Hello Peter,
I understand why you can't and won't agree with my way of thinking as this would make your theory nullified. Virtually agreeing with me on anything would point to the fact that Muslims are not the root of the problem, they they are just a scape goats.
As you can see my position is not affected in anyway by the events in regards to America or Islam, where it appaers to me that you have close ties in US and now are living in Israel. This itself makes you biased. You have inherent need to defend position one or the other countries with which you are associated.
My position is entirely neutral and my only reasoning is looking at both issues from the sidelines.
You and Jim appear both to believe that my whole knowledge about those issues comes from Alex's show and you are forgetting that I have my own brain and have done quite O.K. in my life so far. In spite of the fact that I have only presented two times direct source from prisonplanet website, anytime I bring anything which is found on the other end of the world, you seem to be gravitating around the issue that Alex Jones is so and so and what I show you is not good.
To sum it up, I hope you can see your own hypocrisy and bias.
You are giving as a source of statistics a site which has shady past (being suspended for spreading of hate), site which is run by one man and you are considering their info as Oracle, wheres if I provide you with the info about 9/11 conspiracy, you are calling it rumors and innuendos.
You are forgetting that there are hundreds or possibly thousandths of sources right now which confirm that 9/11 was an inside job including such sources like
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Firefighters for 9/11 Truth
Journalists and Other Media Professionals for 9/11 Truth
Lawyers for 9/11 Truth
Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth
Pilots for 9/11 Truth
Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth
Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice
Veterans for 9/11 Truth
that there are hundreds of videos on youtube, google and other streaming sites supported by experts. I myself have completed a University in Poland with degree in engineering and although I don't pretend to understand all of the issues, I can say that lots of things shown by real experts is convincing me.
Just in last four weeks, biggest tv station CBC run two 1 hour programs on 9/11 conspiracy.
One on Five Estate and second on Passionate Eye.
Of course they are showing both sides of the story, but they are talking about it, which was unthinkable several years ago.
You had no problem believing in climategate, which has very little currently to prove as factual information, but you have problems believing in what thousands of sources say is false and only one source is saying is true.
This source is a corrupt government, which caused two illegal wars, allowed on creating debts which is larger than the debt of all previous presidencies combined, where the current President is deeply implicated in cap and trade scheme and previous one had private oil investment and his grand father was Nazi collaborator who laundered money for Nazis.
You want proofs in regards to 9/11. The proofs are there, you just need the courage to see them and talk about it. Once people go to the streets which is matter of 12 to 16 months (once hyperinflation hits pockets of Americans), there will be people who will get hurt and there might be people who will die. At that time you will see whose truth will prevail. Those who are in power have proofs and their truth is the official truth, regardless of what the facts are.
Happy New Year to all.
Bogdan Fiedur