
Who is Kathy Clark?

Kathy Clark

Kathy Clark
BirthdayFriday, June 22, 1945
Member SinceThursday, April 10, 2003
Last ActivityThursday, December 10, 2009
LocationHunstville, Alabama, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Our Journey   For  years now, I have been learning about marketing on the Internet.  So much to learn.  But it has been fun and interesting.  I have developed a website that has been a real learning experience.  This is a place where my husband and I share our Life Experiences.  It is called Jim And Kathy's Corner.   Here you will find Business and Hobby Tips and Ideas.  There is something for everyone here.  We have been in various businesses of our own for years and have much to share.  And as we learn about the Internet, Computers, and Websites, we are sharing that as well.    There are interesting articles that we have written and that we have gleaned from others.  My husband is an excellent writer.  People love to read his short stories about growing up in Alabama in the 30's.  He loves to garden and has stories about gardening, old tractors, etc.   Stop by and visit us at and register to receive our free newsletter.  It is a great way to keep in touch.   Be sure to visit my Forums and say hello. Travel Forum:   Jim and Kathy's Corner   Thanks for stopping by,   Kathy Clark 256-513-5924 (24/7)    
My Interests
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Paul Falardeau - (12/14/2005 1:59:45 PM) : Thanks for accepting my invitation to my friend list. I look forward to sharing ideas with you.

Here's to your success,

Paul Falardeau

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Kathy Clark - (12/14/2005 1:59:45 PM) : Paul,
Thank you for the response and rating. I look forward to sharing ideas with you.

Your Friend,
Kathy Clark


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