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1/19/2006 1:27:19 PM
Hi Allyson, Beforre being judgemental about something that is written and only portaraying part of the message may I advise that you take a closer look at the overall picture. Last night I opened Group 7's forum just as I always do and noticed that there was a message from one Georgios that was being copy and pasted to every one of our Teams forums to advertise his personal forum. Upon further research I noticed that WOSATs secretary Alice White had asked him not to post advertising on our team forum and decided to take the same action by letting him know that WOSAT's team forums are not for Advertising especially since he had made a point of letting Alice know that he was not actually registered with WOSAT but had come in in the beginning and chosen not to continue. I simply requested the same that I think every member of WOSAT would and that is that he treat our membership and our forums respectfully. And suggested that there are many more ways that you can go about Advertising here at Adland which do not require using our forum to further your own personal gains. WOSAT and the forums are meant if I am not mistaken to be used for Team efforts and Team Work not simply for Advertising. You will also notice that I was in no way rude as I have said during many of my posts to this gentleman that I would like very much to work with him and help him to find a resolution to the problem that he and the rest of our European friends are encountering. This is the second time you have claimed that I am or have done something wrong without proper evidence or by using the proper channels. If you have a personal beef with me, may I ask that you take it up with the majority owner of WOSAT Dr. David King and let us get this matter settled once and for all. Otherwise may I request that you not attempt to use this forum any further to make accusations against me. I stand behind my words Allyson and have done everything in my power to ensure that I help all of the members here at WOSAT. My loyalties have always been and always will be to the Team as a whole and I will continue to speak up when I feel that our forum is being used for other purposes than what it is intended for. Now I am going to go take myself for a jog, LOL. And try to put this business behind us once and for all. May I ask that you do the same and remember that we are all in this together and working towards a common goal. You can like me or hate me, but I will never be accused of not doing what I feel is in the best interests of all members of WOSAT and that does include you. Your Friend, Mike.
Kay Reeve

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A little forum decorum assistance :-)
1/19/2006 1:28:34 PM
Hi Jo, Thankyou for your post, you have my respects for this. I hope this is taken in good stead that I would like to help with a little "Forum Decorum" without pointing at anyone, but advice in general. This is basic html but is not general knowledge to everyone and there are some very new members here too who may like to know. There are several ways of changing text Bold Italic Underline UPPER CASE To do this, you place an HTML command before the writing you want to change. This would be for bold, for Italics and for underline. The <> brackets inform that you are starting a command. Next you type your enhanced words Hello. Now you have to close the command by typing and inserting the same letter in the space as the open command. The forward slash is the "end" command within the brackets. Once you get the hang of this, you can combine them by placing two or three commands before your word and close all of them after. Let's have fun working and learning together!
Mike King

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1/19/2006 2:20:30 PM
Hi Georgios, I am happy to hear that you are on the same page as the rest of us here at WOSAT. And I hope that you did not think that I was trying to be rude or ignorant to you. However, when I noticed that you were advertising your own forum and had told Alice that you were involved in the beginning but had to drop out. I wanted to clarify that these forums are not for Advertisers. I would ask both Allyson and Steven to consider this fact that if we were to just let anyone who had dropped by to take a look at WOSAT as we worked towards being set up to come into our public forum and post Advertising where would we find the room to conduct WOSAT informational business. This was my only issue and I will continue to suggest that anyone who is more interested in Advertising than participating should consider finding other means of doing such. However, Georgios this is not directed towards you since I have come to see from our correspondance over the last couple of days that we are both interested in taking care of the better good of WOSAT and that it is not simply your intention to continue posting Ads. I do look forward to us working together in the future and hope that all parties in this disagreement will understand that there comes a time when action must be taken to protect the integrity of the whole. Lets come together guys as the team that DR. David King envisioned when he invited us here. Lets put the BS and foolishness behind us and find a way to get past whatever obstacles the world may choose to throw at us along our journey. There is a reason this is called an Adventure and it in my opinion is that we are going to have many ruts in the road on our way. otherwise we could call WOSAT Wizards of Success Vacation Team instead of Adventure Team. This is not a vacation here guys it is an opportunity to bring all of our skill sets together and learn to work together so that we can build the largest and most successful Global Internet Marketing Company on the Net today. So instead of nit picking and bickering amongst ourselves and hoping that some one else will do all the work I have a challenge for you. The Challenge is simple, let us take what Dr. King has given us, let us work together to make it the success which it has the potential to be, and let us overcome all obstacles as a team and a single unit working together for the common good of all participants. Hopefully you will read this post and realize that I am calling on those who are content to sit on the fence to jump in and get us all working together. There are people here at WOSAT who have devoted hundreds of hours to this project and I for one will not allow issues that we can over come as a team put us in a state of confusion and chaos. Your Friend, Mike.
Mike King Social Networking Success Coach.
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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1/19/2006 3:33:42 PM
Hello Dr David King and the conference audience A NON PRONOUNCEABLE NAME (a bad tongue told me) With all my respects I will ask you as CEO of all members open/closed WOSAT forums to play the role in a fair way of that throne you sat on yesterday night. Do not ever let a discussion flow out about people who are not present. More than 100 people were listening, almost all are my friends. I am asking you to apologize, it is just a friendly observation. My username is known to all members, GENESIS. A Greek word taken from the Holy Book you bear every day. If you can not pronounce or understand the meaning of the Greeks words in Holy Bible or if you dislike my language then put aside the Bible. I will just give an example of the influence of the awful Hellenic (Greek) non-undestandable, non-pronounceable language in American/English language you are using in you daily speeches. I speak fluently three languages and can comunicate in another four. Words with capital letters are all GREEK. A speech at Harward University made held by Mr Zolotas, Former Greek President. ***THE SPEECH/START***** "KYRIE, I EULOGIZE the ARCHONS of the PANETHNIC NUMISMATIC THESAURUS and the ECUMENICAL TRAPEZA for the ORTHODOXY of their AXIOMS, METHODS and POLICIES, although there is an EPISODE of CACOPHONY of the TRAPEZA with HELLAS. With ENTHUSIASM we DIALOGUE and SYNAGONIZE at the SYNODS of our DIDIMUS ORGANIZATIONS in which POLYMORPHOUS EKONOMIC IDEAS and DOGMAS are ANALYZED and SYNTHESIZED. Our CRITICAL PROBLEMS such as the NUMISMATIC PLETHORA GENERATE some AGONY and MELANCHOLY. This PHENOMENON is CHARACTERISTIC of our EPOCH. But, to my THESIS, we have the DYNAMISM to PROGRAM THERAPEUTIC PRACTICES as a PROPHYLAXIS from CHAOS and CATASTROPHE. In PARALLEL, a PANETHNIC UNHYPOCRITICAL ECONOMY SYNERGY and HARMONIZATION in a DEMOCRATIC CLIMATE is BASIC. I APOLOGIZE for my ECCENTRIC MONOLOGUE. I EMPHASIZE my EUCHARISTIA to you KYRIE, to the EUGENIC and GENEROUS American ETHNOS and to the ORGANIZERS and PROTAGONISTS of this AMPHICTYONY and the GASTRONOMIC SYMPOSIA." Mr Xenophon Zolotas ***END OF SPEECEH *** With all my respects Genesis EN ARCHE LOGOS ESTI
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Sean Peters

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1/19/2006 3:58:30 PM
Hello All Wosat Members, For days I have been reading the many posts in the forums here and in the leaders and team forums. I feel saddened that there is more arguing, disagreements than anything else. I do understand we all have our own thoughts on the way ahead, it is important to understand with over one hundred varied personalities their is bound to be clashes, they are all valued opinions and questions. I feel personally that I have some great respect for many team leaders, board members, and many members who are giving so much of their time on this project. Also let's please not forget many of my good friends in Europe are doing a great job of understanding these forums, believe me I cannot read or write in Russian, French of Greek ! I hope for all of us this works after all the work that has gone into this project already. As Wosat moves forward we will learn more, understand more, hopefully sort out all the tax questions that are asked, and this is a fair question. I feel honoured to have gained many of you as friends, and well I hope to work with you more, sadly in Jersey, in The Channel Islands, the local telephone company are not letting the software to work (thanks to Kay for allowing me to liste on Skype) but sadly I feel I can not be a complete part of the team till I can respond more. We must try to work with members who ask questions, support and help them, we are all friends in this project, let's act like it. With the greatest respect to you all your friend Sean Board Member team 2
Sean Peters Nutritionist Let Me Help You Make Money