help him during first year with 80% of oil demand and launder money for him and then show up in Europe in third year of WWII to help free the world from the tyranny of Nazism once they see Germans are retreating from Soviet Union.

Then in 1953 UK and US help Shah to take the power of Iran and then later help Saddam to fight the war with Iran. Then they kill Saddam some years later.

America helps create al qaeda and Taliban to defeat the Soviet Union and they have to destroy Al qaeda and Taliban now.

These are just a few. Do you see the patterns?

When will you start seeing real reasons why America gets involved.
Whenever you hear from your government that America helps someone, hear America is destabilizing this part of the world.

So far this seems to work quite well.
Davide and conquer


Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/4/2010 10:08:19 PM
Glenn Beck is on FOX News now. 5PM weekdays EST. Watch this week record the show on your VCR because irrefutable facts will be shared.

Thank you.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/5/2010 2:44:56 AM
Hello Jim and Bogdan,

I guess the different time zones force me to stay up late (my time) to take part in the discussion in real time.

Bogdan, for some reason you believe you've proven your point of view and opinion to be true and nothing can be further from the truth. You actually encapsuled well the opinion I have for your sources and their opinions whether they be on conspiracies or the reasons for the existence of Radical Islam.

Radical Islam existed well before the US "occupied" Iraq or went into Afghanistan. Radical Islam has been killing other Muslims well before that too and they've been oppressing and killing members of other religions in their respective countries as well. I'm sure you are aware of these irrefutable facts without the need to bring documented proof which is very easy to do.

The excuse that they are simply reacting to the great devil America's killing of Muslims and occupying their lands is far fetched even if the Pauls and others of his ilk are trying to sell that to the world.

America isn't the only act in the world and is far from the country that is being hit the worst by Radical Islam at the moment. Europe, Russia, The Scandinavian countries etc. have all been hit badly by Radical Islam and they aren't "occupying" their countries. What happened there will happen in the US especially with the climate of political correctness enveloping the country. In fact as we know it's already happening. Some attempts have been stopped and the latest in Fort Hood wasn't. The tragedy in the plane would have been a shocker were it not for the brave and alert passengers on the plane.

It's about time that the world starts listening to what the Radical Islam terrorists are saying and not try to find excuses for those "poor souls" that are butchering innocents amongst the infidels (that's you and me) and brothers in their own religion.

You do realize by now that for every "source" you bring we can counter with many that refute what they are preaching. In a way I believe we've reached a point of no return. As I've said earlier you certainly won't convince me with your conspiracy sources and ours seem to have no affect on you either.

So, listen to the the real source the Radical Islamists themselves and understand that your allegations have no sound base but you're only supplying them with excuses to do what they do best murder and kill innocents under the safety umbrella that you're supplying them with. BUT, they themselves tell a different story.

To Mr. Paul, the terrorists are not pan-Islamic theocrats but violentnationalists fighting for liberation. Unfortunately, this line ofthinking has become far too common these days, withproponents repeatedly citing Bin Laden’s grievances against U.S. foreignpolicy as the true source. But let’s take a look at what else Bin Ladenhas to say on the subject with some help from Raymond Ibrahim, shall we?

“Our talks with the infidel West and our conflict with them ultimately revolve aroundone issue — one that demands our total support, with powerand determination, with one voice — and it is: Does Islam, or does itnot,force people by the power of the sword to submit to itsauthority corporeally if not spiritually?”

Bin Laden then answers his own question:

“Yes.There are only three choices in Islam: [1] either willing submission[conversion]; [2] or payment of the jizya, through physical, though notspiritual, submission to the authority of Islam;[3] or the sword — forit is not right to let him [an infidel] live.The matter is summed upfor every person alive: Either submit, or live under the suzerainty ofIslam, or die.”

Paul’s argument collapses under thesimplest cross-examination. If he’s right, then why are Islamicextremists trying to overthrow governments perceived as not “Islamic”enough? Why does Al-Qaeda kill eighttimes as many Muslims as non-Muslims? What do bombings inBali,Istanbul, Casablanca, or any other Muslim city have to do withIsraeli and American “occupation?”

I can supply with you with a myriad of statements much worse then the one above all by Imams, clerics and leaders of the Muslim world that are the perpetrators of Radical Islam. You can find them in my thread and in others in Adland including this one. You do have to listen to the words and not find excuses for them cos there are no excuses for the butchering of innocents whether they be Muslims of other sects, infidels, gays, protesters against the oppressive regimes and the list goes on and on.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/5/2010 4:07:30 AM

Hello Friends,

The question arises again and again what can we do to stop Radical Islam and their nefarious jihadi terrorist attacks? Obviously the answers are actions not taken in the past in order to prevent further terrorist acts.

In this climate of political correctness and the agenda of B Hussein who implores us not to "jump to conclusions" it seems that we better flush Political Correctness down the drain and become extremely politically incorrect.

Let's start calling a spade a spade and not make up names for actions any thinking person knows is terrorism. As uncomfortable as it might sound and be profiling should become part and parcel of the system in order to better protect the innocents from further jihadi terrorist attacks.

Newt Gringrich wrote an interesting article on this very subject and well worth the read.



On Terrorism it's Time to Know, to Profile, and to Discriminate

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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