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Jo Matthias

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1/18/2006 11:40:24 PM
Hello Steven, Georgios and anyone else interested in this topic........... Bogdans E-Book was first given to members of WOSAT to advertise and sell. PERIOD Then it was sent to 'associates' or 'members' of AdlandPro. PERIOD So why don't we all jump on the bandwagon of WAR and argue. How dumb!!!!! Georgios seems to be concerned with an aspect of WOSAT that has yet to be dealt with. There are attorneys and accountants, etcetera, working on the TAX problems, and the INTERNATIONAL problems that seem to be weighing heavily on many 'members of WOSAT'. The inception of any "BUSINESS" takes time and money, WHICH IS WHY "WOSAT" WAS SELLING THE E-BOOK IN THE FIRST PLACE. NO ONE, I REITERATE "NO-ONE" in 'WOSAT' is making a dime OR PAYING TAXES on the sale of the E-BOOK!!!! Wake up and READ what we are doing!!! PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT IS ACTUALLY BEING SAID AND DONE! If anyone has a problem with 'WOSAT', then OPT OUT! Thank you, Take care, Jo
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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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1/19/2006 2:46:09 AM
Hello Jo, Thank you for understanding the whole problem. I am NOT against WOSAT. I am trying to protect myself an the WOSAT members. What I am doing is to find a formula to be there also. This can only be done with members in WOSAT. I am sure very soon I will get answers to my questions and I will belong WOSAT. I am still a member at TEAM 3. I am promoting the e-Book. This will also make a PR for WOSAT members. We all from Europe Union have our special taxation problems and I know there are administratives at WOSAT working on it. I have sent Robert de Modero TeamLeader 3 the links with international taxation laws, EU-Conventions and taxation laws. Mr De Modero sent them to Steven Reeves who studying the laws, trying to get a solution. Good luck Genesis
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Lydia Fokina

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Re: Dearest David! What payment method are You going to use?
1/19/2006 3:08:29 AM
Dearest David! :) I CAN receive the check, BUT it is not so convenient. :( It will borrow about one month. Electronic payment - faster, reliable, modern and convenient way of payment. Internet develops in Russia and everywhere in the world . Teledoms are working even in a countryside. I think, E-GOLD most optimal variant of payment for Russia and for countries of former Soviet Union now. Another variant of payment, which American firms are using and working worldwide - to use debit cards with reception of cash in cash dispensers So do, for example, the American firms BodyExtreme and EN101 What PAYMENT METHOD are You going to use, dearest David? :) I CAN provide to you more detailed consultation of professionals on this question in New York Sincerely, Lidia
Lydia Fokina

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Re: Dearest David! What payment method are You going to use?
1/19/2006 3:38:46 AM
Interesing Quote of the Day on Bogdans forum: I am more afraid of an army of 100 sheep led by a lion... Posted: 18-01-2006 08:38 PM "I am more afraid of an army of 100 sheep led by a lion than an army of 100 lions led by a sheep." – Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, French statesman ----------- Really! And what WOSAT is now? 100 lions led by a lion :) or 100 sheeps led by a sheep? :( Lidia, team 3, sheep by goroscop
Re: Dearest David! What payment method are You going to use?
1/19/2006 4:23:18 AM
Hi my dear WOSAT Members, Instead of us belittling someone, instead of stabbing one another in the back, instead of being determined to agree to disagree, if we can only be united and solving obstacles through negotiations, as how Jo Mathias puts it which I am truly in support of, let alone be a 100 lions lead by a lion....we can eventually be a 100 Giants lead by a Giant!!! Unlike a traditional Corporation or entity, which may be executed with predetermined ways, forms, means, etc. etc., the concept of WOSAT is, we have to have time to look into the various aspects. Instead of demanding immediate answers how it MUST or should already be formed, let's get together and give our dream the time to be formulated. Not through confrontation!!! As Rome was not built in a day, I appeal to let time be the asset for the vision of WOSAT to come to fruition!!! Yours truly, JOHNE LYE. _____________________________________________________________________________ Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve!!!

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