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Pam Carroll

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Re: No Santa?
12/11/2005 7:02:41 PM
Hi Marilyn This is a great story and what a wonderful Grandma. Very wise lady. Maybe all Grandmas can take a little lesson from her and help keep the magic of Santa alive forever. I'm pretty certain that if we don't forget Santa then Santa won't forget us. Have a great, happy and successful day Warm Wishes Pam
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Re: No Santa?
12/11/2005 8:31:52 PM
Great Story Marilyn. Santa will always be there! It all in the heart. Your Friend,
Deborah Skovron

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Re: No Santa?
12/11/2005 9:41:04 PM
Hi Marilyn, Thank you for the great story. As long as you believe in caring and sharing there will always be a Santa Claus. Your Friend Deborah
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Re: No Santa?
12/11/2005 11:14:14 PM
Thanks Marilyn! That was great and thanks for the quotes too I am short on time so just posting in this one! I really like grandma's answer it is right on the button! Hope everyone can be a Santa's helper somehow, someway this year! As Always, God Bless! Sincerly, Susan
Re: No Santa?
12/12/2005 2:06:17 AM
Hi Marilyn That was a lovely story! Santa is alive and well! Unfortunately it is us that do not do our "jobs" correctly. With the excitement of planning and buying gifts for our loved ones we forget to stop and think of those less fortunate than our own friends and family. Perhaps we need to be a little less extravagent on gifts for our own loved ones and then we can actually afford to give to someone who needs rather than wants. Regards Gaylia
Gaylia Hunter

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