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Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/31/2009 10:39:01 PM

It took Hitler a while to corrupt the German courts. Hitler first had to create new courts, like President George W. Bush's military tribunals, that did not require evidence, using in place of evidence hearsay, secret charges, and self-incrimination obtained by torture.

Every American should be concerned that the Obama administration has decided to use Mohammed's trial to complete the corruption of the American court system. When Mohammed's trial is over, an American Joe Stalin or Adolf Hitler will be able to convict America's Founding Fathers on charges of treason and terrorism. No one will be safe.

I cannot disagree with what is written here. All the more reason for my support of the 912 Movement, the TeaParty and the No-Incumbents 2010-2012 Movements. All intent on preventing what these Oligarchs are promoting.

Now I do, support the theory that the WTC Towers came down too fast. However this does not imply an inside government job.

Maintenance employees, many of which were sub-contracted to minority owned businesses by the way had access to all areas of these buildings that explosives would need to have been placed. But, in the demolition of the buildings so were the records of who had access to these areas of all these buildings.

The fact that it was meant for these buildings to come down by no means, suggest a government job. Cover up for some Oligarchs insurance claim, maybe.

But actually killing innocent people for a false flag game. I really freaking doubt it and if proven to be true. I will
personally volunteer for their firing squad. How's that for a position?

By doing so in no way negates the possibility that radical Islamists and/or sympatheizers placed those explosives months in advance, or the day before the airliners were flown into the buildings. Plus explains Building7 too.

How about going so far as to suggest that the lease holder hired the job done and in seeking perpatrators the Radicals stepped up and did the whole thing for pay and Allah had nothing to do with it after all! Put that one in your pipe of conspiracy theories. But, I doubt that one too. Till conspiracy theory becomes actual fact. Then facts are all we have to look at. The rest is conjecture.

'Hundreds of al-Qaeda militants planning attacks from Yemen'

Hundreds of al-Qaeda militants are planning terror attacks from Yemen, the country’s Foreign Minister said today.

Abu Bakr al-Qirbi appealed for more help from the international community to help to train and equip counter-terrorist forces.

His plea came after an al-Qaeda group based in Yemen claimed responsibility for the failed Christmas Day airliner bomb plot.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, alleged to be behind the attempt to blow up an American-bound aircraft, spent time in Yemen with al-Qaeda and was in the country only days before the failed attack.

Thanks to for the link

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/31/2009 11:20:01 PM
Hello Bogdan,

Sorry to disappoint you but there is no bias in my opinions and beliefs. Just realism and seeing the facts for what they are. I might have a better understanding of Muslims then many and I for sure have many more Muslim friends then most people do.

In addition I have dual citizenship US and Israeli. I served in the USAF for 4 years and am proud of that and also in the Israeli army. Both countries are important to me and have my loyalties. The US is in troubling times but definitely not the devil in disguise as you portray her. The people will make the required changes. It might take time but it will happen.

We are all troubled about some aspects of 9/11 and the attacks BUT until proof positive is supplied that it was an inside job or some other option it's all theories, conjecture, innuendos and rumors.

The same can't be said about Radical Islam's terrorism and their plan for world domination. All you have to do is look closely at what is happening in the world and in the US.

Here in Israel it's already 2010 for the past 90 minutes and I want to wish you a Happy New year.



Europe's looming demise
Changes on the Continent cloud our future

By Pamela Geller

"The Europe as you know it from visiting, from your parents or friendsis on the verge of collapsing," Geert Wilders said in a speech in theUnited States last year.

The leader of the Netherlands' populist Party for Freedomadded: "We are now witnessing profound changes that will forever alterEurope's destiny and might send the Continent in what Ronald Reagancalled 'a thousand years of darkness.' " And not just Europe, butAmerica as well.

Been to Europe lately? Thought it was bad? You ain't seennothing yet. The passage of the Lisbon Treaty, hailed by PresidentObama, nailed the coffin shut on national sovereignty in Europe. Thepeople of Europe fought it, but were overwhelmed by their politicalelites and the lack of American leadership in this age of our ratherMarxist, collectivist U.S. president.

Come Jan. 1, 2010, a disastrous and suicidal pact called theEuro-Mediterranean Partnership (Europe/Mediterranean) goes into effectwith little fanfare or examination. It boggles the mind that such aconsequential and seismic cultural shift could be mandated and put intoplay without so much as a murmur from the mainstream media.

Why should Americans care about this? Americans have to carebecause this global gobbledygook is coming to our shores, thanks to ourglobalist president.

The European human rights group called Stop the Islamization ofEurope (SIOE) has been working tirelessly to expose the mass Muslimimmigration plan of the Euro-Med Partnership.

A statement on the SIOE Web site criticizes the secrecy of theprocess: "It was shocking to hear about the plans and at the same timeknowing that Danish politicians and a [cowardly] Danish press - who isotherwise proud to be critical - has told nothing to the Danish peopleabout this project which begins in January.

This also showed clearly at the conference. Only very fewpoliticians showed up and no media. Those politicians who showed up hadobviously never heard about the Euro-Mediterranean project.

The goal of the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation is to create anew Greater European Union encompassing both Europe and North Africa,with the Mediterranean Sea becoming a domestic Eurabian sea. The goalis to establish a "comprehensive political partnership," including a"free trade area and economic integration"; "considerably more moneyfor the partners" (that is, more European money flowing into NorthAfrica); and "cultural partnership" - that is, importation of Islamicculture into post-Christian Europe.

According to the SIOE, in the Euro-Med plan "Europe is to beislamized. Democracy, Christianity, European culture and Europeans areto be driven out of Europe. Fifty million North Africans from Muslimcountries are to be imported into the EU."

Skeptical? It's already happening. The British newspaper theDaily Express reported in October 2008 on "a controversialtaxpayer-funded 'job centre' " that opened in Mali at that time as"just the first step towards promoting 'free movement of people inAfrica and the EU.' Brussels economists claim Britain and other EUstates will 'need' 56 million immigrant workers between them by 2050 tomake up for the 'demographic decline' due to falling birthrates andrising death rates across Europe."

To offset this decline, a "blue card" system is to be createdthat will allow card holders to travel freely within the European Unionand have full rights to work - as well as the full right to collectwelfare benefits.

A Muslim population from Africa moving freely into Europethreatens America. On Christmas Day, a Nigerian Muslim flew fromAmsterdam to Detroit and tried to explode a bomb on the plane - afterhe was allowed to board the plane without a passport. TheEuro-Mediterranean Partnership will make jihad attacks like this oneall the easier.

And once in Europe, Muslims have already begun demandingspecial privileges and accommodations. IslamOnline reported on Dec. 21that "Muslims activists from 26 European countries have come togetherto launch the first rights council to enlighten European Muslims abouttheir rights, monitor rising Islamophobia and defend Muslim rights inEuropean courts of law."

Ali Abu Shwaima, a Muslim leader in Italy, explained: "We thinkEuropean human rights groups are not doing enough to defend the rightsof Muslims. Therefore we thought that we need this new council,especially that all laws and constitutions in Europe respect freedom ofreligion and oppose all forms of discrimination and racism."

"Islamophobia," "discrimination" and "racism" are all termsMuslims in Europe and America use to confuse people into thinking thatthe perpetrators of Islamic terrorism are the real victims. And it isworking: Mr. Wilders is going on trial in the Netherlands, instead ofall the Islamic hate sponsors he is fighting against. It has to be thisway, to increase harmony among the Muslim and non-Muslim member statesof the Euro-Med Partnership.

This internationalism is already destroying what has madeEurope free and great. And now Mr. Obama seems to want to do the sameto America.

Pamela Geller is the editor and publisher of the AtlasShrugs Web site. She is the author (with Robert Spencer) of theforthcoming book "The Post-American Presidency: The ObamaAdministration's War on America" (Simon and Schuster, July 2010).

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/1/2010 9:07:36 AM
Hello to All,

I'd like to take this opportunity to wish all of you the very best in 2010.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/1/2010 2:35:10 PM
Hello Jim,

Happy New Year to you and all our friends.

Since this thread is about Radical Islam and the dangers to the world at large. I thought it worth while to show the true face of those interested in dominating the Western World and imposing their beliefs on the rest of us infidels. AND, if we don't acept suffer the consequences.



Here is the 10 parts of Obsession by Theo Van Gogh. As a reminder he was murdered by Radical Islamic terrorists for this film. Sorry the first one came up twice by mistake so I added the correctone below it.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/1/2010 5:48:58 PM

Happy New Year to all,

From my point of view the Radical Islam is a direct result of American Foreign Policies.
American foreign policies are the biggest threat to the world and humanity.

Here is the follow up to Christmas Eve failed attempt plain bombing.
As we are learning more about it, it appears that CIA knew about the planned attacks. To avoid any future claims that this is another example of conspiracy theory and all is just innuendos and assumptions I will be providing step by step developments and attempts to cover this up. Note also that Obama administration now wants to do more in Yemen in regards to terrorist. Simply WAR is Peace and war on terror continues meaning we get more terror as wars are developing and our liberties have to be taken away in name of freedom.
Freedom is Communism. This will be new slogan in US and around western world in 2010.

Nigerian terrorists False Flags and Patriot Act 3.0.


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