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Fredie Mckinney
8/26/2005 10:19:56 AM
Hello Patrick! yes I am new here and I was not aware that I had sent anything to you. Thanks for letting me know about this. You have a blessed day.
Folks ARound TheWorld,IfYouWant ToKnowHow ToEarn$100,000 In 12Months With NoDownLines ToBuild OrProducts ToSell, Then YouNeed To TakeA CoupleMinutes ToRead My WebPage. I'm NotHere ToSell YouAnything. JustShare KnowledgeWith YOURFamily,OtherMarketers&Friend
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Fredie Mckinney
9/24/2005 11:17:38 PM
Hi, Fredie I rated you 10 because after our long phone conversation, I'm convinced that you have a great heart and a true calling to help people. It is said that if you help enough people get what they want, then you will certainly get what you want. After speaking with you and Marsha, I believe that what you both want is simply to help others. May all your dreams come true! Cheri
Fredie Mckinney
9/24/2005 11:17:38 PM
Hello Cheri thank you for your kind words. Marsha and I are just on a ongoing mission to help those that need a helping hand up.
Folks ARound TheWorld,IfYouWant ToKnowHow ToEarn$100,000 In 12Months With NoDownLines ToBuild OrProducts ToSell, Then YouNeed To TakeA CoupleMinutes ToRead My WebPage. I'm NotHere ToSell YouAnything. JustShare KnowledgeWith YOURFamily,OtherMarketers&Friend
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Fredie Mckinney
10/9/2005 10:58:15 PM
Great site but noone is PERFECT!!U are doing a great job though! God bless! Carla
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Fredie Mckinney
10/9/2005 10:58:15 PM
Hello Carla thank you for taking the time to rate me. you are a very professional Lady. and will do very well with your FGG Business. Have a Blessed Day
Folks ARound TheWorld,IfYouWant ToKnowHow ToEarn$100,000 In 12Months With NoDownLines ToBuild OrProducts ToSell, Then YouNeed To TakeA CoupleMinutes ToRead My WebPage. I'm NotHere ToSell YouAnything. JustShare KnowledgeWith YOURFamily,OtherMarketers&Friend

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