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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/2/2010 5:11:43 PM
Hi Bogdan,

I want to take advantage of our discussion here to raise a few issues I'm having with the new format.

In the past I told you that some friends are experiencing problems posting in ALP now. Unfortunately that hasn't improved and just yesterday I heard from another friend that has the same problem.

To go one step further I had to stop using IE in ALP for a variety of reasons from speed to not being able to post. So I started using FF and it was fine until last week when once again I couldn't post with that browser. The create and cancel buttons didn't show up on the bottom of the page so I am now using Google Chrome and so far no problems.

The editor with all the different browsers jumble up the words if the post is created out side of the editor and then pasted in. I see many have this problem cos of the words not being spaced properly. After each post I have to go in and edit the post in order to correct this.

I would dearly like to see the post notifications with the topic of the post in the subject line. This would improve the traffic to the thread and make life much easier by seeing the duplications in the email notices.
With the present format of notifications clicking on all the notices is very time consuming while with the old format you saw in advance the many duplications.

In the old format when you replied to a post the subject line remained the same as the post you're replying to while in the new format it reverts back to the original subject line in the first post of the thread.

Jim mentioned the search option in the different forums and threads. You gave us the link to a search tool for forums but that doesn't allow us to search for specific posts within the threads. That was a very important tool and I'd like to see it reinstated.

Thanks and Shalom,


We will address those issues. Could you send me a screen dump of the window without "Create" and "Cancel" buttons. I would like to see it. We have made changes just about week ago.

Before you do it, try deleting all cookies and cached files of those browsers, just in case your computer is using old settings for newer interface. You should have my personal email.

Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/2/2010 5:38:32 PM
Hi Bogdan,

I haven't got your email but I'll PM it to you now.

BTW, I already deleted all cookies and cached files but it didn't help. I'll try again.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/2/2010 5:43:01 PM

These were investors, I bet nearly every investor in the modern world has profited from the spoils of war. Now you are really stretching for cause here. All this is known. Nor denied, any longer so what's your point?

The same investors are standing behind Soviet Revolution and behind any military conflict in Europe's modern history since Napoleon defeat. Federal Reserve and Financial system of UK are behind First and Second World war. If those two events are for you just investment schemes, than it is O.K with me. America is not ran by Congress and/or White House but by Federal Reserve CIA and criminals from Pentagon.

Your two presidents Lincoln and Kennedy where assassinated when they tried to defeat the financial status quo being controlled by international banking cartels, namely Federal Reserve and Bank of America during Lincoln times.

Your constitutional government is allowed to make decisions in the areas which are unimportant to the world, otherwise money cartels are making decisions.

You can see who brought Hitler to power and this should be enough for you to understand that only those become presidents and public figures who receive financial support of financial elites. Obama's presidential campaign raised nearly on billion dollars.

All the war America fights right now and fought in the past are to fulfill goals as you call them "investors". They push your goverment to fight the wars and coloniolize the world where energy resources are available

They always create false enemies to create propaganda and to justify taking away liberties and getting public support. Body screening devices radiating passengers already announced to be introduced in UK and USA after Christmas Eve failed bombing attack.

After Soviet Union fell apart, American neocons created new enemy Islam.
They are only making Islam stronger as you see by radicalizing young Muslims in America, UK and in other parts of Europe.

They will never defeat Islam in fact they want Muslims to strike back as this will give them more arguments to Police the US and whole developed world and continue the wars. If Muslims are not doing anything, CIA and Blackwater will create condition for it to happen.

This is a precursor to entire world domination. Financial cartels "Your investors" use America to take over control of the entire world.

As George Orwell writes in "1984", perpetual war is the key to massive control of population.

By creating elite of people who supports the system and control the truth, fake wars are being fought to keep everybody in check.

I hope that you start looking from larger prospective, forget about left and right and start seeing who is pulling the strings and are not accepting direction of propaganda which is meant to distract you and make you help those in power, either by not questioning them or by supporting them morally. Both Obama and Bush are closely tight with money cartels, they work for them not for you. Tony Blair become a consultant to JP Morgan soon after he stopped being British Prime Minister. He was their consultant=traitor all the time, now he can accept their money legally.

Bogdan Fiedur

Bogdan, I disagree that Islam is a creation of some cartel or Illuminate, they are an Oligarch as well.

Come off trying to make USA the Bogeyman of the world.

The WORLD is complicit in this as much if not more. You give too much power to 334 million people in a world populated by billions. Jealous of our lifestyle? Yes I can agree with that. People want to live here so much, they come in illegally. I agree that the "Progressives (communists)" have a foothold in our government. Unfortunately you fail to realize or acknowledge their jig is up and 2010 and 2012 elections will prove that out.

Do you invest in mutual funds, hold an IRA, have a savings account, or invest in stocks,bonds and the like? Then most likely you are a purveyor of war as complicit as any of your examples. Sheesh !

None of this negates the threat to the world of "Radical Extremists" muslim or otherwise. The moderate muslims are sheeple as much as the American populace is, by your reasoning. For not condemning the radicals for their crimes.

The Radical Islamic threat to the world is quite real. Of course you are unable to see this. You are more comfortable blaming others for their acts of homicide. I see brainwashed kids strapping exposives to their own a*sses in the name of Allah.

God in no way supports homicide nor suicide but, Allah does, for that matter. IMHO I am sure you have a differing one.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/2/2010 7:41:23 PM
Hi Jim,

I'm starting to understand why you might be not paying attention to the real powers of the world which are the real cause of the most problems we are facing.

The basic principle lies in the underlying bases of how banking system is organized. This is basically a ponzi schema which is legalized.

In addition your reply to my previous posts about Wall Street financing Hitler and reasoning that these are investors, couldn't be more false.

The Federal Reserve is not a regular Bank. It is a corporation within US and is not regulated by the US Government (the explanation to the public is that Government can't regulate the economy). I encourage you to read these articles because if you are not properly understanding how FR came to its existence our further disucssion is pointless.
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5

Once you understand that you will have different prospective in regards to how Hitler came to power.

FR is not an investment organization. It prints money for US government and lends it to Government for interests. You can't buy stock of FR and you won't find out who owns it.

When you go back to the article I gave you previously about financing Nazis, you will notice that Paul Warburg is the president of AG Farben and he is the President of FR

If you dig into history books you will find out that AG Farben was the biggest producer of amunition and war equipment for Nazies during the WWII.

Here are the further relationship from my previous article. Read it carefully.

Paul M. Warburg, first director of theFederal Reserve Bank of New York and chairman of the Bank of Manhattan,was a Farben director and in Germany his brother Max Warburg was also adirector of I.G, Farben. H. A. Metz of I.G. Farben was also a directorof the Warburg's Bank of Manhattan. Finally, Carl Bosch of AmericanI.G. Farben was also a director of Ford Motor Company A-G in Germany.

So you can see FR is the Bank printing money and AG Farben is the biggest contributor to Hitler.

This is not about investing as those who produced money don't have investors.
Similarly Barnenke have now distributed over $1 trillion of dollars to foreign banks which Ron Paul wants to audit.

If it comes to my investments than I will have to disappoint you. I don't finance war machine knowingly or unknowingly. I invest in Real Estate and in my own business.

Here is one of my investments.

Than you say.


The WORLD is complicit in this asmuch if not more. You give too much power to 334 million people in aworld populated by billions. Jealous of our lifestyle? Yes I can agreewith that. People want to live here so much, they come in illegally. Iagree that the "Progressives (communists)" have a foothold in ourgovernment. Unfortunately you fail to realize or acknowledge their jigis up and 2010 and 2012 elections will prove that out.

It is not about giving power to 334 million people. It is about centralized government which can control 334 million people, much like Soviet Union. The money cartels need large population in one place with one government so they can create large schemes. They need to just work on one President to get the job done. Out of 334 million people there is only small group which bothers to understand how the world functions and even those who do that might be wrong to large degree. They are just social security numbers to people in power.

By the way 60 million German nation was close to controlling the world, if they developed nuclear bomb first.

160,000 million Soviets controlled half of the world for 80 years.

Now Americans have more planes, more tanks, more nuclear warheads and more fleet than all military of the world combined. How does this sound as being ready for world domination?


The Radical Islamic threat to theworld is quite real. Of course you are unable to see this. You are morecomfortable blaming others for their acts of homicide. I seebrainwashed kids strapping exposives to their own a*sses in the name ofAllah.

As we are now at the door of next great depression, which creates ground for extremists to flourish, I'm having hard time to chose who I want this world to be controlled by,
Radical Muslims or Nazis.

Bogdan Fiedur

Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/2/2010 8:25:16 PM

They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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