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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/2/2010 8:59:13 PM
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Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/3/2010 12:34:40 AM
The following was written back in Nov. 08. I believe that the words I wrote then should well state my position today. As I do not believe we are any better off today than we were then. Unfortunately. However this is a new year and we can always HOPE for CHANGE can't we?


Hello Folks,

I was just wondering why the Hammer and Sickle is being displayed incelebrations, by the unified at a celebration near the White House?

Obama Supporters Wave Communist Flag at White House Rally

I am not trying to spoil any one's celebration. President Elect BarackObama, has brought unity to America. He ran an impeccable campaign. But, youhave to ask yourself "What do I really know about this man?" Whatdoes he believe in, other than change? What is his message? Yes We Can?

Consider this - he spent nearly a Billion Dollars to secure a $400,000.00 ayear job. 4x 4 you wind up with 1.6 million dollars in compensation. If heserves a second term then it is 3.2 million dollars of gross income. Does thissound rational?

Exactly what hope does a poor, poverty stricken ghetto child, truly have ofduplicating this achievement?

Look friends, and I know many of you may not believe you are my friends. Butyou know who I am, where I stand, have a good sense of my moral character andmost of you know me as a straight talker, right or wrong and some know me as ahumble and sincere person. There is no question where I stand on a subject. Isincerely hope I am wrong about what I believe to be true about this man and ifwrong you know I will apologize and for your forgiveness.

If what I believe is true, we have made a grave mistake and by talking aboutit the way I do, I am placing myself and my family in grave danger. However,someone has to try and open eyes and help us prepare for the possibility, thatthis man is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Once again I pray I am wrong. But thereis a preponderance of evidence, unanswered questions and a air of cover up, complacencyand complicity on many of our so called leaders within this nation.

I ask that you watch the video, follow the related videos. Look at the manyforum posts, blog posts and all the power you now have at your finger tips tofind out all you can about this man. Before he takes the oath of office.

Now some information has already been hidden. The vaulted copy of his birthcertificate has been ordered locked up. Even though it is incumbent for everycandidate to the office of President is required to produce. He has gone togreat lengths to make sure we never see it, along with his college transcriptsand other various records.

He has know terrorists as friends that helped launch his political career.Sat in a church for 20 years where the preacher GD's America, has received theblessings of many known sworn enemies of America.

Up until the DNC I would have voted as I have in the past four elections,for the democratic nominee. I have no love for GWB, I respect the office justas I respect the office today, therefore BHO has that respect. However therespect I have for the office does not mean I have to respect the person orblindly follow to the detriment of this great nation or the world.

There is much work to do over the next two years, if the good lord iswilling, to rectify this mistake and put in place the checks and balances thathave gone off kilter in this election and the past 8 years under GWB. I haveheard the slips of tongue he has made regarding his Muslim, oops Christianfaith. Unlike many, I don't believe it was a slip of the tongue I believe hebecame too comfortable and gave us a look into the real man.

Please do your research, we shall see if he can keep his promises. I ameagerly awaiting for the wealth spreading. I have my eyes on one of JohnMcCain's houses, myself. One of those places in a remote part of the US, with asource of water and enough ground to raise a garden and a few head oflivestock. Far away from the urban sprawl.

Dear FRIENDS, it ain't time to be burying your head in your bible waiting onthe last days. You have children to defend and provide them the knowledge andresources to survive in this world. We are a strong and proud people, filledwith the spirit of life, liberty and justice for all.

Now take a few days, sort yourself out and then let's roll up our sleevesand provide a real future for our children and get to work on Real Change. Thisnation was led the wrong way for 8 years, but going back 232 years to a tyrannical society with one religion and all others be ****ed is not thelegacy, I will leave for my children, grandchildren ans generations to come.

Sincerely Respectful,

Jim Allen III - Proud Free American

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/3/2010 2:07:52 AM
Hi Jim and Peter,

You both were questioning this and source of the article.
US air raids kill 63 civilians in Yemen


Yemen's Houthi fighters say scoresof civilians, including many children, have been killed in US air-raidsin the southeast of the war-stricken Arab country.

The Shia fighters on Friday reported the deaths of 63 people, including some 28 children, in the southeastern province of Abyan.

Almost 90 people were also injured in the attacks by US warplanes in the village of Bakazam, they added.

Listen to what Obama says at the end of the video.
He admits he helped and assisted Yemeni government before Christmas and he helped to hit Al Qaeda in Yemen.
Whose sources were correct now?
You can hear it from the horse's mouth now.

Bogdan Fiedur
Jo Anne Green

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/3/2010 4:42:42 AM

Sunny Greetings from California to Jim, Peter, and Friends:

Wishing you all a Healthy, Happy, and Prosperous New Year!

I have felt compelled to drop in on this special thread to share some of my thoughts on several issues pertaining to the ongoing debate here, yet this is the first window of opportunity that allows me to do so.

Jim, I, as an ardent patriotic American and a Tea Party Patriot, appreciate this thread very much as you and Peter take the trouble to use logic and facts to bring more awareness about the grave danger of the radical Islamic movement in the United States and in many parts of the world. I also admire and appreciate both you and Peter for pointing out to the readers of this thread what America stands for and what America does not and will not stand for.

When people say they do not hate Americans but they hate America, they overlook one significant reality that is a distinguishing feature of the United States of America as much as, if not more than, it is of any other country in the world: America IS its people, because here more than anywhere else on earth -- from the day of our Founding (at least up until Obama, Pelosi, and Reid came to power one year ago) -- we have had government of, by, and for the people. American exceptionalism is our national pride.

It is hard for me -- no, it is impossible for me -- to believe any foreigners who say that they do not hate Americans, but who openly advocate or support or justify jihad against Americans in the United States and abroad. Such a statement is a blatant contradiction and is, therefore, A BIG FAT FLAGRANT LIE! You cannot hate my country without hating me and my people.

It is also a lie to claim that America's foreign policy is anti-Muslim. Every war in which the United States has been involved since the end of the Cold War has been in defense of Muslims, fighting against foreign invaders or brutal oppressors who were slaughtering Muslims by the millions. The fact that many of those invaders or oppressors were themselves Muslims does not justify the claim that America was targeting Muslims as its enemy. As always throughout our history America's foreign wars of the last two decades have been wars of liberation and not of conquest -- although some people are too blinded by hate to tell the difference --and in every case the liberated people have been of the Muslim faith.

A fact often ignored is that the Iraq war actually saved Muslim lives. No one in history has been responsible for the murder of more Muslims than Saddam Hussein. The invasion by the United States and its coalition partners brought an end to that. Even during the Iraq war, the number of Muslims killed was far fewer than the number that had been slaughtered by Saddam Hussein. Moreover, most of the Muslims who died during the Iraq war were killed not by U.S. troops but by Muslim terrorists. The practice of Muslims killing other Muslims in Iraq has now been reduced to a miniscule fraction of what it once was, thanks to American intervention.

These are the facts, and they are irrefutable. Any attempt to refute them is putrid hot air. But then, anyone who asserts that 9/11 was an "inside job" either has a total disregard for the truth or has completely lost touch with reality. Or both.

Another reason I appreciate this thread is because it has induced certain people who are at their core haters of America and Americans to disclose their true colors. There is now no question about who and what they are. Never again will their pretenses to the contrary have any credibility!!!!!!!!!!

Many thanks for allowing me to give express my anger regarding the outrageous accusations some have made on your thread against my country.

Jim and Peter, I am proud to be your friend and proud to have you both as my friends!

Peter, thank you for your service in the U.S. Air Force. I always express my deepest gratitude to servicemen and women, and veterans, whenever I can.

All the Best to You and Yours in 2010!

JoAnne Green
Tea Party Patriot

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Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/3/2010 5:59:45 AM
Hello All,

JoAnne, what a surprise to see you here. Believe it or not you've beenmissed by many. :) Hope all is well with you and yours. All the best inthe New Year.

I'veposted in my thread in the past about Dr. Zuhdi Jasser a moderateMuslim warning and teaching about the dangers of radical Islam. You canwatch the half hour trailer of his latest video "The Third Jihad here. Sorry it's a google video and can't be posted here.

The below article also shows the extreme dangers of Radical Muslim Jihadi terrorism world wide and within the United States.



Radical Islam and America's Future

January 1, 9:28 PMDC Independent ExaminerJames Simpson

Political Islam, i.e. radical Islam, is actually a cutout for continued communist aggessionagainst the West. This is perhaps the most justifiable explanation forthe resurgence of radical Islam in recent years, though it receivesscant recognition.

We knew this to be true back in the 1970s and 1980s, when the communist-inspired PLObegan its operations against Israel. We knew that Hezbollah and theother Muslim terrorist organizations got their training, weapons andsupport from Syria - a Ba'athist (Stalinist Arab Communist Party)country. We knew by extension that Syria, like all Soviet clientstates, was acting on behalf of the Soviet Union.

But after theSoviet Union "fell" in the 1990s, suddenly we were confronted with"Muslim" terrorism. Still the same actors, still the same supportnetworks, still the same tactics, yet now it was supposedly a dire newthreat. And if you think horrific public killings and suicide bombings– even using children – are an Islamic invention, ask anyone who servedin Vietnam. Communist tactics, all. Even before the communists,Japanese frequently used this tactic in WW II. A very good article on, The Hard Truth About Suicide Bombers had this to say:

Martyrmissions made their official twentieth-century debut in the SecondWorld War with the Kamikazes; they showed up again in the 1960s, whenViet Cong sympathizers exploded themselves amidst U.S. troops. Theirdebut in the Islamic world was not until the 1980s, during theIran-Iraq war.

If you listen to statements fromjihadists like Osama Bin Laden, their justification for war against theWest is based on the same tired slogans repeated by leftists since the1930s, i.e. that America and its allies are "imperialist," "greedycapitalists" "exploiting" the rest of the world, yada yada, only now itis the Muslim world we are supposedly oppressing.

Meanwhile, strong evidence has surfaced that al Qaeda is stage-managed by the KGB. This was the assertion of former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko– poisoned in 2006 with radioactive polonium-210 by Putin’s KGBassassins. Litvinenko asserted, among other things, that al Qaedanumber two, Ayman Al-Zawahiri is in fact a KGB agent. And it is he, notBin-Laden, who many believe calls the shots. Other Russian dissidents support this claim.

Some will argue that it was Hasan Al Banna who initiated the modern “Islamic resurgence” when he foundedthe Muslim Brotherhood in 1928. And it is true that this group was thespringboard for most of the modern jihadists groups known today. Alater Brotherhood leader, Sayyid Qutb,was, if anything, an even greater Islamic purist than Al Banna. Yet theSoviets’ have historically demonstrated an uncanny ability to capture such movements for their own nefarious purposes.

The Islamic jihadists are no exception.

This assertion provides the most compelling internally consistent explanation for the left's enthusiastic embraceof Islam. Consider: the left is supposedly all about women'sliberation, equality, saving the "oppressed of the earth" and ismilitantly opposed to religion and religious intolerance in all itsforms. If this is true, then on ideological grounds the left should beat war with radical Islam, or at least see it as a dangerouscompetitor, because radical Islam is the most intolerant, misogynistic,oppressive, religiously fanatic bunch of lunatics in the world --except perhaps the communists.

National Lawyers Guild (oldest US communist front) Lawyer Lynn Stewart, who was convicted of communicating messages to Islamic radicals for her client, the jailed blind sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, gave it away when she said:

They[radical Islamic movements] are basically forces of nationalliberation. And I think that we, as persons who are committed to theliberation of oppressed people, should fasten on the need forself-determination…My own sense is that, were the Islamists to beempowered, there would be movements within their own countries…toliberate.

There it is: "...were the Islamists tobe empowered, there would be movements within their own countries… toliberate." You have to know leftist terminology. "Liberate" everywhereand always refers to imposing a communist regime, for that is alwaysthe leftists’ long run goal. So what she is saying is that thesemovements are actually communist movements in disguise. And indeed, thestatements by radical Islamic leaders, though couched in Islamicphraseology, essentially advocate the same thing.

This does not mean that radical Islam is not a threat in-and-of-itself.

Justas most American liberals are unaware that their purpose is to givelegitimacy – "mainstream" if you will – the radical left's communistagenda, most Muslim Jihadists are unaware that they fight on behalf ofthe same ideology. Many of them believe the exhortations of theirImams. Some Imams may even believe it. Many truly believe they areworking on Allah's behalf to create a worldwide Muslim caliphate.Because of this, they have to be considered a stand-alone threat.

And herein lies the purpose of this post.

This 1/2 hour video is an abridged version of a 1.5 hour documentary, the Third Jihad, narrated by Dr. Zuhdi Jasser.An American and prominent Muslim himself, Jasser states that after 9/11he dedicated his life to battling radical Islam. It came out last year.If you haven’t already seen it, watch it and forward it to everyone youknow.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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