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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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1/19/2006 5:12:52 AM
Hello Johne, Thats the way to solve a problem. I agree with you. I sent a message in one of the team forums where I gave the idea to set up a new closed forum only to be updated with rules, laws, FAQ and INFO. The wlole thing came to fast. The e-book is a reallity. I have it and I promote it. I did not mean to hurt anyones interests at WOSAT. Right hand washes the left and both the face. This means we have to help each other. The idea is incredible to have an international corporation. Laws are against but all laws are like sponges, there are holes to go through, let us find the holes. Genesis
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Re: Dearest David! What payment method are You going to use?
1/19/2006 8:30:09 AM
Hello, WOSAT Members, I have been the acting secretary for the Board / Group Leaders for the last few weeks. In this position, I have been present at all the Board / Group meetings. I mention this because it astounds me that there is so much dissent coming from some of our members considering all the work the Board / Group Leaders have done in such a short period of time. All members have had representation at the Board / Group meetings. As Johne Lye put is to aptly, “Unlike a traditional Corporation or entity, which may be executed with predetermined ways, forms, means, etc. etc., the concept of WOSAT is, we have to have time to look into the various aspects. Instead of demanding immediate answers how it MUST or should already be formed, let's get together and give our dream the time to be formulated. Not through confrontation!!!” As Dr. King has said all along, “We will be forming…” We are forming. We all have a voice. Nothing has been pre-set. WE are making WOSAT an entity like no other. Team 3 has suggested that their questions go unanswered. It is not Dr. King who has not answered the questions; it is the entire membership of WOSAT who has not answered the questions. Why haven’t the questions been answered? Simply because we haven’t arrived at that phase of development yet. What is important is that the questions have been raised and will be addressed by the whole community in due process. Dr. King has no preset rules and regulations in place. He has appointed a committee of Board / Group Leaders to formulate the WOSAT rules and regulations. Dr. King has no payment plan or bank account set up. He has appointed a committee of Board / Group Leaders to do the research. This committee is investigating the best possible payment system for WOSAT, as a whole, to present to the Board / Group leaders for a vote. No accounting firm has been contacted yet. Kay Reeve from England is the Chairperson of this committee. And, if my memory serves me correctly, there are several other members on this committee who are from Europe. So the European members are represented in this respect and will have great input. The European needs will definitely be considered. If there are concerns about the payment plan, then these concerns should be presented to the committee doing the research. Not to Dr. King. So, like Johne, I would suggest that we come together, again, and work together to establish the awesome Group we envisioned in the first place. I would suggest that those with the most questions work to come up with some of the answers. Don’t be the problem, be part of the solution! It’s a rare occasion when members have the opportunity to establish the conditions under which they all will work. Grasp the opportunity! Peace and prosperity! Alice
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Kay Reeve

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Re: Dearest David! What payment method are You going to use?
1/19/2006 9:11:02 AM
Jo, This is exactly what group 2 and the majority members have been taking notice of all along. We are patient and trusting, we are also all capable of doing our own research as well as waiting for answers from Dr King. Yes it is all a very frustrating situation and there are lots of questions but all the SHOUTING is only a distraction to those who are trying to work hard to find those answers. Yes to build a company of any structure we need capital and as a team of partners, we need to work together to raise it. Not just sit and shout at others expecting them to cough up all the expenses before we begin. This is real life. Once the company is official there will be much more opportunity for all members to have a say in what we promote too. I understand that this e-book was not what many expected but to have chosen any other programme or product, we would have to raise the capital out of pocket first. To raise capital this way is a gift as Dr King says. We should be thankful. Does anyone else have a gift they would like to donate to help? I have done lots of reading over the last couple of days hence I have posted less. It is not illegal to work together to raise that capital. As a Limited Liability Company (If that's what we become) the capital this book raises is all we are liable to loose as members. As partners any profit we receive as individuals cannot then be taken back from us, only funds held within the company. Still no one has asked any of you for any money! I have found US government forms that releive the company from witholding US tax from foreign partners but as I said I want to make sure they are the right forms and not just pass on useless information to confuse matters more. When the time is right, each member will be offered the correct forms etc. for their situation and country. I would like to thank Dr King and Bogdan as Bogdans book is a valuable ongoing commodity to us all, so is Dr Kings time, effort and patience. It is now time we all pulled back together. There are team members who are doing their best regardless of wether these problems affect them individually. ******************************** I posted this in group 2 then came straight here. Johne, I am glad you are here, Alice thankyou for your support and yes you have worked really hard. Georgios, I am amazed at you - you were going to quit! I am so glad you changed your mind. If anyone has a valid question, please let me know. The committee will address all questions but as we have all said, the answers may not be as quick or easy to find. Please help us look for them.
Allyson Lier

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1/19/2006 9:42:31 AM
Mike, Why are you being so rude to Georgios? He IS A CHARTER MEMBER OF WOSAT. Quote: Hi Genesis, I notice you have chosen not to join our fine team of Internet Marketers here at WOSAT and that of course is your privilege, whether it be a wise one or not remains to be seen. However, as you are not a member of WOSAT I would like to ask that you refrain from using WOSAT's forums for your Advertising. This is not an Advertising Forum and failure to comply in the future will result in action being taken to insure that you are unable to do so. End Quote If you are feeling feisty, why don't you go take yourself for a run and get rid of the energy instead of lambasting others and belittling them. It's not the way to make Friends or keep them. For the TEAM, Ally
Anatoly Zaveryukha

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1/19/2006 11:12:28 AM
Dear Friends, An error can be made consciously or accidentally. For example, I did not see any more the document where the structure and the form of work in the project would be described. Why it does occur so? To what this reticence? Some everyone knows even already they work, and others await "manna of celestial". The community similar to our, implies the equal rights. Or I am mistaken? There are too whether many errors? Are they unexpected all? Professor Anatoly A. Zaveryukha ---------------------------------------- In Rome there is the saying: you go slowly, you go far.

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