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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/4/2010 4:12:56 AM

2010: U.S. To Wage War Throughout The World


January 1 will usher in the last year of the first decade of a new millennium and ten consecutive years of the United States conducting war in the Greater Middle East.

Beginning with the October 7, 2001 missile and bomb attacks on Afghanistan,American combat operations abroad have not ceased for a year, a month,a week or a day in the 21st century.

The Afghan war, the U.S.'s first air and ground conflict in Asia since the disastrous wars in Vietnam and Cambodia in the 1960s and early 1970s and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's first land war and Asian campaign, began during the end of the 2001 war in Macedonia launched from NATO-occupied Kosovo, one in which the role of U.S. military personnel is still to be properly exposed [1] and addressed and which led to the displacement of almost 10 percent of the nation's population.

In the first case Washington invaded a nation in the name of combating terrorism; in the second it abetted cross-border terrorism. Similarly, in 1991 the U.S.and its Western allies attacked Iraqi forces in Kuwait and launched devastating and deadly cruise missile attacks and bombing sorties inside Iraq in the name of preserving the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of Kuwait, and in 1999 waged a 78-day bombing assault against Yugoslavia to override and fatally undermine the principles of territorial integrity and national sovereignty in thename of the casus belli of the day, so-called humanitarian intervention.

Twoyears later humanitarian war, as abhorrent an oxymoron as the world hasever witnessed, gave way to the global war on terror(ism), with theU.S. and its NATO allies again reversing course but continuing to wagewars of aggression and "wars of opportunity" as they saw fit,contradictions and logic, precedents and international lawnotwithstanding.

Several never fully acknowledgedcounterinsurgency campaigns, some ongoing - Colombia - and some new -Yemen - later, the U.S. invaded Iraq in March of 2003 with a "coalitionof the willing" comprised mainly of Eastern European NATO candidatenations (now almost all full members of the world's only military blocas a result of their service).

The Pentagon has also deployedspecial forces and other troops to the Philippines and launched naval,helicopter and missile attacks inside Somalia as well as assisting theEthiopian invasion of that nation in 2006. Washington also arms, trainsand supports the armed forces of Djibouti in their border war withEritrea. In fact Djibouti hosts the U.S.'s only permanent militaryinstallation in Africa to date [2], Camp Lemonier, a United StatesNaval Expeditionary Base and home to the Combined Joint Task Force -Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA), placed under the new U.S. Africa Command(AFRICOM) when it was launched on October 1, 2008. The area ofresponsibility of the Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa takesin the nations of Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Seychelles,Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Yemen and as "areas of interest"the Comoros, Mauritius and Madagascar.

That is, much of thewestern shores of the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean, among the mostgeostrategically important parts of the world. [3]

U.S. troops, aerial drones, warships, planes and helicopters are active throughout that vast tract of land and water.

Withsenator and once almost vice president Joseph Lieberman's threat onDecember 27 that "Yemen will be tomorrow's war" [4] and former SouthernCommand chief and NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe Wesley Clark'stwo days later that "Maybe we need to put some boots on the groundthere," [5] it is evident that America's new war for the new year hasalready been identified. In fact in mid-December U.S. warplanesparticipated in the bombing of a village in northern Yemen that costthe lives of 120 civilians as well as wounding 44 more [6] and a weeklater "A US fighter jet...carried out multiple airstrikes on the homeof a senior official in Yemen's northern rugged province of Sa'ada...."[7]

The pretext for undertaking a war in Yemen in earnest iscurrently the serio-comic "attempted terrorist attack” by a youngNigerian national on a passenger airliner outside of Detroit onChristmas Day. The deadly U.S. bombing of the Yemeni village mentionedabove occurred ten days earlier and moreover was in the north of thenation, although Washington claims al-Qaeda cells are operating in theother end of the country. [8]

Asia, Africa and the Middle Eastare not the only battlegrounds where the Pentagon is active. On October30 of 2009 the U.S. signed an agreement with the government of Colombiato acquire the essentially unlimited and unrestricted use of seven newmilitary bases in the South American nation, including sites withinimmediate striking distance of both Venezuela and Ecuador. [9] Americanintelligence, special forces and other personnel will be complicit inongoing counterinsurgency operations against the Revolutionary ArmedForces of Colombia (FARC) in the nation's south as well as in renderingassistance to Washington's Colombian proxy for attacks inside Ecuadorand Venezuela that will be portrayed as aimed at FARC forces in the twostates.

Targeting two linchpins of and ultimately the entireBolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), Washingtonis laying the groundwork for a potential military conflagration inSouth and Central America and the Caribbean. After the U.S.-supportedcoup in Honduras on June 28, that nation has announced it will be thefirst ALBA member state to ever withdraw from the Alliance and thePentagon will retain, perhaps expand, its military presence at the SotoCano Air Base there.

A few days ago "The Colombiangovernment...announced it is building a new military base on its borderwith Venezuela and has activated six new airborne battalions" [10] andshortly afterward Dutch member of parliament Harry van Bommel "claimedthat US spy planes are using an airbase on the Netherlands Antillesisland of Curaçao" [11] off the Venezuelan coast.

In October aU.S. armed forces publication revealed that the Pentagon will spend$110 million to modernize and expand seven new military bases inBulgaria and Romania, across the Black Sea from Russia, where it willstation initial contingents of over 4,000 troops. [12]

In earlyDecember the U.S. signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) withPoland, which borders the Russian Kaliningrad territory, that "allowsfor the United States military to station American troops and militaryequipment on Polish territory." [13] The U.S. military forces willoperate Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) and Standard Missile 3(SM-3) batteries as part of the Pentagon's global interceptor missilesystem.

At approximately the same time President Obama pressuredTurkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to base missile shieldcomponents in his country. "We discussed the continuing role that wecan play as NATO allies in strengthening Turkey's profile within NATOand coordinating more effectively on critical issues like missiledefense," [14] in the American leader's words.

"Foreign MinisterAhmet Davutoglu has hinted his government does not view Tehran [Iran]as a potential missile threat for Turkey at this point. But analystssay if a joint NATO missile shield is developed, such a move couldforce Ankara to join the mechanism." [15]

2010 will see thefirst foreign troops deployed to Poland since the breakup of the WarsawPact in 1991 and the installation of the U.S's "stronger, swifter andsmarter" (also Obama's words) interceptor missiles and radar facilitiesin Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the South Caucasus. [16]

U.S.troop strength in Afghanistan, site of the longest and most wide-scalewar in the world, will top 100,000 early in 2010 and with another50,000 plus troops from other NATO nations and assorted "vassals andtributaries" (Zbigniew Brzezinski) will represent the largest militarydeployment in any war zone in the world.

American and NATO dronemissile and helicopter gunship attacks in Pakistan will also increase,as will U.S. counterinsurgency operations in the Philippines andSomalia along with those in Yemen where CIA and Army special forces arealready involved.

U.S. military websites recently announced thatthere have been 3.3 million deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq since2001 with 2 million U.S. service members sent to the two war zones. [17]

Inthis still young millennium American soldiers have also deployed in thehundreds of thousands to new bases and conflict and post-conflict zonesin Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Colombia, Djibouti, Georgia, Israel,Jordan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Mali, the Philippines,Romania, Uganda and Uzbekistan.

In 2010 they will be sent abroadin even larger numbers to man airbases and missile sites, supervise andparticipate in counterinsurgency operations throughout the worldagainst disparate rebel groups, many of them secular, and wage combatoperations in South Asia and elsewhere. They will be stationed onwarships and submarines equipped with cruise and long-range nuclearmissiles and with aircraft carrier strike groups prowling the world'sseas and oceans.

They will construct and expand bases fromEurope to Central and South Asia, Africa to South America, the MiddleEast to Oceania. With the exception of Guam and Vicenza in Italy, wherethe Pentagon is massively expanding existing installations, all thefacilities in question are in nations and even regions of the worldwhere the U.S. military has never before ensconced itself. Practicallyall the new encampments will be forward bases used for operations "downrange," generally to the east and south of NATO-dominated Europe.

U.S.military personnel will be assigned to the new Global Strike Commandand for expanded patrols and war games in the Arctic Circle. They willserve under the Missile Defense Agency to consolidate a worldwideinterceptor missile network that will facilitate a nuclear first strikecapability and will extend that system into space, the final frontierin the drive to achieve military full spectrum dominance.

Americantroops will continue to fan out to most all parts of the world.Everywhere, that is, except to their own nation's borders.

Bogdan Fiedur
Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/4/2010 4:57:09 AM
Hello Jim & Bogdan,

I was waiting to see when AIPAC controls the US government and as a direct consequence the Jews control world banking, the media and in the end control all aspects of the world will be raised here. I've gone through all this here in the past and all my posts on the subject are well documented in different forums including my own.

Personally I have no interest in repeating all that I've written in the past nor is there any sense in doing so. Those that choose to believe that AIPAC controls the US government will continue to do so in the same manner as they will continue to believe all the nonsense about the Jews controlling the media both Internationally and nationally.

AIPAC has a job to do and as a lobby for Israel is both legitimate and functions as do all lobbiests groups in the US. B Hussein'sadministration prefers the so called pro Israel lobby "J Street" that is funded and supported by the Saudi Arabians and George Soros. Not mycup of tea.

By the way if you check the back links to some of your previous sources you'll end up in Media Matters another group funded and supported by George Soros. Now why doesn't that surprise me.

The one question I would ask though is one I've asked in the past. If all that is true why would world opinion be so against Israel for the past 2 decades and more? AIPAC and those "villainous Jews" that own the world media are doing a d*amn bad job of "controlling" with the situation in the world as it is today in regard to Israel and the Jews.

BTW, I've read Carter's books and I'm definitely not impressed with them as you are. Funny though just last week he apologized about any slurs and misinformation in his books and interviews. Hmmmm, sorta makes you think about using him as a source.That said I doubt he really means it since his bias and hate is well known and documented not only in his books but by all his actions,speeches and deeds. Many have asked if it isn't connected to his grandson's political aspirations. Makes sense to me but yet it was said in an open letter. See below.

There's no doubt Bogdan that Carter was the worst President the USA ever had and the only one that has any chance of snatching that dubious title from him is BHO. The US Embassy take over in Iran and his inept handling of the situation to so many other debacles of his administration you have the one term peanut wonder and hopefully the same will be said about his successor B Hussein. All it took to release the American hostages was the election of Regan and shortly after he took office they were released.

Bogdan the danger of Radical Islam is a fact and blaming the United States oh yeah and now AIPAC and Israel is far fetched regardless of those you use as sources and facts.

I wonder why you aren't looking into the Islamic lobbies that have without a doubt influenced and brought about the political correctness where calling a terrorist is taboo. That is bringing about the advances of Shariah Law in the United States and so much more. Check the backgrounds of all their leaders and their affiliations. Or for that matter the extremely massive investments in the United States of Saudi money (and other Muslimcountries) and their financial support for the majority of the mosques and private Muslim schools in the US. Or for that matter the undo influence the 57 Muslim states via the OIC has in the UN. Hmmm, as alast thought for now their control of the Human Rights organizations inthe UN while they are the greatest violators of Human Rights in all senses in their home countries.

It's not hard to refute the allegations in your "sources" but as I said earlier I've gone through this before here in Adland a few times and am not willing to do so again. The argument that saying anything against the Jews means you are an antisemite is a dubious one it's more a question of tone, direction and of course the "great conspiracy" that make the majority of those making the allegations against Jews and Jewish organizations antisemitic.

What I do recommend though is to check on the freedoms of all religions in Israel and compare them to any of the Muslim countries. The same applies to Human Rights within Israel and those same Muslim countries.



President Carter’s Al Het

President Carter sent a message to the Jewish community through JTA. We briefed it, but here it is in its entirety (transliterations intact):

An open letter to the Jewish community at the season of Chanukah from former President Jimmy Carter:

"The time of Chanukah and the Christian holidays presents an occasionfor reflection on the past and for looking to the future. In that vein,I wish to share some thoughts with you about the State of Israel andthe Middle East.

I have the hope and a prayer that the State of Israel will flourish asa Jewish state within secure and recognized borders in peacefulco-existence with its neighbors and with all the Moslem States, andthat this peaceful co-existence will bring security, prosperity andhappiness to the people of Israel and to the people of the Middle Eastof all faiths.

I have the hope and a prayer that the bloodshed and hatred will changeto mutual respect and cooperation, fulfilling the prophetic aspirationthat the lion shall lie down with the lamb in harmony and peace. Ilikewise hope that violent attacks against all civilians will end,which will help set a better framework for commencing negotiations. Ifurther hope that peace negotiations can soon commence, with all issueson the negotiating table.

I have the hope and a prayer that just as Chanukah is the Festival ofLights, the State of Israel will fulfill its destiny as a light untothe nations.

We must recognize Israel’s achievements under difficult circumstances,even as we strive in a positive way to help Israel continue to improveits relations with its Arab populations, but we must not permitcriticisms for improvement to stigmatize Israel. As I would have notedat Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, but which is appropriate at any timeof the year, I offer an Al Het for any words or deeds of mine that mayhave done so.

May we work and pray for that better day.

Hag Semach and Happy Chanukah."

No one has gone toe to toe with Carter more than the ADL's Abe Foxman, and here's his initial reaction, from our brief:

Abraham Foxman, the Anti-Defamation League's national director,welcomed the statement, calling it the "beginning of reconciliation."

"We welcome any statement from a significant individual such as aformer president who asks for Al Het," Foxman said. "To what extent itis an epiphany, time will tell. There certainly is hurt which needs tobe repaired."

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/4/2010 5:05:00 AM
Hi Bogdan,

Reading all your posts and checking the links and then sourcing the people involved it's obvious from them all that they are all deeply involved in the NWO conspiracies. While I agree with certain aspects of the claims against the Fed, Bilderbergs and Oligarchs the majority of them for me personally are still theories only and have to be substantiated as facts. Until they are all the "facts" stated in the articles and videos are maybes and maybe nots. I read the last article with a bit of a smile on my face especially when all the "aggression" mentioned there is supposed to happen under BHO which is most unlikely.

Here's an article based on historical fact that can't be denied. More my cup of tea.



Shedding New Light on the Mufti's Alliance With the Nazis

Inlate 1942 and May 1943, as the Nazi program to murder all the Jewsreached its apex, desperate attempts were underway to rescue severalthousand Jewish children by ransoming their lives in exchange forGerman nationals held by the Allies. Negotiations wereprogressing until Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, gotwind of these plans and protested vociferously. The deals werecancelled and the children presumably perished in the Nazi killingcenters.

As German official Wilhelm Melchers testified after the war
Themufti was making protests everywhere ...The mufti was an accomplishedfoe of the Jews and did not conceal that he would love to see all ofthem liquidated.
These incidents and many others are extensively documented in Jennie Lebel’s penetrating book, The Mufti of Jerusalem: Haj-Amin el-Husseini and National-Socialism (publishedby Cigoja Stampa, Belgrade, Serbia, 2007). Lebel exposes the Mufti ofJerusalem’s intimate involvement with the Nazis. Her book includesnumerous reproduced letters written by the mufti and photographicevidence of his meetings with senior Nazi officials.
The noted Serbian-Israeli historian gives particular attention tothe mufti’s activities in Yugoslavia, adding new insight into thesubstantial service Haj Amin provided to his Nazi paymasters. The muftiwas instrumental in helping to recruit several SS divisions made up ofBosnian Muslims to engage in anti-partisan operations and even serve onthe Eastern front to battle the Soviet forces. He lent his prestige asone of the world’s most visible Muslim leaders to convince his fellowadherents in the Soviet Union to defect to the German side.
Lebel explores the reciprocal affinity many Nazis felt for Islam.She reveals that SS chief Himmler cultivated a fascination with Islam.For example, Muslim SS units were unique in being allowed to include areligious officer and regular prayer. One chapter describes the effortsof German propagandists to eliminate the use of the term anti-Semitein official Nazi publications and replace it with more specific termslike anti-Jewish, in order to avoid lumping Arabs together with theobject of their hatred, the Jews.

Through Lebel’s account, themufti emerges as a consummate political operator, combining in equalmeasure pathological ruthlessness towards Arab competitors andobsequiousness to murderous demagogues. The mufti cultivated personalfriendships with senior Nazi officials, especially Himmler. Thebook reproduces fawning letters penned by Haj Amin as he strove to ingratiate himself with Nazis officials. In one letter intended tocourt Hitler on January 20, 1941, he described the German Fuhrer as adescendent of the Prophet and the savior of Islam.

At thewar’s end in 1945, the Yugoslav government announced their intention totry him for his role in war crimes committed by Muslim SS units onYugoslav territory. British and French ambivalence over prosecutinghim, however, facilitated his “escape” to Egypt where he reasserted hisrole as Palestinian leader. Haj Amin rejected any compromise solutionand organized violent opposition to the establishment of the new Jewishstate. Ultimately his machinations failed to prevent Israel’s rebirthand his hardline stance left the Palestinians without their own state.Yet Haj Amin left an indelible mark by enshrining as a central tenet ofthe Palestinian cause, Israel’s dismantling.

The Mufti's Rise

Scion of a prominent family who had held the role of mufti,Haj Amin El-Husseini was appointed Mufti of Jerusalem in 1921 aided bysympathetic British officials. He advocated violent opposition toJewish settlement in the Mandate for Palestine and incited the Arabsagainst the growing Jewish presence. Lebel describes the violence of1929, where Haj Amin spread the story that the Jews planned to destroythe Dome of the Rock and theAqsamosque. Using falsified photos of the mosque on fire and disseminatingpropaganda that borrowed from the anti-Jewish forgery, the " Protocolsof the Elders of Zion," the mufti instigated a widespread pogromagainst Jews in Palestine. On Aug. 23, Arabs streamed into Jerusalemand attacked Jews. Six days later, a second wave of attacks resultedin 64 dead in Hebron, 45 in Safed.

The Jews were not the most numerous of Haj Amin's victims inPalestine. During the years of the Mandate, local Arabs who did notshare his extreme hostility towards the Jews were targeted andeliminated. Throughout the 1930s he instigated a campaign tointimidate moderate Arabs and assassinate those branded as traitors forselling land or cooperating with the Jews. Haj Amin's followers killedmany more Palestinian Arabs than the British colonial occupiers orJewish defense groups combined. This campaign, in its brutal execution,succeeded in solidifying the link between Palestinian nationalaspirations and the muftis opposition to any accommodation with theJews.
The Mufti injected a religiously based anti-Jewish component intothe emerging Palestinian national consciousness. Lebel relates how in1931, Haj Amin organized the Pan-Islamic congress, which demanded theend of Jewish immigration and rescinding of the Balfour declaration.Jewish journalists were expressly not invited to the congress, asGershom Agronsky, the Jewish correspondent for the Christian ScienceMonitor, found out when his paper was notified he would not be allowedto attend. Presaging modern boycott proposals against Jewishsettlement, Haj Amin called on all Muslims to boycott Jewish goods andorganized an Arab strike on April 10, 1936. The Arab Higher Committee,controlled by the Mufti, proposed a ban on the sale of land to Jews anda halt to Jewish immigration.

Haj Amin’s extreme positions inevitably led to a clash with theBritish, who had to temper their desire to appease the Arabs with theircommitment to a Jewish national home. Almost from the start he hadcharted a separate course from the British. He saw in the Nazis andItalian fascists natural allies who would do what the British wereunwilling to do — purge the region of Jews and help him establish aunified Arab state throughout the Middle East freed from Britishcontrol. As early as 1933, the mufti sought to establish an alliancewith the Germans. It was the Germans who were more circumspect.

Believingthat the Axis might prevail in the war, the mufti secured a commitmentfrom both Italy and Germany to the formation of a region-wide Arabstate. He also asked for permission to solve the Jewish problem by the"same method that will be applied for the solution of the Jewishproblem in the Axis states." Haj Amin also approached Fascist Italy, atone point requesting Italian assistance in poisoning the water ofTel-Aviv.

His role in the revolt in Iraq against thepro-British government on April 1, 1941 is also examined. Although thecoup was defeated quickly and with relative ease, the unrest didinspire a pogromin June that left at least 180 Jews dead. A British Commission set upto investigate found the German League and the mufti responsible.

Activities as a Paid Nazi Agent
Most of all, Lebel provides new details on the muftis wartimesojourn in Nazi Germany. She precisely traces his contacts with Nazileaders. He arrived in Berlin on November 5, 1941 with assurances byNazi Foreign Minister Ribbentrop that "Germany considers the Arabquestion with sympathy." On Nov. 28, 1941, he met for the first timewith Adolf Hitler, relaying to the German leader the Arab convictionthat Germany would win the war and that this would benefit the Arabcause.

While Hitler shared the mufti’s belief that the present warwould determine the fate of the Arabs, his priority was the struggleagainst what he saw as Jewish-controlled Britain and the Soviet Union.Lebel reveals Hitler’s promise that when the German army reached thesouthern borders of the Caucasus, he would announce to the Arab worldtheir time of liberation had come. The Germans would annihilate allJews who lived in Arab areas.

Haj Amin repaid Hitler’s promise of support by providing a bridge tothe Muslim world. An office known as the Das Arabische Buro was openedin Berlin under the auspices of the German Abwehr. The mufti provided aspy network to the Germans while receiving a salary of 75,000 RM. Evenafter the defeat of the Axis forces in North Africa, Haj Amin continuedto urge Arabs to rebel against the Allies claiming that the Britishwould establish North Africa as a "second Jewish homeland to bring theremainder of European Jewry and some of the Jews and Negros fromAmerica."

In early 1943, while the Second World War still raged, the muftiurged Germany to bomb Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. He also proposedparachuting forces into Palestine for sabotage operations. The plansincluded partitioning up Jewish property and Jewish women.

Likehis successor as leader of the Palestinian cause, Yasir Arafat, the HajAmin's weakness was his ineffectiveness in carrying out the morepractical responsibilities of leadership. Having gained prominencethrough assassination and maneuvering under the umbrella of powerfulpatrons, he was ill-prepared for the role of organizing an effectivemilitary effort to oppose the establishment of the Jewish state.

Theforces he helped organize, a mixture of local Arabs, German and BosnianSS recruits, and volunteers from surrounding Arab states, rapidlydeteriorated into a rabble. By the time the Jewish leadership announcedthe founding of the Jewish state on May 14, 1948, the military effortagainst the Jews had passed to the regular Arab armies of Jordan,Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. With the disintegration of his forces,Haj Amin’s influence declined as well.

Foreshadowing the current Palestinian political alignment, heestablished himself in Gaza backed by the Muslim Brotherhood, while themore moderate Jordanians dominated the territory that would come to beknown as the West Bank. Distrusted by the Egyptians, who then, as now,had an uneasy relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood, Haj Amin'sposition eroded.

On December 20, 1948, Jordan’s King Abdullah removed Haj Amin fromhis position as mufti. By March, 1949, Haj Amin’s authority was soeroded that when he boycotted the UN Palestine Conciliation Commission,he was simply ignored.

The Mufti’s Legacy

Lebel’s thorough documentation of the mufti’s intimate involvementwith the Nazi regime sheds needed light on the virulent anti-Jewish andfascistic underpinnings of his brand of Palestinian nationalism. Whilehis political plans to establish a Palestinian state and bestow uponhimself the role of preeminent leader of the Arab world ultimatelyfailed, Haj Amin el-Husseini left a deep imprint on Palestinianconsciousness. His conspiratorial view of Jewish ambitions arereflected in the widespread dissemination of such publications as “TheProtocols of the Elders of Zion”and Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” in the Araband Muslim world. The view of the Jews as contaminators of society andmalevolent conspirators resonate today in the founding Charter of Hamas.

In a radio broadcast from Germany on Nov. 16, 1943, which Labelreproduced in her book, Haj Amin laid out his vision of the conflictwith the Jews:

TheJews bring the world poverty, trouble and disaster ... they destroymorality in all countries... they falsify the words of the prophet,they are the bearers of anarchy and bring suffering to the world. Theyare like moths who eat away all the good in the countries. Theyprepared the war machine for Roosevelt and brought disaster to theworld. They are monsters and the basis for all evil in the world ....”
Jennie Lebel has shown thatit is possible to bring forward fresh insights and new information on atopic that has already been well mined. Her book adds a new layer ofdetail to our understanding of the connection between Israel’s Arabenemies and German Nazis.

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Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/4/2010 2:22:17 PM
Repeating the same statements over and over and over again will never make your arguments correct. I know this is right out of the playbook for radicals but it doesn't work here. Repeating inaccuracies will never make them accurate.


2010: U.S. To Wage War Throughout The World


January 1 will usher in the last year of the first decade of a new millennium and ten consecutive years of the United States conducting war in the Greater Middle East.

Beginning with the October 7, 2001 missile and bomb attacks on Afghanistan,American combat operations abroad have not ceased for a year, a month,a week or a day in the 21st century.

The Afghan war, the U.S.'s first air and ground conflict in Asia since the disastrous wars in Vietnam and Cambodia in the 1960s and early 1970s and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's first land war and Asian campaign, began during the end of the 2001 war in Macedonia launched from NATO-occupied Kosovo, one in which the role of U.S. military personnel is still to be properly exposed [1] and addressed and which led to the displacement of almost 10 percent of the nation's population.

In the first case Washington invaded a nation in the name of combating terrorism; in the second it abetted cross-border terrorism. Similarly, in 1991 the U.S.and its Western allies attacked Iraqi forces in Kuwait and launched devastating and deadly cruise missile attacks and bombing sorties inside Iraq in the name of preserving the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of Kuwait, and in 1999 waged a 78-day bombing assault against Yugoslavia to override and fatally undermine the principles of territorial integrity and national sovereignty in thename of the casus belli of the day, so-called humanitarian intervention.

Twoyears later humanitarian war, as abhorrent an oxymoron as the world hasever witnessed, gave way to the global war on terror(ism), with theU.S. and its NATO allies again reversing course but continuing to wagewars of aggression and "wars of opportunity" as they saw fit,contradictions and logic, precedents and international lawnotwithstanding.

Several never fully acknowledgedcounterinsurgency campaigns, some ongoing - Colombia - and some new -Yemen - later, the U.S. invaded Iraq in March of 2003 with a "coalitionof the willing" comprised mainly of Eastern European NATO candidatenations (now almost all full members of the world's only military blocas a result of their service).

The Pentagon has also deployedspecial forces and other troops to the Philippines and launched naval,helicopter and missile attacks inside Somalia as well as assisting theEthiopian invasion of that nation in 2006. Washington also arms, trainsand supports the armed forces of Djibouti in their border war withEritrea. In fact Djibouti hosts the U.S.'s only permanent militaryinstallation in Africa to date [2], Camp Lemonier, a United StatesNaval Expeditionary Base and home to the Combined Joint Task Force -Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA), placed under the new U.S. Africa Command(AFRICOM) when it was launched on October 1, 2008. The area ofresponsibility of the Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa takesin the nations of Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Seychelles,Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Yemen and as "areas of interest"the Comoros, Mauritius and Madagascar.

That is, much of thewestern shores of the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean, among the mostgeostrategically important parts of the world. [3]

U.S. troops, aerial drones, warships, planes and helicopters are active throughout that vast tract of land and water.

Withsenator and once almost vice president Joseph Lieberman's threat onDecember 27 that "Yemen will be tomorrow's war" [4] and former SouthernCommand chief and NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe Wesley Clark'stwo days later that "Maybe we need to put some boots on the groundthere," [5] it is evident that America's new war for the new year hasalready been identified. In fact in mid-December U.S. warplanesparticipated in the bombing of a village in northern Yemen that costthe lives of 120 civilians as well as wounding 44 more [6] and a weeklater "A US fighter jet...carried out multiple airstrikes on the homeof a senior official in Yemen's northern rugged province of Sa'ada...."[7]

The pretext for undertaking a war in Yemen in earnest iscurrently the serio-comic "attempted terrorist attack” by a youngNigerian national on a passenger airliner outside of Detroit onChristmas Day. The deadly U.S. bombing of the Yemeni village mentionedabove occurred ten days earlier and moreover was in the north of thenation, although Washington claims al-Qaeda cells are operating in theother end of the country. [8]

Asia, Africa and the Middle Eastare not the only battlegrounds where the Pentagon is active. On October30 of 2009 the U.S. signed an agreement with the government of Colombiato acquire the essentially unlimited and unrestricted use of seven newmilitary bases in the South American nation, including sites withinimmediate striking distance of both Venezuela and Ecuador. [9] Americanintelligence, special forces and other personnel will be complicit inongoing counterinsurgency operations against the Revolutionary ArmedForces of Colombia (FARC) in the nation's south as well as in renderingassistance to Washington's Colombian proxy for attacks inside Ecuadorand Venezuela that will be portrayed as aimed at FARC forces in the twostates.

Targeting two linchpins of and ultimately the entireBolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), Washingtonis laying the groundwork for a potential military conflagration inSouth and Central America and the Caribbean. After the U.S.-supportedcoup in Honduras on June 28, that nation has announced it will be thefirst ALBA member state to ever withdraw from the Alliance and thePentagon will retain, perhaps expand, its military presence at the SotoCano Air Base there.

A few days ago "The Colombiangovernment...announced it is building a new military base on its borderwith Venezuela and has activated six new airborne battalions" [10] andshortly afterward Dutch member of parliament Harry van Bommel "claimedthat US spy planes are using an airbase on the Netherlands Antillesisland of Curaçao" [11] off the Venezuelan coast.

In October aU.S. armed forces publication revealed that the Pentagon will spend$110 million to modernize and expand seven new military bases inBulgaria and Romania, across the Black Sea from Russia, where it willstation initial contingents of over 4,000 troops. [12]

In earlyDecember the U.S. signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) withPoland, which borders the Russian Kaliningrad territory, that "allowsfor the United States military to station American troops and militaryequipment on Polish territory." [13] The U.S. military forces willoperate Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) and Standard Missile 3(SM-3) batteries as part of the Pentagon's global interceptor missilesystem.

At approximately the same time President Obama pressuredTurkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to base missile shieldcomponents in his country. "We discussed the continuing role that wecan play as NATO allies in strengthening Turkey's profile within NATOand coordinating more effectively on critical issues like missiledefense," [14] in the American leader's words.

"Foreign MinisterAhmet Davutoglu has hinted his government does not view Tehran [Iran]as a potential missile threat for Turkey at this point. But analystssay if a joint NATO missile shield is developed, such a move couldforce Ankara to join the mechanism." [15]

2010 will see thefirst foreign troops deployed to Poland since the breakup of the WarsawPact in 1991 and the installation of the U.S's "stronger, swifter andsmarter" (also Obama's words) interceptor missiles and radar facilitiesin Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the South Caucasus. [16]

U.S.troop strength in Afghanistan, site of the longest and most wide-scalewar in the world, will top 100,000 early in 2010 and with another50,000 plus troops from other NATO nations and assorted "vassals andtributaries" (Zbigniew Brzezinski) will represent the largest militarydeployment in any war zone in the world.

American and NATO dronemissile and helicopter gunship attacks in Pakistan will also increase,as will U.S. counterinsurgency operations in the Philippines andSomalia along with those in Yemen where CIA and Army special forces arealready involved.

U.S. military websites recently announced thatthere have been 3.3 million deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq since2001 with 2 million U.S. service members sent to the two war zones. [17]

Inthis still young millennium American soldiers have also deployed in thehundreds of thousands to new bases and conflict and post-conflict zonesin Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Colombia, Djibouti, Georgia, Israel,Jordan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Mali, the Philippines,Romania, Uganda and Uzbekistan.

In 2010 they will be sent abroadin even larger numbers to man airbases and missile sites, supervise andparticipate in counterinsurgency operations throughout the worldagainst disparate rebel groups, many of them secular, and wage combatoperations in South Asia and elsewhere. They will be stationed onwarships and submarines equipped with cruise and long-range nuclearmissiles and with aircraft carrier strike groups prowling the world'sseas and oceans.

They will construct and expand bases fromEurope to Central and South Asia, Africa to South America, the MiddleEast to Oceania. With the exception of Guam and Vicenza in Italy, wherethe Pentagon is massively expanding existing installations, all thefacilities in question are in nations and even regions of the worldwhere the U.S. military has never before ensconced itself. Practicallyall the new encampments will be forward bases used for operations "downrange," generally to the east and south of NATO-dominated Europe.

U.S.military personnel will be assigned to the new Global Strike Commandand for expanded patrols and war games in the Arctic Circle. They willserve under the Missile Defense Agency to consolidate a worldwideinterceptor missile network that will facilitate a nuclear first strikecapability and will extend that system into space, the final frontierin the drive to achieve military full spectrum dominance.

Americantroops will continue to fan out to most all parts of the world.Everywhere, that is, except to their own nation's borders.

Bogdan Fiedur

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/4/2010 2:33:16 PM

2010: U.S. To Wage War Throughout The World

A few days ago “The Colombian government…announced it is building a newmilitary base on its border with Venezuela and has activated six newairborne battalions” [

Bogdan Fiedur


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Symbol of the Austrian 14th Armoured Battalion in NATO military graphic symbols

A battalion is a military unit of around 600-1500 soldiers usually consisting of between two and seven companies and typically commanded by either a Lieutenant Colonel or a Colonel. Several battalions are grouped to form a regiment or a brigade.

The nomenclature varies by nationality and by branch of arms, for instance, some armies organize their infantry into battalions, but call battalion-sized cavalry, reconnaissance, or tank units a squadron or a regimentinstead. There may even be subtle distinctions within a nation'sbranches of arms, such as a distinction between a tank battalion and anarmored squadron, depending on how the unit's operational role isperceived to fit into the army's historical organization.

A battalion is generally the smallest military unit capable ofindependent operations (i.e. not attached to a higher command),although many armies have smaller units that are self-sustaining. Thebattalion is usually part of a regiment, group or a brigade,depending on the organizational model used by that service. The bulk ofa battalion will ordinarily be homogeneous with respect to type ( infantry battalion or a tank battalion), although there are manyexceptions. Every battalion will also include some sort of combat service support, typically organized within a combat support company.

The term is Italian in origin, appearing as battaglione. The French changed the spelling to bataillon, whereupon it directly entered into German.

Do you really believe the Colombians have thousands of airplanes? Really!!!?

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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