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Re: Pong - Talk About Not Knowing Jack!
11/27/2005 5:04:42 PM
Peter, ====== The scary thing is who might also add their names and the advice they might offerr the new member, if you know what I mean. ====== Again, I'm relatively new, but seeing how well Adland is set-up to begin with, I would THINK that whomever was sifting through the names of potential mentors would be screening pretty thoroghly. Or is that just niave on my part?
Bob Needham

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Re: Pong - Talk About Not Knowing Jack!
11/27/2005 5:08:38 PM
Hi Peter, I do know what you mean! lol Bob
Kathy Clark

172 Posts
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Re: Pong - Talk About Not Knowing Jack!
11/27/2005 6:24:08 PM
Linda, Love your Forums, they are so interesting and helpful. This is an interesting discussion. I joined AdLandPro a looong time ago, but didn't realize the huge resource it was. Only recently did I take a second look at it and start to participate and use the tools. So I know that many people do that too, they look at a few things and move on. Some never return, what a pity. They are really missing out. I do hate it when someone sends me a post or an invite to be a friend and they don't even say hello, they just start selling their wares. I do hate spam. We are all here to sell something, but there is a correct way to do it. The signatures are a good tool, but some are even abusing that. Some have signatures that are longer than their posts. It is too bad that there are 22,000 people signed up to AdLand, but only 800 actually use it. But this is normal. We just need to spread the good news and also contact the new people and let them know what they just joined. Help them get a good start. As for Top Posters. I wish they would add quality to their activity. Just to be the top poster and be known as a pest is not good. I too love to make friends. True friends. There are several here at AdLandPro that come to mind. These are people who truly care about others and want to help. They want to build their businesses, but they help others along the way. I truly appreciate them. Linda you are definately in this category. Thanks for all your help.
Re: Pong - Talk About Not Knowing Jack!
11/27/2005 6:32:48 PM
Hi Heather, Or is that just niave on my part? While I do not think it is niave on your part we have to look at the number of members that might feel they are qualified to act in this role. If the right people sign up, then the wrong people can be eliminated, AdLand will only be able to draw from those that extend the offer to be a mentor, buddy, or guide. The other question that we need to look at is what would make anyone a good or bad guide? I don't think that is for me to answer as I am just one voice. We need to realize that there is a lot more to AdLand than just these forums and a guide would need to be experienced in all aspects of AdLands and all that it can offer a new member. Someone that signs up might think that there is a particular forum that you just have to join, while someone else might say stay away from there. I am sure that Bogdan will use his best judgement in setting this up, but in doing so he will require a good selection of buddys to assign people to. Some will obviusly be better than others, but it is really up to the members to sign up and offer that assistance. What do you think would make a person a good candidate for this position, knowing that it is a volunteer position?
Re: Pong - Talk About Not Knowing Jack!
11/27/2005 6:40:44 PM
Hi Kathy, Thank You for your post. I agree with all of your points. In general netiquette is important for all who venture onto the Internet. Bu, i believe that those who are doing business using the Internet have an even higher standard of credibility and value to voluntarily live up to. On the other hand, it is amazing to me that some cheesy sites and marketers have been successful in a relative sense. It can be confusing to the sincere newbie I think. I don't want my reputation or my company's to be woven around some hitman marketing tactics. Thanks Again Kathy Larry