
Who is Fredie Mckinney?

Fredie Mckinney

Fredie Mckinney
BirthdaySunday, October 3, 1948
Member SinceWednesday, August 10, 2005
Last ActivityTuesday, February 5, 2008
LocationBuchanan Dam, Texas, United States United States
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If This Is You, Please Fill Out The Web Form And I’ll Send You All The Detailed Information (Without The Fluff... GUARANTEED!)

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Fredie McKinney - Team Leader










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Danny Kuhlmann - (3/24/2015 1:25:52 AM) : If you co pay on meds is $10 or more you need this, we also have insurance for dental and glasses and pet meds, you can also do this job giving out free cards and making money helping people.
Jack Sunshine - (2/10/2010 8:25:23 PM) : My Dear Friend, become a Sunshine Distributor and start you own at home jewelry business selling to, friends, neighbors and business associates.Also making parties at home, It's easy and it's fun to earn money as a Distributor. For Information CALL : 1-800-767-4469. ASK FOR.FOR A FREE CATALOG
Ramli Amir - (4/23/2006 9:35:30 PM) : Thats an interesting web site but since I am out of the USA i will not be able to make full use of it. Thanks anyway.
Harry Woolen - (2/13/2006 9:11:30 AM) : Hello Fredie,

Thanks for the contact. Communications is so important more so today then ever. The internet has made the world a much smaller place. I would enjoy very much chatting with you sometime and exchanging ideas. I can call you on my dime if you live in the USA/Canada(unlimited LD). If you don't I can send you the software to get into my conference room and we can meet there for free.


Harry Woolen

721 W Strain

Sullivan IL 61951

Monika Woods - (1/9/2006 9:40:20 PM) : Great picture.
**Salute to our vets**
Roy Rapp - (1/4/2006 3:56:54 PM) : Hi Fredie,

Although I'm here to give you a 10 because I feel you deserve it.....I'm here for a more important reason, one I know you will understand, and that is to say,

"Thank you for your service"

Your friend,

P.S. I have shared your "Before you go" with everyone I know.
Fredie Mckinney - (1/4/2006 3:56:54 PM) : Thank you very much Roy. You are Welcome Its people like you that we serve our country.
I am a Vietnam Vet but now that I'm to old to go kick some you know whats. I can still fight for my country by helping in the back ground to help the families that are hurt, and torn apart by the stupity of the iodits running our countries around the world. This Rx for HOPE notebook is a super book. I am going through it with my ii Year old grad dauther and she is having a ball with it as well. This book is a lot better than the Drugs they push at us in the service. If the people of the USA don't wake up prettey soon the rest of the world will be watching the USA getting car bomded and mass killings... they need to wake up for at least it is in some one elses country even as sad as that is. . Have a blesed day. Fredie
Fredie Mckinney - (1/1/2006 8:58:51 PM) : Hi FGG is a world wide membership. If you join you just market your FGG website with what ever you are marketing to the USA now . You can earn a $1,000 referral bonus just for telling people to build a new home through our new home program . and if they join FGG and tell someone else and they build one you get a matching 100% bonus of $1,000 for each on and FGG is a life time membership. Thanks for your time have a blessed day. Fredie
Fredie Mckinney - (12/5/2005 8:08:00 AM) : Hello Michelle The FGG lifetime membership is for any one who want to save thousands of dollars per year by using the benefits you receive with your lifetime membership. Then if you want to earn extra income you can pick one of the benefits that offer you to make money. Like our new home program. you just tell others to go to your web site and sumitt the right form that covers what they want to do. And when they build their home you get a $1,000 referral bonus for each one... To under stand more about the money part please call 1-888-485-4791 and listen to the overview message and then on tuesday night or thursday night please call at 8:30pm central to 1-641-793-7500 and pin 736913# and listen to a live overview of the money you can earn as a FGG member.. you will love what you hear. my # is 512-793-3122 you can call me and I'll explain more and answer you Q's. thanks for your time and interest. Fredie.
Paul Falardeau - (12/4/2005 3:00:48 PM) : It's great to have you on my friend list.
Here's to your success,

Paul Falardeau

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