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Tanya V.

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Re: Moderated Forums
11/20/2005 10:16:45 PM
Hi Linda, Still being a newbie to Adland, I'm not up to speed on everything. However, if someone is going to start a forum, they should have the choice to moderate or not, just as I will have the choice to post or not. I am seeing how much email comes from Adland, and it can get a bit overwhelming. Considering all of the other duties I have, it may not be possible to post to every invitation. I believe most of the Adland members are professional and should be able to keep things in perspective. Priorities... priorities. Very good topic and member feedback!
Re: Moderated Forums
11/21/2005 3:35:40 AM
Hi Linda, I think you do need moderated especially if you want people to take notice of your business.With others (purely)Advertising it is good to be able to moderate. I am not so worried there is always the edit option too! Thanks Leanne Busby
Christine Gleeson

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Re: Moderated Forums
11/21/2005 4:57:22 AM
Hello everyone, I will have to agree with Johnny. I think all the forums should be moderated. There have been too many forums where the postings are not always related to the topic. Moderated Forums mean more work for the Moderators but in the end more fruitful and relevant discussion. If moderated forums are compulsory, it would probably cut down the forum numbers as a member would have to spend time managing their forums. This is my personal opinion and I realise that some members will not agree with me. Sincerely, Christine Gleeson Sydney, Australia
Janise Collins

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Re: Moderated Forums
11/21/2005 3:34:13 PM
Linda, Yes, I say continue them...although, I think they should be monitored and those that really do not met the guidelines should perhaps be sent a message stating why the owner of the forum may want to revamp and revise the forum - so it can be resumitted - I think that is already being done... ;-) Have a blessed and successful day! Your friend, Classic Corners "Nothing is impossible when you dream" http;//
Hope to meet you soon! Regards, Classic Corners
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Re: Moderated Forums
11/21/2005 9:25:53 PM
Hi Craftie Linda, I am sorry if I am a little late for this forum, one of the most interesting I have ever seen. As a first impression, I would say any people who creates a forum has the right to moderate it or not. After all, they are the creators. However, many times I have thought it was so obvious the creator did not want any adverse post on their forum that I was reluctant to participate, let alone join the program offered. Other forums, on the other hand, are not moderated and get so many posts like "great forum," "Thanks for inviting me," or "I will take a look," that a negative participant is, at least for me, almost welcome. And they may help prevent other Adlanders from joining a scam. I know I am not saying anything remotely original; I am almost a newbie at these forums, and have not had enough time to form a definite opinion regarding this issue. But I thank for the opportunity to read some more valuable ones, and, why not, to post these few remarks. Luis Miguel G.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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