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Fredie Mckinney
8/13/2005 3:46:15 PM
Great site, welcome to Adland,kathy martin
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Fredie Mckinney
8/13/2005 3:46:15 PM
Kathy Thank you for stoping bye . Do you know a wonderful lady named Shelly Hargis. If you do would you please welcome her in her new business adventure(or anyone else that knows her). She is the first one to join our FGG member ship here in adland, so we can help her get new home owner ship and earn that extra income to keep it. Her family will be ok now. It would be a really nice suprise and spirt booster for her if you were to send her a little letter support her in taking that first big step . thank you and you have a blessed day.
Folks ARound TheWorld,IfYouWant ToKnowHow ToEarn$100,000 In 12Months With NoDownLines ToBuild OrProducts ToSell, Then YouNeed To TakeA CoupleMinutes ToRead My WebPage. I'm NotHere ToSell YouAnything. JustShare KnowledgeWith YOURFamily,OtherMarketers&Friend
Fredie Mckinney
8/14/2005 3:29:22 PM
Great looking website Fredie, we rated it 9 out of 10 only because some of the links wouldn't work! You have some really interesting items here. We suguest that all members should take the time to check it out and support you! Best of luck in all you choose to do, respectfully, Gary and Janice Hawkins of Idaho.
Fredie Mckinney
8/14/2005 3:29:22 PM
Thank you very much for taking the time to look at my site. we have a lot of new items being added and there not quite done programing them yet. My Wife Marsha and I are trying to reach some of the 7 out of 10 families who are now locked out of new home ownership. If you know any body that needs help because of either short on income or credit issues keeping them from getting a new home please tell them about our site and flashmovie.. this is a free service for them to pre-qualify to see where they stand on getting a new home or equity loan or build one. We have programs that will help them in either area. If you referral this to some one and they want to go ahead after pre-qualifying you can join our company and receive a $1,000 check for a new home built through our program or you can receive ($200,000 average mortgage) that goes through our program you get $500 chect. This is not MLM. we are a lead generator family (20,000 strong)and its for all 50 states. please let me know of any Q's. if you did not watch the flash movie you might now, (4 min )
Folks ARound TheWorld,IfYouWant ToKnowHow ToEarn$100,000 In 12Months With NoDownLines ToBuild OrProducts ToSell, Then YouNeed To TakeA CoupleMinutes ToRead My WebPage. I'm NotHere ToSell YouAnything. JustShare KnowledgeWith YOURFamily,OtherMarketers&Friend
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Fredie Mckinney
8/17/2005 6:38:16 PM
i was here.

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