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Fredie Mckinney
8/22/2005 1:24:35 PM
Fredie, I find your website very interesting and well formated ,great job ,Thank You for being here and a friend :-) Lee
Fredie Mckinney
8/22/2005 1:24:35 PM
Hi Lee thank you for you kind words and if there is any way I can be of assistant for a program just email and we'll support. The adland family is the best thing that has comeinto my life in a long time. you have a blesed day
Folks ARound TheWorld,IfYouWant ToKnowHow ToEarn$100,000 In 12Months With NoDownLines ToBuild OrProducts ToSell, Then YouNeed To TakeA CoupleMinutes ToRead My WebPage. I'm NotHere ToSell YouAnything. JustShare KnowledgeWith YOURFamily,OtherMarketers&Friend
Fredie Mckinney
8/25/2005 5:36:43 PM
Dear Fredie, What you are doing is a very noble thing. Bless you. Your Friend, Sweetgrame (Roz)
Fredie Mckinney
8/25/2005 5:36:43 PM
Hello Thank you very much for your kind words. My Wife Marsha And I are new at this Adland and we are trying to find some Christian people that want to help us to reach out to the families that lost thier homes in the storms and that want to live elsewhere. We have a free service that they can pre qualify for a mortgage for a new home any where in the fifty states in the USA. This Mortgage Banking Firm has 177 locations in all fifty states and has over 700 employee,s With 200 mortgage services. All we need to do is reach these people and help them fill out a form on our web site. They will be contacted with-in 24-48 hours witht a answer as to how much they pre qualify for. This is a free service to pre qualify and no oblation at all.. If you have any way to guide us or want to help us please let us know. We can help thousands of these families if we can reach them!!!
Folks ARound TheWorld,IfYouWant ToKnowHow ToEarn$100,000 In 12Months With NoDownLines ToBuild OrProducts ToSell, Then YouNeed To TakeA CoupleMinutes ToRead My WebPage. I'm NotHere ToSell YouAnything. JustShare KnowledgeWith YOURFamily,OtherMarketers&Friend
Fredie Mckinney
8/26/2005 10:19:56 AM
Are you knew the forum? Why you keep sending me email without say anything?
I'm obligated to share this with you and everyone I'm connected too... It's literally saving lives and giving hope back to many sufferers! Including myself :)

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