Hello, WOSAT Members,
I have been the acting secretary for the Board / Group Leaders for the last few weeks. In this position, I have been present at all the Board / Group meetings.
I mention this because it astounds me that there is so much dissent coming from some of our members considering all the work the Board / Group Leaders have done in such a short period of time. All members have had representation at the Board / Group meetings.
As Johne Lye put is to aptly, “Unlike a traditional Corporation or entity, which may be executed with predetermined ways, forms, means, etc. etc., the concept of WOSAT is unrecorded.....so, we have to have time to look into the various aspects. Instead of demanding immediate answers how it MUST or should already be formed, let's get together and give our dream the time to be formulated. Not through confrontation!!!”
As Dr. King has said all along, “We will be forming…” We are forming. We all have a voice. Nothing has been pre-set. WE are making WOSAT an entity like no other.
Team 3 has suggested that their questions go unanswered. It is not Dr. King who has not answered the questions; it is the entire membership of WOSAT who has not answered the questions.
Why haven’t the questions been answered? Simply because we haven’t arrived at that phase of development yet. What is important is that the questions have been raised and will be addressed by the whole community in due process.
Dr. King has no preset rules and regulations in place. He has appointed a committee of Board / Group Leaders to formulate the WOSAT rules and regulations.
Dr. King has no payment plan or bank account set up. He has appointed a committee of Board / Group Leaders to do the research. This committee is investigating the best possible payment system for WOSAT, as a whole, to present to the Board / Group leaders for a vote. No accounting firm has been contacted yet.
Kay Reeve from England is the Chairperson of this committee. And, if my memory serves me correctly, there are several other members on this committee who are from Europe. So the European members are represented in this respect and will have great input. The European needs will definitely be considered. If there are concerns about the payment plan, then these concerns should be presented to the committee doing the research. Not to Dr. King.
So, like Johne, I would suggest that we come together, again, and work together to establish the awesome Group we envisioned in the first place. I would suggest that those with the most questions work to come up with some of the answers. Don’t be the problem, be part of the solution! It’s a rare occasion when members have the opportunity to establish the conditions under which they all will work. Grasp the opportunity!
Peace and prosperity!