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Fredie Mckinney
10/9/2005 11:25:54 PM
10??? yea little buddy, a 10!!! Tuff you are on the outside and a big heart on the inside shows your love for you fellow man...and lady too. hard worker you are in FGG and a awesome friend makes you a 10+.. God bless you my friend!! Doc..Romans 8:28><>:o)
Fredie Mckinney
10/9/2005 11:25:54 PM
Thanks Doc. I am just on a mission to help those that need help getting back on their feet. Have a blessed day. fredie. Look forward to see you fullfill your dream with the kids and your street rods.
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Fredie Mckinney
10/14/2005 9:29:57 PM
Hi Freddie, I would love to be your friend and support the Katrina families. May God Bless that bigh Heart of yours. Carolyn
Carolyn Mary Sproul
Fredie Mckinney
10/14/2005 9:29:57 PM
Hello Carolyn I would be Honored to have you as a freind. And Thank you for steping up and wanting to help these families that lost every thing. It only take a little from those that have lost nothing to give to those that lost everything. Its Sad that those that lost nothing that could have gone a day with out cigaretts or a couple Beers or sodas. and gave it for the Katrina victums. Very little from the masses could help the few.Please contact me at Have a Blessed Day. Fredie.
Folks ARound TheWorld,IfYouWant ToKnowHow ToEarn$100,000 In 12Months With NoDownLines ToBuild OrProducts ToSell, Then YouNeed To TakeA CoupleMinutes ToRead My WebPage. I'm NotHere ToSell YouAnything. JustShare KnowledgeWith YOURFamily,OtherMarketers&Friend
Fredie Mckinney
11/29/2005 12:11:01 PM
Thank you..My grandson has been in the USAF for more than 15 yrs..has been assigned to the Middle East a couple of times is in England..His Mom (my daughter) live in the Ft Worth/Dallas area of Texas...My best to you and family.. Sincerely, Cherry

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