What a mind boggling thread! The Mountain of Love sure does have a lot to answer for. What started out as a fairly innocuous attempt to lighten the forums with some folk tales and prophecies seems to have become a mega scam that must have the Nigerians gasping in admiration and seething with jealousy. To be honest, I tried to listen to the whole of the MoL thread but my neighbour (whose eyes I was using) kept disolving into gales of hysterical laughter. At times her shrieks must have had my male neighbours wondering just what sort of equipment I was blessed with to produce such rapture! The dimensional aspect seems to have been causing some comprehension pit-falls so let me explain why we are all in the fifth dimension - (or should that be 5D?) - by explaing just what those dimensions are:- - First dimension is time. To exist we must occupy at least one position on a scale of time, however that is measured.
- Second dimension is space. The space we occupy is generally termed as three dimensional (or should that be 3D?) and is defined by crude measures of height, width, depth, radius, diameter, composition and physical co-efficient.
- Third dimension is the level of sentience. Fully sentient beings can exist outside of the first two dimensions (ask God if you don't believe me).
- Fourth dimension is a location relative to all that surrounds us. Fully sentient beings that exist outside of the first two dimensions could find that their relative location is the same, regardless of parameters or how long the tape measure is. The location can be measured from the accepted centre of our being or from the end of our right big toe.
- Fifth dimension is an adjunct to the first, second, third and fourth dimensions. Without the fifth dimension, the first four cannot exist. This fifth dimension is often referred to as Nigeria since it brings together our own existence with the proliferation and promulgation of "I still don't believe that I was stupid enough to fall for that!" ideas. Of all the dimensions, the fifth is the one that never varies.
I am going to lie down in a dark room now to ease the aching of my sides and to manifest a feeling of "Dooohhh" In all those sad, sorry folk who have given up good mental health and sacrificed it on the altars of vanity of the perpetrators of what must be the most successful and long lived of all Adland scams.