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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: God? Gallactics? Or Man? What ARE your thoughts?
7/19/2011 10:55:29 PM
Hello Bogdan,

I want to compliment you on your salutation of "ladies and gentlemen". Is Arthur's joining the conversation here the cause of that or are there hidden reasons for it?....

Hello Peter,

I could count on you here definitely.
You didn't get my message or as usually have twisted it so it fits your explanation.

In my message I have told you that you don't call others scammers because there is believe they have and talk about it.
They don't come to you and they don't force on you their believes and they are not selling anything to you.

Yes the messages were announcing something which didn't happen, and yet there are people who look for this kind of messages because this gives them what they need.

Are they scammers because they post something to the group where are others who are looking for this info?

Isn't this the same reason people go to church, or seminars?

If it comes to being wrong and predicting incorrectly, there is no other area like science which was wrong as many times as there is grain of sand on this earth.

Are those people scammers who make predictions and in the lab after 1000 of trials fail to prove the prediction?

We know that sciences as well as news is manipulated to accomplish certain gains, we are bombarded with ads promoting phony products, and are being provided with untrue and staged events so we support manipulators. Possibly these are the real scammers, because they always gain something from their lies, yet I don't see you running through the forums and calling them this. You actually support some of them presenting their views as ultimate truths.

By agreeing to what Arthur said, you have implied that this people are scammers and I can tell you that this people who you so judged would never say bad word to you.

Bogdan Fiedur

Peter Fogel

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RE: God? Gallactics? Or Man? What ARE your thoughts?
7/20/2011 8:35:28 AM
Hi Bogdan,

I've been in this discussion from page one so it shouldn't surprise anyone that I replied to your post. I understood your post to the nth degree and didn't twist anything in my reply to you, in actual fact I never "twist" anything and stick to what was written and said in my replies. And my agreeing with Arthur was a forgone conclusion had you read this thread from the beginning. Arthur does have a way with words though, doesn't he?

The thread in question is the most viewed thread in Adland and as such even though I don't participate in it any more due to their lack of ability to answer legitimate questions I still go and read the posts on a more or less regular basis; even though I must admit I've been there much less lately.The repetitions are becoming boring and I've lost interest.

Science is based on trial and error and in most cases takes years for new new scientific breakthroughs to be "discovered". These are people who dedicate their lives to their profession and I take my hat off to them. That said we've also been witness to false science with rigged information and in many cases false statistics as we've seen in the "global warming" fiasco last year. And yes money was the only constant and all those behind this "scam" have profited greatly. Al Gore is the prime example of that.

Still I see no similarity between science per say and the thread in question. I have my own personal theories about what's behind this whole issue and I won't go into it since I have no proof aside from reading between the lines. You know I have an aversion to "conspiracy theories" that aside from "he said, she said, they said" and it becomes fact to and for many. So I'll keep my theories to myself and share them with close friends and associates only until there will be physical proof that I was correct ....... or wrong.

If you read my post you must have seen that I have no problem with people believing anything they desire but that stops when I feel that innocents are being taken advantage of and I can think of at few people who fit that bill. No they aren't trying to "sell" anything openly unless you consider the links for sign ups for the mass "channeling" sessions that cost money to participate in. But you especially know the value of sig lines at the bottom of posts and open links in the body of posts that lead you to sites where sales are the most important issue. The example I gave in my last post is in the body of all the posts in regard to Ashtar and there are so many other examples. And yes people are being scammed unless you believe that "Ashtar" is giving personal counseling. :)

People are being manipulated and you might even want to call it brainwashing by the media and other outlets. The Global Warming hoax is a prime example of that. I don't follow all that many forums in Adland and the ad threads and forums are not my habitat. So no you won't find me traipsing around and exposing what might be frauds unless I see one in front of me as has happened over the years in Adland. I guess it won't surprise you that the threads in question were deleted and/or my posts there were deleted.

I'm not sure what you're referring to in your statement
You actually support some of them presenting their views as ultimate truths.
but I always try and source my references properly and do my own personal due diligence when necessary. I welcome any and all comments even those that are in total disagreement with me.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: God? Gallactics? Or Man? What ARE your thoughts?
7/20/2011 7:26:18 PM

An interesting series....

SINGULARITY part 1 - New Age Deception and The Galactic Federation of Light (HQ)

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: God? Gallactics? Or Man? What ARE your thoughts?
7/30/2011 1:58:45 PM

giant humans. were they real !

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: God? Gallactics? Or Man? What ARE your thoughts?
7/30/2011 2:54:31 PM
Hello Bogdan and Peter,


By agreeing to what Arthur said, you have implied that this people are scammers and I can tell you that this people who you so judged would never say bad word to you.

Bogdan Fiedur

I had to reply and it has taken me awhile to do so, so my reaction doesn't appear to be a knee jerk, though it probably will be perceived as such anyway. I know people have their fantasies and have every right to explore them.

However, my reason for replying to this particular post is the many recent post by certain members, calling something a scam. These are some of the most active here in ALP, calling business owners and their businesses scammers.

These posters have little or no experience with these businesses or any business. They simply copy and paste information, often from often unreliable sources or those that have an agenda to begin with. You and I are quite familiar with such things, due to our varied real life experiences in this realm.

What may be a norm for a brick n mortar is not necessarily true of a web based enterprise. Though many of the pillars are the same.

These people "so called scammers" may have been involved with a business failure in the past, which is not uncommon because as you know it takes awhile to find something that fits you. 80 -90% of business start ups fail, this does not make them scammers.

My point is you didn't come in and protect those that have truly legitimate businesses, offering real tangible services. Mainly because you don't have a vested interest in these, is my guess. I will not surmise your reasons, but simply ask the question:

So why did you choose this series of posts to exercise your opinion?

Jim Allen III

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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