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Anatoly Zaveryukha

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1/19/2006 11:47:32 AM
Dear Friends, Conversation about the form of payment must not stand in our community. So that the community would be developed and would be strengthened, it must be flexible and render all possible services to its members. Perhaps is this the big problem to transfer money not only checks and in PayPal, but also eGold, Stormpay, e-Bullion, etc. From my point of view, untwisting the problem of the money transfer, try to close scandal with the project. Professor Anatoly A. Zaveryukha
Jo Matthias

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Re: Dearest David! What payment method are You going to use?
1/19/2006 12:17:29 PM
Hello All WOSAT members, I extend my apologies to one and all. My post that I copy/pasted from this forum, was posted to all the team forums, all 11 team forums; in response to posts in the 'WOSAT' forum by Steven and Georgios . The post was not directed at any one team. Nor was it directed at any one person, it was directed to the 'WOSAT' group as a whole. My words in 'BOLD' letters were not intended as shouting, I was not and am not angry. The items in bold letters were only meant to stress the importance of the words. Some members of WOSAT read and understood my words, some did not and were made angry. Some members read things into my post that weren't even written there, and was made even angrier about things that were not even said. My apologies to those who did not understand, I can not explain further what my words meant. If I try, I am sure to offend more members. I made statements, not demands. I am a member of WOSAT just like anyone else, which means that I do not have any authority over anyone else. Some of the posts will be answered in private, to avoid more public controversies, and dissention within WOSAT. There will be no posts to any group that I am not a member of, that mistake will not be made again. It it not my habit to post in the forums that I am not a member of, it is an intrusion for which I apologize. Thank you, Take care, Jo
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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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1/19/2006 1:20:08 PM
Hello Friends, Thank you Allyson and Steven for understanding me. You are doing an excellent research on laws Steven. Thanks to all other WOSAT members who sent me private messages. You gave me courage to stay strong on my legs. Eventhough WOSAT ID Nr 30 is not active I feel to be there. Soon very soon there we will find the solution to that problem. I am sure Jo, Mike and the some others members did not mean any harm. Outside factors made this problem, factors that we do not control and many of us did not know or understand. Today AdlandPro have that experience too. I read all forums, all inputs and I believe we want the same final result. I have sent friends to join Team 2, 3, 8, 9 and 11. I just visit their forums to see their posts. Days around January 6 to 9 things went very fast. Like an explosion. There were members from all teams asking me why I and some of my friends did not join the final WOSAT. We began to explane. Hey Jo, Mike, Alice, YOU are still my friends and together we will set what is needed to keep a good idea rolling. The Elite of World (the World Rulers) are speaking of a United World, Internatonalism, Planetarchy. They forgotten to set up new laws to protect to protect a United World, their, our interests and in this case we all are the victoms. E-businnes is international business and need its special laws. Genesis
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
1/19/2006 1:26:11 PM
Hi Allyson, Beforre being judgemental about something that is written and only portaraying part of the message may I advise that you take a closer look at the overall picture. Last night I opened Group 7's forum just as I always do and noticed that there was a message from one Georgios that was being copy and pasted to every one of our Teams forums to advertise his personal forum. Upon further research I noticed that WOSATs secretary Alice White had asked him not to post advertising on our team forum and decided to take the same action by letting him know that WOSAT's team forums are not for Advertising especially since he had made a point of letting Alice know that he was not actually registered with WOSAT but had come in in the beginning and chosen not to continue. I simply requested the same that I think every member of WOSAT would and that is that he treat our membership and our forums respectfully. And suggested that there are many more ways that you can go about Advertising here at Adland which do not require using our forum to further your own personal gains. WOSAT and the forums are meant if I am not mistaken to be used for Team efforts and Team Work not simply for Advertising. You will also notice that I was in no way rude as I have said during many of my posts to this gentleman that I would like very much to work with him and help him to find a resolution to the problem that he and the rest of our European friends are encountering. This is the second time you have claimed that I am or have done something wrong without proper evidence or by using the proper channels. If you have a personal beef with me, may I ask that you take it up with the majority owner of WOSAT Dr. David King and let us get this matter settled once and for all. Otherwise may I request that you not attempt to use this forum any further to make accusations against me. I stand behind my words Allyson and have done everything in my power to ensure that I help all of the members here at WOSAT. My loyalties have always been and always will be to the Team as a whole and I will continue to speak up when I feel that our forum is being used for other purposes than what it is intended for. Now I am going to go take myself for a jog, LOL. And try to put this business behind us once and for all. May I ask that you do the same and remember that we are all in this together and working towards a common goal. You can like me or hate me, but I will never be accused of not doing what I feel is in the best interests of all members of WOSAT and that does include you. Your Friend, Mike.
1/19/2006 1:26:16 PM
Hi Allyson, Beforre being judgemental about something that is written and only portaraying part of the message may I advise that you take a closer look at the overall picture. Last night I opened Group 7's forum just as I always do and noticed that there was a message from one Georgios that was being copy and pasted to every one of our Teams forums to advertise his personal forum. Upon further research I noticed that WOSATs secretary Alice White had asked him not to post advertising on our team forum and decided to take the same action by letting him know that WOSAT's team forums are not for Advertising especially since he had made a point of letting Alice know that he was not actually registered with WOSAT but had come in in the beginning and chosen not to continue. I simply requested the same that I think every member of WOSAT would and that is that he treat our membership and our forums respectfully. And suggested that there are many more ways that you can go about Advertising here at Adland which do not require using our forum to further your own personal gains. WOSAT and the forums are meant if I am not mistaken to be used for Team efforts and Team Work not simply for Advertising. You will also notice that I was in no way rude as I have said during many of my posts to this gentleman that I would like very much to work with him and help him to find a resolution to the problem that he and the rest of our European friends are encountering. This is the second time you have claimed that I am or have done something wrong without proper evidence or by using the proper channels. If you have a personal beef with me, may I ask that you take it up with the majority owner of WOSAT Dr. David King and let us get this matter settled once and for all. Otherwise may I request that you not attempt to use this forum any further to make accusations against me. I stand behind my words Allyson and have done everything in my power to ensure that I help all of the members here at WOSAT. My loyalties have always been and always will be to the Team as a whole and I will continue to speak up when I feel that our forum is being used for other purposes than what it is intended for. Now I am going to go take myself for a jog, LOL. And try to put this business behind us once and for all. May I ask that you do the same and remember that we are all in this together and working towards a common goal. You can like me or hate me, but I will never be accused of not doing what I feel is in the best interests of all members of WOSAT and that does include you. Your Friend, Mike.

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